Arena rankings
Sins don't have a reliable lockdown which is why I say he's bias agianst db. Db has far less DD than sin and yet stats sins aren't a problem despite x3 the DD but can't keep him in place as affective beyond one paralyze ok give sins 3 more paralyze or play a diff class one without puri proc and come tell us sins damage is no problem lol db can lockdown yes but didn't know dbs have skills like cursed jail or spamable elimination with rediculous damage index based of base phy damage % which as we all know 3rd spark scales to unimaginable effects. Only reason he feels sins aren't a issue is due to puri proc basically a counter to sin then when a class counters puri proc with way less damage it's unfair #BiasMuch
@draco5787 - Triple sparking from stealth would reveal you.
@blazerboy Please tell me what an effective counter to paralyze spam is. I'm fine with sin's absurd damage because there are clear ways to deal with the problem.
Go watch any 1v1 matchup between SB/Wiz/Mystic vs sin, they end up being very equal with both sides having a chance to win. Tell me what class can actually give a challenge to a properly played DB besides a sin that gets lucky with tidal.0 -
Sins don't have a reliable lockdown which is why I say he's bias agianst db. Db has far less DD than sin and yet stats sins aren't a problem despite x3 the DD but can't keep him in place as affective beyond one paralyze ok give sins 3 more paralyze or play a diff class one without puri proc and come tell us sins damage is no problem lol db can lockdown yes but didn't know dbs have skills like cursed jail or spamable elimination with rediculous damage index based of base phy damage % which as we all know 3rd spark scales to unimaginable effects. Only reason he feels sins aren't a issue is due to puri proc basically a counter to sin then when a class counters puri proc with way less damage it's unfair #BiasMuch
@draco5787 - Triple sparking from stealth would reveal you.
@blazerboy Please tell me what an effective counter to paralyze spam is. I'm fine with sin's absurd damage because there are clear ways to deal with the problem.
Go watch any 1v1 matchup between SB/Wiz/Mystic vs sin, they end up being very equal with both sides having a chance to win. Tell me what class can actually give a challenge to a properly played DB besides a sin that gets lucky with tidal.
Easy...a Barb is the biggest challenge for a DB by far on equal gear. In tiger the DB can nearly never kill you through SS, Wind Shield, Expel, AD, Adrenaline Surge (if you wanna go all out) and just a few zerkcrits with devour/penetrate armor + Mire are enough to kill a DB. @Blazerboy knows that a barb is the only real dangerous thing for a Duskblade in 1v1 and I've yet been massively outgeared every single fight vs a DB on my barb..imagine equal gears..especially closing in on the same amount of damage...
BMs are also very tough for DBs if they got the damage to kill (and the Accu). Hell anything that can lock and is so tanky that it can't be simply 1-combo'ed to death is very hard for DBs.0 -
@dregenfox the specific sin that 1 shot me is in your faction. how about you let him dmg test on you in the tournament chest room today? also, the 2 NP Psys you mentioned didnt crit you for 30 k, they zerk crit you for 30 k with def charms off while they are completely undefended due to the lack of purify0
@dregenfox the specific sin that 1 shot me is in your faction. how about you let him dmg test on you in the tournament chest room today? also, the 2 NP Psys you mentioned didnt crit you for 30 k, they zerk crit you for 30 k with def charms off while they are completely undefended due to the lack of purify
The 30k was before anyone even got G17r3. I was also fully buffed.
@jsxshadow - Hmm, the gear difference between your barb and the DB is pretty large. I'm actually surprised that he loses to you w/ just the gear disparity.0 -
@dregenfox That'S why I love this matchup so much. On the other hand..when I was fighting flameOfwar with my DB the gear difference was even astronomically bigger than between Eternity and my Barb and I've won most fights. Every single mistake you do can be the last...just love it
Oh and PING! Yeah, ping is very important too if you are a db..I noticed this in arena. Above a ping of 200 I can take all my fancy combos and shove it up my A because The latency is too high to perform them perfectly ._. Ping disadvantage is a massive disadvantage. People like dikke even have a constant ping of 40..ffs I want that too
0 -
@dregenfox the way you look at db is the same stereotype many ppl look at it as if it's some easy class hat takes hardly any skill/cunning play style please PLEASE name me dbs who are a factor in any pvp/tw on DA aside from SoSinful/Sanctan/Eternity and maybe 2 other decent one but for the most part please I'll wait because last I check there are more with equal or higher gears but last I check 80% of them on the server can't tell you the difference between sage settling ripple demon please tell me I'm wrong @jsxshadow because we both know darn well db is a hit or miss class you either can play it to the best of your ability or the moment you get focused you're in AD then shadow form running to africa or running back from sz dead105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
@dregenfox also penetrating armor reduces what 50% pdef and and mire sends the average pdef from what 30k straight plummeting just like how constellation arc 90% pdef based on gear + more can make a barb take 20k stack enough debuffs and physical ZC hurts I.E barba/bm can do easily105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
I'm wondering what exactly would be the point of playing sin if they lost even the slight damage advantage they have at close range? They don't have any reliable lockdown like DB/BM, are fairly squishy when focused, and are easily kited to infinity by purify procced casters.
My mystic still regularly gets crit for 30k+ by the two RB NP psychics on our server. That damage is almost impossible to escape due to the range of those skills, and also affects people in an aoe. Same with wizards. I take 15-20k from spark combos even when buffed with SoD.
I've never even seen a Deity wizard do that well in pvp. Are you saying all the Jaded wizards are having issues dropping endgame players?
The value of high damage isn't much when there's a high difficulty in actually applying it. Triple sparked demon mystics are capable of some insane damage by abusing -channel, but it's so easy to see coming that they won't regularly get kills from it.
This is the same thing with sins. You KNOW their main threat is the damage from sparking. Without spark boost it's extremely likely that the caster will proc purify before he dies. Is it really hard to predict that a sin will attempt to double spark+nuke at the beginning of a match?
Everything that a sin does is telegraphed and counter-able in arena. If they go for tackling + seal there's a huge window to prepare while they're casting, if they just go for seal you know you can walk away. If they triple spark you have 4-5 seconds to counter it. If they blow everything on triple spark + cursed jail and you're caught without a genie then you die. This is literally what 9/10 sins spam over and over in pvp. If the sin didn't have that damage potential to wtfnuke something really fast then there would be no point in bringing one to arena.
Slight damage advantage? LOL. The only classes which get close to sin dmg are wizzy during spark combo or DB when they land their debuffs properly.
But yes, if wizzys opponent isnt mentally challenged, jaded wizzy is gonna run into problems dropping ppl. This is combination of double tick def charms and how telegraphed spark combo is. Jaded wizzy, on even gears, struggles to pressure w/o spark combo and if spark combo is the only thing you need watch out for, its gonna take a while to drop. You, however, dont need deitys to drop non jade targets but have fun with jade-jade matchup where your opponent has some idea what they are doing.
You wish main damage from sin is sparking, actually good sins dont need to spark like monkeys to kill people. Part of the problem is the fact the not so good ones can just fall back into it and smash face on keyboard to win. Sins dont need the option to kill ppl the moment their genies are on CD to be viable, arguing like they do is plain idiotic.0 -
I'm wondering what exactly would be the point of playing sin if they lost even the slight damage advantage they have at close range? They don't have any reliable lockdown like DB/BM, are fairly squishy when focused, and are easily kited to infinity by purify procced casters.
My mystic still regularly gets crit for 30k+ by the two RB NP psychics on our server. That damage is almost impossible to escape due to the range of those skills, and also affects people in an aoe. Same with wizards. I take 15-20k from spark combos even when buffed with SoD.
I've never even seen a Deity wizard do that well in pvp. Are you saying all the Jaded wizards are having issues dropping endgame players?
The value of high damage isn't much when there's a high difficulty in actually applying it. Triple sparked demon mystics are capable of some insane damage by abusing -channel, but it's so easy to see coming that they won't regularly get kills from it.
This is the same thing with sins. You KNOW their main threat is the damage from sparking. Without spark boost it's extremely likely that the caster will proc purify before he dies. Is it really hard to predict that a sin will attempt to double spark+nuke at the beginning of a match?
Everything that a sin does is telegraphed and counter-able in arena. If they go for tackling + seal there's a huge window to prepare while they're casting, if they just go for seal you know you can walk away. If they triple spark you have 4-5 seconds to counter it. If they blow everything on triple spark + cursed jail and you're caught without a genie then you die. This is literally what 9/10 sins spam over and over in pvp. If the sin didn't have that damage potential to wtfnuke something really fast then there would be no point in bringing one to arena.
Slight damage advantage? LOL. The only classes which get close to sin dmg are wizzy during spark combo or DB when they land their debuffs properly.
But yes, if wizzys opponent isnt mentally challenged, jaded wizzy is gonna run into problems dropping ppl. This is combination of double tick def charms and how telegraphed spark combo is. Jaded wizzy, on even gears, struggles to pressure w/o spark combo and if spark combo is the only thing you need watch out for, its gonna take a while to drop. You, however, dont need deitys to drop non jade targets but have fun with jade-jade matchup where your opponent has some idea what they are doing.
You wish main damage from sin is sparking, actually good sins dont need to spark like monkeys to kill people. Part of the problem is the fact the not so good ones can just fall back into it and smash face on keyboard to win. Sins dont need the option to kill ppl the moment their genies are on CD to be viable, arguing like they do is plain idiotic.
I mean I'm just wondering if you even watch sins and caster classes pvp'ing each other with equal gears? You are making it sound like sins are destroying jaded targets left and right when in actuality they need either a full purge or para lockdown from BM/DB to take down endgamed casters. Otherwise they are spending the majority of their time trying to cut through triple p. def buffs, plume shells, and purify procs.0 -
As interesting as this discussion is about classes inside Colosseum is, are the rankings actually not populating for those who score above the threshold? If so, could you take a SS of your personal scores compared against an open window of the rankings? Because if I remember correctly, your rankings would determine your Arigora Coin payouts based on how many matches you've completed to the minimum requirement, and if that's not working we might need to bug it or ask CN for more clarification.0
I mean I'm just wondering if you even watch sins and caster classes pvp'ing each other with equal gears? You are making it sound like sins are destroying jaded targets left and right when in actuality they need either a full purge or para lockdown from BM/DB to take down endgamed casters. Otherwise they are spending the majority of their time trying to cut through triple p. def buffs, plume shells, and purify procs.
We got a SS in this thread where that happened, sin basically 1shot endgame caster. I dont know what kind of garbage sins you are fighting if they need para/purge to drop casters.0 -
I mean I'm just wondering if you even watch sins and caster classes pvp'ing each other with equal gears? You are making it sound like sins are destroying jaded targets left and right when in actuality they need either a full purge or para lockdown from BM/DB to take down endgamed casters. Otherwise they are spending the majority of their time trying to cut through triple p. def buffs, plume shells, and purify procs.
We got a SS in this thread where that happened, sin basically 1shot endgame caster. I dont know what kind of garbage sins you are fighting if they need para/purge to drop casters.
This sin must be doing something wrong, because he didn't one-shot anything. Actually it looks like he just got 2 skills off and spent the rest of the match trying to triple spark or getting kited.
Do I really need to link you videos of caster vs sin 1v1's that last 10+, even 15 minutes? There's a LOT of sins just playing flat out wrong, apparently.
A psy getting charm-bypassed by a sin isn't something that's particularly impossible. It was almost a perfect bypass. But how often does that happen? Using that as justification for nerfing the class is idiotic.
Have I been charm bypassed by sins before? Sure. And I died in 4 seconds. But a sin can't count that as a regular occurance. I only remember 3 times off the top of my head where I was insta-bypassed by a sin, and all of them outgeared me.0 -
@dregenfox what does that video prove? The sin was AAing ppl it doesn't show his damage or what DD ppl took at all lel mainly because once sb ulti is added to the max ppl were dying left and right which let's be honest that's a given. Not to mention a squad comp of rangers/melee mix vs just melee and 1 veno zzzz the fact of the matter here is sin damage is high but it's not op because usually a caster puri spell wep can save him so he/she can kite to Africa. But according to you that's totally fair but a db can have near 3x less damage due to spark output and skills scale based on wep damage % not base atk like the nuking sin skills. But because db has paralyze lock but less damage it's suddenly unfair bs non counterable shouldn't exist ect. Ig all of us non arcanes need to get good because sins delete us left and right due to no puri proc but since they aren't a big factor we shouldn't be getting hit 24k+ charm bypass right.... lmfao the paradox we clearly are the problem not sins -.- really.. lmfao..105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
This sin must be doing something wrong, because he didn't one-shot anything. Actually it looks like he just got 2 skills off and spent the rest of the match trying to triple spark or getting kited.
Do I really need to link you videos of caster vs sin 1v1's that last 10+, even 15 minutes? There's a LOT of sins just playing flat out wrong, apparently.
A psy getting charm-bypassed by a sin isn't something that's particularly impossible. It was almost a perfect bypass. But how often does that happen? Using that as justification for nerfing the class is idiotic.
Have I been charm bypassed by sins before? Sure. And I died in 4 seconds. But a sin can't count that as a regular occurance. I only remember 3 times off the top of my head where I was insta-bypassed by a sin, and all of them outgeared me.
This is like talking to a toddler.
The match was pretty instantly 6v3, making it more or less a pointless to analyze what the sin was doing.
Most sins play poorly and you know it, everybody knows it. The playerbase in this game is exceptionally incompetent.
But lets do some math, sin ZCing last hit on elimination, which isnt usually def charmed + hits like a truck. Endgame sins have 80%+ crit rate, zerk is 20%, combining this we get 16% to ZC. This means 6,25 eliminations on average to ZC the last one. With the 4s CD glyph to elimination every sin should have brain to take this means ZC last hit on elimination on aveage every 25s. So I`d say it actually happens pretty damn often if you arent luckboxing the rng hard.0 -
@saxroll it's always funny to watch 100-0 me when I take 10k first skill second 25k when I have 30k hp what charm? Nah mine said it didn't wanna tick today xD he doesn't get these issues due to the fact mystics have some of the highest pdef in game in terms of AA instant heals and puri proc but that rest of us wolo wolo wolo bye xD105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
We got a SS in this thread where that happened@dregenfox what does that video prove?
@dregenfox Buddy, you have to admit that a full video of a fight between an endgame sin and casters doesnt prove anything. Better post a tiny picture of a Damage Log which can be everything even photoshoped. It can be even a fight between 2 people on a different server and gear with just the same names but hey, this is a viable proof. Its on the internet so it must be true. Admit it, you lost this round.We got a SS in this thread where that happened, sin basically 1shot endgame caster. I dont know what kind of garbage sins you are fighting if they need para/purge to drop casters.Most sins play poorly and you know it, everybody knows it. The playerbase in this game is exceptionally incompetent.Well let me point out that sins can use Ulti and then cursed jail or any of the other multi hit skills to deal insane amounts of damage. Lest not forget they could have triple sparked or double sparked from stealth before hand. I can see how a 290 attack level sin can charm bypass a Psy like they did.
@dregenfox You have to admit that everyone in this squad is just poor garbage. Noone of them knows how to play AND you forgot an important fact: The standard gear of ANY sin. Full 2nd reawakend nuema portal set, +12 and full Devil Stone sharded with CoM and WoA, ofc. Every sin gets this gear right after login and they should not expect to kill any target with such gear. Even tho they outgear most of their opponents.
hi, im a josd psy with 37,5 k hp and was fully buffed in def blessing there. the sin used 1 cursed jail out of stealth right at the start. if thats not effective, then idkHave you seen that sin's gear?
I would also need more context than just this screenshot.Judging from HP thats most likely a NP psy in this thread so no, they arent being massively outgeared. However it sounds like they were selfbuffed and knowing psys being pretty consistently Deity over JoSD, would explain a lot. Psys defenses arent much of a help with DPH classes, specially ones with multihit skills. They are completely broken against DPS classes who cant get around the seal w/o genie though.
full josd, spirit of defense, omalley. if i was self buffed, he could actually 1 hit me with g17.3 purge daggers...Can you post a screenshot of something besides just the damage?you would see me dead in a bigger picture, so why bother. i didnt say constantly, this happened for the first time.its literally just this 1 class that is broken as fk on its own.You have the screenie though, yeah? I need to see it for context.the sin said that the cursed jail stun prevented my def charms from getting triggered, so the first 2 hits of cursed jail were def charmed and the next 2 hit me for 10 k and 26.6 k, which charmbypassed me. the context is the following: the battle was 8 seconds old and i was dead as he popped out of stealth. he then proceed to basically 1 hit our josd cleric (aeu set) with knife throw.There wasn't any video. It was just a screenshot and someone's word.
^ Just to sum the whole conversation up. A Random psy appears claiming he got easily killed by a sin, claiming the sin and himself are max geared. He doesnt show any prove besides a tiny part of a Damage Log. People ask for a prove multiple times. Yet, said person still refuses to show any prove. We just have to believe his words to do what? Nerf a class based on it? He even admits that this happend for the first time and never before and calls this class broken because of some lucky zerk crit. Mhmmmm. Seems legit.
Hi, iam a full +5 def level sharded sin, i have reawakend S+ set and full +15 refines. My base HP is around 50k+. Im full buffed and use def blessings but yet, a random Caster was able to one shot me with auto-attack. I wont show you any prove. You have to believe me and my words because its on the internet. It must be true. Not to mention that it happend for the first time and never again but still...i demand that any Caster gets nerfed. Thank you for your concern.
0 -
We got a SS in this thread where that happened@dregenfox what does that video prove?
@dregenfox Buddy, you have to admit that a full video of a fight between an endgame sin and casters doesnt prove anything. Better post a tiny picture of a Damage Log which can be everything even photoshoped. It can be even a fight between 2 people on a different server and gear with just the same names but hey, this is a viable proof. Its on the internet so it must be true. Admit it, you lost this round.We got a SS in this thread where that happened, sin basically 1shot endgame caster. I dont know what kind of garbage sins you are fighting if they need para/purge to drop casters.Most sins play poorly and you know it, everybody knows it. The playerbase in this game is exceptionally incompetent.Well let me point out that sins can use Ulti and then cursed jail or any of the other multi hit skills to deal insane amounts of damage. Lest not forget they could have triple sparked or double sparked from stealth before hand. I can see how a 290 attack level sin can charm bypass a Psy like they did.
@dregenfox You have to admit that everyone in this squad is just poor garbage. Noone of them knows how to play AND you forgot an important fact: The standard gear of ANY sin. Full 2nd reawakend nuema portal set, +12 and full Devil Stone sharded with CoM and WoA, ofc. Every sin gets this gear right after login and they should not expect to kill any target with such gear. Even tho they outgear most of their opponents.
hi, im a josd psy with 37,5 k hp and was fully buffed in def blessing there. the sin used 1 cursed jail out of stealth right at the start. if thats not effective, then idkHave you seen that sin's gear?
I would also need more context than just this screenshot.Judging from HP thats most likely a NP psy in this thread so no, they arent being massively outgeared. However it sounds like they were selfbuffed and knowing psys being pretty consistently Deity over JoSD, would explain a lot. Psys defenses arent much of a help with DPH classes, specially ones with multihit skills. They are completely broken against DPS classes who cant get around the seal w/o genie though.
full josd, spirit of defense, omalley. if i was self buffed, he could actually 1 hit me with g17.3 purge daggers...Can you post a screenshot of something besides just the damage?you would see me dead in a bigger picture, so why bother. i didnt say constantly, this happened for the first time.its literally just this 1 class that is broken as fk on its own.You have the screenie though, yeah? I need to see it for context.the sin said that the cursed jail stun prevented my def charms from getting triggered, so the first 2 hits of cursed jail were def charmed and the next 2 hit me for 10 k and 26.6 k, which charmbypassed me. the context is the following: the battle was 8 seconds old and i was dead as he popped out of stealth. he then proceed to basically 1 hit our josd cleric (aeu set) with knife throw.There wasn't any video. It was just a screenshot and someone's word.
^ Just to sum the whole conversation up. A Random psy appears claiming he got easily killed by a sin, claiming the sin and himself are max geared. He doesnt show any prove besides a tiny part of a Damage Log. People ask for a prove multiple times. Yet, said person still refuses to show any prove. We just have to believe his words to do what? Nerf a class based on it? He even admits that this happend for the first time and never before and calls this class broken because of some lucky zerk crit. Mhmmmm. Seems legit.
Hi, iam a full +5 def level sharded sin, i have reawakend S+ set and full +15 refines. My base HP is around 50k+. Im full buffed and use def blessings but yet, a random Caster was able to one shot me with auto-attack. I wont show you any prove. You have to believe me and my words because its on the internet. It must be true. Not to mention that it happend for the first time and never again but still...i demand that any Caster gets nerfed. Thank you for your concern.
Your post is confusing as hell, you're quoting other people and then quoting me, idk who you are even talking to anymore.
Also @saxroll - Your math is inaccurate. To get the charm bypass like he did, he would have to fail to tick all hits (which means no zerk crits, and then zerk crit the last hit. If any of the previous hits tick his charm, the psy doesn't die. If it's any other class other than a psy using Black voodoo with no p. def buffs, the charm will tick and they don't die.
You're basing your entire argument on the hope that afrodita's psy gets charm-bypassed by that one particular sin every 25 seconds, according to your "math", and then calling all sins broken on that one specific scenario that requires a specific set of gear, def charms, and zerk crits.0 -
@dregenfox Do you have any Screenshots or videos of the rankings compared to your personal and/or team scores and the errors you were getting? I understand that they did just do a reset on Wednesday, but if you managed to capture the issue you were describing in your OP, please let me know and I can pass it to CN. Also, if you are not getting your Coin payouts due to this, please let me know as well!
The long and short of it is that this is hard to test on our end as it stands with the current ruleset so it would take longer to attempt to replicate this than seeing what live players are experiencing.
General-I would really like to not have to come back in and start handing out warnings about thread derailment when checking for a feature being potentially bugged. If you want to continue this conversation, please create a separate thread in the appropriate forum section, @ the relevant participants and try to remain respectful.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »@dregenfox Do you have any Screenshots or videos of the rankings compared to your personal and/or team scores and the errors you were getting? I understand that they did just do a reset on Wednesday, but if you managed to capture the issue you were describing in your OP, please let me know and I can pass it to CN. Also, if you are not getting your Coin payouts due to this, please let me know as well!
The long and short of it is that this is hard to test on our end as it stands with the current ruleset so it would take longer to attempt to replicate this than seeing what live players are experiencing.
General-I would really like to not have to come back in and start handing out warnings about thread derailment when checking for a feature being potentially bugged. If you want to continue this conversation, please create a separate thread in the appropriate forum section, @ the relevant participants and try to remain respectful.
Coin payouts are working normally, as far as I can tell. We can collect rewards if there are at least 10 matches done the previous week, and the reward scales with win/loss.
Image of personal rankings for MYSTICS only (note the server busy-try again later in log):
Image of general 3v3 rankings:
Image of personal rankings for ALL classes:
0 -
I'm curious as to what my friends on other servers scores are when they fix this105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Also @saxroll - Your math is inaccurate. To get the charm bypass like he did, he would have to fail to tick all hits (which means no zerk crits, and then zerk crit the last hit. If any of the previous hits tick his charm, the psy doesn't die. If it's any other class other than a psy using Black voodoo with no p. def buffs, the charm will tick and they don't die.
You're basing your entire argument on the hope that afrodita's psy gets charm-bypassed by that one particular sin every 25 seconds, according to your "math", and then calling all sins broken on that one specific scenario that requires a specific set of gear, def charms, and zerk crits.
Assuming similar situation with elimination, first 2 hits would be def charmed, 3rd doesnt hit for too high leaving 4th to charm bypass. In reality you would more likely just spam elimination where charm bypassing isnt the goal but to get as much damage out as possible as elimination hits pretty ridiculous numbers.
Sins had more than enough damage to kill anything prior to glyphs coming out. Now they got even more damage, which they didnt need. You play jaded caster with p.def selfbuff and wonder how people w/o such tools cant tank sins in similar manner. And thats fully buffed, purge dags are becoming more and more widespread, relying on having buffs is becoming harder and harder.
I have explained in this thread why sins will never be balanced dmg wise till we are forced into new gear - And as you can see from CN rankings/The fact they are getting nerfed, they arent balanced there either. That being said, this is pointless, lets just agree to disagree.0 -
hello random person, the convo started by dregenfox claiming that sins are useless in 3vs3 arena and others claiming that he is wrong. he by now knows the gear of the sin and of the psy and agreed that it should not have happened. but thanks for the time you took to put 20 quotes into 1 post.0
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »@dregenfox Do you have any Screenshots or videos of the rankings compared to your personal and/or team scores and the errors you were getting? I understand that they did just do a reset on Wednesday, but if you managed to capture the issue you were describing in your OP, please let me know and I can pass it to CN. Also, if you are not getting your Coin payouts due to this, please let me know as well!
The long and short of it is that this is hard to test on our end as it stands with the current ruleset so it would take longer to attempt to replicate this than seeing what live players are experiencing.
General-I would really like to not have to come back in and start handing out warnings about thread derailment when checking for a feature being potentially bugged. If you want to continue this conversation, please create a separate thread in the appropriate forum section, @ the relevant participants and try to remain respectful.
There is no bug, just the fact you need 2200+ rating to be shown on rankings. That number, with our playerbase might be near impossible though making these rankings kinda useless.0 -
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hello random person, the convo started by dregenfox claiming that sins are useless in 3vs3 arena and others claiming that he is wrong. he by now knows the gear of the sin and of the psy and agreed that it should not have happened. but thanks for the time you took to put 20 quotes into 1 post.
Um no...I never said sins were useless in 3v3 wtf. All I said is that sins are interchange-able with any other DD class. Once the target is purged and paralyzed it really doesn't matter whether it's a wizard spark-nuking, a mystic absorb soul-ing, or a sin, the target is dead regardless.
The main difference is that sins spend a lot of time being kited/chasing down purify proc, or waiting out tidal in stealth while their team takes on a 2v3. They need that damage once they do get a cc to stick or they become pointless in pvp.
I mean l was damage testing with a sin the other day and let him hit me w/ self buffs and he killed me in 4 seconds flat. I know sin damage is high, lol.0 -
kalystconquerer#0876 wrote: »@dregenfox Do you have any Screenshots or videos of the rankings compared to your personal and/or team scores and the errors you were getting? I understand that they did just do a reset on Wednesday, but if you managed to capture the issue you were describing in your OP, please let me know and I can pass it to CN. Also, if you are not getting your Coin payouts due to this, please let me know as well!
The long and short of it is that this is hard to test on our end as it stands with the current ruleset so it would take longer to attempt to replicate this than seeing what live players are experiencing.
General-I would really like to not have to come back in and start handing out warnings about thread derailment when checking for a feature being potentially bugged. If you want to continue this conversation, please create a separate thread in the appropriate forum section, @ the relevant participants and try to remain respectful.
Ok so I was finally able to do the 10 matches this week to get the coin reward, here are the actual comparison screenshots. The reward shows up but there is still nothing in the rankings.
Compared to squad - NOTICE the server busy error, why would it be doing that if rankings were working properly?:
It makes no sense for the tresh-hold to be 2200 because minion battles aren't nearly that high. Even the highest ranked super-op teams that win everything can't get higher than 1900.
The title for Ultimate Fighting Spirit is also 2200 requirement. So apparently it's not even possible to get on PWI.
If the threshhold really is 2200 then they should change it specifically for our version.
It just doesn't make sense because minion battles take at most a few days for people to reach the ranking threshold with the same population of players.0 -
only over 2200 and top 50 sq can be on rank list. in pwcn, the score will be reset each half year
Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
only over 2200 and top 50 sq can be on rank list. in pwcn, the score will be reset each half year
Thats disappointing. I'd say that the rankings are never gonna work then, but there's already a lot of squads that just queue up against their own alt squads just to get matches done, it's just matter of time before people start paying for alt squads to boost their rating up too. Either way we'll never get a REAL ranking I guess, It'll just be a bunch of boosted monkeys
0 -
basically, we just lacks enough sq joining arena so we can not go higher score
there are some reasons
1) reward is not good enough. in pwcn, there are some catshop to buy mats from arena. here is no1 to buy. ppl don't really like pvp. but they like rewards. i saw many active r9rr toons don't have a sq at all so far. we needs rich going hungry to go g17ring and rope
2) too much class bias. if ur sq don't have cleric, sin, demon veno, or db, u needs huge out-gearing for winning.
if u have 2 or 3 of them, u can easily win 3v3. just cleric keep sog, sleep, db copy sog, veno pdef0, and nova cc, sin just close eye dd. then keep 3vs1 , then win, no skill at all. until opponent sq have some classes of these 4.
my archer gear is much better than my veno, and db. after many battles, i feel my archer is almost useless comparing my veno and db in 3vs3. just keep running from sin, db until use out all gen, pot, skill survive, then died, untl my sq outgear them and can give enough pressure to sin, db, stop them chasing me so i can really dd.
that is very unfair and discourage the classes out of those 4 popular classes to go arena. I am really sad for my archer in arena. now, pwcn nerf archer.......Main Chars in tidewell:
Attacker_V: archer
Seraphim_V: Veno
xNightshadowx: db0 -
basically, we just lacks enough sq joining arena so we can not go higher score
there are some reasons
1) reward is not good enough. in pwcn, there are some catshop to buy mats from arena. here is no1 to buy. ppl don't really like pvp. but they like rewards. i saw many active r9rr toons don't have a sq at all so far. we needs rich going hungry to go g17ring and rope
2) too much class bias. if ur sq don't have cleric, sin, demon veno, or db, u needs huge out-gearing for winning.
if u have 2 or 3 of them, u can easily win 3v3. just cleric keep sog, sleep, db copy sog, veno pdef0, and nova cc, sin just close eye dd. then keep 3vs1 , then win, no skill at all. until opponent sq have some classes of these 4.
my archer gear is much better than my veno, and db. after many battles, i feel my archer is almost useless comparing my veno and db in 3vs3. just keep running from sin, db until use out all gen, pot, skill survive, then died, untl my sq outgear them and can give enough pressure to sin, db, stop them chasing me so i can really dd.
that is very unfair and discourage the classes out of those 4 popular classes to go arena. I am really sad for my archer in arena. now, pwcn nerf archer.......
Some very good points. I did notice a lot of well geared archers/barbs/psychics still looking/wanting a 3's group but unable to find one, even some NP ones.
If there were unlimited spots for 3's teams I think that would make the queue much more active and encourage more participation. Makes no sense that the server can run UP groups all day but can't drum up 3 people for a 3v3.
The big issue w/ PWI servers is that the game is simply not balanced for 3's but the 6's queue is completely dead. Doesn't help that there's literally 0 reason to ever bring an archer over any other class with G17 purge.
The 1v1 classes just completely dominate 3's, most endgame DB's have 75%+ win rates which is just absurd. But IMO there's not really that many good solutions to this issue given the nature of the game.0
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