Santas Gift Event Clarification?

tuttle Posts: 254 Arc User
So, I have several questions with this event

Phase one - login event. Simple enough
Phase two - Complete the towers OR get the soulgem pack - is the complete the towers just anytime between when they came out and when the check for the event comes?
Phase three - The new pets...SOME are under the impression, that you just need to have them in your pet bag at any point, while the text seems to state that you need them in your pet bag the day of the check.

What is the exact date of the check? I have two slots in my pet bag, have both pets, but I'd like to keep my mount also when possible.
Do you need to have both pets hatched in your bag at that exact time to get the rewards?


  • artixstar90
    artixstar90 Posts: 22 Arc User
    As far as i know, Someone corrrect me if I'm wrong.
    phase 2 complete tower (all 108 floors) at any time during the santa checklist event. the other event regarding the tower with specified check dates and time is a completely seperate event.
    phase 3 if you want both the ring and the cape, you will need to have both pets in pet bag, when they check. I'm assuming they check periodicially, but to be on the safe side i would have both pets in pet bag at least a day or two ahead of the end date and time of santa checklist.
  • tuttle
    tuttle Posts: 254 Arc User
    Can we get clarification on this please? Domino?
  • hogwarts123
    hogwarts123 Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    :'( Please someone answer this. Also, somepeople are saying that there has to be all of the checks done for one list and then others are saying you only need to do 1 check sooo... :/

  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User

    :'( Please someone answer this. Also, somepeople are saying that there has to be all of the checks done for one list and then others are saying you only need to do 1 check sooo... :/

    wtf, OP has a reasonable question your additional question is... answered literally in the second sentence of the event announcement. everyone who said only need 1 check only you should BL, delete, and/or shoot in the face.
  • tuttle
    tuttle Posts: 254 Arc User
    Mosz, who would ever think you and I would agree on something? I have been talking to a couple players who got information from Sutr, saying that they just need to have a screenshot of the pets in their pet bags. Meanwhile, the way the wording is on the posting makes it sound like we need them in our bag when the check is done (which makes sense)

    All I wanna know is which is true, and WHEN the check is being done @thenamesdomino
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    Sorry for the delay, I've been heads down the past day and a half. Going to get an answer for you.
  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    Sorry for the delay, I've been heads down the past day and a half. Going to get an answer for you.

    finally, it has been asked in a dozen times already over the past weeks (at least twice by myself)
    to semi clarify what we are asking: are all 3 checks done at once? is having any of the requirements automatically flagged on your toon or is there a set moment the server does a check

    follow up, who is the **** that decided that one of the checks is a boutique only item that on average requires opening $1,500 USD of packs?.. yah thats a real "gift"
  • hogwarts123
    hogwarts123 Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    mosz said:

    wtf, OP has a reasonable question your additional question is... answered literally in the second sentence of the event announcement. everyone who said only need 1 check only you should BL, delete, and/or shoot in the face.

    If thats the case then why don't they give us a fixed date. Like most people i can't finish Heavenfall in a day so unless i do the pack one i have to make sure i get it done every time it resets? like really? Please PWI clarify this... also, they have a history of leaving things out in announcements so its understandable that someone misunderstood it.

  • krisvic88
    krisvic88 Posts: 4 Arc User
    Also, the checklist says to get a soulgem pack or complete the tower. The soulgem pack turns into a sparkle pack after putting it into ur invent, do we have to open the sparkle pack in order to fulfill that part, or keep the sparkle pack closed?
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    krisvic88 said:

    Also, the checklist says to get a soulgem pack or complete the tower. The soulgem pack turns into a sparkle pack after putting it into ur invent, do we have to open the sparkle pack in order to fulfill that part, or keep the sparkle pack closed?

    that was my concern. i have not opened the pack but since the items comes from either charge rewards or CS, there is definitely paper trail they can check for this item.
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    edited December 2015
    If you get the pets, you need to keep the pets in the bag.

    Once you've redeemed the soulgem pack, it is all good. You can do whatever you want with that pack.

    We will run our data check on Jan 05,2016.
    Any item received after 01/04/2016 won’t be counted.
  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User

    If you get the pets, you need to keep the pets in the bag.

    Once you've redeemed the soulgem pack, it is all good. You can do whatever you want with that pack.

    We will run our data check on Jan 05,2016.
    Any item received after 01/04/2016 won’t be counted.

    so sharing a pet doesnt work...thats for telling us a month into the contest, pets that cost on average over $1000USD to open from packs

    you see nothing wrong with that domino?
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    Sharing a pet never sounded like it would work at all, hence the price those pets go for in WC. we all knew from the beginning that if it came out a pack it was not going to come cheaply so as far as that i think that was never a question. i mean they have a $1200 spend reward tier that can be completed more than once.... and S cards in charge rewards for 8K. would I have preferred they use a pack that spawned more of those pets than a normal pack would? absolutely, but soon as i saw the packs i knew exactly what the case was.

    I don't think domino has any say on the promos, and even if he did it would be foolish of him to voice his displeasure seeing as he cant do anything about it and it will only reflect poorly on his job.
  • mosz
    mosz Posts: 247 Arc User

    Sharing a pet never sounded like it would work at all.

    fair enough, rereading the event announcement i guess it does imply no sharing

    so seems they purposefully made it work different than ...every other check
  • thedoc1212
    thedoc1212 Posts: 135 Arc User
    are the pets to be in your pet bag or in the inventory bag?
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
  • wolfangel09
    wolfangel09 Posts: 2 Arc User
    Will it work if they are in the pet bag? Or do we need to revert them to egg form and keep them in our inventory?
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    yea @thenamesdomino that is a pretty valid question. does the pet need to be in the inventory or the pet bag or is there a difference. I have the egg hatched and in my pet bag thinking that was the intent.
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    I was told it needs to be in the inventory
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    i will un-hatch it then and keep in inventory. thank you so much for helping to clarify that issue @thenamesdomino
  • chary
    chary Posts: 850 Arc User
    So the pet must be in our inventory on January 4th? Just asking now since I don't want to be lugging some 200m pet in my inventory for weeks.​​
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    Correct. PRIOR to January 4th
  • snowduxon
    snowduxon Posts: 6 Arc User
    So hey @thenamesdomino i really want to make sure this is right a lot of players paid a ton to get the pets
    and from the news from origonal post for event says pet bag
    Santa’s Checklist Item Three:

    Obtain a Battlebot pet from a Glowing Energy Core pack, the auction house, or a friend. You must use the pet on your character and keep it in your pet bag to get credit for this check.
  • snowduxon
    snowduxon Posts: 6 Arc User
    also says must use pet which should mean it has to be hatched
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    edited December 2015
    Let's all take a moment. I'm hearing what's essentially the same question reworded and twisted and it's confusing just about everyone here including myself.

    Again here are the answers I received from the producer:

    Question: Do the players need the items in their bag or can the item be in their pet bag?

    Answer: They need to keep the pets in their bag.

    Question: The checklist says to get a soulgem pack or complete the tower. The soulgem pack turns into a sparkle pack after putting it into ur invent, do we have to open the sparkle pack in order to fulfill that part, or keep the sparkle pack closed?

    Answer: Once they redeemed the soulgem pack, it is all good. They can do whatever they want with that pack.

    I will ask for further clarification if you need me to. It will take a little time since they had to go to china to meet with the devs.
  • snowduxon
    snowduxon Posts: 6 Arc User
    getting more clarificaton on the pet thing would be great and i know you are trying but just worried seeing as what they told you goes against the event post
  • thenamesdomino
    thenamesdomino Posts: 545 Perfect World Employee
    Okay will do. I'll try to have an answer tomorrow.
  • snowduxon
    snowduxon Posts: 6 Arc User
  • wolfangel09
    wolfangel09 Posts: 2 Arc User
    Domino - you truly are a rockstar on this mate.
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    snowduxon said:

    getting more clarificaton on the pet thing would be great and i know you are trying but just worried seeing as what they told you goes against the event post

    domino really and truly did just clarify your question. it was clarified before you asked it.

    you get the pet, keep the pet egg in your inventory until the check is complete after 1/4. nothing more, nothing less.

    and yes @thenamesdomino certainly responded quickly and as completely as he could given the responses he got. the CMs were never the problem, its the rest of the production and marketing crews and their inability to communicate clearly or effectively. we should not need to open forum topics to explain what a news post meant or to basically receive the instructions that SHOULD have been in the original marketing post. a little clarification is understandable but the last couple of promos aside from spend/charge/login rewards were so terribly worded i'm surprised anyone understood them.
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