Cross-Server NW QQ
What kind of accomplishment should that be? Dawnglory could as well get 3 squads together consisting only of max geared ppl and destroy everything on its path. Why tho? What is the point of having so many people around you with which victory is nearly guaranteed? Where is the challange there? Exactly. There is none. The only challange one can find in a game like this is 1on1. Everything else is just playing around and wasting time. Skill is all that matters and by all means, I will not and never rely on others and I only accept defeat when I am defeated fair and square by a single person. Everything else matters not.shunsai said:
Well... don't let us bully you into quitting. Hoorah did that to "top" factions on Twilight Temple server and now we're lacking activity in NW. Shot ourselves in the foot there.jsxshadow said:What this game really needs is a 1on1 Cross-Server Tourny. Back in the day when I had to rely on 100+ ppl in one nation it was aweful to see how many failures we have on our that I have to put up with nearly 400-600 ppl in X-Server Nation Wars from our Fail server...well. No offense but unless there is X-Server 1on1 count me out of that useless waste of time. I wont stand there and let myself get ganked by all server when I could clearly 1on1 them without even breaking a sweat.
No ty, no ty. Teamplay is not my strong suit. For a reason.
I will never get myself blamed for the failures of others.
So please PWE!! Make it happen. Give us 1on1 rankings and some cross-server matchupsThen I shall remain No.1 forever and all those arrogant ppl that cant do anything besides hiding behind others will be silenced forever
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Let's just all agree that pvp doesn't matter c:102/101/102 cleric0
1v1 is pointless vs. certain classes at this point and is gonna be hella pointless whenever we get g17 weps.0
Stop making claims about peoples gear when you clearly dont know anything those particular TT squads you fought against a few times were not full of only max geared people unless you consider stuff like +10 immacs and +11 vit stones to be max gear. Judging by the people i saw in the video they had at least 3 +10 people.jsxshadow said:
What kind of accomplishment should that be? Dawnglory could as well get 3 squads together consisting only of max geared ppl and destroy everything on its path. Why tho? What is the point of having so many people around you with which victory is nearly guaranteed?
1v1 is pointless in this game some classes will lose by default no matter how good players they are archer vs duskblade anyone? rip archer
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Didnt go NW so cant throw a dog in the fight while I hate 95% of my server I must say im confused how yall can brag dawnglory sucked with 50 ppl which isnt a big diff if you count a fair amount being alts, but how can yall brag if in a 3 way gank they still come 3rd making them fail exactly?
They must be doing something right if a 3 way gank still steal 3 place. Also many of DawnGlory wouldnt listen when I told them after friday the 3 bitter servers will seek vengence lol cant believe ppl said I was wrong well not the smart ones they didn't xD105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
300 ppl 400ppl 500pl meh dun matter its all in the timing of the push and switch. Dawnglorys clearly has numbers 1st X server nw Tideswell didnt engage them too much cause pre X Server its been known taking 2 fronts is better then 3. Being accross from them , the typical play is let the 2 others sorta road block them so we only have to focus 2 fronts. On the 2nd X server NW, Tideswell knew not to let that happen again.
Dawnsglory had the numbers but not as much as the first day. We Engaged them early and played off the push coming from Frost and Flame. I gotta say Twilight put out a hard push few times. But being all endgame dont mean squat to most in Tideswell. We know how to play the map vs the OP. Not sure i can speak for the RT players but in DW our NW's was ALWAYS like that. Even before the whole avatar etc mechanics. Facing ppl that make u feel like a quater shot. Just looking at what Darkskies said i already know why Tides won. I still came across some great fights which i always look forward too.
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I don't think the token amount got dropped so much. On Friday I got 3-4x less tokens than in regular NW and yesterday the amount was 2-3x less than my average. Not so bad.
IMO if the token amount stays like this we can expect 2-4x increase in tokens price. It would be a return to some old prices. I remember a time where token amount got increased and merchants (like me) had to drop their prices. It was more painful than current situation where most merchants have some tokens/items stored and some price increase will benefit them.0 -
everyone was focusing on fighting dawnglory and yet we ended second with equal numbers
Actually I sent my stronger squads against Dark. You were fighting the weaker half of Twilight Temple and they were still all up in your base. Whereas my stronger people were stalemated with Tideswell. So yeah not impressed with Dawnglory outside of their ability to show up on Fridays.
He did tell us to fight Dark...
But ye...we didnt have a single battle against Dark Nation, because we prefered to fight Dawnglory, and we generally just do what we want to do.
Im not one to claim our server (Twilight Temple) is the best, simply cuz I dont believe this myself...Though I believe our squad quite comfortably picked apart Dawnglory in battles in which the numbers definately were not in our favor...Though they were really competitive battles. Ill have my video online in an hour or so.
limonazza was in every single one of those battles, and lost them all, so lets not get too comfortable with the smacktalk, not only did u outnumber us 2:1 or even 3:1, but not a single person in our squad has even close to your gear
Lets just stick with a ''Good Fight''
i wouldnt call it a win, getting your best 30 ppl stuck against 10 of us + randoms while rest of our nation was taking all the lands around you?
just check around min 24 of your vid while your team + desdi team + 8 more was there fighting us for 20 mins
our nation took:
D3 D10 G14 H1 D18 D8 G12 G36 G8 G1 D14 G25 H2 G5 G2 D9 D22 D13 D19 D8 D6 D2 D15 G3 G4 D11
yea you beat my team at points, but then what? you lost the nation wars
also lets define beat?
dig flags with IG? and when we do it bug our flag puller in bushes and what not?
if i get my faction best 30 in the same map as you do that's deftly gonna be harder for you to win single maps
but ofc i prefer to win nation wars you know
and if you picked against us means we are the challenge actually
and about the gears of the 20s you brought into your maps, thats bs i know the most of them have all my kind of gears while my team doesnt even
you can brag about delivering 2 endgame duskblades + 0defs and fvck me up, but while you are doing this 20 mins maps rest of my nation took all the lands behind you
all that hate and focus and still DG ended second
stay mad
also qontroL don't worry we are already aware of the kind of player you are after your friday's nation wars vid that was of 20mins, which excuse do you have for all the maps you got rekt but you didnt record?
watch qontroL vid, first map is a defeat already
and he did cuts so idk, i leave this to your reason
Post edited by limonazza on0 -
This content has been removed.
wait, were you the blonde female bm that died 1 hit? was that the squad that always moved together with another op geared squad just to constantly have 25 minute battles due to their inability to end fights early?dingo488 said:Sunday's NW:
I think we're going to be fighting Etherblade or Tideswell next week, seems we've alrdy battled most of what Dawnglory has to offer. Plus we dont wanna make them quit NW ;x
apart from digging in IG and glitching everyone into the air, with duskblades as a follow up, your squad did not have much to offer.
you are a nice meatshield, tho. charmsellers on TT must love you
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Since when two 25 min battles equal constantly? since when going together a few times means constantly? I met of those squads in a few maps alone without the other. Inability to end fights early? same goes to your dawnglory squads.aphrodita said:
wait, were you the blonde female bm that died 1 hit? was that the squad that always moved together with another op geared squad just to constantly have 25 minute battles due to their inability to end fights early?
apart from digging in IG and glitching everyone into the air, with duskblades as a follow up, your squad did not have much to offer.
you are a nice meatshield, tho. charmsellers on TT must love you0 -
I just wanna know one thing...... WHO EXCITED FOR 12M AOE PURGE!!!! Trollo lol105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
i agree that TAB should b removed.... OP range just press TAB + skill all the time and 1 shoot all G16 players blind fighting like auto machine gun with no need 2 look or aim.... BAD0
wait, were you the blonde female bm that died 1 hit? was that the squad that always moved together with another op geared squad just to constantly have 25 minute battles due to their inability to end fights early?
apart from digging in IG and glitching everyone into the air, with duskblades as a follow up, your squad did not have much to offer.
you are a nice meatshield, tho. charmsellers on TT must love you
Since when two 25 min battles equal constantly? since when going together a few times means constantly? I met of those squads in a few maps alone without the other. Inability to end fights early? same goes to your dawnglory squads.
you brought your op squads in lands that took 20 mins to win @ points against my team + randoms which has g16 players in it
consider also that 2 maps of 25 minutes is already half of a nation wars
after those 2 maps you were a red pimple on a white map
now call it a win
i leave the rest @ your reason aswell
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And it makes more sense a wiz can hit you with a flying bolder and you dont notice it till its right above your head, suddenly theres walking talking pandas tigers and wolves oh hell lets magic a half mouse half woman hybrid guess I failed biology there tok how about the first MMO where a reaper scythe is used as a magical staff instead of a weapon you wanna talk about logic? Wrong game
null105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
limonazza said:
you brought your op squads in lands that took 20 mins to win @ points against my team + randoms which has g16 players in it
consider also that 2 maps of 25 minutes is already half of a nation wars
after those 2 maps you were a red pimple on a white map
now call it a win
i leave the rest @ your reason aswell
Where did i even call it a win? stop putting words in my mouth you like doing that apparently.
I was correcting a statement that was clearly false in the previous post as you guys seem to treat something that happens a couple of times = something that happens always and forever. As far as i know by asking around there was one "op" squad (which btw is not full of max endgame people) and the other was half a squad. The rest i dunno which players they were Id have to watch qontrol's video again i guess.
I thought my server was terrbile about winners losers shet talking but looks like the stupidity is not limited to TT. I see there is no point in posting here since people will continue making up their own versions of what happened in nw like the good ol' times of pk drama.0 -
Its normal and fair that an r9r3 player 1 shots players with gear lower than that. G16 gear can be easy obtain and refine to +4 or +5. It took me 3 months to get G16+4 armor and +5 weapon. On the other hand R9r3 it smuch harder to obtain. It can take 1-2 year to farm it or alot of real money. So its logical that it should be better than G16 or R8r or Morai gear. It wouldnt be fair if a r9r3+12 player with a set of cards maxed out, many titles obtain, meridian maxed, start charts maxed, shifting sky lvl10 wouldnt 1 shot a G16+5 players.teabagg said:Its all about gear now.R9+++ can just tab shoot and a normal player in most cases is toast with a 25k+ hit while they do 300 dmg on a r9 player...all about the gear.
Kinda like this and picture as you will..tank and a car..the ank just ran over the car.Yeah the car can ram the tank for 200 dmg but over all the tank will just destroy it easy will 30000000000 dmg!
tab ruins the game,its great for mobs but tab feature should not be incorporated in pvp its basicly auto aim for most.And the lack of dodge as it in other games inst in this game and dumb junk like archer arrows going through walls and trees etc is really stupid too lol.0 -
I guess I understand how this works now, you guys are so salty that u lost to us for 2 hours straight while fighting with 30 against 15, you are now celebrating the fact your server did what u didnt do instead. The way you describe it you just got carried by your server.
As for the editting of my video, I dont cut out any of our defeats or deaths, I only cut out the downtime, and 10v0 battles (well and the one time I bug reported). All the deaths and defeats in the video were the only ones all NW long. So if you want to see me die or lose (or ''get 1shot'' which never happened) then I suggest you wait till next week.
I would expect at least Etherblade or Tideswell have some people that can make this happen, our squad really isnt that great, I dont think a single person in our squad even uses S cards, hell I dont even use a proper tome. I think all it takes is someone with the gear of limonazza that actually DOES know how to play to make a nice montage or me dying and losing for your enjoyment.
As for the 1v1 I fully agree with Joe.
The excuse of ''The reason we lost is everything and everyone but me'' just doesnt feel right anymore.
If we push the game closer to being 1v1 oriented we can kinda compare it to pokemon. Excuses like:
''Your Blastoise only beat my Charizard cuz water is good against fire, but my Charizard is still better because I beat the Venusaur that destroyed you.''
Just feels a lot better and makes a lot more sense. Especially since this is the generally accepted logic on PWI.0 -
No. That's not it. The only class that is broken in this game that can kinda roll everything in a 1on1 is the Duskblade. That is in fact not because the class itself is so strong, it's because the way paralyze works is broken. It shouldn't be able to overwrite itself and should act like the regular stun. That would actually force Duskblades to be skilled and to time their paralyzes which would give the other classes plenty of time to get away or to counter the db.dingo488 said:
As for the 1v1 I fully agree with Joe.
The excuse of ''The reason we lost is everything and everyone but me'' just doesnt feel right anymore.
If we push the game closer to being 1v1 oriented we can kinda compare it to pokemon. Excuses like:
''Your Blastoise only beat my Charizard cuz water is good against fire, but my Charizard is still better because I beat the Venusaur that destroyed you.''
Just feels a lot better and makes a lot more sense. Especially since this is the generally accepted logic on PWI.
That aside. I could beat any other class with any of the other classes in 1on1, selfbuffed. Surely, vs some classes you have a higher luck dependency or you need to pull off heavier stuff to actually beat the other class or to even be able to kill the other class. Still, it is not impossible. I'm not saying that the game is that balanced...but you can equal it out with skill plus we can still same class vs same class.
I want Paralyze fixed and ranked, adjusted pvp. I am not a guy that says..ha with my Storm I can wreck Archer easily. I am soo good. No. I can wreck all other Stormbringer in the entire game just as easy.
Even if 1on1 wont be an option for PWE. Still. What will you do when you have like 10 great ppl vs 20 great ppl even if its 30 vs 20 when the other 20 ppl on your side are just useless garbage? We need at least 5v5, 10v10 tournies or something like that. Would be totally fine for me. But guys seriously...NW is pure randomness. Feeling OP cause of that uncontrolable, never even close to be fair situation is just rediculous. Another reason why I dont like NW. The only time I like NW is when my squad of 4-6 ppl wins vs 30 other ppl cause its at least a bit of a challange. Thats all.Post edited by jsxshadow on0 -
You say you are talking about farming for profit, and yet i have to say that i " farm" NW for profit.jadasia said:
If you go there to farm instead of competing against other players then you deserve to be disappointed. I'm talking about those who farm for profit. the "I don't even make enough to pay for my charms and pots" crowd. NW is supposed to more than just getting tokens. It's a PvP event. And people who need tokens for gear upgrades are still going to get them for gear upgrades. Just takes a bit longer.
Besides since tokens are less plentiful rap and canny prices sharply increased. There still is a profit incentive due to supply and demand. I get half as many per weekend yet make twice as much off each. Some people will never be satisfied regardless. QQ because too many tokens drove prices down now QQ because fewer tokens driving prices up. Good god.
I quit for 14 months, and i'm behind on all my recast gear ( neck/tome/rings/helm ) so i need supply tokens ( just the bare tokens about 5K of them )
That means with my current gear, that i have to do 100-125 NW's just to get the tokens i need to do the supply token part. Not to mention the 400 Seal of wars that i still need then. And on top of that the god knows how much of 100's of mil as well.
getting 50 per war is not tolerable for me. I was in second nation on sunday, and i always get between 15/20K personal credit, and then getting 50 tokens means that i spend 20 million on pots/charms etc and get 1 seal of war. This just makes me wanna quit again because before i get to have my recast gear, another 2 new levels came out and i have to redo it all again.0 -
It's going to be a long row to hoe if that's all you do to get the mats you need to upgrade your gear. Or you can do what I do and set up a catshop and earn coin to buy the SoW and etc required as you earn the coin. Makes it much easier. Sure it takes time to earn upgrades for gears. I think even cash shoppers should be forced to burn time and effort to upgrade their gears. Considering how long it takes for farm bloods and what not for primal skills and other stuff We should be used to it.bloodking82 said:
You say you are talking about farming for profit, and yet i have to say that i " farm" NW for profit.jadasia said:
If you go there to farm instead of competing against other players then you deserve to be disappointed. I'm talking about those who farm for profit. the "I don't even make enough to pay for my charms and pots" crowd. NW is supposed to more than just getting tokens. It's a PvP event. And people who need tokens for gear upgrades are still going to get them for gear upgrades. Just takes a bit longer.
Besides since tokens are less plentiful rap and canny prices sharply increased. There still is a profit incentive due to supply and demand. I get half as many per weekend yet make twice as much off each. Some people will never be satisfied regardless. QQ because too many tokens drove prices down now QQ because fewer tokens driving prices up. Good god.
I quit for 14 months, and i'm behind on all my recast gear ( neck/tome/rings/helm ) so i need supply tokens ( just the bare tokens about 5K of them )
That means with my current gear, that i have to do 100-125 NW's just to get the tokens i need to do the supply token part. Not to mention the 400 Seal of wars that i still need then. And on top of that the god knows how much of 100's of mil as well.
getting 50 per war is not tolerable for me. I was in second nation on sunday, and i always get between 15/20K personal credit, and then getting 50 tokens means that i spend 20 million on pots/charms etc and get 1 seal of war. This just makes me wanna quit again because before i get to have my recast gear, another 2 new levels came out and i have to redo it all again.
I do think we got really spoiled with NW. Maybe people might just start doing NV again if the rap prices continue to go up. But a roll back on the availability of mats from tokens just means more value added to them due to supply and demand. Does it mean it will take longer to upgrade gear. Yes. Is this necessarily a bad thing? I'm leaning no because as stated it is a roll back to the way it was before. Before NW how long did it take to farm raps for NV 2nd cast? And how expensive was it? And how many people actually had Warsoul weapons?0 -
So you are saying a basic upgrade, which everybody who wants to be relevant has, should now take a year of NW? Not to mention you need 4 of these upgrades. So 4 years to farm ones gear, do you really think thats a good idea?jadasia said:
It's going to be a long row to hoe if that's all you do to get the mats you need to upgrade your gear. Or you can do what I do and set up a catshop and earn coin to buy the SoW and etc required as you earn the coin. Makes it much easier. Sure it takes time to earn upgrades for gears. I think even cash shoppers should be forced to burn time and effort to upgrade their gears. Considering how long it takes for farm bloods and what not for primal skills and other stuff We should be used to it.
I do think we got really spoiled with NW. Maybe people might just start doing NV again if the rap prices continue to go up. But a roll back on the availability of mats from tokens just means more value added to them due to supply and demand. Does it mean it will take longer to upgrade gear. Yes. Is this necessarily a bad thing? I'm leaning no because as stated it is a roll back to the way it was before. Before NW how long did it take to farm raps for NV 2nd cast? And how expensive was it? And how many people actually had Warsoul weapons?0 -
Does that one single victory 40vs24 makes you feel proud? Even though you literally lost all other fights against us that NW. I wouldnt be so proud if I were you.0 -
Personally I would like supply tokens to be in cash shop 1k per 25g or maybe 2k there problem solve easy way to afford nw upgrades and you can have fun in nw and not worry about **** token amount Trollo. Meh of course alot of people will disagree because "We dont wanna cash because we take pride in saying we never would ever spend money on a game" because blowing a ton of money non necessities like we as human often do is any better LMFAO105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode -
Glad I missed this. If there's one thing I learned it's always miss the firstI couldn't get in to the new server. Said 'server field can't be left blank'.
I was able to get in eventually by having someone mail me a correct serverlist.txt file. Mine was bugged (patcher never updates it for some reason). If others have this problem do this:
Put this in C:\Games\PWI_en\patcher\server\serverlist.txt
or wherever your pwi install is.
Europe Dawnglory 54 US West Etherblade 6 Twilight Temple 4 US East Tideswell 10 Cross1 20 &2
Here are the other issues to watch out for:
1) You have no access to event gold or gold. Bring your charms in ahead of time.
2) Your hotkeys don't come to the new server. You have to reset them inside. Hopefully this is only once.
3) Dawnglory has almost twice as many people as other servers due to being at a better time, plan accordingly.
4) The total token count was not increased. Hopefully this gets fixed later.
5) There is a bit of lag at times.
6) You will automatically be put into PK mode for 10hours on exit. Be sure to equip guardian scrolls.
Other than those issues it was great! Not being sarcastic it was fun.
Thanks for this up there ^^
By the way don't try to go to cross server if you bypassed arc. You get kicked off and locked out of logging on for about 5 minutes each attempt. Force log won't help you.
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Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
I guess I understand how this works now, you guys are so salty that u lost to us for 2 hours straight while fighting with 30 against 15, you are now celebrating the fact your server did what u didnt do instead. The way you describe it you just got carried by your server.
As for the editting of my video, I dont cut out any of our defeats or deaths, I only cut out the downtime, and 10v0 battles (well and the one time I bug reported). All the deaths and defeats in the video were the only ones all NW long. So if you want to see me die or lose (or ''get 1shot'' which never happened) then I suggest you wait till next week.
I would expect at least Etherblade or Tideswell have some people that can make this happen, our squad really isnt that great, I dont think a single person in our squad even uses S cards, hell I dont even use a proper tome. I think all it takes is someone with the gear of limonazza that actually DOES know how to play to make a nice montage or me dying and losing for your enjoyment.
As for the 1v1 I fully agree with Joe.
The excuse of ''The reason we lost is everything and everyone but me'' just doesnt feel right anymore.
If we push the game closer to being 1v1 oriented we can kinda compare it to pokemon. Excuses like:
''Your Blastoise only beat my Charizard cuz water is good against fire, but my Charizard is still better because I beat the Venusaur that destroyed you.''
Just feels a lot better and makes a lot more sense. Especially since this is the generally accepted logic on PWI.
lmao lost to us for 2 hours, first map in your video is a defeat
and there were plenty more
and how about friday?
and downtime + the path to lands is way shorter than normal nws it doesnt really reduce 2 hours into 30 mins of footage
but meh we have something ready for next ones, just in case we need to shut down non-backed-up-egos like yours and the venos thats sucking you off lmao
you overpower maps and call it gg, you lose nation wars because of that and call it a win
lmao you just dont back it up0 -
Someone on this thread said NW is a fight for glory.
Based on the latests coments here in this thread it looks like a fight to prove who has the biggest ego.0 -
By the way don't try to go to cross server if you bypassed arc. You get kicked off and locked out of logging on for about 5 minutes each attempt. Force log won't help you.0
For Non cash shoppers it used to take a year to level to 8x. It used to take a year or more to get NV 2nd cast. It used to take a year or more to learn most of the class skills. If it takes one 4 years to upgrade gears with NW then they are complete fails. Most of the relevant people you speak of have been in the game for at least 3 years. I see no problem with it.saxroll said:-
So you are saying a basic upgrade, which everybody who wants to be relevant has, should now take a year of NW? Not to mention you need 4 of these upgrades. So 4 years to farm ones gear, do you really think thats a good idea?jadasia said:
It's going to be a long row to hoe if that's all you do to get the mats you need to upgrade your gear. Or you can do what I do and set up a catshop and earn coin to buy the SoW and etc required as you earn the coin. Makes it much easier. Sure it takes time to earn upgrades for gears. I think even cash shoppers should be forced to burn time and effort to upgrade their gears. Considering how long it takes for farm bloods and what not for primal skills and other stuff We should be used to it.
I do think we got really spoiled with NW. Maybe people might just start doing NV again if the rap prices continue to go up. But a roll back on the availability of mats from tokens just means more value added to them due to supply and demand. Does it mean it will take longer to upgrade gear. Yes. Is this necessarily a bad thing? I'm leaning no because as stated it is a roll back to the way it was before. Before NW how long did it take to farm raps for NV 2nd cast? And how expensive was it? And how many people actually had Warsoul weapons?0 -
So....with your suggestion you get a R9.3+10/12 character to earn 50 NW tokens, for free, from PWI, when you make an account.jadasia said:
For Non cash shoppers it used to take a year to level to 8x. It used to take a year or more to get NV 2nd cast. It used to take a year or more to learn most of the class skills. If it takes one 4 years to upgrade gears with NW then they are complete fails. Most of the relevant people you speak of have been in the game for at least 3 years. I see no problem with it.saxroll said:-
So you are saying a basic upgrade, which everybody who wants to be relevant has, should now take a year of NW? Not to mention you need 4 of these upgrades. So 4 years to farm ones gear, do you really think thats a good idea?jadasia said:
It's going to be a long row to hoe if that's all you do to get the mats you need to upgrade your gear. Or you can do what I do and set up a catshop and earn coin to buy the SoW and etc required as you earn the coin. Makes it much easier. Sure it takes time to earn upgrades for gears. I think even cash shoppers should be forced to burn time and effort to upgrade their gears. Considering how long it takes for farm bloods and what not for primal skills and other stuff We should be used to it.
I do think we got really spoiled with NW. Maybe people might just start doing NV again if the rap prices continue to go up. But a roll back on the availability of mats from tokens just means more value added to them due to supply and demand. Does it mean it will take longer to upgrade gear. Yes. Is this necessarily a bad thing? I'm leaning no because as stated it is a roll back to the way it was before. Before NW how long did it take to farm raps for NV 2nd cast? And how expensive was it? And how many people actually had Warsoul weapons?
I'm not full endgame geared, but i'm like 75% done, and i earn 50 tokens. what do you think G16's make? I heard many of them got 0, nothing, zilch, nada. How do you get your gear then? you fail to see that if you don't have visible progress on gear, people quit. farming for 2 months to get 1 piece of gear recasted, is acceptable, 1 year is not.
When nirvana came out, it only took me 2 months to farm my second cast nirvana weapon, not longer then that. and again, that was with a R6+10 all around with TT99 gear wizard, which was close to endgame at that point. Some people farmed for 6-8 months before they got 1 piece, most of them quit.
oh and btw, i can't buy supply tokens in my invetory, i have to NW for them to get them, that alone is the 4K tokens i need, 4K tokens, 50 per war means that i need 80 weeks to farm those, more then 1.5 years. and that's only if i miss no NW, and always do well and am in first/second place. if i get third nation or fourth, i doubt i will more then 25 on average0
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