Any Interest in a no-holds barred, PVP server? + Which events do you like? + Custom pet or mount?
superfedee wrote: »what if, even better idea, you make in the cross-server a cross-server pk area accessible at any time?
that would be ludicrous, there would be pk at any hour!!! any faction of any server would pk any other faction of any other server man that would be insane, even the deads will return back to play pwi
Make this happen, I am not into PvP myself, but I see how this could bring so much life back to the game because then people who love to PvP can just go PvP together and challenge other servers. I think they'd be satisfied.
However, I don't think it should be just any area. It should still be the main map, because most pvpers love that above everything else, the idea of pvping in a huge free environment.
@orinj I know I'm reaching far with this idea now as I am aware it would be very hard to implement, but what if you even let them do things there? Most things I mean, like, for example, they can do dailies on the PvP server and even farm together BUT they cannot do trades nor drop items (to obligate them to keep wtv they farm in the current server they belong to).
So, for example, you could do UP with people from other servers but then, wtv you get, you can't trade or drop it anymore. When you get back to the normal server however you can.
Again, I know this is a bit of a stretch, but this would make the game simply amazing for everyone.
EDIT: Mount. I don't want more pets that do nothing but look pretty :x I wanna ride a new beast
Mr. Justice0 -
Hi, gang. If we haven't met, my name's Orinj and I'm the head of the US Studio that runs PWI.
I've already introduced myself in a couple of other threads, but I figure it'd be worth mentioning one last time, in case we haven't had the pleasure to meet up to this point. In any case, it's nice to meet y'all.
I have a couple of questions for you today.
PVP Server
Would you guys be interested in a no-holds barred, PVP server? Sounds crazy, right? And what do I mean by no-holds barred: no GM presence, no GM help, just player vs. player, in an "unregulated" server (hacks and cheats will still net you an insta-ban ^_^).
We'd give everyone on that server an Illusionary Crystal after they get to X-level (this to dissuade people from making throwaway characters), a PVP care package, and possibly some other items to allow people to hit the ground running.
The purpose of this server would be the same as a Japanese Red Room. In Japan, some businesses have Red Rooms where people go in to yell, air grievances, settle quarrels with raised voices, vent, scream, etc. - BUT - when they exit the Red Room, they gotta leave all of that behind. Yup, you can't take it with you. Leave all your anger, pains, and stressors in the PVP server.
It might also give you an opportunity to live out an alternate life. Maybe you'll have a whole new identity, new friends, new allegiances, I dunno, lol.
I'd love to get your thoughts on this!
Would love to know your thoughts, any concerns related to this, feasibility, logistics, etc. Thanks in advance.
In-game Events
Which in-game events are y'alls favorites? I'm not familiar with any of them, so I wanted to just and see what y'all like before I have the Devs queue them up. Why would I serve you split-pea soup, if you want tomato bisque, right?
It would be really helpful if you let me know which events you like and why so I can better cater to y'alls tastes.
What would you prefer: a custom mount or pet?
If we had the opportunity as a game to create our own pet or mount, which would you choose?
We'd get to choose the type - pet or mount - and what it would look like, down to every bit of detail. It would be completely new, built from scratch. I'm not asking for specific details or designs - not yet at least - just which you'd prefer, pet or mount.
I'm heading to China in September and am hoping to get this initiative underway.
Sounds like fun, no?
Looking forward to hearing your responses.
For PVP server:
NO and iam saying this cause we must start from lvl1 gearing spending money creating an economy base in a new server.
The only way is to be an area in a common server so people can enter and pvp freely with other people. But even with this we have ping problems depending the location of the server.
For In-game events:
I never do them cause times isnt on my free time
About custom mount/pet
I vote for mount. At least i can travel with something unique and style
At last happy to meet you, and i hope as the most members on forum to not loose you after some time.0 -
Hi, gang. If we haven't met, my name's Orinj and I'm the head of the US Studio that runs PWI.
I've already introduced myself in a couple of other threads, but I figure it'd be worth mentioning one last time, in case we haven't had the pleasure to meet up to this point. In any case, it's nice to meet y'all.
I have a couple of questions for you today.
PVP Server
Would you guys be interested in a no-holds barred, PVP server? Sounds crazy, right? And what do I mean by no-holds barred: no GM presence, no GM help, just player vs. player, in an "unregulated" server (hacks and cheats will still net you an insta-ban ^_^).
We'd give everyone on that server an Illusionary Crystal after they get to X-level (this to dissuade people from making throwaway characters), a PVP care package, and possibly some other items to allow people to hit the ground running.
The purpose of this server would be the same as a Japanese Red Room. In Japan, some businesses have Red Rooms where people go in to yell, air grievances, settle quarrels with raised voices, vent, scream, etc. - BUT - when they exit the Red Room, they gotta leave all of that behind. Yup, you can't take it with you. Leave all your anger, pains, and stressors in the PVP server.
It might also give you an opportunity to live out an alternate life. Maybe you'll have a whole new identity, new friends, new allegiances, I dunno, lol.
I'd love to get your thoughts on this!
Would love to know your thoughts, any concerns related to this, feasibility, logistics, etc. Thanks in advance.
In-game Events
Which in-game events are y'alls favorites? I'm not familiar with any of them, so I wanted to just and see what y'all like before I have the Devs queue them up. Why would I serve you split-pea soup, if you want tomato bisque, right?
It would be really helpful if you let me know which events you like and why so I can better cater to y'alls tastes.
What would you prefer: a custom mount or pet?
If we had the opportunity as a game to create our own pet or mount, which would you choose?
We'd get to choose the type - pet or mount - and what it would look like, down to every bit of detail. It would be completely new, built from scratch. I'm not asking for specific details or designs - not yet at least - just which you'd prefer, pet or mount.
I'm heading to China in September and am hoping to get this initiative underway.
Sounds like fun, no?
Looking forward to hearing your responses.
For PVP server:
NO and iam saying this cause we must start from lvl1 gearing spending money creating an economy base in a new server.
Doing again and again dailies for all these skills and upgrades creating again a Home for more dailies and skills upgrades.
Except if there is a plan the new players to have full skills as a gift and tt99 full set or something else.
As you know opening meridian and other stuff in game to gain some extra stats takes time. Unless if you want clearly a cashing pvp server to get more money.
The only way is to be an area in a common server so people can enter and pvp freely with other people. But even with this we have ping problems depending the location of the server.
For In-game events:
I never do them cause times isnt on my free time
About custom mount/pet
I vote for mount. At least i can travel with something unique and style
At last happy to meet you, and i hope as the most members on forum to not loose you after some time.
0 -
Hi, gang. If we haven't met, my name's Orinj and I'm the head of the US Studio that runs PWI.
I've already introduced myself in a couple of other threads, but I figure it'd be worth mentioning one last time, in case we haven't had the pleasure to meet up to this point. In any case, it's nice to meet y'all.
I have a couple of questions for you today.
PVP Server
Would you guys be interested in a no-holds barred, PVP server? Sounds crazy, right? And what do I mean by no-holds barred: no GM presence, no GM help, just player vs. player, in an "unregulated" server (hacks and cheats will still net you an insta-ban ^_^).
We'd give everyone on that server an Illusionary Crystal after they get to X-level (this to dissuade people from making throwaway characters), a PVP care package, and possibly some other items to allow people to hit the ground running.
The purpose of this server would be the same as a Japanese Red Room. In Japan, some businesses have Red Rooms where people go in to yell, air grievances, settle quarrels with raised voices, vent, scream, etc. - BUT - when they exit the Red Room, they gotta leave all of that behind. Yup, you can't take it with you. Leave all your anger, pains, and stressors in the PVP server.
It might also give you an opportunity to live out an alternate life. Maybe you'll have a whole new identity, new friends, new allegiances, I dunno, lol.
I'd love to get your thoughts on this!
Would love to know your thoughts, any concerns related to this, feasibility, logistics, etc. Thanks in advance.
In-game Events
Which in-game events are y'alls favorites? I'm not familiar with any of them, so I wanted to just and see what y'all like before I have the Devs queue them up. Why would I serve you split-pea soup, if you want tomato bisque, right?
It would be really helpful if you let me know which events you like and why so I can better cater to y'alls tastes.
What would you prefer: a custom mount or pet?
If we had the opportunity as a game to create our own pet or mount, which would you choose?
We'd get to choose the type - pet or mount - and what it would look like, down to every bit of detail. It would be completely new, built from scratch. I'm not asking for specific details or designs - not yet at least - just which you'd prefer, pet or mount.
I'm heading to China in September and am hoping to get this initiative underway.
Sounds like fun, no?
Looking forward to hearing your responses.
Am I reading this correctly? Are your kinda saying that you will also provide gear and Level for anyone on that server, like regulated and equal PvP-Arenas that also exist in other games where anyone would have the same gears and could PvP all they want just to vent their Anger? That would be beyond awesome.
As far as Events are concerned: I really would appreciate more PvP-related Events. We got one up the horizon for quite a long time actually but it doesnt work. The Revamped Version of the Thursday-Night Tournament. There should be an intra-Server Version and a Cross-Server Version (which you have to qualify for in the intra-Version first) but neither of them work atm. Also more PvP-Possibilities revolving around Cross-Server would be just awesome..I mean why spent so much money and/or time on your char when you cant clash with others? Cross-Server Nation Wars are also dearly missed by a majority of the playerbase0 -
That PvP server sounds fun, but most players don't have time to maintain an extra character ontop of their main character (and possibly a handfull of active alts they may have). There are just too many things to do in terms of character progression.
I think it's best to focus on improving the servers we already have.
- Modify Resource Wars to require PK mode in order to participate (which is how it was supposed to be).
- Bring back cross-server Nation Wars which a lot of people love. If possible, modify it so that players are assigned to Nations randomly instead of having one Nation per server.
- As it's been suggested; add a (large) cross-server PvP area in Wargod Gulch (cross-server realm) where people can enter anytime and PvP. Ideally, that PvP area provides everyone with a set of gear so that anyone can join in without having to worry about the gear gap.
@orinj and since you are going to China, I believe you could make a thread and listen to some of the players' requests so that you can pass them on to the Chinese developers.
Otherwise here are a few requests I have:
- A better attemp to rebalance classes and skills. We only get small updates here and there. I think it's time the developers look at the bigger picture and try to update the current balance, even if that requires improving multiple skills or nerfing some.
- An update to Venomancer pets as they've become pretty weak in PvP. A possible solution would be to allow Heal Pet to grant pets AOE damage reduction from players and/or improving the stats they gain from the Venomancer.
- Make Fashion Weapons permanent or introduce Fashion Weapons in the Event Boutique. Also, add Fox smileys in the Event Boutique.
0 -
+1 to Cross Server PK Zone open at all times.
As for events, any will be exploited by a few with legions of alts/accounts.ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?0 -
I'm going to show how noob i am so I apologize in advance.
Rather than yet another server - how hard is it to use the realm system like PWE uses in forsaken world and other games? Why not a realm that's no holds barred pvp? That prevents people from having to create level and gear up yet anther toon and still gives them the ability to live in the pvp realm if that's what they want. (And sorry if this has been mentioned - I'm afraid I didn't read through every single thread.)
Events -- Couldn't tell you since they all occur at 2000 server time and I'm afraid I have to get to bed so I can be coherent at work the next day. The few chances I had to do some of them, I enjoyed them. Did City of Abominations long time ago once, Jungle Ruins, Dragon Temple (underwater/pk/ Tuesday event???). Enjoy nation wars, territory wars, xTW, and probably would like resource wars if I had more of a chance to go. Never got to try celestial tigers, but I don't like events like that that essentially lock out lower or less geared players from the higher rewards or the boss drops. (I may not know enough about the tigers to know what I'm talking about though.)
I like that PWE has "renewed" older forgotten instances like nirvana and UCH with the new homestead system, and world quest with the new titles. I'd like to see that continue as -- there's still the snake island race, for example, which was usually a good laugh for me.
Mount or pet -- mount, for sure. Pets are useless except for venos and then all class pets are useless for venos if they need their battle pet. Pets go away as soon as I fly or get carried by my spouse. While I don't use my mount much, it's more useful than a pet. Request -- please not so big it hides half the screen like the xTW dragons.0 -
All pretty good suggestions in here! When I have the time I may put my own two cents in a bigger post. We've had so many events come in and out of PWI's existence, I wouldn't expect Orinj to know all of the like the back of their hand, especially when they aren't always consistent.
I can see the pros and cons of bringing your own characters into the cross server as well as trying to make your own. If you go with people bringing their toons in, you'll need to incentivize the USE of that server aside from it just being a kill all fest with no real rules. Rewards? GM ran tournaments? (I know you wanted no GM interference explicitly but maybe they could be there to host tournaments or at least run brackets off site and award players items for being in PvP server? Maybe player run tournaments but "Officially Sanctioned" by PWI, where you can get prizes for participating.) Hunger Games esque sort of competition? If you go in with new toons-you'll need to do it in a way that's very low barrier to entry and another server isn't free. You will also need to set the parameters of the server-will you have it be another server where people can create economies in, or will the NPC's be modified to where you can buy all your PvP needs inside that PvP server?
Jumping off what ding0488 mentioned-I noticed this for another PWE title that I think would be awesome here. A title that gives you a decent chunk of stats but is only given to players who exemplify what it means to be a stand up person of the community. Having something for this game doesn't seem too out of the question.⋆Have a question? Feel free to shoot me an ask!⋆0 -
Since some people are asking for all servers be made PvP i have to disagree and say make the one PvP server and find some way to do a transfer. There are several people who dont want to be on a PvP server, and yes while there were PvP servers merged into PvE servers. Having the one PvP server and transfers to it would be the better option, so you can satisfy both the PvP and PvE players. Will that mean less PvP on the PvE servers? Yes, but to the PvE players who want to play PvE it wont matter to them0
For the love of god yes let these tiny heart syndrome nabs catch these hands xD
Actually I agree with @superfedee for the fact a 24hr cross server pvp world (The gultch) would be something that appease the pve carebears and blood thirsty pvp veterans and all timezones have a much better shot at getting a good battle and settle cross server beef (yes this existed during xNW lol) Maybe even evolve it as previously stated with cross server factions and its own TW map but for the love of God NO GM IS ALLOWED TO PICK THE TIMES. Make a poll and post times availible and let the masses vote or make 3 month rotations for times be based on eu east and west coast hell add a 4th timezone why not this I think would be much more fun and fair play.
Side note: The only event and probably would make me consider agian joining a faction would be forcing people to be white name during RW but no drop item or loss of dolls like it originally was,because lets face on Da if you were from HL the event times suck as is and the only two factions actually competing for tw it got old doing the same things weekly no offense to either of them but thats not fun xDPost edited by blazerboy on105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Hi, gang. If we haven't met, my name's Orinj and I'm the head of the US Studio that runs PWI.
I've already introduced myself in a couple of other threads, but I figure it'd be worth mentioning one last time, in case we haven't had the pleasure to meet up to this point. In any case, it's nice to meet y'all.
I have a couple of questions for you today.
PVP Server
Would you guys be interested in a no-holds barred, PVP server? Sounds crazy, right? And what do I mean by no-holds barred: no GM presence, no GM help, just player vs. player, in an "unregulated" server (hacks and cheats will still net you an insta-ban ^_^).
We'd give everyone on that server an Illusionary Crystal after they get to X-level (this to dissuade people from making throwaway characters), a PVP care package, and possibly some other items to allow people to hit the ground running.
The purpose of this server would be the same as a Japanese Red Room. In Japan, some businesses have Red Rooms where people go in to yell, air grievances, settle quarrels with raised voices, vent, scream, etc. - BUT - when they exit the Red Room, they gotta leave all of that behind. Yup, you can't take it with you. Leave all your anger, pains, and stressors in the PVP server.
It might also give you an opportunity to live out an alternate life. Maybe you'll have a whole new identity, new friends, new allegiances, I dunno, lol.
I'd love to get your thoughts on this!
Would love to know your thoughts, any concerns related to this, feasibility, logistics, etc. Thanks in advance.
In-game Events
Which in-game events are y'alls favorites? I'm not familiar with any of them, so I wanted to just and see what y'all like before I have the Devs queue them up. Why would I serve you split-pea soup, if you want tomato bisque, right?
It would be really helpful if you let me know which events you like and why so I can better cater to y'alls tastes.
What would you prefer: a custom mount or pet?
If we had the opportunity as a game to create our own pet or mount, which would you choose?
We'd get to choose the type - pet or mount - and what it would look like, down to every bit of detail. It would be completely new, built from scratch. I'm not asking for specific details or designs - not yet at least - just which you'd prefer, pet or mount.
I'm heading to China in September and am hoping to get this initiative underway.
Sounds like fun, no?
Looking forward to hearing your responses.
No, this cannot, should not and more over MUST NOT happen.
We have been merged into a PVE environments on a game specifically designed for PVP. The overwhelming consensus would logically be to switch all servers to PVP. Which would therefore allow us to play this game the way it’s meant to be played and enjoy it to its fullest making new rivals and new allies to address the new world of dangers!
@Orinj I implore you please rethink and do a deep investigation of the abilities granted to your team as GM’s. Your team has the ability to set these servers as PVP this isn’t something we should have to restart for. I’ve been playing for 8 years now and I cringe at the idea of starting over and there are many people who can attest to that fact. Even given the small boosts that’s you’ve suggested, competitive PVPers who’ve spent tens of thousands are cast to the wayside with such an idea as a “New Server”.
We were lulled into a false sense of waiting for PVP settings by the former community manager and only recently found that the current one @thenamesdomino was not informed of our PVE SERVER SETTING predicament. Please switch us to PVP and be done with this mockery version of PWI and bring it back to the battle days of Glory.
Side Note: We have entire V.I.P. (Star Level) systems designed around PVP and Foe scouting which is currently unusable due to the fact that we are in a PVE mode setting. Please bring balance back to our game and change our names to the whitest of the white or the bloodiest of the REDS – WE YEARN FOR THE CHANGE THAT WAS PROMISED TO US!
Assassin - SyntherosX - 105, 105, 105 Calc :
Loyal Perfect World Player 9 Year Vet.
Youtube&LiveStream @ OROCx24
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
parrot2010 wrote: »What we will get with pvp server? Lack of people & pvp on others servers because pvp server will lure active ppl from them.
We need Invite a friend event or something else with the same rewards.
Get back x-nw please.
I was waiting for someone to say this, however to come to a silver lining to those who disliked xnw. Could we make it so people are randomly put into nations like the current non cross server nw? On a side note I can honestly say as a loyal player (played on Sanctuary server since it was a month old) I've never had much fun on a pwi event like XNW. It was really sad to see it disappear like that because it felt like pwi had hit a homerun. However I can understand the reasons for people disliking it, not only was the nation's unequal in terms of the number of players a server had but the start time was an issue. I think if you can fix it so it's random on who goes where instead of all players from one server going to one nation and have it on two separate days so each day are on different times (one for U.S. players and one for Euro players).
Also I'd like to see it so players can exchange NW tokens and XTW for G17 mats. Or at least an upgrade of what could be exchanged. I think by doing that it could allow players to feel like they're farming for mats again as well as allow players to experience the true nature of the game which is pvp.
0 -
I play in Harshlands since 2009, now Da.
1- why would u make a new server, we dont have enough ppl on servers, and even most quit because "how extremely expensive the game became, and second because pwi focus on people who cash shop only, leaving behind the real players who spend hours of farming playing all day long.
2- turn the servers into PVP. Is a must, even if "pve players" dont want to, they wont quit.
3- That "red area"you refer to, must be a "cross-server "area, so the 4 servers can bring their chars whenever they want.
4- Regarding Events: all of them which give a chance of getting "coins"in game like "smoke" or the one which sends you to diferent caves. Implement both normal NW and the Cross NW, dat would be rly awesome. ppl enjoy pvping and getting rewarded.
5 - Either mounts or pets are non-important factors, we already got lots of them and expensive.
6- BRING BACK THE DQ SYSTEM, let us farm something, to be able to survive in your servers, you know dat this is the most expensive game in the world, dont ya?0 -
Do not change all the servers to PVP, you will have up to 75% of your players quit. The PKers do need someplace to play, but the vast majority of your playerbase prefers pve servers. If they wanted pk nonstop they would have rolled on the pk servers originally.0
I will never understand PvP server players that keep begging about turning the PvE servers to PvP ones.
Yes, china is PvP server only, but obviously they created a switch that can make it PvE, so no, this game was never fully intended to be PvP server only.
There's not a single thing that is restraining you, the pvp player, to press that PK button and to never ever touch it again.
I have yet to see a single valid argument dismissing this. If EVERY single one of you PvP server people just turn on PK, where is your problem? You have your entire PvP server population in white named, while the rest can also mind their own business.
In my opinion this just makes PvP players a bunch of special MUH PVP SERVER snowflakes that are secretly just too cowardly to turn on PK and leave it on.
If a PvP server is the solution to anything, i wouldn't know. It depends on how that's set up. I don't think a lot of people would feel like rebirthing twice, and getting all the gear to decently pvp all over again. So that's the thing it depends on.
All I can say to PvP people: Deal with it. Hit that PK switch and never touch it again.The only fitting image for this forum.0 -
@dblazen1 as many have previously stated for how many months the issue with pve servers is there are 0 reprocussions for your actions in this game. You stand to lose nothing which makes this game very fun... To be able to watch people talk all the smack they want or steal stuff like primal world boss 0 contest or resource war makes this game a mockery of what it once was lol hell I cant do dailies without some annoying blue name in my way xD this game wasnt supposed to ever be pve hence why you can go inendgame instances and nuke a boss dead within 15 seconds (UP bosses) yep this game should be pve... I doubt ppl will quit over a pvp server. Many old HL quit Da due to time issues idk about lost city people who quit but im sure its because of the boredom pve servers house.105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
I would give my left-nut for a PvP Server.
I would reroll if necessary to get onto a PvP Server.
I would LOVE for the cross-server to be used to host no holds barred PvP.
The 2 PvP servers, Harshlands & Lost City were both merged into PvE servers and their populations were decimated by the decision to make your entire PvP Playerbase change to a PvE server. One of the U.S. time Zone PvP servers was even forced to switch to European time zone, It would have made SO MUCH MORE SENSE to merge the 2 PvP servers into 1.
In 2008, I chose to be on a PvP server for a reason.
PvE servers don't exist for this game in China. What we call a "PvP-Server" here is just the normal state of the game.
Our PvE servers have so many problems because they were never supposed to exist in the first place.
- There is a class specific instance for the Venomancer class which does not function properly, due to the settings changed to create a PvE server.
- There is a weekly 1 hour duration Open World Event, called Resource Wars, which is completely broken and doesn't function right due to the settings changed to create a PvE server.
- There is a daily quest to attack MOBs at a caravan which does not function properly, due to the settings changed to create a PvE server.
- Recent expansion gave us the Foe system which does not function properly, due to the settings changed to create a PvE server.
- The MOST RECENT PATCH, gave us a "Faction Status Colors" system which is useless and doesn't function properly, due to the settings changed to create a PvE server
- In a PvE server, World Bosses, Primal Boss, Weekly Events like City of Abominations, etc go to the highest DPS classes (Sin/Dusk). No other class can compete. The squad with the most of that class gets the drops.
- In a PvE server, botting has historically been an issue. It is not an issue on a normal server where bots can be removed by the playerbase
- In a PvE server, contests like tiger event are dominated exclusively by the ranged or quick teleport classes
- In PvP server there is not class KS'ing advantages.
Give us a PvP server back.Yes, china is PvP server only, but obviously they created a switch that can make it PvE,
I have yet to see a single valid argument dismissing this.I don't see why I have to be on a pvp server, when I didn't choose to. Thank you!I think a pvp server for those that want one sounds like a good idea.Explain why more than half of the original Lost City players are staying blue named. Face it.. it is only a few of you that actually want a PvP server. The rest of us are content playing at our own pace and we should be allowed to do so.
It is the same reason people who complained about hypers used hypers.
It is the same reason people who disagree with the PvP Mode glitch still use it.
If something offers an advantage that other people are using, it makes no sense to put yourself at a disadvantage.Post edited by daymond on | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | -
While i would love to see a pvp server, and pwi may make money off of the people who are willing to charge to end game from scratch, i dont think there is enough of a pvp population who would start all over again and throw away their thousands of dollars in gear, not to mention priceless items like cards, star charts and meridian, just to be on a pvp server. This game requires an extraordinary amount of time investment to keep up with the joneses in pvp. Generally the only people who can afford to pvp all of the time are people with both a lot of money and free time which is rare. I think because of the low demand pvpers would be in the end disappointed with their lack of selection in opponents. Truthfully while its great to have options i dont see a new server being in the long run financially sustainable.
I think the idea of an area people can port into to pvp is a great idea. Even better if there is a way for lower geared characters to equip something to bridge the gear gap that makes pvp at any time other than end game a nightmare. The item(s) could be still purchased for a reasonable fee so pwe could still make money while not forcing new players to charge thousands right off the bat to enjoy pvp. New players would not be run off with the vision of 5 years of questing and thousands of dollars investment. Pvpers would be happy to be able to pvp with a variety of opponents all while keeping the integrity and balance of current servers. Pveers would be happy because pvpers will not be so hungryand hopefully something like this will bring in money to pwi and enhance players current experience.
Mount or pet: mount!
Favorite event: spawn bosses in arochosaur!
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Depending on the specifics...the basics of a pvp server...i would love it
0 -
Explain why more than half of the original Lost City players are staying blue named. Face it.. it is only a few of you that actually want a PvP server. The rest of us are content playing at our own pace and we should be allowed to do so.
It is the same reason people who complained about hypers used hypers.
It is the same reason people who disagree with the PvP Mode glitch still use it.
If something offers an advantage that other people are using, it makes no sense to put yourself at a disadvantage. | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | -
superfedee wrote: »what if, even better idea, you make in the cross-server a cross-server pk area accessible at any time?
that would be ludicrous, there would be pk at any hour!!! any faction of any server would pk any other faction of any other server man that would be insane, even the deads will return back to play pwi
^^this...**pls make this happen
0 -
Just do the cross-server thing, it will solve everything.
- People won't have to reroll.
- Servers don't lose population
- PvEers stay happy
- PvPers stay happy
I don't see why it would be hard to make a NPC to tele you there. You go, it does the same it did for xNW where it saves and copies wtv items you have to there, it gives you the name like in xNW with the prefix and done.
"I didn't choose to be in a PvP server for a reason" and "I didn't choose to be in a PvE server either" are null points right now because both of them are stupid. The population decreased, servers were merged, deal with it.
The problem is not the servers being PvE, the problem is PWE not finding solutions to deal with this, for example, like some people mentioned, make RW what it should be, let the veno instance be done in PvE mode, the caravan can stay how it is, it gives lots of vitae and exp, so, let it be for PvP only.
I don't like PvP but I understand others do, and if we can make everyone happy then why only make a selected few? Make the cross-server >:O
Mr. Justice0 -
it sounds great, the PvP sounds great just players and No Gm's im down for that!0
Yes please.0
Fist off I was on both Harshlands and Lost City both PVP servers. I am not too happy about the idea of having to create a new character and gear it up just to pvp again. Make the cross server pvp. And yes I do agree that in the initial merge Harshlands and Lost City should have been the ones to merge being that they were the PVP servers. I liked the tourney but it is extremely broken. Now you cannot get into it unless you are below lvl 90. There is no NPC for the cross server tourney that has ever appeared since that update. There have been many good suggestions so far in this thread by many. I for one like the new daily quest as well and it needs to stay. IF you do a no holes barred pvp server and give everyone illusionary crystal, a suggestion would be that everyone is equal geared, no cash shopping on it, and everyone has all skills from the beginning to make it totally fair for those that like to pvp so that it would be based on your skills and not who has the best gear. A suggestion on that would be that everyone for example would be given hh99 or nv3 gear full +12 and sharded from the beginning. That way all would be on an equal level of gear and pvp would be skill based verses gear based. Also a suggestion to this would be that all would have all cultivations would be granted as well for all skills to be present.
As far as events fix the tourney.
As far as the question of the mounts or pets go, I would like to make a suggestion that was not brought up, a custom flyer.0 -
Like most people seem to be saying, instead of an entire separate server for PvP, it might be better to look into a 24/7 X-Server instance type situation.
The old PvP servers were merged into PvE ones for a reason right? It doesn't make sense to open up a new server, even a wild wild west one.
People can still PK as things are now; why people (especially old PvP server people) choose to or to not be white named at all times is irrelevant, it's their choice.
For argument's sake, take for example, the average number of people who are white named all the time (I expect a lot of you on your respective servers know who those people are). Subtract a few who don't feel like re-gearing another character (in spite of gear + orb gifts from GMs), add a few blue-namers who might want to give it a go, combine that, give or take, from all servers and ask yourself "is that population large enough to sustain a server economy and interest?"
At this stage, most people have put in a lot of time, not to mention money, into their characters, and some have been forced to merge into PvE unwillingly (but we sure appreciate ya'll who stayed in spite of the change). It's almost insulting to the PvP'ers to suggest that they just remake characters on a new PvP server, as I'm sure that's who this is mainly aimed at, since the PvE'ers haven't had to change anything.
While the prospect of a wild west PvP server is interesting, even to me, it doesn't seem to make much sense in the long-term.
I would suggest that higher priorities be made for fixing current game issues, balancing classes, tweaking and/or re-introducing events like X-NW, and introducing a 24/7 PK arena, especially if it was X-Server.
I always greatly appreciate when current issues are addressed, more than gifts or new stuff.0 -
NO, no no please
Like a player from former Santuary server, I gonna say NO please specially because some ppl now are asking that idea to all the servers ,so please no way.
There are still people who like PvE.
Many years ago my sister, my friends and me chose a PvE server, then years later you merged us with player of PvP server (Lc in this case). I know there are ppl who like that option, but please leave the people who like the PvE enjoy it like we do since so many years.
If there are people who like that option (PvP) just transfer them to that kind of server, BUT keep the PvE server like we have until now.lilkitsu#4417 wrote: »Since some people are asking for all servers be made PvP i have to disagree and say make the one PvP server and find some way to do a transfer. There are several people who dont want to be on a PvP server, and yes while there were PvP servers merged into PvE servers. Having the one PvP server and transfers to it would be the better option, so you can satisfy both the PvP and PvE players. Will that mean less PvP on the PvE servers? Yes, but to the PvE players who want to play PvE it wont matter to them
Like lilkitsu there are people like my friends in rl , and me who don't like PvP server, and that is the main reason because we play in this server : former Santuary (PvE) server now named TT.= Player vs Emviroment
About the pet : I prefer mount , a new one will be good , cuz the anniversary mounts (from each year) actuallly I have a buch of them atm .
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