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This discussion was created from comments split from: X-TW Server issue.
What i am saying is yes vindicate would pass crisis this week with a few points lead , but vindicate would have lost 3 lands and would have 5 NOT current 8 lands , Crisis with wining this t2 would have 1t1 2t2, and this is the main problem here cause this bug heavily influenced how the fight for 1st place would go for the next 1-2 months.
So it would be 5-3 in lands compared to 8-2 and this is what im complaining about , this basically gives vindicate 1 free luck week where they not only keep their lands but gain one extra.
Vindi strat is luck based , they gain more points but if they end up against 4+ strong factions they are sure to loose at least 3 lands in that week , which actually happened yday.
What im saying is crisis would have got 30 points total yday and vindicate would got 30 points less and difference would have been just 20 points with vindi having 5 and crisis 3 lands with crisis having good chance to catch up and pass through vindicate in a month or so.
But with this bug now crisis ends up with 2 lands and vindicate with 8 , 60 point difference and next week depending on their luck they can just snowball that lead even more if xserver gets fixed to like 150-160 points giving them unfair advantage that would have just been around 40 points at best next week.
And if xserver doesnt get fixed will they autowin all def wars again and snowball the lead again or be able to enter with more chars again to secure the wins on all lands xD
Imo best way to resolve this would be if PWE could just pause and revert the rankings to last week and to recreate the wars every faction had this week in same fashion but we all know thats gonna be impossible xD
I'm sorry, but why would Vindicate lose all 3 land? This was not the first week we had 3 or 4 attacks and we defended in most of the cases our lands. You are acting like we are super weak and we win by pure luck getting matched with only weak factions like Echo. We had over 100 ppl for this week xTW and I'm quite sure we would defend at least 2.
Vindicate strategy is not only luck based. It requires numbers and strength... For fok sake how otherwise we would get so many lands? And look at our videos - there was no week we had less than 3 wars - not like we won all wars with no shows LOL. As I understand if Crisis would get an attack from 4 strong guilds would defend only 1? Very logical... Tempest had 4 wars too, Infamous had 4 wars too. We cant predict how they would split forces.
Again the advatadge in points would come regardless. Crisis played this xTW season very poorly so far. Expecting no other guild will be able to gather more than 60 pts a week. Sadly both Vindicate and Karma were able to. Finally u realised how poorly you played and bid on tier 2 land and now u call it luck. You guys should really first look at urself. This advantadge didnt come from this week bug - at the end its not like we were able to collect 7 lands before because of a bug or did we?!
Only thing u were right was the last thing u said with reverting rankings - yet highly doubt it would happen. Im also wondering if ur sin FyKKKa would win that war if you would be still voting on reroll. On side note our first member entered that war with 1400 - 2000 score as he had all towers done and with less than an hour left till end of the war. IF he was smart he would win this, specially as he was able to kill our seeker.0 -
can the vindicate members that just wanna personally attack dingo stay out of the thread, unless they have something topic-related to say? thank you.
from a neutral point of view, its pretty obvious that vindis tactic was pure luck based and that crisis took the turn to lvl 1/2 lands way too late. both factions missplayed but in the end it would have been a very close call for number #1. (with even infamous and karma having chances to still win)
due to the glitch, which i predicted to happen, vindicate basically got handed the victory for free. and THAT is the real problem here, not who would beat the other faction 1vs1.
i feel like it would be better if dingo stayed out of this topic because his guild has nothing to say.
Season is long. Everything can happen, dont think we can say who will win already, at the end Crisis had over 60 pts lead weeks ago. Also it happened in 1st season that Karma won it without fighting even once Hoorah or Infamous. Might be that either Crisis or Vindicate might win this season of xTW without fighting each other even once.0 -
What i am saying is yes vindicate would pass crisis this week with a few points lead , but vindicate would have lost 3 lands and would have 5 NOT current 8 lands , Crisis with wining this t2 would have 1t1 2t2, and this is the main problem here cause this bug heavily influenced how the fight for 1st place would go for the next 1-2 months.
So it would be 5-3 in lands compared to 8-2 and this is what im complaining about , this basically gives vindicate 1 free luck week where they not only keep their lands but gain one extra.
Vindi strat is luck based , they gain more points but if they end up against 4+ strong factions they are sure to loose at least 3 lands in that week , which actually happened yday.
What im saying is crisis would have got 30 points total yday and vindicate would got 30 points less and difference would have been just 20 points with vindi having 5 and crisis 3 lands with crisis having good chance to catch up and pass through vindicate in a month or so.
But with this bug now crisis ends up with 2 lands and vindicate with 8 , 60 point difference and next week depending on their luck they can just snowball that lead even more if xserver gets fixed to like 150-160 points giving them unfair advantage that would have just been around 40 points at best next week.
And if xserver doesnt get fixed will they autowin all def wars again and snowball the lead again or be able to enter with more chars again to secure the wins on all lands xD
Imo best way to resolve this would be if PWE could just pause and revert the rankings to last week and to recreate the wars every faction had this week in same fashion but we all know thats gonna be impossible xD
I'm sorry, but why would Vindicate lose all 3 land? This was not the first week we had 3 or 4 attacks and we defended in most of the cases our lands. You are acting like we are super weak and we win by pure luck getting matched with only weak factions like Echo. We had over 100 ppl for this week xTW and I'm quite sure we would defend at least 2.
Vindicate strategy is not only luck based. It requires numbers and strength... For fok sake how otherwise we would get so many lands? And look at our videos - there was no week we had less than 3 wars - not like we won all wars with no shows LOL. As I understand if Crisis would get an attack from 4 strong guilds would defend only 1? Very logical... Tempest had 4 wars too, Infamous had 4 wars too. We cant predict how they would split forces.
Again the advatadge in points would come regardless. Crisis played this xTW season very poorly so far. Expecting no other guild will be able to gather more than 60 pts a week. Sadly both Vindicate and Karma were able to. Finally u realised how poorly you played and bid on tier 2 land and now u call it luck. You guys should really first look at urself. This advantadge didnt come from this week bug - at the end its not like we were able to collect 7 lands before because of a bug or did we?!
Only thing u were right was the last thing u said with reverting rankings - yet highly doubt it would happen. Im also wondering if ur sin FyKKKa would win that war if you would be still voting on reroll. On side note our first member entered that war with 1400 - 2000 score as he had all towers done and with less than an hour left till end of the war. IF he was smart he would win this, specially as he was able to kill our seeker.
I'm sorry but Crisis would put 60 best in the war against Vindicate , Infamous would do the same , and with Vindicate having a fight against Tempest which from what i heard would put 60 against them aswell that leaves us with 4th fight for Vindicate Echo who from what i hear would also put 50-60ppl against you guys.
So idk how Vindicate would be able to win 4 wars against in total of 230 enemies with only 200 max members in the faction.
Further point is from 4 factions Vindicate had in xtw this week 2 maybe 3 (dont recall if tempest beat Vindi few weeks ago or not) are simply better in 1v1 fight so it doesnt matter who you guys would show since with 70 ppl you would loose the other 3 wars for sure which is obvious to everyone lets be honest, and if you decide to split your forces like you tried previous week against 2x Zulu + Tempest you would end up loosing again xD
And the luck you talk about is :
This xtw bug instead of putting u on 5 lands and crisis on 3 lands brought u to 8 lands and kept crisis on 2 lands giving u way bigger advantage then you would have got. So yes this advantage of 8 lands and 60 points ahead was in main reason FROM A BUG. Not only xserver bugged but you managed to bring in 8-10 ppl inside actually and won all 4 wars, yes only 1 crisis member managed to enter but what can he do outnumbered against your ppl? And you say this advantage isnt based on a bug?
THIS advantage is but the advantage of 20 points and 2 lands you would have would be fair and square and this is what i keep saying.
And THAT is the main problem here , cause of this **** bug you ended up with 3 more lands and 40 points bigger lead then you should have , and in the bigger picture that means instead of crisis taking 2-3 weeks to catch up to you it will take 1 month longer and same goes for every other faction gunning for 1st place.
We were expecting u to pass us either way this week but with the wars u got and how this week should have played out if there was no bug (and thats obvious to every top faction) the advantage and land count you were supposed to have should have been way lower but it would leave us with 3 months left in the season where Crisis with having way more signups and being stronger then Vindicate would have been able to catch up faster and then anything can happen , which got ruined by this xtw bug xD
And i understand you , this is your best shot so far in 4 seasons of xtw to actually make a good result (even having legit shot at winning it) but honestly if it happened to you would you still say its all good lets just continue how it is there was no real advantage gained by this bug xD
But karma's a bish and in the end acting like this will come back to bite u in the ****. (not the guild xD)0 -
I just want them to fix my arena
#SadWorld but I'm enjoying this thread.
Personally I think Vindicate is a strong guild mainly because no guild on any other server has as much vortex capable toons on any server and we all know it's a great asset. That aside they have some decent gear aswell no doubt I respect their arsenal and as someone not in crisis I think they doing Crisis dirty with this weeks bug and continuing the season as it is. But I don't think half rewards should be a thing no reward at all and just redo season for the simple fact some guilds will be super butthurt about the rewards since it's due to a bug the placings and I get it some feel it sucks because this mainly affected Crisis but come on now >.< can't please all but can't have a bug take away something ppl earned like my agria coins that pwi owes me >.> jk jk or am I....
But yea I have no idea with just ending season now and preparing new one with w.e is decided105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
I'm sorry but Crisis would put 60 best in the war against Vindicate , Infamous would do the same , and with Vindicate having a fight against Tempest which from what i heard would put 60 against them aswell that leaves us with 4th fight for Vindicate Echo who from what i hear would also put 50-60ppl against you guys.
So idk how Vindicate would be able to win 4 wars against in total of 230 enemies with only 200 max members in the faction.
Further point is from 4 factions Vindicate had in xtw this week 2 maybe 3 (dont recall if tempest beat Vindi few weeks ago or not) are simply better in 1v1 fight so it doesnt matter who you guys would show since with 70 ppl you would loose the other 3 wars for sure which is obvious to everyone lets be honest, and if you decide to split your forces like you tried previous week against 2x Zulu + Tempest you would end up loosing again xD
Ok. Crisis would put top 60. We would ignore them. You would guys win land. Get ur lousy 40 pts.
Now we still have 100 ppl + alts for 3 other fights. Enough 1 guild is a no show and we have 50+ for each instance and can easily beat both. Again I mentioned to u both tempest and infa had 4 wars this week. Tempest we met 4 times this season in xTW - we lost 2, won 2, Infamous we met 2 times this season - we won both fights, Echo we met i think 4 times - we won all fights. I wont mention Infa not always have the ability to bring 60 ppl to xTW as u know from own TW as they cant bring 80 there hence they dodge ur fights. Again dunno where u get they are better in 1 vs 1 - since we beat them allTempest beat us last time after 90 minutes having double numbers in the war and we had same count kill so LOL again at ur comment. Think if wars were on normally probably the only difference would be 20 pts.
Also for some reason, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like u think all should play for Crisis to win (that includes lets cut the season cuz we bid poorly under the excuse of the bug - even if we lost all 3 battles this week like u wanted we would be ahead of u and only vindicate would deserve to win the season if we cut it this week). We have been dealing with multi defences for weeks otherwise we wouldnt be at 7 lands. We had strong guilds to face. Let me ask you who u had to fight in xTW that you think u r superior to everyone? For now u folks proved nothing on battlefield, we did for many many weeks this season already. The luck factor can be who decides to choose ur instance, but if u have numbers and power u still can win easily 3 wars a week. Im very sure Crisis will be able to if you decide to play different.
And honestly speaking I dunno if u will catch up to us, but time will tellMaybe you arent as good as you think, maybe u will get matched badly... Who knows?
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- Tempest we met 4 times this season in xTW - we lost 2, won 2.
Uh, what? you 'won 2'? When? keep in mind season started on march 18th.
Only times tempest and vindi had a fight is march 25, april 22, may 13 and may 20. If youre counting april 22 and may 20 as wins, aka us no showing on the april 22 and this fiesta of a may 20..... im sorry but that dont count as valuable wins o.o0 -
I'm sorry but Crisis would put 60 best in the war against Vindicate , Infamous would do the same , and with Vindicate having a fight against Tempest which from what i heard would put 60 against them aswell that leaves us with 4th fight for Vindicate Echo who from what i hear would also put 50-60ppl against you guys.
So idk how Vindicate would be able to win 4 wars against in total of 230 enemies with only 200 max members in the faction.
Further point is from 4 factions Vindicate had in xtw this week 2 maybe 3 (dont recall if tempest beat Vindi few weeks ago or not) are simply better in 1v1 fight so it doesnt matter who you guys would show since with 70 ppl you would loose the other 3 wars for sure which is obvious to everyone lets be honest, and if you decide to split your forces like you tried previous week against 2x Zulu + Tempest you would end up loosing again xD
Ok. Crisis would put top 60. We would ignore them. You would guys win land. Get ur lousy 40 pts.
Now we still have 100 ppl + alts for 3 other fights. Enough 1 guild is a no show and we have 50+ for each instance and can easily beat both. Again I mentioned to u both tempest and infa had 4 wars this week. Tempest we met 4 times this season in xTW - we lost 2, won 2, Infamous we met 2 times this season - we won both fights, Echo we met i think 4 times - we won all fights. I wont mention Infa not always have the ability to bring 60 ppl to xTW as u know from own TW as they cant bring 80 there hence they dodge ur fights. Again dunno where u get they are better in 1 vs 1 - since we beat them allTempest beat us last time after 90 minutes having double numbers in the war and we had same count kill so LOL again at ur comment. Think if wars were on normally probably the only difference would be 20 pts.
Also for some reason, maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like u think all should play for Crisis to win (that includes lets cut the season cuz we bid poorly under the excuse of the bug - even if we lost all 3 battles this week like u wanted we would be ahead of u and only vindicate would deserve to win the season if we cut it this week). We have been dealing with multi defences for weeks otherwise we wouldnt be at 7 lands. We had strong guilds to face. Let me ask you who u had to fight in xTW that you think u r superior to everyone? For now u folks proved nothing on battlefield, we did for many many weeks this season already. The luck factor can be who decides to choose ur instance, but if u have numbers and power u still can win easily 3 wars a week. Im very sure Crisis will be able to if you decide to play different.
And honestly speaking I dunno if u will catch up to us, but time will tellMaybe you arent as good as you think, maybe u will get matched badly... Who knows?
o.o' Vindi isn't weak, no one is saying it is...but y'all are coming off really smug and overconfident if you think you would've won 3/4 no contest - not a doubt in your mind.
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aspiringapathy wrote: »Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure you will regardless, word around the server was you had 73 people for the fights this week. Beside that 60v40 was the numbers in Tempest v. Vindi 2 weeks ago, kills were close - it was a good fight but just cause you had even kill count - where was your offensive pressure? 90 minute fight, 75+ in your base. Just cause it took us a bit to get tired of killing players and instead shift to hitting your dragon.
o.o' Vindi isn't weak, no one is saying it is...but y'all are coming off really smug and overconfident if you think you would've won 3/4 no contest - not a doubt in your mind.
Well the word is wrong we surely had 10 squads for this week xTW and alts, so ur info is wrong. Im sorry.
Well we couldnt have offensive pressure 2 weeks ago, simply as it is. We started with 33 vs 60 and think ended with 37 vs 60 (from which some were alts / scouts) I mean its hard to expect to be offensive with half numbers xD Of course we had to turtle by base, but lets be honest how many other guilds that would be put in such spot with such numbers would hold u that long? And fact we had even kills makes ur comment about getting tired of killing our players a bit weird
I also didnt say Tempest are weak. I also referring to the fact Crisis members think we are weak and we cant defend none or not even a double. I was actually pointing out we wouldnt lose 3and I mentioned if 1 of the wars were no show we would have high chances to do all. Im not dillusional
But since u guys had infamous and think karma would u show to us too or bring full 60?
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- Tempest we met 4 times this season in xTW - we lost 2, won 2.
Uh, what? you 'won 2'? When? keep in mind season started on march 18th.
Only times tempest and vindi had a fight is march 25, april 22, may 13 and may 20. If youre counting april 22 and may 20 as wins, aka us no showing on the april 22 and this fiesta of a may 20..... im sorry but that dont count as valuable wins o.o
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Uh, what? you 'won 2'? When? keep in mind season started on march 18th.
Only times tempest and vindi had a fight is march 25, april 22, may 13 and may 20. If youre counting april 22 and may 20 as wins, aka us no showing on the april 22 and this fiesta of a may 20..... im sorry but that dont count as valuable wins o.o
Welcome to conversating with Vindicate, the best roleplayers in the game.
You can beat them 60v60 and then lose 0v60 cuz u have other battles, and they will call it even and actually genuinely believe it!0 -
Uh, what? you 'won 2'? When? keep in mind season started on march 18th.
Only times tempest and vindi had a fight is march 25, april 22, may 13 and may 20. If youre counting april 22 and may 20 as wins, aka us no showing on the april 22 and this fiesta of a may 20..... im sorry but that dont count as valuable wins o.o
Welcome to conversating with Vindicate, the best roleplayers in the game.
You can beat them 60v60 and then lose 0v60 cuz u have other battles, and they will call it even and actually genuinely believe it!
How many battles did Echo win vs Vindicate this season?
Also talking about this we had only 1 battle 60 v 60 in which we had entire battle lead... but yea lets roleplay
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imsorry but its hilarious that vindi is boasting about beating echo when echo was clearly weaker and nowhere near close to the power they had as origin or hoorah lmao even outsiders like me can see that maybe they are stronger now with new members but rn youre just making yourselves look bad ijs0
imsorry but its hilarious that vindi is boasting about beating echo when echo was clearly weaker and nowhere near close to the power they had as origin or hoorah lmao even outsiders like me can see that maybe they are stronger now with new members but rn youre just making yourselves look bad ijs
Vinidcate beat Hoorah and Origin as well. Ur point is invalid.
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I'm just here to read the salty about points post *makes more popcorn*105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Vinidcate beat Hoorah and Origin as well. Ur point is invalid.
theres a big difference between boasting over beating an actual challenging enemy and beating someone weaker who you can beat 100% no problem but you do you mate I take you also celebrate beating no shows lel such achievement much wow
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aspiringapathy wrote: »Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm sure you will regardless, word around the server was you had 73 people for the fights this week.0
Vindicate had 2x Zulu and Tempest 2 weeks ago as opponent in xTW , you guys managed to beat Zulu where u put like 35-39 ppl and you put similar numbers in Tempest war and lost it , now you are saying that you would be able to beat 3/4 from Crisis , Tempest , Infamous and Echo at the same week ?
You having more land than anyone else on the map atm and with factions knowing who u got as opponents would make them face you instead of others since they would get way bigger chance to win against u in a fight for top of the rankings.
You beat Infa like 2 months ago in xtw but they are way stronger now than they were then, and you victory wasnt anything close to crushing them so now it would have been a really close call or Infa would come out on top imo.
Also why i consider Tempest better then u is this :
Last time you guys had a proper 1v1 we can all agree they outplayed you badly.
And here u are saying that u can beat Infa , Tempest and Echo at same time but you coudnt beat 1 top faction + 1 mid sized faction 2 weeks ago at same time.
For the past 6-7 months Crisis beat every top faction in 1v1 and thats the reason why everyone is avoiding to fight us cause they dont wanna risk us having a bad day , bad signups or bad luck at matchmaking so they rather go on other wars , and thats why i consider us strong.
You barely beat Infa while they were in process of rebuilding for xtw , and you lost to Tempest in 1v1 last time you really fought them , only reason u are beating Echo atm is cause they are bad, they are nowhere near the power they had in origin and thats obvious to everyone , when you fought origin in xtw they were better then u on full power and im not talking here about later when a lot of ppl already left them and you maybe managed to beat them then. xD
And to get back on topic ofc you are completely avoiding my point whats the main problem here , it isnt even about 10-20 points more crisis would have got this week.
MY POINT IS that Crisis would have 1 more land compared to what we got now , and that you would have 2-3 lands less then u got atm, and THAT is the main problem here with this bug.
Cause instead of loosing minimum 2 , and most likely 3 wars you end up wining all 4 wars this week.
And that put us from 3-5(6 maybe) land count we should have had this week in regard to top 2 factions to 2-8 and THAT is the main problem here cause everyone can see that except the Vindicate ppl it seems to whom its completely normal xD
And the current situation translates to this weeks xTW if it even gets fixed with you entering it in way better position then you would have and the potential to snowball the points by a 150-200 across the 2 weeks.
If the situation was reverse i can already imagine what arguments you would be using as to why its invalid , that season should be reset and what not
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We put too many ppl in one of the fights vs Zulu... Which costed us putting less ppl in Tempest... Sin, what Im trying to say is that each guild had a lot of wars... Honestly speaking almost no top guild puts full 60 in any instance - this is extremely rare... It happens either at start or at the end of the season... Watch QQme, Tempest, Infamous, Vindicate, Karma videos from xTW - please tell me how often u will find any of these guilds putting 60 ppl in any battle while they have 3-4 wars? Like I mentioned Tempest had 4 wars from what I heard and one of them was with Infamous. I know Infamous had 4 wars. So most likely none of these guilds (actually except Echo who had less fights) would come full force...
We beat Infamous by 700 points in a week like half of the guild couldnt enter the cross server, because of another glitch that was around. I believe we barely beat them as u said...
Meanwhile while u talk about 2 months ago... that fight with tempest was 2 months ago too - we screwed, we got outplayed, they won, but we for sure werent weaker than them.
Everyone acknowledge Crisis strength, but if u think about it... If it was worth to go for tier 3 land a lot of guilds would do it... knowing they would be randomly matched with other guilds... but because its not worth none do it .... if u can get more than 60 pts a week why would u go for only 60?!?!?!?!
We made Hoorah fall apart by beating them in TW, we made Origin fall apart by beating them in TW (that includes we had to also deal with a 5 way defence They disband, rename, because they lose. As I understand each time we fought them they werent full force... Must be also why they attacked and lost... very logical...
I do understand the point u would have 1 more land... The point u dont understand is that u dont know if we would have 1, 2 or 3 lands less... Because all the guilds had many wars and have to split forces and pick priorities... Im not gonna explain u how it works... since well Crisis dont understand much about xTW as far I can see except fact u guys hold a lot of players and dont do any wars...
Again how did we manage to get 7 lands since we are sooooo weak?
Glitches happened before... 1st season on first week none of TT guilds won war... All wins went by default to Dawnglory guilds. It also messed up the entire ranks - in which normally Hoorah would win 1st season and Vindicate would be 3rd... It end up with Karma winning, Infamous 2nd, Hoorah 3rd. Right? It happened already bro... And from the scratch I was saying I would be happy if they reverted this week xTW... My argument with u is about - we would lose for sure all wars except Echo... Im positive we would defend 2 and if 1 didnt show up we would defend 3... I see ur point with lands and I do agree it changes the situation (its also why Im saying the last week xTW should be reverted), yet im pretty sure we would maintain a lead and a good lead over Crisis and would increase that lead in next 3 weeks regardless.
As I understand when they bid on us they were non challenging and dying ?
So watch again
then 2 weeks after since quoting Qontrol's words - turtling is easy and real win is by killing HQ
2 weeks later Origin disbanded. Thank you.0 -
Crisis attacked us in a tier 2 war so your arguement is invalid
They would have gained 40 points total that week and Vindicate would have gained 60 points which would put Vindicate 1st by 10 points.
Karma was 40 points behind us and regardless of the outcome of their fights they would have had to gain a total of 100 points to tie with us which means the need to hold a total of 9 lands including 10 points from winning their attack.0 -
maksim1995 wrote: »
Yes, I agree again the bug messed up... In general we shouldnt want any bugs to happen...
I do remember there was some glitch with it too.... I mean I dont remember any xTW season without a glitch... Sadly again knowing the past, we can predict nothing really will be done... Same goes with fake bids in TW as well... We know they happen and there is no possibility to roll back / delete any fake bid - which from what I heard happen on ur server with OMEGA / Punishers / HellSings or whatever they are called and messed up greatly ur TWs and rankings...
Season this time is long... Honestly a lot can happen... That includes Karma winning the entire season as they play also very smartPost edited by wadek on0 -
vindi still truly believes origin dispanded because of them... lol...0
We made Hoorah fall apart by beating them in TW
you were in hoorah when vindi beat them in tw, your tw strategy was garbage and you raged worse than a baby on vent cussing ppl and then got offended when someone talked back at you and you ragequit faction, i was there when all this happened
i also dunno why you keep bringin up irrelevant points and whine that ppl are calling vindi weak when all they did was state the fact that vindi could have not defended 3/4 wars with that line up unless ofc some factions no showed
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Wadzio you make 0 sense, Echo still isn't as strong as it was in Origin. Yes congrats you beat us in TW with how many vortex's that the TW map isn't really designed for. Vindicate can't beat Tempest, couldn't beat Origin , can't beat Crisis, Infamous QQme would probably be a good fight. You sit there all high and mighty and think your the best thinking you could defend Karma Infa and Tempest/Echo ? that is highly doubtful, you get around 90 people usually give or take unless the Legendary people have RQ again. Congrats you got a free pass to number 1 position by pwi messing things up. Doesn't make you the best, pretty sure the other factions now see the arrogance and ignorance of the Vindicate members now.0
Vindicate made Hoorah disband after TW? nope, that would be a big lie. Vindicate made Origin disband after TW? Nope that would be another big lie. Not sure what you're trying to achieve here apart from making Vindicate look bad as only you seem to believe your moronic lies?0
That's funny. Back when Hoorah benefited from the glitched map resets, QQonTroll said jack all. Now he's on forums QQing 24/7 because Vindicate members stayed up for the 3 hours and managed to get people into the fights. Did other guilds do the same? Sure they did - none of the fights were solo'ed. What hypocrisy to suggest otherwise. You are just mad their G16 BM and R9 SB beat your R9 mystic and DB.
And bottle your ****, Vindicate never once said it was superior to any other guild, but it sure has better temperament than the Hoorah clones. Stop projecting your propaganda onto Vindicate.0 -
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