Please allow hypers in FC again!!

Doesn't everyone miss it? It was a great way to level and learn your class around level 80-100, and also make friends.

No need to complain about fc babies, Level 95 pill babies are much worse! Can't PWI just bring it back with a minimum level requirement? It's ridiculous that we have to level to 100 three times (maybe four soon) but we don't have our XP room. Is it really that hard just to let hypers work in fc?

It's a dead instance now and it was a great way for people to make some money, level, make friends and learn to play in a team with their class. PV sucks and is limited. Personally I hate running it but FC was a lot of fun.

Maybe I'm just being too nostalgic but I would really love to see it being used again. ^_^


  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    Doubt it will happen. PW its known for killing instances. They removed hypers from FC but they didnt put something in there to be worth farming. Atleast some nuema they could have put there .

  • xdarkangelkiarax
    xdarkangelkiarax Posts: 36 Arc User

    Doubt it will happen. PW its known for killing instances. They removed hypers from FC but they didnt put something in there to be worth farming. Atleast some nuema they could have put there .

    Yeah that is true. It is a pretty dungeon, such a shame for it not to be used anymore. I want a reason to farm it again.
    I'm hoping others will get behind me on this though so they might consider restoring it to the way it used to be. Had so many fun runs in there.

  • razzzza
    razzzza Posts: 456 Arc User
    It was a great way to level and learn your class around level 1-100

    FTFY mate.

    Also when your on it please revert the nerfs to the goons in FCC kay thx.

    But on a serious note: They want to remove the Reflection thingy too and with PV left its the only way to gain EXP by grinding. everything else takes waaaaay to long for 103 and up.
    So... great for boosting people to 95 (or 100 reborn 2 i belive with the bigger thing?) with no gear at all (You get TT gear with the bigger boost item though but nothing special) and in this state you are NOT able to do PV.

    Now put in a few more. thousand bucks and you can actually do something with the game egg-1.gif​​
  • kittyempressa
    kittyempressa Posts: 268 Arc User
    Kitty would also like to see FC back as a leveling instance. It really used to teach people how to play in squad. Even now there's no other instances with such a great range of boss mechanisms and pullers really needed to know the basics there to pull successfully. As well as DDs had to know how to survive the aggro they got during pull.

    True, FC was also abused by lots of people buying heads. But that was still a minor problem compared to PV-babies (who seem to have no clue about how to play in a squad) and pillbabies. At least most of the people running FC did gear themselves to survive. Nowadays Kitty sees far worse-geared people in FSD than what average FC-levelers used to be.

    Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.

    Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
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  • tetraem007
    tetraem007 Posts: 129 Arc User
    razzzza said:

    But on a serious note: They want to remove the Reflection thingy too and with PV left its the only way to gain EXP by grinding. everything else takes waaaaay to long for 103 and up.


    They will remove RoR and enable "medidation for exp" everywhere (like on Chinese servers).
  • airemeth090590
    airemeth090590 Posts: 13 Arc User
    hypers were never meant to work in FF/FC so technically it was a fix to an old bug. they arent going to make them work again
  • iamluckingfoco
    iamluckingfoco Posts: 158 Arc User
    FC was killing the game. So many players all they did was run FC/buy heads/buy FC runs. It made the rest of the game so boring. Now there are so many ways to quickly level FC is obsolete except for those that don't know any better.
    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
    Vicious Marshal - Tideswell

  • xdarkangelkiarax
    xdarkangelkiarax Posts: 36 Arc User

    I don't think it would be that bad anymore because there's so much else to do in the game now especially endgame compared to back when fc was so active.
  • mulier
    mulier Posts: 305 Arc User
    revert hypers to not be limited to 10 activations epr day ... then we might speak about enabling hypers in fcc again to actually promote teamyplay as wanted .....

    but as it staes now ... fcc would jsut be buying and selling heads ... which has nothing to do with learbning a class at all
  • myhero#0905
    myhero#0905 Posts: 89 Arc User
    Fc was a religion, i lived breathed and ate fc every day!!! it was amazing and let you connect with others so much.. really miss it, coming back to the game feels kinda empty without fc, but considering it's pwi and they just want things to detoriate, well it is what it is.
  • xdarkangelkiarax
    xdarkangelkiarax Posts: 36 Arc User

    Fc was a religion, i lived breathed and ate fc every day!!! it was amazing and let you connect with others so much.. really miss it, coming back to the game feels kinda empty without fc, but considering it's pwi and they just want things to detoriate, well it is what it is.

    Yes!! I used to play pwi all night just to fc, I miss those days so much. It really does feel empty without it, and not the pwi I learned and loved. I learned my veno and sin in fc squads, I strived to be an aps sin so I could solo fc myself one day and make money. But as soon as I got the gear... they disabled hypers >.<
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User

    Doesn't everyone miss it? It was a great way to level and learn your class around level 80-100, and also make friends.

    No need to complain about fc babies, Level 95 pill babies are much worse! Can't PWI just bring it back with a minimum level requirement? It's ridiculous that we have to level to 100 three times (maybe four soon) but we don't have our XP room. Is it really that hard just to let hypers work in fc?

    It's a dead instance now and it was a great way for people to make some money, level, make friends and learn to play in a team with their class. PV sucks and is limited. Personally I hate running it but FC was a lot of fun.

    Maybe I'm just being too nostalgic but I would really love to see it being used again. ^_^

  • myhero#0905
    myhero#0905 Posts: 89 Arc User

    Fc was a religion, i lived breathed and ate fc every day!!! it was amazing and let you connect with others so much.. really miss it, coming back to the game feels kinda empty without fc, but considering it's pwi and they just want things to detoriate, well it is what it is.

    Yes!! I used to play pwi all night just to fc, I miss those days so much. It really does feel empty without it, and not the pwi I learned and loved. I learned my veno and sin in fc squads, I strived to be an aps sin so I could solo fc myself one day and make money. But as soon as I got the gear... they disabled hypers >.<</p>
    I'm so glad my sin days were with the glorious fc hype! it was amazing! soloing fc for entire squads that lvled and payed me felt like a great reward and fun way to get money and still get exp on last 3 bosses after everyone left.
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User

    Fc was a religion, i lived breathed and ate fc every day!!! it was amazing and let you connect with others so much.. really miss it, coming back to the game feels kinda empty without fc, but considering it's pwi and they just want things to detoriate, well it is what it is.

    Yes!! I used to play pwi all night just to fc, I miss those days so much. It really does feel empty without it, and not the pwi I learned and loved. I learned my veno and sin in fc squads, I strived to be an aps sin so I could solo fc myself one day and make money. But as soon as I got the gear... they disabled hypers >.<</p>
    I'm so glad my sin days were with the glorious fc hype! it was amazing! soloing fc for entire squads that lvled and payed me felt like a great reward and fun way to get money and still get exp on last 3 bosses after everyone left.
    Sell solo PV runs. It's faster. Might have a limit but so what it's still an earning potential
  • mike5311971
    mike5311971 Posts: 8 Arc User
    I been of this game for a long while and players and still begging for hypers? just a general question lol
  • xdarkangelkiarax
    xdarkangelkiarax Posts: 36 Arc User

    I been of this game for a long while and players and still begging for hypers? just a general question lol

    Some people just miss the days of fc levelling.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    I been of this game for a long while and players and still begging for hypers? just a general question lol

    Some people just miss the days of fc levelling.

    Or of making millions spamming fc and charging peeps for it.​​

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  • implode
    implode Posts: 107 Arc User

    Doesn't everyone miss it? It was a great way to level and learn your class around level 80-100, and also make friends.

    If that was my memory of FF then I would miss it. But my memory of FF was just of OP individuals who already had too much money charging money to lower levels to run them through FF, thereby widening the gear gap worse than it already was. And the worst thing was, those lower levels were begging for it, they were literally on WC saying, please come and take my money! So please, don't bring that back.
  • loveualll
    loveualll Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2016

    It really used to teach people how to play in squad. Even now there's no other instances with such a great range of boss mechanisms and pullers really needed to know the basics there to pull successfully. As well as DDs had to know how to survive the aggro they got during pull.


    That's wrong, that was old FC before everyone rolled a character that could solo it. After that, it was purely mains clearing for their alts and no one learned anything. In this day and age, everyone can solo FC np so no one would even form a squad, we'd all go back to selling big rooms and 10 minute clearings with our mains to power level with what mainstream gear we have today. I know this because I was there since FC started becoming popular from squads to selling heads to selling big rooms, to solo'ing it myself with my sin. Normal squads died when selling big rooms became popular.
  • lestaroth
    lestaroth Posts: 77 Arc User
    Given that we now have Illusionary stones, this dream will not be realized.
    I wonder whoever bought them out of despair or wish to not level up manually, but I'm at least sure that PWE laughed all the way to the bank when it happened.
  • myhero#0905
    myhero#0905 Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    loveualll said:

    It really used to teach people how to play in squad. Even now there's no other instances with such a great range of boss mechanisms and pullers really needed to know the basics there to pull successfully. As well as DDs had to know how to survive the aggro they got during pull.


    That's wrong, that was old FC before everyone rolled a character that could solo it. After that, it was purely mains clearing for their alts and no one learned anything. In this day and age, everyone can solo FC np so no one would even form a squad, we'd all go back to selling big rooms and 10 minute clearings with our mains to power level with what mainstream gear we have today. I know this because I was there since FC started becoming popular from squads to selling heads to selling big rooms, to solo'ing it myself with my sin. Normal squads died when selling big rooms became popular.
    Normal squads are still dead, cant find a SINGLE squad untill 80+ which is ridiculous. would rather want fc so i can get up to those lvls faster than having to slowly do boring lvling, if i want to play the game one way i should be able to and not have to be forced to do this **** lvling that WAS FUN when there were squads to do them with, but today when there are only rb2 105 players, there isn't much fun in killing mobs solo and having a rb2,105 clear bh's and fb's for you, given up on coming back to this game because of the reason that it's just way to tedious, if i want singleplayer i'll play another game, i don't want it forced upon me in pwi.
  • magiceffect
    magiceffect Posts: 162 Arc User
    FC had its glory days for sure :). But really, there are better ways to level even a non rb character.

    Lets consider someone who just enters the game (first char).

    To get to lvl 100, one needs 303m exp, that is around 150 FC runs no? One FC costed around 1.5m (at least I was selling it at that price), so it means 225m only in FC cost. The amount gets higher when you account for hypers, lets say 25m extra which takes you to 250m cost.

    2 Illusionary crystals will get you a bit higher than 100. 60 gold also takes you around the 250m mark.
    But you get that instantly. You are not bound to 10 runs per day, and that only if you are lucky (cannot be pro since you just started the game) and only need to activate once. Charging the 60Gold (you are level 1 ok? you cannot farm the coin) on a decent charge and spend rewards will get you some extra stuff aswell.

    Hell, you are even better off buying the warfront pack which takes you to 100 rb1 PLUS the tt99 set.

    So really, PWI already gave enough options to take FC out of the needs of players. Starting characters already had to charge if they went FC, existing players already had enough farmed coin to burn the levels. I argue that PWI made life easier, since players really wanted a easy way out of leveling!

    I do not understand why someone would want hypers back into FC, since the argument that pill babies are ruinning the game is fake and egocentric. Any non idiot who gets to lvl 100 rb1 instantly will only need 1-2 weeks to learn how to do PVE. Idiots will still be idiots even after playing the game for 10 years...

    Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3):
  • xdarkangelkiarax
    xdarkangelkiarax Posts: 36 Arc User
    I don't know why but the forums won't let me quote anyone -_-

    As a reply to magiceffect..

    I see your point regarding the cost of it all etc. But there's still a lot of old players and I don't see a problem in just having that extra exp option there if they wanted to use it. Even if just for nostalgia. May not be the most effective way to level anymore but was fun...

    Revamp the instance, put nuemas in it, make it a 90 bh or something. (but a more fun one where you earn a bit extra exp with hypers) It would give a little boost for the 90-100 players, because honestly those levels can be a grind.

    I don't see the problem with people selling runs either If people are willing to pay. You can always run for free if you make a squad. That was always an option.
  • magiceffect
    magiceffect Posts: 162 Arc User
    Dun get me wrong, I would also love to see hypers working in FC again. All I am saying is that from a logical standpoint it does not help progression.

    For diversity, it would provide a bit of incentive to players to come back to it from time to time and let nostalgia kick in. But there is also that "little" thing of goons problem not having been fully fixed, so players would try to force it out again.

    It has simply become a obsolete instance, just like Nirvana, which by the way was more fun to play. With all the new content that is coming to the game, I guess there is no time to spend on revamping old obsolete instances.
    Dawnglory - SpellStormer (105 x 3):
  • bloodedone87
    bloodedone87 Posts: 1,883 Arc User

    FC had its glory days for sure :). But really, there are better ways to level even a non rb character.

    Lets consider someone who just enters the game (first char).

    To get to lvl 100, one needs 303m exp, that is around 150 FC runs no? One FC costed around 1.5m (at least I was selling it at that price), so it means 225m only in FC cost. The amount gets higher when you account for hypers, lets say 25m extra which takes you to 250m cost.

    2 Illusionary crystals will get you a bit higher than 100. 60 gold also takes you around the 250m mark.
    But you get that instantly. You are not bound to 10 runs per day, and that only if you are lucky (cannot be pro since you just started the game) and only need to activate once. Charging the 60Gold (you are level 1 ok? you cannot farm the coin) on a decent charge and spend rewards will get you some extra stuff aswell.

    Hell, you are even better off buying the warfront pack which takes you to 100 rb1 PLUS the tt99 set.

    So really, PWI already gave enough options to take FC out of the needs of players. Starting characters already had to charge if they went FC, existing players already had enough farmed coin to burn the levels. I argue that PWI made life easier, since players really wanted a easy way out of leveling!

    I do not understand why someone would want hypers back into FC, since the argument that pill babies are ruinning the game is fake and egocentric. Any non idiot who gets to lvl 100 rb1 instantly will only need 1-2 weeks to learn how to do PVE. Idiots will still be idiots even after playing the game for 10 years...

    If someone need 1-2 weeks to learn how to PVE he doing something wrong.

  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    they should at least add better rewards at the end of the quest even if its bound items like lv 7 gems should be lv 10 like the ones in aeu and yes i do miss fc hypering
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
  • tetraem007
    tetraem007 Posts: 129 Arc User
    * To open Frost, you need two people in squad. The second character has even not to be in the instance (I bet this wasn't originally intended = it's a bug). Only a character which is level 75+ can open the instance. But lower ones can join afterwards. I'm pretty sure that's also a bug.

    * To enter PV, you need a token which lasts just 15 mins. Only one person can open the instance per day.
    I bet it was intended like this: Go with a squad for 15 mins per day, change lead after every run and everyone opens the instance 1x.
    In reality we are all "cheating": we just log one alt character after another for our main character. Because almost everyone can solo the instance anyway and in a squad we would get less exp.

    * That "friend invitation" tickets is a way to invite friends. And of course, everyone has an alt army on their friend list again.

    And so on, I suppose you all got the pattern. If there is a way to trick the system, we are doing it of course.
    Because if we wouldn't, we would fall behind.

    The developers in PW CN should know that. Because I'm pretty sure it's the same in their version.
    Imo they should give us more freedom. E.g. they should just let every character open PV per day as often as they want.
    They should give us PV tokens which last 24h (or even better, make them obsolte).

    Hyper Stones should work more than 1-2h per day.

    And imo it's also not smart to motivate people to stay offline for three weeks, just to get the exp-booster item.
    They should give us one for e.g. BH100 reward instead, which lasts 24h.

    The only thing we all "learn" atm: trick/cheat the system! The more you do, the higher the reward will be.
    Not sure if it's smart for a game/ gaming company to teach their playerbase this kind of spirit.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    not sure but wasnt pwi making more money off me when fc was open like buying hypers and resealing them etc also when i did power leveing service id cat shop way more and the vendors would cash shop more to get me the stuff i need for coin.

    i bet you if they check there numbers when fc was open they see a difference when they shut it down didnt a few months after they layed off employees lol i dont think that was coincidence followed by merging servers lol.

    i think think if fc was back plus there promotions they make so much more money.

    the way things are now i went from like 100 to 200 a month cash shoping to i think 25-50 dollars if even that and thats only cause some ok promos
  • myhero#0905
    myhero#0905 Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    laiwaisan said:

    not sure but wasnt pwi making more money off me when fc was open like buying hypers and resealing them etc also when i did power leveing service id cat shop way more and the vendors would cash shop more to get me the stuff i need for coin.

    i bet you if they check there numbers when fc was open they see a difference when they shut it down didnt a few months after they layed off employees lol i dont think that was coincidence followed by merging servers lol.

    i think think if fc was back plus there promotions they make so much more money.

    the way things are now i went from like 100 to 200 a month cash shoping to i think 25-50 dollars if even that and thats only cause some ok promos

    Everything is free now, people bought gold for mounts for hypers for charms for everything before. now you get it all free or with quests or event gold.