FREE Reawakening II Level 100 gift box



  • burnabybuildings
    burnabybuildings Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    ivan1984 said:

    I never post on forums and i have been a long time player and supporter of this game as well as cash shop user since the beta over 8 years now and i would have to challenge your statement as incorrect and quite frankly insulting if there was any review of this thread one can easily see these codes that were actually received by people me not being included in aforementioned lot were a large range of players from different areas active lvls genders and account age from old to new and they received their codes but someone like me who as well has the same factors for qualification as they do got nothing so i would have to agree this once more is a mess up on the part of this company and your response here is the same generic one that i have been hearing from my support tickets repeatedly.

    punctuation keys don't work? lol.

    Look, it's a random thing. My brothers both made an account literally like 2 days before they sent out the code. And they both got it in their emails. What sucks is... their toons. They have no idea how to play them and now they are RB2s. Wastes my time and energy having to drag them through every instance they've never seen. lols.

    And me... I got none. :( Two RB2 toons and a bunch of character banks. I'm so jealous, it's gut-wrenching.

    sage cleric 102-102-101 / sage BM 102-102-102 / sage sin 102-102-103 / demon cleric 102-102-102 / demon veno 102-101-100 / demon archer 102 / sage barb 101-100-100 / sage seeker 101
  • zenius
    zenius Posts: 12 Arc User
    I asked him regarding this question on Twitch stream and he said he will be posting something about it soon.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
  • motherhen
    motherhen Posts: 63 Arc User

    ivan1984 said:

    I never post on forums and i have been a long time player and supporter of this game as well as cash shop user since the beta over 8 years now and i would have to challenge your statement as incorrect and quite frankly insulting if there was any review of this thread one can easily see these codes that were actually received by people me not being included in aforementioned lot were a large range of players from different areas active lvls genders and account age from old to new and they received their codes but someone like me who as well has the same factors for qualification as they do got nothing so i would have to agree this once more is a mess up on the part of this company and your response here is the same generic one that i have been hearing from my support tickets repeatedly.

    punctuation keys don't work? lol.

    Look, it's a random thing. My brothers both made an account literally like 2 days before they sent out the code. And they both got it in their emails. What sucks is... their toons. They have no idea how to play them and now they are RB2s. Wastes my time and energy having to drag them through every instance they've never seen. lols.

    And me... I got none. :( Two RB2 toons and a bunch of character banks. I'm so jealous, it's gut-wrenching.
  • motherhen
    motherhen Posts: 63 Arc User
    some of us cant be bothered to type in the correct manner to suit your standards :) once the point gets across idc how anybody types NOR do i feel petty enough to correct,pwi messed up simple,it is what it is let the lies and BS continue on.
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    motherhen said:

    some of us cant be bothered to type in the correct manner to suit your standards :) once the point gets across idc how anybody types NOR do i feel petty enough to correct,pwi messed up simple,it is what it is let the lies and BS continue on.

    We call it laziness and it really makes the poster look ignorant. It is also distraction from any point s/he attempted to make because it makes the message more difficult to read.

    PWI didn't "mess up." PWI did not want 500+ new 2nd rebirth alts on each server. Also anyone who actually does NW legitimately really doesn't want another several hundred 2nd rebirth alts to make a complete mess out of that instance either. That's why they sent the codes to a select group of players who met certain criteria. Just because you were excluded from receiving the code does not mean PWI messed up. It means you were not meant to get the code. Live with it.

    Meanwhile Domino stated his team is working on a resolution to ease the resentment which exploded like a wild inferno through the ungreatful entitlement class of ingrates so be patient and see what they come up with.

    It seems like every day my main character and alts are getting free items in the mail and I am thankful for that. How many threads have been posted recently from those QQing about how hard it is to level and get basic items in this game? Every day I've received EXP scrolls or event gold and items to upgrade gear for free. As stated earlier it doesn't matter what PWI gives away for free or what they do to make it easier to play the game it will never be enough for some of you. What a pathetic and disgusting attitude to have for a game which is free to play.

    I'm thankful for the work they have done to keep this game up and running for the past 7 years I'm been playing it. There have been problems but that's just life. Nobody is going to get everything they want and nobody gets to unilaterally decide what is fair for everyone else. If someone has an issue with someone else or something we deal with it and move on or don't deal with and and still move on. Makes life much easier that way.

    Most of my time has been as a free to play player and some of it as a cash shopper. And if I'm excluded from receiving a code others get so be it. It's not going to phase me in the slightest. I appreciate everything else they have given me for free in the past few years.
    Post edited by jadasia on
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    Can we stop with this fight already and someone close this thread?
    We were mad , we rage about it, we fighted within eachother but now its time to end it.
    Also I am sick to see jadasia kissing PWI ....

  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    This profile sounds one fake of pwi employer, @bloodedone87 . After all lies of this crew i no will surprise with it.

    After @thenamesdomino close this matter with that announce days ago i sincerily dont know what you all continue here. He/she told any after giving some hope but... Who believe?

    Same crew told about put exiled diva fashion in boutique 1 year ago. Anyone still believe in this promises?

    Anyone expect pwi crew fix this issues to send mail to all instead lies about fake criterias? I will learn to type in english before! =D
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    zeevhaora said:

    This profile sounds one fake of pwi employer, @bloodedone87 . After all lies of this crew i no will surprise with it.

    After @thenamesdomino close this matter with that announce days ago i sincerily dont know what you all continue here. He/she told any after giving some hope but... Who believe?

    Same crew told about put exiled diva fashion in boutique 1 year ago. Anyone still believe in this promises?

    Anyone expect pwi crew fix this issues to send mail to all instead lies about fake criterias? I will learn to type in english before! =D

    I am a PWI employer now? WTF?

  • zeevhaora
    zeevhaora Posts: 85 Arc User
    Not u, that u mention before.
This discussion has been closed.