FREE Reawakening II Level 100 gift box



  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    I am outraged , I tried to contact you by e- mail and online chat and nennhuma plausible response , quality of care of you for us customers is horrible , since once gave the codes for some players cade loyalty with other players my friends received the code except me, I feel broken and you arc the company do nothing to apologize , do not take solutions. How they want q Let us indicate the arc company as a high quality company if you do not show it? I am very upset and sad about attitude you

    Have you even read through the thread? The code was intended for those who have inactive toons on their accounts. It was not meant for everyone. Yes some got the code on active accounts too but not by design. This give away was intended to be distributed to a select group of people who met certain criteria (like an inactive toon). It was intended to bring people back into the game by leveling their old inactive toons. Not exactly for those who are very active if that is what you consider loyal.

    It took me a while but I realized that this account not only had a veno created on Lost City originally but accidentally created one on Raging Tide and Heaven's tear back in 2009which was logged into a couple of times and never again. I'm assuming I got the code because of that.
  • bruhfire2014
    bruhfire2014 Posts: 10 Arc User
    jadasia said:

    I am outraged , I tried to contact you by e- mail and online chat and nennhuma plausible response , quality of care of you for us customers is horrible , since once gave the codes for some players cade loyalty with other players my friends received the code except me, I feel broken and you arc the company do nothing to apologize , do not take solutions. How they want q Let us indicate the arc company as a high quality company if you do not show it? I am very upset and sad about attitude you

    Have you even read through the thread? The code was intended for those who have inactive toons on their accounts. It was not meant for everyone. Yes some got the code on active accounts too but not by design. This give away was intended to be distributed to a select group of people who met certain criteria (like an inactive toon). It was intended to bring people back into the game by leveling their old inactive toons. Not exactly for those who are very active if that is what you consider loyal.

    It took me a while but I realized that this account not only had a veno created on Lost City originally but accidentally created one on Raging Tide and Heaven's tear back in 2009which was logged into a couple of times and never again. I'm assuming I got the code because of that.

    then that THIS , Some win and I started What agora here How MANY lose heart because of that, we are level Each Passing Daily and comes hum code and passes all at once to the level 100, we have Because Not THAT ALSO Right ?
  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    PWI lie about have some criteria to choose which account is qualify to get this item and which no.

    I used my alt accounts to charge sometimes and log toons of this accounts with same regularity, doing check in and other lil stuffs, however, some got this item and others no.

    About accounts than charge get it, i have accounts i never charged by and got it while others i charged no got. Even as some accounts i have no log got and other got. This seems totally random and without any criteria. Or still, considering total of accounts I got it, seems more PWI went sent to all but tecnical issues no allow it and instead fix it, prefer make lies.

    All my accounts is ok to receive mails of PWI (its a kinda nonsense no allow it when made this emails only to pwi accounts) and i check in all boxes of spam, promos, etc.

    PWI should be a bit more honest with comunity of players and acept the wrong and give one general code as excuses. For sure will make everyone happy and help all this newcomes of Steam aprove and enjoy PW since the where game really becomes interesting.

    Another good reason to no believe in PWI excuses about "only some accounts was elegible to get it and we cant say requirements" its no talk nothing about it in mail. Nothing like "Congratz, you re elegible to it". Only some words about fact are women working in development of game. We consider that it is precisely because it is a whole team of women that these problems happen? For the love of G'd!!!

    I heard about PW have one bad rate in Steam too. Someone believe than PWI staff lying to players will better it?
  • stormbringerkp
    stormbringerkp Posts: 2 Arc User

    One of the things you need to first make sure you've done is checked the box that enables you to receive updates and emails from us. In other games we've run across this issue and that's because they hadn't subscribed to the emailing list. That's usually the first thing they tell me whenever I am following up on things.

    well i check and two acounts i have with confirmed e-mail and setings both from arc and email are allow all still no code for both acounts?

    i dont think everyone will get this gift =( so there is an issue
  • stormbringerkp
    stormbringerkp Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    jadasia said:

    I am outraged , I tried to contact you by e- mail and online chat and nennhuma plausible response , quality of care of you for us customers is horrible , since once gave the codes for some players cade loyalty with other players my friends received the code except me, I feel broken and you arc the company do nothing to apologize , do not take solutions. How they want q Let us indicate the arc company as a high quality company if you do not show it? I am very upset and sad about attitude you

    Have you even read through the thread? The code was intended for those who have inactive toons on their accounts. It was not meant for everyone. Yes some got the code on active accounts too but not by design. This give away was intended to be distributed to a select group of people who met certain criteria (like an inactive toon). It was intended to bring people back into the game by leveling their old inactive toons. Not exactly for those who are very active if that is what you consider loyal.

    It took me a while but I realized that this account not only had a veno created on Lost City originally but accidentally created one on Raging Tide and Heaven's tear back in 2009which was logged into a couple of times and never again. I'm assuming I got the code because of that.

    then that THIS , Some win and I started What agora here How MANY lose heart because of that, we are level Each Passing Daily and comes hum code and passes all at once to the level 100, we have Because Not THAT ALSO Right ?
    Lmao no

    first off toons that spent money and zero on both got codes toons inactive for over 9 months also got code and toons i play every day also got code so there really isnt any specfic reason some get code and some dont and yes they all recive pwi codes and promos in e-mails just a few didnt so other then bad luck some are just S.O.L

    Obviosely there is an issue here but its not money or if your active or not or even your arc mail setings or your e-mail setings >

  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    zeevhaora said:

    PWI lie about have some criteria to choose which account is qualify to get this item and which no.

    I used my alt accounts to charge sometimes and log toons of this accounts with same regularity, doing check in and other lil stuffs, however, some got this item and others no.

    About accounts than charge get it, i have accounts i never charged by and got it while others i charged no got. Even as some accounts i have no log got and other got. This seems totally random and without any criteria. Or still, considering total of accounts I got it, seems more PWI went sent to all but tecnical issues no allow it and instead fix it, prefer make lies.

    All my accounts is ok to receive mails of PWI (its a kinda nonsense no allow it when made this emails only to pwi accounts) and i check in all boxes of spam, promos, etc.

    PWI should be a bit more honest with comunity of players and acept the wrong and give one general code as excuses. For sure will make everyone happy and help all this newcomes of Steam aprove and enjoy PW since the where game really becomes interesting.

    Another good reason to no believe in PWI excuses about "only some accounts was elegible to get it and we cant say requirements" its no talk nothing about it in mail. Nothing like "Congratz, you re elegible to it". Only some words about fact are women working in development of game. We consider that it is precisely because it is a whole team of women that these problems happen? For the love of G'd!!!

    I heard about PW have one bad rate in Steam too. Someone believe than PWI staff lying to players will better it?

    If you are privy to some special insider information as to why only a certain groups of people received the code contrary to the explanation provided by Domino then by all means indulge us with it. I, however, can easily come to a conclusion that everything you are concocting to contradict their reasoning then using it to call them a liar is just a baseless assertion on your part. You too fail to grasp the concept. Yes some accounts received the codes in error but how the hell does that alone discredit their explanation to who and why the codes were intended to be sent to? It doesn't. All it would prove is that there is an issue with how the accounts were selected to receive the codes.

    If you are going to call someone a liar then prove that they are lying. You have absolutely nothing to prove these codes were not intended for inactive characters on inactive accounts.

    PWI uses several separate databases for account and character creation etc. To me it would seem reasonable for old character or account info to remain in one when deleted in another. Then the server merge cause and even weirder issue with that. Then to run some script on a database which has old character info and the last access date and time flag it as inactive even if the character has actually been deleted in another database then the account gets added to a list.

    Again I completely forgot about the 2 characters I made on raging tide and heavens tear back in 2009 and deleted shortly after. I can see how I got the email from that. The server merge could have also caused an issue with cross account info. Remember Gear from some characters from one account ended up on someone else's character after the merge? Recall how faction Icons ended up on the wrong factions in the past? It could very well cause an issue which these emails were seemingly sent to random people in error but it does not discredit the official reasoning to who the codes were intended for. As a reasonable prudent person I can understand the logic behind sending this type of item to inactive people for free in an attempt to get those characters back into the game from a business perspective. I don't agree with instaleveling or instagearing characters but I can understand PWI wanting them back into their game. It's to make money off them.

    Some of you people are really blowing this way out of proportion and getting angry over something which in all likelihood was never intended to be sent to you anyway.
  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    To say that some accounts received the code "by mistake" among those "would be eligible" sounds like more false excuses. I repeat what I said earlier: argue that were inactive or active accounts that were eligible is a lie, argue that were accounts that charged or ever did it is a lie. There were no criteria at all.

    Just like a example: recently when pwi sold in boutique Woodlands Fash unable to dye and random colors someone from the pwi staff said this was "by design" of fashion. Almost immediately someone exposed the answer of a ticket where another staff person claimed to be a error and would later correct, what actually was done a few days. That who said this fashion came with random colors and unable to dye "by design" obvlious lied.

    When pwi release illusionary crystal we had one similar problem. PWI promisse mail to first toon logged in each account. Some ppl report no receive item and then PWI made one code to everybody use and get this item. Some ppl complain with "invasion of pill baby toons" but at finish this no turn in a problem to no one and everybody was happy leveling their characters and skipping steps in the game. Looking to all persons ingame and in forum complain about it, and all this fake excuses, is really hard to PWI made one general code to everybody can use?

    @razzza: To argue that some people have a few posts in the forum is no reason to debunk them. Not everyone who is active in the game or play a long time that is necessarily addicted to forums and may well post only when you think necessary.
  • ironknight
    ironknight Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    razzzza said:

    Im amused by the people with less then 10 posts here complaining that they did not receive a code.

    All those alts... look at them :D​​

    Perhaps account creation date is one of the criteria to get the code via email, I'd say maybe the main one, not sure who knows? I got a code on my main and my alt account, alt account was made when the EG race was added. I have been logging both accounts now and then to keep two homesteads alive, my join date is 2008 right after beta was over on my main account.... So as such I don't understand the "active" or "inactive" part that domino said. You seem to forget that our posts were nerfed when we transferred to the new forums and also some people don't forum warrior it up everyday. I should have asked the people I was doing culti with their join date. I'm happy with the free 100x3 and gear but there is a catch, it's bound gear and you need crafting skills to upgrade it so there's that.

  • matthew4
    matthew4 Posts: 373 Arc User
    where is code for the rest?​​
  • sedskdfjkhsdf
    sedskdfjkhsdf Posts: 14 Arc User
    Actually I believe the issue is wider than just this one code. My accounts which did not recieve the "Loyalty Box Token" are the same accounts that never get any of the special codes via email. While other of my accounts always seem to get every code.

    Folks who did not receive this code, I would be interested to know if you received any other codes from PWI recently?

    For me it seems binary, accounts either always get codes or always not. And yes I have checked their spam folder, arc notification settings etc.
  • matthew4
    matthew4 Posts: 373 Arc User
    i check all meil all categori a still nothing
  • nique554
    nique554 Posts: 1 Arc User
    Everyone take a nice, deep breath. :)
  • eylena
    eylena Posts: 68 Arc User

    Actually I believe the issue is wider than just this one code. My accounts which did not recieve the "Loyalty Box Token" are the same accounts that never get any of the special codes via email. While other of my accounts always seem to get every code.

    Folks who did not receive this code, I would be interested to know if you received any other codes from PWI recently?

    For me it seems binary, accounts either always get codes or always not. And yes I have checked their spam folder, arc notification settings etc.

    ^This is exactly my problem. I never get any codes on my accounts for my 2 main accounts while usually all my alt accounts does, even my new catshop shop account that I created a couple months ago got the lvl 100 code this time. Personally I don't care as much for the lvl 100 code on my mains since I still got it on quite a few alts accounts but I'm kinda bugged that I never receive any of the other event gold/ gift codes that are given out pretty often.

  • johndoe#4146
    johndoe#4146 Posts: 98 Arc User
    I wouldnt be surprised if their criteria for sending out the code was so bad and botched up that they decided to keep it secret so as not to embarrass themselves.

    Maybe something like..
    -Accounts have to be older than 1 year +
    -Accounts have to have an inactive alt +/-
    -Accounts cant be active +
    -Hotmail/national random country ISPs dont get ARC mails so NOH +
    -Inactive toon needs to be logged in frequently but not levelling+ (bankers/catshops/jones alts maybe)
    -Accounts need to be Spongebob verified -

    All in all, half their requirements probably contradicted the other half and glitched the entire system. #PWI

    Not to mention it was so broken that if u relog, the "Unable to be account stashed" tag goes away and u can stash the gear
  • eag1e67
    eag1e67 Posts: 94 Arc User
    Well i got a code, put it in to be sent to an archer on my acc & pwi actually sent it to the wrong toon, pwi is actually getting worse. They give you something, you look forward to it, then don't even receive it. Yet what's worse is, they made the mistake sending it to a different toon yet they say tough, we won't replace the items.

    Sounds so unfair to me
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    perrion said:

    jadasia said:

    If you are privy to some special insider information as to why only a certain groups of people received the code contrary to the explanation provided by Domino then by all means indulge us with it. I, however, can easily come to a conclusion that everything you are concocting to contradict their reasoning then using it to call them a liar is just a baseless assertion on your part. You too fail to grasp the concept. Yes some accounts received the codes in error but how the hell does that alone discredit their explanation to who and why the codes were intended to be sent to? It doesn't. All it would prove is that there is an issue with how the accounts were selected to receive the codes.

    If you are going to call someone a liar then prove that they are lying. You have absolutely nothing to prove these codes were not intended for inactive characters on inactive accounts.

    PWI uses several separate databases for account and character creation etc. To me it would seem reasonable for old character or account info to remain in one when deleted in another. Then the server merge cause and even weirder issue with that. Then to run some script on a database which has old character info and the last access date and time flag it as inactive even if the character has actually been deleted in another database then the account gets added to a list.

    Again I completely forgot about the 2 characters I made on raging tide and heavens tear back in 2009 and deleted shortly after. I can see how I got the email from that. The server merge could have also caused an issue with cross account info. Remember Gear from some characters from one account ended up on someone else's character after the merge? Recall how faction Icons ended up on the wrong factions in the past? It could very well cause an issue which these emails were seemingly sent to random people in error but it does not discredit the official reasoning to who the codes were intended for. As a reasonable prudent person I can understand the logic behind sending this type of item to inactive people for free in an attempt to get those characters back into the game from a business perspective. I don't agree with instaleveling or instagearing characters but I can understand PWI wanting them back into their game. It's to make money off them.

    Some of you people are really blowing this way out of proportion and getting angry over something which in all likelihood was never intended to be sent to you anyway.

    You're a fool if you buy the story about "special criteria". PWI employees lie to us constantly, and they generally do it poorly.
    Calling me a name based on a belief that you cannot prove is not going to make your point. Again if you have proof they are lying then post it and make them respond to it. Otherwise You have nothing but name calling and baseless accusations.

    All I am stating is that it is completely logical for them to send a code for an item like this to inactive accounts with characters and not to active accounts with active players. The latter makes no sense from a business perspective. So their explanation for the purpose of the code and who it was intended for seems to fit. It was the implementation for the distribution which is the issue.

    I constantly receive emails from PWI regarding new game releases and invitations to those games. From time to time, actually once in a great while an email may contain a code for an item in PWI. I receive about 1 or maybe 2 a year. I have no idea how often emails are sent with item codes so I cannot say whether I've got some sort of special privilege with emails or not.

  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User

    In 2 of my accounts, in special, i got mails of similar promos like this before. 1 of this accounts got this actual code and other no. Account than got i never charge with it while other i charged. Both pretty actives. Seems logical to u?

    About pwi employers lies, you ignore my example posts ago. Defend pwi employers against issues of pwi with their customers dont better situation.
  • crysthia
    crysthia Posts: 1 Arc User
    There are extreme inconsistencies in how they send out codes. There always has been. I have 4 accounts, they all have the same settings (I've double checked this). My main account is 6 years old (and is also the only one I have spent real money on), I have a second that is about 4, and then 2 accounts that were created when the duskblades and stormbringers came out. I have only ever received emails from PWI on my main account's email. This includes normal promotional and news emails as well as codes. In the past that didn't matter so much because they weren't playing around with these account specific codes and I could use any code received on all accounts.

    I play intermittently and all my accounts have the same general login activity, my main might get logged in a little more often. At the time of the code being sent out, none of my accounts had been logged in for about 2-3 weeks. As usual I received the email on my main and nothing on any of the others, and it is of course, the other accounts that could have really used this particular giveaway. I also accidentally sent the item to my primary toon which is already an rb2 because I misread what it was and thought the item was only for rb's (my mistake so I can accept that, I should have checked what it was first, but it would be nice if the items were at least account stashable for those who make these mistakes on occasion).

    Given my own experience as well as the comments here, I cannot imagine what the criteria might have been except to pick names out of a hat. Instead of bringing back inactive players which is the "supposed" reason for the code, I think it has alienated a lot of users and quite likely lost some players instead of gaining them.

    Given the value of the item, I think this is a larger issue than usual. It is one thing to want to entice players back with a moderately decent item. It is also one thing to want to reward active players with good items, such as with login awards, charge rewards, and other things that prove activity. But to seemingly randomly give away a high value item to some and not others is highly unfair and extremely poor customer service. Then they compound the matter by ignoring the issue and providing a generic response that states those of us who didn't get the codes simply didn't meet some mysterious criteria that nobody cares to tell us about.

    Take care of your customers PWI or you won't have any left.
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    zeevhaora said:


    In 2 of my accounts, in special, i got mails of similar promos like this before. 1 of this accounts got this actual code and other no. Account than got i never charge with it while other i charged. Both pretty actives. Seems logical to u?

    About pwi employers lies, you ignore my example posts ago. Defend pwi employers against issues of pwi with their customers dont better situation.

    Irrelevant. This email was designed to be sent to accounts meeting certain criteria so comparing this email with previous emails of the past is pointless. I'm convinced this promo got botched due to bad data pulled from the server which was supposed to determine the proper accounts they should have been sent to. Nothing more difficult than that. I already posted what seemed logical to me. And again that is from a business perspective PWI aimed to send that code to players with inactive accounts or accounts with inactive characters as an incentive to make them active again. That's just business. Why this concept escapes you people complaining about it is beyond me.
  • perrion
    perrion Posts: 165 Arc User
    In my 8 years of playing this game I have seen countless instances where PWI has made statements that were intended to placate the masses. These are usually thinly veiled lies meant to deflect blame and quiet outcry from the players. There is no proof, how can there be without a leaked company memo or someone openly admitting to it, but it really not that hard to see through the BS.

    In this case, I personally have 8 accts, 7 of which received the code. Three of them are played daily and all three received it. The one acct that didn't get it also hadn't received other emails from PWI that the others all did. This points to a general problem with their email list (all my accts have the same settings) and not some specific targeted list of "inactive accounts".

    It's much easier for customer service to just claim that there is some "special criteria" to people who didn't get the code and just leave it at that than to admit there there is some fault with their email list and have to manually fix it. So the service rep lies, just like was done here. More outcry is heard so PWI as per usual continues the lie on forum posts. it usually works, since it seems large numbers of the player base will believe just about anything if it comes from and official source.

    Stop arguing useless nonsense and derailing the thread. I'll just pull half your posts out and dump them into a trash forum if I have to. The useless posts insulting each other and bickering are just stupid. You sound like a room of 5-year-olds.​​

    In typical fashion, you reply with your own name calling and insults. GJ Captain.
  • nechick
    nechick Posts: 41 Arc User
    We have this problem every time there is email code. some get it some dont. i have checked my 2 accounts for all the possible things listed in this thread about why i didnt recieve then. I have everything that has been state why i might now have gotten. so The reasons as to why are not true in my case. I cant speak for others only myself. Please pwi just put out a general code for all to redeem and solve this issue and stop the fighting with eachother.
  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    Seems you re only person happy with all this problem, Jadasia. '-'

    All others players of pwi comunity not seem happy and no believe in pwi employers with this excuses.

    Curious, no?
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    zeevhaora wrote: »
    Seems you re only person happy with all this problem, Jadasia. '-'
    Well, would you be happier if they didn't send anything to anyone at all? tiger-1.gif
    I don't tend to complain about free stuff, but I can understand ppl' frustration while some get codes in bulks and others don't. Since those mailouts are rarely accurate, it's better to release 1 code usable by all. After all a lot of active accounts got it anyway.
    I'll get by tho monkey-47.gif
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    zeevhaora said:

    Seems you re only person happy with all this problem, Jadasia. '-'

    All others players of pwi comunity not seem happy and no believe in pwi employers with this excuses.

    Curious, no?

    I look at it from a different perspective which just happens to disagree with yours. Nothing more and nothing less. Official explanation we have is what we were given by the CM and there is absolutely no evidence to the contrary other than unproven assertions and name calling from some very emotionally compromised individuals.

    I have every reason to believe that the explanation given is accurate and the issue was created by the system which generated the list of recipients who met certain requirements based on flawed data. This is not unprecedented. It happens and to devolve to the level of hysteria regarding it as some here has done is ludicrous.

    And claiming that "all other players..." are not happy is in fact a lie on your part. Who are you to speak on behalf of 'All other players' anyway? It's sad that you have to make yourself a self-appointed spokesperson for everyone else then claim a overwhelming majority support for your frustration just to exaggerate validation of your own opinion like this is obscene.

    shade13, it's like crying over spilled milk someone gets for free.
    Post edited by jadasia on
  • djsxe
    djsxe Posts: 10 Arc User
    I didnt receive any code (as always) ... ty ARC games.
  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    Right, right, mods of forum. Just no feed then. =D

    Stay waiting some answer in my tickets.

  • siimut
    siimut Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    shade13 said:

    zeevhaora wrote: »

    Seems you re only person happy with all this problem, Jadasia. '-'

    Well, would you be happier if they didn't send anything to anyone at all? tiger-1.gif

    I don't tend to complain about free stuff, but I can understand ppl' frustration while some get codes in bulks and others don't. Since those mailouts are rarely accurate, it's better to release 1 code usable by all. After all a lot of active accounts got it anyway.

    I'll get by tho monkey-47.gif

    they kinda stop giving 1 code for free stuff and especially valuable like exp pills because there will be other people, not one but many, who will abuse it.

    so after i checking all my account, none of the account that i made after pwi give exp pills for instant level 95+ get the code. But all the account that i made long time before it got it. my old account have other char in multiple server and most of them inactive. maybe that is the reason why those account get codes.
  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User

    I got code in emails of new accounts and no got in accounts made in 2011.

    Try bet criteria used for pwi employers to give it to some accounts and not to others seems waste of time. Its usual pwi make mistakes and create false excuses to it after.

    Like i told before, and lots of other ppl told too, better way to PWI is make one general code to all. If "abuse" is really one problem, no allow use for accounts created after send this code.
  • siimut
    siimut Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    do u still remember the +10 orb fiasco? or dreamchaser packs? and so many other codes that has been abuse by player. dont get me wrong. this situation is not big deal compare than that.

    regarding the exp tbh, i assume people who receive the code already have their own main. having new character is just make us spend more time in game to build it. maybe if i am really bored, i will play those char that got the exp pills but for now, with the homestead, daily and such that costing alot of time, those instant level 100 char will stay remain untouched till i have time to do their culti and farm their gear.
  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    This 2 fiascos was in 2013, i had quitted game in that year, but see lots about what happen when return.

    In tickets and even here PWI employers argue about "promotional codes" to some players with any criteria.

    Looking all everybody try bet about criteria, since pwi employers refuse tell about it, was absolutelly random. This is nothing about money charged, ingame activity, time since account was created, country where live, email server used, level of characters in account or any other thing.

    In general, around half of accounts got this code. Some players report get in all, others in none, others no got in 1 or 2, others got only in 1 or 2... Considering this no criteria to be elegible and total of accounts than got, seems true that only "was sent to select group of players" [words of one pwi employer]?

    About abuse you told very well, siimut: to one endgame player, PWI offer lots of dailies and work in toon to think in upgrade more toons. Its same of when ppl report abuse with illusionary crystal where some ppl made one army of pill toons than at finish... innactives. What point of complain about it? Although, this item skip steps to newcomers, is a really nice gift of pwi to make new players go to where really care in game. Problem was to send it, pwi made mistakes. Nothing new to everybody is here since 2011 or before, no? Fix it with one general code to all is more easy than send one standard answer to each ticket sent.

    Still is good remember fact PWI no mention NOTHING about "select group of players" in mail with code. Mail says:

    "The month of May is Girl Power Month! Did you know that PWI’s Operations Team is composed entirely of women? Join us this month as we take your questions for the developers! Learn how they were able to break into an industry composed almost entirely of men!

    It’s a month long celebration of girl power!

    To celebrate the powerful individuals on our team and in-game, redeem the account bound code below for a Loyalty Box Token, used to acquire a FREE Reawakening II Level 100 gift box including LV 95 gold gear!"

    Some word about "Youre was elegible to get..."? Nothing. Only nice words about as women are occupying spaces traditionally occupied by men. Could think criteria to be elegible of this code is be one girl playing? It does not also.

    At finish: someone remember PWI send codes only to "few elegible" players before?

    PS: And mail says wrong info about gear. Its tt99 gear. Not lvl 95.

This discussion has been closed.