Invite a friend back --- removed



  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    Seriously why didn't they mention this in the patch notes? @thenamesdomino @sylenthunder
    Because the patch notes only show what Wanmei tells PWE to post. If Wanmei didn't pass the information along, then they didn't know to put it in the patch notes.

    I'm really sad to see this go. I was about to use it to level my SB.​​

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  • bramblebeast
    bramblebeast Posts: 22 Arc User
    Now that domino says its for events they are working on, he needs to deliver, have these events be even better, or he will forever lose this community and be another name in a long list of failed cm since frankie
  • nbreaking
    nbreaking Posts: 607 Arc User

    Now that domino says its for events they are working on, he needs to deliver, have these events be even better, or he will forever lose this community and be another name in a long list of failed cm since frankie

    Not surprised if that happens.

    @thenamesdomino if you simply removed it and there's nothing else to replace it or new events or wtv, please tell us the harsh truth... We are tired of getting things removed with the promise of something equal or better and never getting it delivered.
    This is seriously not a big deal for me personally but if the function is removed and nothing will replace it just tell us the harsh truth, that has always been the problem with PWE and PWI, we've always been lied to. It's not the fact things get removed but the part about being lied to...
    By saying we'll get new events you are making a promise, break it and you'll see how we lose faith in you quickly like we did with previous CMs

    I think i speak for everyone when I say we don't want to lose you, so, don't lose us by making empty promises...

    With that said, I'm gonna take your word for it for now.

    Mr. Justice
  • samasalao
    samasalao Posts: 159 Arc User
    Wow, this is a slap in the face for players, why would they care it was free hence it could be removed at any time without any warning because they could not give a ****... this game.. I am surprised why people still play it (this includes me as well)
  • misanno
    misanno Posts: 53 Arc User

    We've removed that feature as we are working on new events for everyone. :)

    will we be getting additional exp bonuses for our toons that cant do pv's and regular quests dont even come close to even 10% out of 100%
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    this quick removal i think has to do part with the new pills they gave out. 3x more exp from those pills, and people thought that would create client instability (just like the +11, +12 orbs at one time).

    I doubt there will be a new feature giving similar reward in terms of experience and items. For now let's just make peace with this new change, because as with all things pwi, it won't really come back.​​
  • paralleogram
    paralleogram Posts: 596 Arc User
    We've removed that feature as we are working on new events for everyone. :)

    It's often times better to say nothing at all than to give a blatant lie.​​
    Here we go again....
  • magiceffect
    magiceffect Posts: 162 Arc User
    I am so glad I got enough ancient gift's stacked to finish the last 105 on main, but sad to see something that useful gone.

    Attk charms and inks were a godsend...
    Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3):
  • suzukmann
    suzukmann Posts: 86 Arc User
    i really only miss the 50% ancient gifts ..... will make it soo much more of a pain to lvl 105x3 ...
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    I been defending Pwi but if this is gone permanently i really cant stand up for them yes it was annoying to get the pop up but honestly this was the most useful for any lv toon beginner noob or a season vet im hoping this is temp not perm
  • tricksie
    tricksie Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    I been defending Pwi but if this is gone permanently i really cant stand up for them yes it was annoying to get the pop up but honestly this was the most useful for any lv toon beginner noob or a season vet im hoping this is temp not perm

    It's permanent. We've seen this this a number of times over the years. Then PWI promises something else in its place... that usually never pans out or is garbage. Say hello to new "events" as domino likes to call them that will give crummy stuff like 10 Dew of Star protections or fashion that expires in 10 days.

    Next thing to go sometime in the future IMO is the free rewards for logging in daily. Say bye to the squad signets, bloods, pots etc.​​
    egg-44.gif <~ these need to come back into the CS.

  • xdarkangelkiarax
    xdarkangelkiarax Posts: 36 Arc User
    Why not just listen to the players pwi and just put the feature back or at least keep it in the game until the 'planned new events' are ready? :/ we're sick of having everything useful and free suddenly taken away..
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    give us a good reason to stop otherwise prob end up haveing two rage topics for months to come
  • iamluckingfoco
    iamluckingfoco Posts: 158 Arc User
    Considering the title of this thread, being "Invite a friend" you cannot really blame PWI for removing this feature.

    The feature wasn't called the
    "Let me make 20+ alts and befriend them all, log them in only when I can send five of them a day an invite so I get five Invitation Scrolls and maybe an occasional friend on my friend's list"

    PWI gives us something good, the majority of the playerbase abuses it, and PWI takes away.
    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell

  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    Considering the title of this thread, being "Invite a friend" you cannot really blame PWI for removing this feature.

    The feature wasn't called the
    "Let me make 20+ alts and befriend them all, log them in only when I can send five of them a day an invite so I get five Invitation Scrolls and maybe an occasional friend on my friend's list"

    PWI gives us something good, the majority of the playerbase abuses it, and PWI takes away.

    Look at it from pwi's point of view. They would rather have 1 person logging in 20 alts, leveling them, putting on gear, charms, other stuff and leave it afk than have a new/old player log in every 1~8 months to check up on the game once.

    An active player with alts might even invest time/money into their alts. You do need to get your alts to be at least 90+ non rb i think. That is a significant time investment. Not everyone got 20+ pill babies popping out.​​
  • only1wish
    only1wish Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    No warning was given.
    Fine, remove something that was very useful to many players, but at least make sure you give out something in return for imposing this unpleasant 'surprise" on us.
  • misanno
    misanno Posts: 53 Arc User
    only1wish said:

    but at least make sure you give out something in return for imposing this unpleasant 'surprise" on us.

    something usefull and not ****
  • donutszoqo
    donutszoqo Posts: 12 Arc User
    Well...... people will just have to level stuff without it like in the past. But I'm honestly sad to see it gone because it was helpful, especially for my sky levels.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    has pitch fork in hand well im geared up who brought torches
  • jabq
    jabq Posts: 821 Arc User
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    has pitch fork in hand well im geared up who brought torches

    pitch forks + torches = marshmallows on the go when popcorn not available tiger-37.gif.

    Let's see if a new statement comes out in the following few days after the weekend.​​
  • darky26
    darky26 Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I'll bring the water. lol *throws water on fire/torches*

    But marshmallows sound nice, never had one. Is it sweet?
  • tictic99999
    tictic99999 Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    We've removed that feature as we are working on new events for everyone. :)

    I understand that your hand are relatively tied whenever it comes to anything useful or helpful for the community, but you really gotta do better than the "we are working on something" generic response, people really hate that. I still do not understand why PW in general loves to act so secretly. The playerbase is asking (been asking for years) for a much much higher level of transparency and the staff doesn't really seem to understand the hints everyone is saying, so I am saying it explicitly. Hell a simple sticky post on the forums could solve all the bs. Could have the following simple format that someone updates once a week or something:

    What we are currently working on:

    What we plan on working on soon:

    What we plan on working on down the road:

    Current errors/bug and suggestions we are aware of and trying to fix:​​
    (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
    Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
    7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
    Will he reach 1800 spirit?
  • dog10250
    dog10250 Posts: 78 Arc User

    We've removed that feature as we are working on new events for everyone. :)

    But why? How did it interfere with events? You going to recycle the rewards from it into said events?
  • burnabybuildings
    burnabybuildings Posts: 57 Arc User
    asterelle said:

    I wonder how long it will take to have those double defense charms all dry up.

    I'm good for a while.



    damn!! *snicker*

    sage cleric 102-102-101 / sage BM 102-102-102 / sage sin 102-102-103 / demon cleric 102-102-102 / demon veno 102-101-100 / demon archer 102 / sage barb 101-100-100 / sage seeker 101
  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User

    We've removed that feature as we are working on new events for everyone. :)

    Hopefully they are not timed events seeing as how you guys screwed over half of dawn glory with that ridiculous time change. Haven't been able to do an event since.

  • hypereccentrik
    hypereccentrik Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    yay, made eleven 90+ alts for nothing xD
    Post edited by hypereccentrik on
  • motherhen
    motherhen Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    next to go will be TT LOL cuts off all income <3 why you think they gave tt99 free on code think about it lol
    when last farming cave goes game dies more than it already has and mark my words its next o:)
  • itspinkyamy
    itspinkyamy Posts: 3 Arc User
    PLS REMOVE JOLLY OLD JONES monkey-26.giffox-25.gif​​
  • rieihdius
    rieihdius Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    :D great now people are giving them more idiotic Ideas to destroy even more ''improve'' the game :D

    Now talking seriously, this is one of those things that pwe/wanmei did wrong.
    I understood when they killed dragon quest points, also when they lowered all drops prices, heck I even understand when they sometimes mess the boutique prices and overcharge for some items...

    But this feature was not really armful for the players or for pwe as far as I know, and it was something useful for all.

    Not sure what is happening in their heads when they do things like this but whatever... :D

  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    rieihdius said:

    Not sure what is happening in their heads when they do things like this but whatever... :D

    They said they removed them because they are working on new events for everyone.
    I am willing to bet the rewards for these events won't come close to what we got from invite a friend. Knowing how incompetent the current staff is, the rewards will be as useless as they are.