Any Interest in a no-holds barred, PVP server? + Which events do you like? + Custom pet or mount?



  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User
    perrion wrote: »
    This thread is full of butt hurt players who lost their PVP servers due to low population and now want to wreck what's left of this game's population. How is forcing that failed model on the entire game going to fix anything? PVP servers have been proven to be less popular than PVE, get over it.

    The idea of a new PVP server seems doomed to fail.

    Actually our model is the failed one.
    PW is going much stronger in China where there is no PvE server.
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • perrion
    perrion Posts: 165 Arc User
    daymond wrote: »
    Actually our model is the failed one.
    PW is going much stronger in China where there is no PvE server.
    Comparing apples to oranges. PW is stronger in China because they have more people and fewer choices. And who's to say how much better PWCN would be if they had PVE servers?

  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    @orinj There's a reason why PvP servers were more dead than PvE servers and mergers had to happen.
    Give that some thought and let it sink in, what it will do when you turn PvE servers into PvP ones?

    Pure PvP servers won't work for our version, and comparing it to china's servers is one of the most ludicrous arguments one could use.
    This is simply because our version compared to theirs is a gigantic power creep fest, where as in China, rank 9 alone, without any recasts, is a huge luxury to even get.
    Hell, even rank 8 recast is.

    Our version is no fun for any player that doesn't throw a wad of cash into the game OR has had time the last 2-4 years to actually farm anything, because they won't be able to compete anyway, so what is the point?
    And farming is being made harder and harder because the market in-game is way too saturated for anything to properly sell anymore.

    When it comes to events that are supposed to be PvP events; the devs could simply turn the mobs used for those event into ones that can only be damaged by anyone that is in PK mode; the same kind of mob as the caravan mobs in primal world.
    It can be done, and once done they wouldn't have to look at those mobs anymore either because they can merge that change of the mob into their own version because they only have PvP servers anyway, they won't notice a thing.
    If anything, turn world bosses into PK mobs only as well (including sorrakan, of however the primal one is called), excluding title ones that don't drop anything anymore anyway.
    For PvP needs; create a cross-server environment on the old east coast server where cross-server NW was held (and now cross-server TW?) so that people can duke it out there.

    Turning all PvE servers into PvP ones is not the solution, because once more, there is a reason why PvP servers died out faster than PvE ones.​​
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  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Eh, I'm going to have to agree. We shouldn't compare PWI to PWCN. No matter how much China tries to make our version closer to theirs, there are distinct differences.

    I'm also sure PWE's decision to make PvE servers, when the game was launched here, were based on some sort of data. There is a reason we had more PvE servers than PvP servers. Whether we like it or not, that's the reality of things.

    The best solution for our problem is 1) creating a cross-server PvP area that's available all-day and 2) fixing/modifying some events and bosses to require PvP mode (Resource Wars, Primal World Boss, World Bosses etc.).

    Side note: I'm pretty sure a cross-server PvP area would be something that other PW versions would like and appreciate as well, so maybe that would give incentive to the developers to create one.
  • trixilein
    trixilein Posts: 20 Arc User
    PVP Server
    Would you guys be interested in a no-holds barred, PVP server? Sounds crazy, right?

    A NEW pvp server with that sure why not? Let the people get nuts there to vent out their frustration or argues xD

    Switching the current servers all into forced PVP? Definite reason for me to leave this game behind. I started on a pve server for a reason and I would really hate to see PWE flipping that over. I would like to chose when I want to pvp and when not. I do have decent gears but I like to quest in peace without fearing of being ganked and losing my gear or other stuff in that event. Don't come me with "then bind your stuff, problem solved" Binding gear or not won't solve the issue of ganking. Considering how tw factions go against each other, an open world pvp status would currently make it impossible to do anything without being killed at least a couple of times during every quests from the dailies. So NO to forced pvp.
    In-game Events
    Which in-game events are y'alls favorites? I'm not familiar with any of them, so I wanted to just and see what y'all like before I have the Devs queue them up.
    I like NW and RW. The Cross-Server NW would be awesome to have it back. My main problem are the times. I started playing a long time ago before we even had Earthguards and Tideborns were "new". Back then it was either East Coast or West .. or no game at all. I am though an European. Time offset for all main events are 9 hours + that I am ahead. 8pm servertime events are at 4 to 5am for me. With work on those days = impossible to participate. I would love to see a solution for all the old players on the NA Servers that have been faithful to the game who live in the EU or even more east of that. Events on 2 times per day, but with only 1 entry for that day for it. Cross-server NW at the Weekends.
    A Cross-Server PVP arena (that is working) would be absolutely loved. It will give all the pvp hungry people a chance to pvp for their hearts content. If you aren't familar with Forsaken World, @orinj , then you might want to take a look there on how they handled pvp events.. the cross server allows everyone to take part in arena (3v3, 6v6) as well as the group pvp instances, just that for us it would mean NW, maybe even an Cross server RW instead of Icewinddale. @thenamesdomino should know pretty well what I am referring too. We do have the cross server.. so why not make more use of it? A working city with the basic npcs to repair gear and zone for open pvp in it, but also a safe zone around the teleporters would be an interesting add on :)
    What would you prefer: a custom mount or pet?
    If we had the opportunity as a game to create our own pet or mount, which would you choose?
    a mount. If it had combat while riding even better but still.. riding is good :)

    For one simple reason: if the pet would have an feature to pick up loot, then i would love the pet.. but so? it is cute to look at but else worthless and just taking space whereas the mount at least is having the option to ride on it :)
  • dblazen1
    dblazen1 Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    superfedee wrote: »
    orinj wrote: »
    superfedee wrote: »
    @orinj first things first tho mate can you please fix the thursday tournament please, players are starving for cross-server battles tiger-46.gif

    I'll ask about this one as well tonight. Thanks. -Orinj

    thank you very much @orinj
    also one thing that absolutely has to be brought to china is that game engine needs to be updated, game needs at least to start use GPU and to support multi-threading (atm elementiclient.exe uses only 1 core, and doesnt use GPU at a point that Shadowplay finds nothing to record when you run the client), this issue is at the base of the unbearable lag in pretty much all the main PvP instances

    They're supposedly already working on that, according to China, like 2-3 years ago (or whenever the return of the original devs / archosaur studio was), yet nothing of it has seen the light of day, so if they're actually working on it or not is questionable. One would think after 2-3 years there would be something... visible, unless they're rewriting literally everything from scratch, but I doubt it.

    Single-core MMO's are very common to this day so I wouldn't expect a lot from that, although it could be nice.
    GPU utilization is where it's at for PW to get its gain, multi-core CPU is just an icing on the cake after that at this point.​​
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  • motoor
    motoor Posts: 178 Arc User
    Is vry funny to see all these ppl saying if they swich pvp i will quite bla bla..i think i heard this story 1000 milion if that update will come will quite..if they dont fix the time on even will quite..if they dont do anything will quite..and they never quited..And something even more funny exacly the ppl who read nonstop the forum and comment are the one who will not quite no mather what LOL..
  • zentfamily
    zentfamily Posts: 234 Arc User
    The PvEfobia is real. mouse-29.gif
    ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?
  • orinj
    orinj Posts: 460 admin
    Unrelated to this thread -

    For those of you who asked for the Thursday Tourny to be fixed and TW reset -
    I spoke with the Devs last night and confirmed that both can/will be addressed soon.
    Do keep in mind that I normally have one of my Product Managers field these calls so I may have missed something context going in and also some details coming out.

    Thursday Tournament
    The Thursday Tourny that they commented on is a new game feature that hasn't been fully implemented. As soon as our QA can do a functionality pass, we will release it. Should be in the next two weeks at latest. One day optimum, one week most likely.

    TW Reset
    They informed me that the last reset was in March and that we're do for another one. I'll ask my Community Team to work on logistics, communications, and rewards. We'll notify you all before we make any changes. This too should happen in the next two weeks at latest.

    Thanks. -Orinj
    F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
  • darky26
    darky26 Posts: 163 Arc User
    motoor wrote: »
    Is vry funny to see all these ppl saying if they swich pvp i will quite bla bla..i think i heard this story 1000 milion if that update will come will quite..if they dont fix the time on even will quite..if they dont do anything will quite..and they never quited..And something even more funny exacly the ppl who read nonstop the forum and comment are the one who will not quite no mather what LOL..
    I personally have never said before that I'll quit. Nor do I say now that I'll completely quit if they turned the PvE server that I'm on into a PvP-server. It will still be a lovely chat app. XD Since not everyone is on skype. js

    As I respect other people's choice to have a PvP-server, the same way I'd like my choice to be respected. I do support the idea of a PvP-server, for those that want one. I don't see why people think it's ok to have pvp, but it's not ok to have pve, or the opposite (pve but not pvp). It's a choice, or taste if you'd like. I don't think there are more rights to pvp or pve. Both choices could be respected.

  • scruncy
    scruncy Posts: 458 Arc User
    Reading through all of this makes me wanna LOL !

    PvP servers have been dead for a reason. 80% of the playerbase does NOT want to do pvp and nobody should force them to.
    Open world pvp has no purpose in this game besides personal amusement.
    People will always do pvp events, like nw, tw, ctw and tourny if there is something rewarding otherwise they wont.
    Turning servers into pvp would just **** off the majority of the playerbase without having any impact on pvp activity.
    The arguments for a pvp server a pure bs. I wanna kill somebodys alt, I wanna kill the non existing bots. RW is the most idiotic event ever. You dont have to pvp for this event, even on a pvp server. Go with your friend into a quiet corner and kill each other 1 time and your done. Reward is the same as for anybody in your faction, if you pvp or not.

    To you pvp server wannabe's, why dont you actually start pvp'ing on your server with the people witch are already white?
    I am white since ctw came out. I went few times to the pvp *hotspot* silverpool (dawnglory server). It is such a boring place.
    1h standing there for a 5min fight. Everybody standing in save zone chit chating ( inclunding the dawnglory people screaming for pvp server, posting before me). Once I was standing 30min afk outside safezone and nobody even attacked.

    Why would pwi waste any time and resources for such a useless thing like a new server? You would see a hype for like 4weeks and after that it would be dead again.

    Make PvP rewarding and you will see people PvP. Otherwise it will never happen.
  • npc15
    npc15 Posts: 230 Arc User
    orinj wrote: »
    Unrelated to this thread -

    For those of you who asked for the Thursday Tourny to be fixed and TW reset -
    I spoke with the Devs last night and confirmed that both can/will be addressed soon.
    Do keep in mind that I normally have one of my Product Managers field these calls so I may have missed something context going in and also some details coming out.

    Thursday Tournament
    The Thursday Tourny that they commented on is a new game feature that hasn't been fully implemented. As soon as our QA can do a functionality pass, we will release it. Should be in the next two weeks at latest. One day optimum, one week most likely.

    TW Reset
    They informed me that the last reset was in March and that we're do for another one. I'll ask my Community Team to work on logistics, communications, and rewards. We'll notify you all before we make any changes. This too should happen in the next two weeks at latest.

    Thanks. -Orinj

    Derailing thread mod gogogo block him tiger-37.gif
    On a serious note though, the cross server area sounds like fun and a good idea. As someone who can't make cross server TW it would be nice to get a chance to test myself against people from other servers especially now that cross server NW doesn't exist anymore​​
  • magiceffect
    magiceffect Posts: 162 Arc User
    1. xtw server should not be used a free for all pvp medium. Sounds like a nice idea, but if people already do not feel like pvp-ing on current servers, whut makes you think they would do that regularly on a diff one? They will at start, but it will die off pretty soon.
    2. a totally new server which forces ppl to start from scratch might also sound fun and all, but as people already sanely pointed out, existing servers would get squashed. why take the already dwindling active population and move them somewhere else (time spent on a new server = less time spent on existing).

    @orinj I take it that you guys already identified resources to commit to a new plan, so its all good news. I would however urge you to consider investing those resources to vital needs:
    1. Work on a server transfer stone. This is the single most desired thing right now.
    2. PWI as a software project needs some time for cleanup and stabilization. Find performance tweaks, optimize server communication, make it a solid app.
    3. Based on 2, maybe it is a sane thing to ask China about upgrading the graphics engine (latest Angellica version). It might do wonders to how people see the game.
    4. In my wild fantasies, you guys would also vastly upgrade the auditing capabilities. Inspecting/Recording some behavioral data of characters and interactions will easily give you enough data to identify people with more than 3 characters (besides IP which can easily be faked). With a bit of effort, bots are very easy to find.

    Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3):
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Some of this is getting really off topic. I dont see anywhere orinj suggested we would flip all servers pvp. This debate is moot. I think the question was actually do we want a pvp server to be made. Given, there have been ideas how best to do that , but.. Flipping all servers pvp after decades of pve is not likely.

    That said i think both sides can keep it respectful....
  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Seems to me that new server... no. Remember why the servers were merged in the first place? Spreading people out is not a very good idea, as nostalgic as it sounds to have forced PvP.

    However, some always-open, cross-server area for PvP? Not too large (so easy to maintain and promotes more combat) would be great. Forced pvp, no rules in that area. But no gear drops either because I can't see how gear drop would work cross server. Not sure how hard this is to code though.

    Idea: Take a map that already exists but which isn't too big. Maybe the instance they are currently using for the event with the monkeys. Make it into a cross server area. Set up an npc that ports you into it. Perhaps have it set so that different classes port to different spots to spread people out a little bit. No spawn-killing as you enter, 30seconds immune or something.

    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • creysero
    creysero Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    superfedee wrote: »
    orinj wrote: »
    superfedee wrote: »
    @orinj first things first tho mate can you please fix the thursday tournament please, players are starving for cross-server battles tiger-46.gif

    I'll ask about this one as well tonight. Thanks. -Orinj

    thank you very much @orinj
    also one thing that absolutely has to be brought to china is that game engine needs to be updated, game needs at least to start use GPU and to support multi-threading (atm elementiclient.exe uses only 1 core, and doesnt use GPU at a point that Shadowplay finds nothing to record when you run the client), this issue is at the base of the unbearable lag in pretty much all the main PvP instances​​

    Fix this please!! You can keep on making updates etc but with 75% of the people having 1 FPS this game is just worthlesssss. Also stop wasting your time on creating a new server when we barely have people on those servers we have atm and use the money on fixing the FPS issue instead. And since all servers we have atm are kinda dead i would rather have another merge then anything else :)
  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    orinj wrote: »
    PVP Server
    Would you guys be interested in a no-holds barred, PVP server?
    Hell Yes I would be!
    orinj wrote: »
    Sounds crazy, right?
    Nah it doesn't sound crazy. It sounds like home.
    I lead the oldest active/competitive faction in this game, created in 2008 on one of your 2 original servers (Lost City / Heavens Tear). Currently as of this post we are in 3rd place as far as Land Count on our server, and we are ranked 9th place across all servers in cross-server TW.
    My faction came from one of the 2 PvP Servers, which were both forcibly merged into PvE servers instead of being merged together with each other.
    orinj wrote: »
    And what do I mean by no-holds barred: no GM presence, no GM help, just player vs. player, in an "unregulated" server (hacks and cheats will still net you an insta-ban ^_^).
    We'd give everyone on that server an Illusionary Crystal after they get to X-level (this to dissuade people from making throwaway characters), a PVP care package, and possibly some other items to allow people to hit the ground running.
    The purpose of this server would be the same as a Japanese Red Room. In Japan, some businesses have Red Rooms where people go in to yell, air grievances, settle quarrels with raised voices, vent, scream, etc. - BUT - when they exit the Red Room, they gotta leave all of that behind. Yup, you can't take it with you. Leave all your anger, pains, and stressors in the PVP server.
    It might also give you an opportunity to live out an alternate life. Maybe you'll have a whole new identity, new friends, new allegiances, I dunno, lol.
    I'd love to get your thoughts on this!
    Would love to know your thoughts, any concerns related to this, feasibility, logistics, etc. Thanks in advance.
    That sure sounds fantastic @orinj ! I know a ton of people in my community who would absolutely love this. I sure do hope you can make this happen!
    orinj wrote: »
    In-game Events
    Which in-game events are y'alls favorites? I'm not familiar with any of them, so I wanted to just and see what y'all like before I have the Devs queue them up. Why would I serve you split-pea soup, if you want tomato bisque, right?
    It would be really helpful if you let me know which events you like and why so I can better cater to y'alls tastes.
    I love many of this game's events which are already in place. They are fantastic! Unfortunately, many of them are broken and do not function as intended due to conflict with being on a PvE-Server. It would be great if you could find a way to make them function properly again! :D Actually, a whole lot of the newest content put out to us is designed to work on the standard unaltered version of this game and has lost purpose+functionality due to being on a PvE server. Here are some examples ^_^:

    On a PvE Server:
    - Weekly Resource Wars event does not function correctly
    ***** You can not defend your guild's carts
    ***** You can not defend your guild's base
    ***** Throw away alt factions can take advantage and profit off of this

    - Cross-Server TW Glitches, where "Blue Name" Players can still be killed but can not attack opponents

    - Only 2 Classes matter in any boss battle in which players compete
    ***** Open Map World Bosses
    ***** Primal Card Boss
    ***** Any main map boss
    ***** City of Abombinations Weekly Instance
    ***** Public Quests 1, 2, & 3
    ***** Duskblade + Assassin are top 2 DD classes, MOB ownership is determined by DD. Other classes only amp

    - Open World Weekly Events (Such as Tigers on Monday) are strictly dominated by the ranged/teleport classes
    ***** Tiger Event, all mobs are 1 shot and thus advantage to ranged class + infinite teleport class
    ***** Dragon Temple, extreme reduced speed thus advantage to ranged class + infinite teleport class

    - Class Specific Venomancer Daily is broken
    ***** Requires you to flag/use a work around glitch to participate if blue name

    - Caravan Primal Daily is broken
    ***** Requires you to flag white to participate if blue name

    - Foe System from Recent Expansion is broken
    ***** You can't seek out opponents to fight in VIP system if they are blue name

    - Faction Status Colors from Recent Update is broken
    ***** Faction Status Colors make you unable to see who is flagged white and who is not
    ***** They are intended for a world where everyone is always flagged white

    - Future Content will continue to be plagued with bugs and/or be broken

    ^ All of the above, are directly as result of being on a PvE server
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • chibichi
    chibichi Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Extra new PVP server:
    No because; in large part players haven't got time anymore.
    1) For a second fulltime character on another server, due the super heavy amount of daily quests that players must do to stay "somewhat competitive for pvp".
    2) If they abandon ther main character, the other servers become more empty (remember why servers got merged in the first place?)

    Some reasons why PVP in PWI have problems:
    • I believe the amount of people that are more into PVE is way bigger then the amount of people that is into PVP. (I assume the amount of active ZEN chargers is mostly coming from the hardcore pvp sector.)
    • New players that haven't played PWI ever before, need A LOT of time to catch up and to be abel to find satisfying PVP at all. (PVP offspring is very low.)

    Ideas how to make PWI run better and more active:
    Merge again servers, 4 into 2. And turn them to PVE servers. For the simple reason that people should be abel to have the decision to stay PVE or go PVE/PK after level 30. Nobody should be forced into PK. I believe it's possible to do it happend succesfully once in the past. The minority that simply just want to pk can go whitename and farm each other as often as they want, whenever they want. Additional that way ther wouldn't be a need to create/code special new X-server areas for pvp etc.

    • Instead of having crazy changes like a new game engine; add a button to prevent genies from showing. My game got so mutch more laggy since the realease of genies and ther isn't any way to disabel them. Less lag, more fun.

    Add PVP/PK ranking on the servers (visible on the PWI website) like back then in 2009 (Kills on server "XXX total number" / Kill per death ratio "3.2 kills per death"/ Kills by class "XXX number")

    Cross-Server NW (players are assigned with random system to nation, or a "player-balance-system" that will keep player nation numbers equal. (So for example, no Nation end up having 800 players and others 300.)

    • Make Names in X-PVP events public

    • Review/test class balance, increase or nerf skills (Stormbringers, Duskblades, Seekers and Mystics, Clerics)

    • Release the PVP-Cross server Turnament (CN already have that)

    Release more titles or some kind of archivments, that people can obtained PVE related (killed 5000 monsters "MonsterSmasher" etc.), but also PVP titles that are beeing obtained by kills/purge/stuns/debuffs etc. in PVP (purged 1000 players "The face of Evil" etc.)

    Random fun ideas:
    • Add new smileys on the botique, increase ther price but make them premant and tradeabel
    • Put NEW Pack fashions, mounts and flyers on botique or biddinghall
    • Make Venomancer battlepets dyeabel (we can dye mounts already!)
    Allow same sex/gender marriage and embrancing/holding
    Duke shouts a server msg when people are getting divorced, haha
    • Releasing finally male venomancers and female barbs
    Add a TAIL! To the Venomancer style presets that have NO TAIL (like bunny veno or antenna/horns veno)
    • Add more style presets to the Untamed Race (racoon venomancer or white wolf barbarian etc.)

    This should get fixed, my monitoring as a venomancer of what's going wrong:
    • Give all tameabel venomancer pets a additional evolution step. (only ~19 pets can evolve at the moment) Right now I consider every pet as useless for PVP that isn't: 1) Legendary 2) Evolved (Avatar of War, Battlebot, Harpy, Phoenix, Herc). Other regular tameabel pets that are high level (level 100+), evolved and have additonal buffs etc. still just die in serious (group) PVP.

    Redo/Revive/Add/Incrase pet skills; like Sacrifice/ Flash Ream/ Bash/ Penetrate / Bloodhunger etc. they are not having any updated effect anymore in PVP (Sacrifice does 1000 dmg while pet 'suicide' [Lose 75% of current HP to inflict 400% of Pet's base physical damage to an enemy.]) What's 1000 dmg right now, while people have 50.000 HP? Or the pet skill 'Flash Ream' that is inflicting dmg based on the targets physical defense. It doesn't even tickle anyone with the current amounts of Physcial Defense or Magic Resistance in pvp, also ther is no smart aggro control of the pet nor serious debuffs.

    Upgrade/Redo pet Mood buffs/skills! I am rerolling stats and mood of my Battlebot (225 Gold) now since I got it, I still haven't have the mood I like and I rerolled it countless times. Same for my Avatar of War pet which I reroll it's mood for around 2 years now but still end up not having the mood(level of buff/skills) that I wish. It's just to random to get a good pet mood and ADDITIONAL to be that lucky to hit a high level on the buffs/skills of the mood (which is absulute random too, rofl), or get good pet stats when the stats are beeing rerolled. Also most mood buffs/skills have a to low % amount to be interesting/usefully. (2% chance on random stun/seal while attacking, is nothing!)

    Fix the pet movement (Phoenix doesn't fly from ground-to air after evolving anymore), and other pets too. Also they glitch and get stuck on the TW map (changing lines and sides in TW with pet = pet get stuck = veno need to fly or resummone it all time. (The pet "Windwalking Piggy"/ evolved "Lil' Dolphy" still move the way 'pets should move, without bugging and glitching', why not copy the code and fix the movment of all the others pets?)

    Increase the 'player dmg reduction buff' for pets; Venomancer battlepets are still that weak that most venos end up, not even reviving them anymore. The new pet heal helps a little but that will be gone once players turn stronger (G17 weaps upgrade, starchart, higher spirit /boundary lvls etc.)

    Increase the amount of FERAL SOULS that venomancers get from the instance 'Lycaeum of cultivation', which are necessary to evolve/reroll mood/stats of pets. Or decrease the amount of FS that are needed to reroll stats/mood etc.

    Post edited by chibichi on

  • inzain93
    inzain93 Posts: 45 Arc User

    "Hi I'm ReckUrWorld your number 2 active pker over every server when you use to keep count. You took a game that was amazingly fun to play due to the fact that you could kill someone anywhere out of safezone and made me play on a server of carebears. Please bring back the fun that was PVP servers. This game is centered around fighting and since the server merge RPK/PVP has all but died. You forced us to play a different way and it has sucked horribly. In my humble opinion play PWI on a PVP server or GTFO."

    So now you wanna force others to play your way instead? Selfish much? And you're right.. that is YOUR humble opinion. Let's keep it that way instead of name calling people with other gameplay preferences than your own. Furthermore, your RPK/PVP was dying prior to the server merge and not after the server merge took place.

    The best solution would be to make a cross server pk instance which is available 24/7 to every player from all servers. That way the game would always offer pvp to those who wants it.
  • tek1nig
    tek1nig Posts: 793 Arc User
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    @orinj There's a reason why PvP servers were more dead than PvE servers and mergers had to happen.
    Give that some thought and let it sink in, what it will do when you turn PvE servers into PvP ones?

    I came from the Harshlands and I had fun morning noon and night and to me the server was bustling with players all growing and wanting to fight and have fun. My faction the BankaiGOD's was a middle tier'd guild. There were 3 dominating factions on the harshlands which were largely composed of the heavily competitive players all seeking to merge everything into there guild to overcome the others. So from their perspective "oh QQ nobody to PVP - Because they merged every other faction who cared to pvp into themselves".

    That's not a design flaw of PVP as it happens on the PVE server as well, that's simply human nature of greed for power then when its too late seeing the consequences of their search for power.

    I've been playing this game almost 9 years - of those years most were on a PVP server and not only did PVP server players have more fun with the game, we were able to mold alliances to fight our rivals because this allowed us to have a fighting chance to conquer those that would pose a threat on the open world pvp.

    Today I consider uninstalling on a daily basis because of the lack of fun this game gives. For 1 year since the merge this PVE server nonsense has given me shame for me spending so many years on a character that is almost 100% unused on the battle field. I have wept for the friends that have uninstalled the game because it went PVE and the many more who leave daily because they play the game to have fun. Not to Come from WORK to open PWI and go to PWI WORK from non-stop - repetitive PVE.

    This entire server PvE situation is an outrage and if we are to grow as a community we must cast off the training wheels. How long do you expect to stay safe in the cocoon known as PVE? I know there are many "Vocal PVE" players that will post here do not change. But DO NOT BE FOOLED @orinj The PvP players are simply too lazy to waste time posting because they don't think their opinion matters because of how we were all tossed into PVE.


    Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc :
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  • noctusvenator
    noctusvenator Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Honestly, the fact that we are still FORCED to play on a PVE server despite joining this game for the PVP potential is horrible.

    The only thing right now actually keeping me in the game is the large amount of both time and money I have spent leveling and gearing up my character. The events in the game no longer offer any enjoyment as they are dominated by people in 'PVE' mode and everything dies way to quickly.

    Resource Wars is no longer fun. On Harshlands the event would nearly always last 30-50mins where people would defend their base and carts from enemy factions while attempting to kill the carts and base of another faction to gain maximum points.

    Celestial Tigers on a monday evening is no longer interesting. People used to farm mobs/points and defend their little areas from other players, this is no longer possible as the event lasts no more than 5 mins with 'PVE' mode people killing everything with no chance for anyone to stop them.

    I personally do not see the appeal of playing on a PVE server when all of the PVE content is so short and easy. The newest instance 'Uncharted Paradise' which has been called the hadest instance in the game is now completed in 15-45mins max and only 3-5 squads run per day mostly consisting of the same people.

    If all of the mobs and instances/caves in the game are so easy and you cannot PVP open world then let me ask you this. What is the point of upgrading your gear? What is the point of farming your Star Charts? Of opening your Meridian gates? If upgrading your gear gives you nothing new to achieve other than bragging about your new gear then why even bother?

    I do not have full endgame gear. I do not have maximum refines or shards. I do not have level 105x3. I do not have any War Avatar Card set bonus. I do not have a max aptitude and max level star chart.

    All of this content to me seems to be un needed as upgrading to be blocked in events by people hiding in 'PVE' mode would be pointless and time wasting.

    I have never. EVER. been blue name. I refuse to enter PVE mode because I joined this game for PVP and while I may not always win I find high levels of enjoyment and motivation to upgrade my character through both the wins and losses related to the open-world PVP this game used to offer.

    I see many people with the very best gear, refines, shards, cards and all the other content that this game can offer however they always remain in 'PVE' mode, this is a huge waste of both time and money as every single instance in this game can be completed without such content. Infact G16 (Nirvana/Lunar) is more than enough for the majority of instances.

    The game has become very slow and to be completly honest with you it has become fairly boring playing with people who are remaining in 'PVE' mode for life.

    If anything like this goes forwards I would like to either see all servers go PVP or a brand new server is released with free server transfers available to anybody who wishes to be on a PVP server.

    Having a 'Cross server arena' for pvp solves nothing. It just makes another PVP zone similar to Silverpool on DawnGlory or West Gate on other servers (I have heard) where people will just talk **** in a safezone and then go back and hide in 'PVE' mode upon leaving.
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    tek1nig wrote: »
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    @orinj There's a reason why PvP servers were more dead than PvE servers and mergers had to happen.
    Give that some thought and let it sink in, what it will do when you turn PvE servers into PvP ones?

    PVP server players have more fun with the game

    Some of your guys' arguments are lacking data (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ​​
  • nbreaking
    nbreaking Posts: 607 Arc User
    eirghan wrote: »
    tek1nig wrote: »
    dblazen1 wrote: »
    @orinj There's a reason why PvP servers were more dead than PvE servers and mergers had to happen.
    Give that some thought and let it sink in, what it will do when you turn PvE servers into PvP ones?

    PVP server players have more fun with the game

    Some of your guys' arguments are lacking data (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ​​

    Pretty much.

    "I have more fun with PvP in a PvP server" and "PvP server players have more fun with the game" are 2 different statements.

    If they turn the servers to PvP most people will quit like "your" ppl quit when they got changed to PvE. So, you've seen what happens when you get changed from the environment you know to one you don't want first hand, however you want to do that to everyone else.

    The PvPers left when they got turned into PvE, now, let's turn all servers to PvP so that all the PvErs leave and then the game dies because both PvPers and PvErs left, genius.

    I agree they should have just merged the 2 PvP servers and be done with it, it was the most stupid move in PWE's history not only to merge the PvP servers into PvE but also about Harshlands+Morai. However, it's done and there's no going back.

    I honestly don't understand why PvPers have such a problem with PvE servers (apart from glitches like RW for example). Or better yet, I do understand... I understand your problem is that you can't kill lowbies and undergeared people. You can't rpk someone just because they disagree with your opinion. You can't halt someone's progress because you just don't like them.
    That's your problem, not that there isn't pvp, but that you can't kill people just because you want to. If you want PvP, there's always some at west or silver pool, oh, but wait, there you'd have to pvp against other people who also want to PvP and have the gear to do so, and ofc, you're not interested in that because you can't harass​​ them right?

    "OMG, you talked trash about me!!!!!! Let me kill your pixels over and over >:O I'm such a big bad boy ain't I?"

    Mr. Justice
  • ninjakitchenrulr
    ninjakitchenrulr Posts: 70 Arc User
    How about make all the servers pvp but your not forced into pvp mode until 101+?
  • darky26
    darky26 Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    orinj wrote: »
    In-game Events
    Which in-game events are y'alls favorites? I'm not familiar with any of them, so I wanted to just and see what y'all like before I have the Devs queue them up. Why would I serve you split-pea soup, if you want tomato bisque, right?
    It would be really helpful if you let me know which events you like and why so I can better cater to y'alls tastes.
    My favorite events so far:
    ~ Spring Festival Event
    It was hilarious being turned into an animal. The quest gave lovely exp too. I had so much fun! :smiley:
    Is it ok to link to an arc page? (let me know if it's a bad thing, and I'll edit). It's this one:–-spring-festival-event
    I'm not referring to the bosses, I'm mostly referring to the lamb of Blessing and the player transformation quest. It was hilarious! XD

    ~ April Fools’ Day Event
    Another very entertaining event that I had found so fun to participate in! ^_^
    I think it started with Auntie Guu NPC at Dreaming Stronghold.

    ~ Mayhem in Morai
    I enjoy this event very much too. We also have a status were we won't lose items (and exp?) I think, so even if people want to duel, that should be ok? I don't duel much, so I wouldn't know, I haven't tested it, but to see this status, puts my mind at ease. Either way I find it a very fun event.
  • noctusvenator
    noctusvenator Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    How about make all the servers pvp but your not forced into pvp mode until 101+?

    I like this idea a LOT. It gets rid of the silly idea that people seem to have that we only want a pvp server to 'hunt lowbies' (what a boring thing to do.)

    I would like to expand upon this idea however and say that we make ALL servers PVP. After level 30 you can choose between pvp/pve mode untill you hit SECOND reawaken level 100 where you are locked into pvp mode forever :)
  • scruncy
    scruncy Posts: 458 Arc User
    On Dawnglory at least 50% of the people that matter are white always. Why dont you start with this and have some of your fun with the people which are already white before you try to force the whole server ( who doesnt want this) into pvp mode? Or are you scared that those people are not just undergeared alts and might fight actualy back?
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Out of due respect, why is it that plans for PVP server is only consider now when such decision should of been made back before servers were merged even then none of the player base had say in that matter much-less
    No one asked any opinion about server combinations when the merge was about to happen.
    No one asked us if we want to keep pvp/pve servers at all.
    No one provided any reasons why servers were merged this way and not another. The only reason was made by players and that was: "to balance xNW, so that all servers could have approximately equal number". How did it end? It still was horribly unbalanced. Okay, we managed to fit in somehow and to have fun, but now they took away xNW too tiger-20.gif
    This means whole merge was pointless and removing pvp servers from game completely reasonless.

    What especially amazing is:
    orinj wrote: »
    Would you guys be interested in a no-holds barred, PVP server? Sounds crazy, right? And what do I mean by no-holds barred: no GM presence, no GM help, just player vs. player, in an "unregulated" server
    Does it really sound crazy to you? We had it for 7 years, untill merge that happened less than a year ago normal-20.gif And yes, it sounds like home.
    So now you wanna force others to play your way instead?
    It wasn't our way O__o It was a way provided by PWI, and we chose it, and then it was taken away. You sound like we should be happy with whatever devs/GMs are cooking for us, but why? Are you a person without any preferences? Do you obidiently like or dislike what you are told to like or dislike? Sorry, it doesn't work like that. I can't cast a spell and magically love another way of playing the game pig-47.gif
    I would understand if there was a solid valid reason to remove pvp servers and it proved to be good, but as we see it proved nothing and now it's simply nonexistent.

    UPD. Forgot to add what event I like. I liked cross server Nation Wars pig-43.gif Despair and hopelessness, right? pig-2.gif​​
  • inzain93
    inzain93 Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    Maybe you should read the post i was replying to.

    Your PvP server forces pk onto everyone instead of allowing free choice to each and every player. Your PvP servers were merged into the PvE servers because your PvP servers were "dying." If you want pk so badly then stay white-named or go to a private server instead of forcing your preferences onto others by asking all servers to become PvP.

    As it is now, people can choose. And you want to remove the players ability to choose for themselves because of your own wish to harass anyone you see or don't like.
  • rieihdius
    rieihdius Posts: 468 Arc User
    nbreaking wrote: »

    "I have more fun with PvP in a PvP server" and "PvP server players have more fun with the game" are 2 different statements.

    If they turn the servers to PvP most people will quit like "your" ppl quit when they got changed to PvE. So, you've seen what happens when you get changed from the environment you know to one you don't want first hand, however you want to do that to everyone else.

    The PvPers left when they got turned into PvE, now, let's turn all servers to PvP so that all the PvErs leave and then the game dies because both PvPers and PvErs left, genius.

    I agree they should have just merged the 2 PvP servers and be done with it, it was the most stupid move in PWE's history not only to merge the PvP servers into PvE but also about Harshlands+Morai. However, it's done and there's no going back.

    I honestly don't understand why PvPers have such a problem with PvE servers (apart from glitches like RW for example). Or better yet, I do understand... I understand your problem is that you can't kill lowbies and undergeared people. You can't rpk someone just because they disagree with your opinion. You can't halt someone's progress because you just don't like them.
    That's your problem, not that there isn't pvp, but that you can't kill people just because you want to. If you want PvP, there's always some at west or silver pool, oh, but wait, there you'd have to pvp against other people who also want to PvP and have the gear to do so, and ofc, you're not interested in that because you can't harass​​ them right?

    "OMG, you talked trash about me!!!!!! Let me kill your pixels over and over >:O I'm such a big bad boy ain't I?"

    + 10000
    This is exactly what I think.

    I understand the PVPrs rage about being put on a PVE server but that gives them no right to force other people to play the way they want.

    How about make all the servers pvp but your not forced into pvp mode until 101+?

    The problem is not only about low levels being pked by players 100+, is more about a gear issue.
    Just yesterday I saw 2 white name players dead on that area where you do the new monkey king quest, those players were not from tw faction and no r9, just some average g16 bad refined players.

    Believe it or not there are people max geared that enjoy killing undergeared players, that primal caravan quest is an example, and no, they don't kill them on the AOE by accident, sometimes they are just camping the caravan and some low geared person enters the map to do the other quest, and the pker just tab them and 1-shot just for the lulz. I even saw some troll pking people at that quest ''This war O'mine''

    Of course not all people rage about it on world chat and not all can be killed since most are blue named, so is not really a know issue but it happens more often than what you may think.

    In my opinion PWE should never had merged pvp server into a pve one. What they should really do is make another server and give the chance to all the players from those old pvp servers to go there (server transfer).

    An idea that has always been on my head about a PVP event, but that probably will never see the light due the amount of code/time needed to do is:

    A big or mid size map, something like momaganon, morai or primal maybe but totally pvp oriented.

    - This hypothetical place could be open all day (just like those maps) so you can enter whenever you want or can.

    - All the people that enter on this map is automatically on pvp mode (something like nw or tw).

    - There could be a couple of small towns inside the map that are no PK (safe zones), those areas would be the spawn points and have some npcs like banker, mailbox, apothecary, etc..

    - This map could have bosses inside which are extremely powerful and can be linked to some sort of pvp event (ideas welcome :D ).

    - There could be some sort of PK ranking related to that place.

    - The map could have diferent areas oriented to diferent kind of PKrs, maybe one area is some sort kill safe (no drops like nw), while other areas could be more dangerous but with rewards based on the number of kills or something.

    - There could even be some sort of realms(something like primal history mode). Those realms could be based on the level of the players, their gear or whatever.

    - There could be some kind of alliance this of course totally unrelated to factions, something more like the morai order.

    Of course this is just an idea that I had since long time ago, and as I said before I see it almost impossible to become real on this game, but maybe you or someone else can at least get something useful from it. :)

This discussion has been closed.