well now that r9 got so expencive how do us g16 ppl keep up with the game
... but it certainly doesn't mean that r999 is as weak as you say it is. Especially comparing only the weapon without the set bonus and without end game round refines you miss where r999 really shines.
Compare a full +10 r999 toon with a full +10 g16 toon with equal gear, cards, levels, and spirit and you will definitely feel a difference.
youre missing the point (apparently like you do with some of my other posts) . anyone who QQs that they cant get r9rr now cos its "so expensive" definately cant afford max refines and shards for it.
thats why i said " It doesnt matter if you're R9rr or T3 unless youre matched ...."0 -
all i ever did, some dailies and chat all day - got my r9 and refines in 3 monthsbloodedone87 said:If you want to have R9 gear you have to play the game. And it all depends how many hours per day you play and how many toons to farm with you have and many other aspects can influence it. So if you have only 1 toon for farming and you can play only 1-2 hours per day you wont have r9 in 1 year. Also if you play 5-6 hours, do your dailies which takes you 1 hour maximum and the rest of time you spend is chatting or dueling you wont have r9 in 1 year. In fact you wont have r9 at all.
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I am talking about F2P players not cash shopers.mulier said:
all i ever did, some dailies and chat all day - got my r9 and refines in 3 monthsbloodedone87 said:If you want to have R9 gear you have to play the game. And it all depends how many hours per day you play and how many toons to farm with you have and many other aspects can influence it. So if you have only 1 toon for farming and you can play only 1-2 hours per day you wont have r9 in 1 year. Also if you play 5-6 hours, do your dailies which takes you 1 hour maximum and the rest of time you spend is chatting or dueling you wont have r9 in 1 year. In fact you wont have r9 at all.
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reroll a support class and g16 it0
@limonazza ^what that dude said
Even top tier factions welcome g16 healers and venos if you have decent refines and shards.
Sadly g16 will never directly compete with r999 and youll feel it but that doesnt mean you cant have fun. there are a few good examples that come pretty close. SirTuna on Twilight temple is a very impressive cleric and g16 try looking him up if you are on the server.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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Even g16 for support classes really doesn't cut it anymore a lot of the time unless you're a veno or just a barb buffer for a squad.0
"how do us g16 ppl keep up with the game"? I would leave... this would make R9 mats prices go down, because less players would play.0
I dont know if to laugh or to facepalm...djsxe said:"how do us g16 ppl keep up with the game"? I would leave... this would make R9 mats prices go down, because less players would play.
0 -
I guess it depends on your definition of viable as a support class. Can you buff and form a cleric chain of frustrating proportions in mass TW in G16? Yeah. Will a +7 r9 sin sneak around back and obliterate you with the first tick of elimination? Probably. Are you okay with that? Idk.johndoe069 wrote: »... but it certainly doesn't mean that r999 is as weak as you say it is. Especially comparing only the weapon without the set bonus and without end game round refines you miss where r999 really shines.
Compare a full +10 r999 toon with a full +10 g16 toon with equal gear, cards, levels, and spirit and you will definitely feel a difference.
youre missing the point (apparently like you do with some of my other posts)"
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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this scenario happens only in merger factions that can dish out 70/80 r9s majority of them endgames :-)limonazza said:
More like every guild that's actually worth a damn for end-game tws.0 -
yea but thats like 1 guild out of 30? XD0
Dont know bout other servers but out of the factions, which are on map, 2 factions pull that currently on Etherblade and 3rd is building towards that. Thats "full" R9 80s, I am pretty sure there are couple more close to 70 with bit less of gear too.limonazza said:yea but thats like 1 guild out of 30? XD
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@johndoe069 As a F2P and a full nv3 bm i dont consider myself that bad, however im still a one shot for many r999. The things i have advantage with, lets say spirit being one, are easily obtainable by others through in game methods, so yesterday i saw a bm with the r999 axe and used an eye of observation on him and i thought i can beat him quite easy. why because he only had 189 spirit vs my 1000. The thing is that as a nv3 player that may never become r999, i have to work harder at upgrading everything else. Nuemas must be done, i had all of them maxed till lvl 7 came out, Old primal passive maxed, One more meridian gate to open, working on Candle Flame set and refine when i can to boost survivabilty. All of this work, but my good friend @eirghan still kick my **** easily. Nv3 is **** compared to r999, but good for pve. The thing is john im reading what you're saying and the truth is as ghan mentioned there are other variables that adds up. the problem is the gear That bm i mentioned earlier can have 1k spirit too if he wants, he could get it in a shorter time than it took me seeing as when i started out my sky lvls we didnt have fancy vitae boosting items. So while eirghan and i have our differences i do agree with her here the gear is all that counts in end. Those non cash shop variables can easily be obtained by all0
g16 supports can go vit build and be factors even in endgame factions0
How much R9 cost after merge? I know before was like 4.5b or something like that.0
G16 toons CAN compete with R9rr in all areas of the game. It all comes down to if you know what youre doing or not.
- Get semi decent refines (IE +7 which wont break the bank and be gotten without orbs if you are patient and use tisha/tienkang)
- Go second rebirth and push to continue leveling and add those points to your damage stat (lets face it - extra survival is tempting but if you want to kill, you need more damage)
- Get semi decent shards (incomparable shards from weekly runs for defense where you lack it stacks up very nice with the primal passive level 10 buff of 80%)
- cube neck and warsong belt (again decent refines - your choice of ornament level is up to you. consider refining +10 on a g14 necklace rather than going g15 necklace for 270-300 mil total cost)
- Get a stage 2 warsoul weapon and refine that thing up
- Get a stage 2 defense level r8rr weapon. You can alternate between offense and defense modes in PVP situations depending on which you need more of. On that topic, carry both jones and omalley blessings.
- Learn how and when to use different types of apothecary and genie skills. Apo comes for free from AEU, which is also very handy for feeding EXP to your book demon/current life.
- Get some decent A cards from FSP/FSJ/login rewards. LEVEL them, and farm nuemas. You'll want spirit for PVP.
- Dont ignore titles/meridians/star charts. There's guides around for all of that.
Personally the only piece of r9 I own is a ring, been working on the rest of it for a while but recent go the sky cover ring upgrade instead of buying more GST or MOG. That being said, Ive done everything else listed above and I do compete well vs r9rr toons. I havent put cash in the game in a long time, and I don't get the opportunity to farm much. I missed a whole lot of the last 2x event honestly.By the light of the moon, our true forms are revealed.0 -
@mynamewasstolen no they dont, they can be factor in mass pvp if they are venos clerics mystics duskblades blademasters barbs0
@mynamewasstolen no they dont, they can be factor in mass pvp if they are venos clerics mystics duskblades blademasters barbs
I presume @mynamewasstolen is talking about 1vs1 pvp. 1vs1 = doable. NW, TW = different game. Even if you are r9 3rd cast, with +10 armour, +12 weapon, and have 25k hp buffed, you will still get one shot frequently in nation war. That is the nature of the game.0 -
I can only speak for my own experience honestly, but when it comes to my own build - when i roll defense mode in NW I'm sitting on 61 defense levels and 901 spirit before inkdragon and i dont currently have event gold for the spirit coins. Cleric buffs only right now (which would be the same buff amounts i get on me when i respawn in NW) I've got 83.7% mag defense (slightly higher on the wood due to my chart) and 90.3% phys defense. With bell the pdef pushes higher. I can't recall being actually *one shot* in NW under those circumstances. Yes I do die in NW, but so do r9rr +12 players as well. When i switch over to attack mode I'm at 116 attack levels pushed up to 136 with frenzy. Attack and Defense levels such as those are pretty darn close to what you see on your average r9rr players I believe. Now, there are those that shard with Deities at the cost of having no defenses from sharding, and there are those that shard fully JOSD which are pretty damn hard to do damage to, esp in the case of a seeker with level 11 adrenal numbness.. But if these are what we are comparing "g16" to - are these builds really the norm? I don't think so. Arguably, going +12 across the board with full JOSD/Deity in armor and Drakeflame/Primeval/Savant/Icebourne in weapon and having Nuema Portal set fully leveled up is more costly than "being r9rr". If we're comparing "g16" to that kind of build then things are going to always be heavy to r9rr's favor I will admit. However, i do know of a Heavy Armor G16 mystic on my server that hits me harder than a particular full r9rr +10 mystic does.By the light of the moon, our true forms are revealed.0
@mynamewasstolen i dont know which server you play on or who you're fighting, but r999+12 JOSD is the norm on TT for most pkers and most of them have completed candleflame or a S card set. You should chck it out. I read your list and except for the weapons i fit them. i have 1001 spirit unbuffed, one more meridian gate to open, Good cardsnot set, but i have a S soulprime and a near maxed lifeprime; both destroyer and battle maxed for added attack. I could continue but basically im doing most of what you mention here and yes max passives. The point is i still cant beat a good r999+12 player worst if they are properly sharded.
Now im assuming you're a bm and as a bm myself, i assume you walk around with Sutras, IG, Def Charms and some others that boost your defence, especially elemental defence, also having the chi pots and revelation pots. Your genie would have AD if you want increase survivability. One of the biggest problems is when the enemy sees you and attacks you first, most cases a good r999 elemental class would kill me. Let's say you live and lose some hp, the first thing that comes to mind is healing and closing the distance. Also keep in mind that while you're trying to close that distance you are trying to stay alive, because a range user can still kill you, not to mention those SB's that can be creating distance while channeling same time. Im not going to continue, nut im assuming you dont play on TT and if you do please demonstrate for me how you survive and win.0 -
my apologies, i assumed that my forum avatar would give away the fact that I'm a strength built barbarian second rebirth levels 104 103 103. My base magic is 3, base vit is 5, 102 with gear mods. Strength with gear mods is sitting at 726. Dex with gear mods is 73 with sky cover ring - 80 with the +7 dex engrave on either my r8 ring or sign of frost: chaos. Still have to work on my sky cover's engrave to get the +7 dex again to get that extra crit point back. For a tome i wear a Battle Tactics - 25 stat points spread between vit and str. I see no reason to upgrade beyond that at the price it would cost for just 1% crit at the next level, or going to a pan gu to get -int which is most useless in end game PVE, and beyond that we get skill damage boost passives which make skill spam more productive. Not to mention the fact that a pan gu spreads the points thin where i have them already and adds points to areas i dont really need them. Future plans for a tome upgrade would be getting a scroll of tome then upgrading that to dominance/emperor. I play on Tideswell server and yes there are a handfull of those fully maxed out toons on here in the top tier factions. I can give a few of them a hard time for sure, can I kill them alone? No. Not with my current refine levels and spirit. Can I kill a +10 or so r9rr toon that isn't sharding with jades/vits? Yes. In NW i wear a tome, auto potter with both types of defense charms, i have attack charms, NW level 104 buff apoth some times. The apoth i carry is vacuity powder, ironguard (used after either anti stun skill or domain, to get the immunity without the stun), dew of star/stone turtle, shadowbinders/sun chasers/chargers for flag battles. Survival is aided beyond that by invoke the spirit and solid shield on a 95 str genie. During my stun combo, I throw in a clean sweep on particularly tough opponents to go for the purge proc. BM's get a purge pole as one of the usable weapons... and i know i hear a lot of "it doesnt work well" complaints but - if youre using skills that give an effect of their own, it reduces the chance of the weapons own effect, so auto attacks work best to get the purge off of them. Another trick *nods to "Man" for teaching me this one* - use it with celestial sword genie skill - which will carry the weapon's proc along with it.
Frighten decreases opponents phys attacks (you could use myriad sword stance), and demon version has a chance to aoe stun for 3 seconds (you have roar of the pride for a longer stun, more probability). Demon roar is a surprise to those sins and BMs that still try to APS me down, since it gives 10 seconds of 100% damage reflection (some people use alpha male for a similar effect where there is no veno bramble available). storm bringers can be nasty yeah.. i have a TT 70 LA one, not rebirthed, on archosaur (or is it called etherblade now?) that i took into NW once or twice. After using the overseer buff for some heightened attack/defense levels - i was able to wittle a charmless g15 barb down to about 25% HP by myself before i was ganked on. And that was in the space of 1 crystal to the next.By the light of the moon, our true forms are revealed.0 -
So yes, you fall in to the support class category, and one of the most viable to be relevant and useful even in G16 due to a natural tankiness from class specific skills like invoke/solid shield and HA gears/ stat allocation etc. Which is what was said earlier by @limonazza . If you were say an archer/any other DD, trying to compete in g16 vs r9rr, rest in peace and gl.
The bit where you say you can kill r9rr +10 or so that aren't sharded with dot/dod; essentially the game has changed to where gear isn't the only difference anymore, so yes if you come across a r9rr+10 toon that has lower spirit, lower passives, lower cards/refines on ornaments etc it should be an easy kill for someone that is up to date with their dailies etc like you are.
If you came across another barbarian with exactly the same stat build as you, same spirit, same cards, refines, ornaments, meridian, nuemas, etc etc with the ONLY difference being that they are full r9rr and you are full g16 who would win that fight? Assuming they are equally skilled as you are with apoth skill use etc, over say 10 rounds. They'll have 10 extra defence levels and almost 40 more attack levels, and of course God of Frenzy.
That's what we're talking about here. Equal skilled, refined, rb'ed spirited etc. Hence why G16 is still viable for some classes in a supportive role provided they work well in a team environment, like NW, TW etc.DarkSkiesx
http://mypers.pw/8/#3734570 -
razzzza said:Anyways if your on a pve server YOU DONT NEED IT.NW is just once a week just take your beating,TW as well but its a joke.Let the rich kids play and you can laugh at them because once this game truly dies they will be paying on this junk for years to come.
I had 3 chances to do my r9 but decided to just roll another toon to put coin into.When I tend to lose intrest in games if I cant be versatile in multiple characters of the game.I do still save stuff for that day I actually get real bored to go r9.
NW is twice a week actually.
I do like those comments like yours because often i hear stuff like "laugh at them who has better gear as you have". Assuming they just cash in all their money wherever it may come from and not thinking about "well farming is an option too or merching..." is just wrong.
I dont thin everyone who runs around in r9+10 cashed every little bit of it and you as a g16+5 guy just looks at what he got and assume it was purely cashed and wasted because.. you know the game gets shut down eventually.
But so does your 3000$ TV which goes poof aver a few years. is that money wasted? i dont think so. Let people spend their money at whatever they want.
Its like you are laughing at a guy with a big **** TV because you have a 100$ TV at home and it was all just a waste because you can do asmuch as he can.
rolling multiple chars is an option for some yea but i dont like having 5 characters with trashlike gear. i want one char i can focus on and see him grow to the point where people like you would laugh at them from your 5 characters because all 5 could not beat his one character... probably.
But thats none of my buisness
Who ever said he has a $3000 TV?
A better analogy would have been a person who pays for satellite or cable TV just throws $70 - $100 away each month. And the guy who uses an Antenna just mocks and laughs at the guy who pays for the privilege of having so much more variety.
Whatever it's a broke person just trying to mentally justify his material inequality and means by pretending to be better off having insufficient gear thus getting rolled derp style by those who have the privilege of buying better gear. Broke people don't think in terms of working hard to achieve anything. They mock and belittle those who have. I personally know a lot of people who farmed their r9rrr gear and spents months and months leveling to 105 3 times only to be accused of being goon glitchers and cash shoppers by people just like Teabag.
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razzzza said:Anyways if your on a pve server YOU DONT NEED IT.NW is just once a week just take your beating,TW as well but its a joke.Let the rich kids play and you can laugh at them because once this game truly dies they will be paying on this junk for years to come.
I had 3 chances to do my r9 but decided to just roll another toon to put coin into.When I tend to lose intrest in games if I cant be versatile in multiple characters of the game.I do still save stuff for that day I actually get real bored to go r9.
NW is twice a week actually.
I do like those comments like yours because often i hear stuff like "laugh at them who has better gear as you have". Assuming they just cash in all their money wherever it may come from and not thinking about "well farming is an option too or merching..." is just wrong.
I dont thin everyone who runs around in r9+10 cashed every little bit of it and you as a g16+5 guy just looks at what he got and assume it was purely cashed and wasted because.. you know the game gets shut down eventually.
But so does your 3000$ TV which goes poof aver a few years. is that money wasted? i dont think so. Let people spend their money at whatever they want.
Its like you are laughing at a guy with a big **** TV because you have a 100$ TV at home and it was all just a waste because you can do asmuch as he can.
rolling multiple chars is an option for some yea but i dont like having 5 characters with trashlike gear. i want one char i can focus on and see him grow to the point where people like you would laugh at them from your 5 characters because all 5 could not beat his one character... probably.
But thats none of my buisness
Who ever said he has a $3000 TV?
A better analogy would have been a person who pays for satellite or cable TV just throws $70 - $100 away each month. And the guy who uses an Antenna just mocks and laughs at the guy who pays for the privilege of having so much more variety.
Whatever it's a broke person just trying to mentally justify his material inequality and means by pretending to be better off having insufficient gear thus getting rolled derp style by those who have the privilege of buying better gear. Broke people don't think in terms of working hard to achieve anything. They mock and belittle those who have. I personally know a lot of people who farmed their r9rrr gear and spents months and months leveling to 105 3 times only to be accused of being goon glitchers and cash shoppers by people just like Teabag.
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I personally know a lot of people who farmed their r9rrr gear and spents months and months leveling to 105 3 times only to be accused of being goon glitchers and cash shoppers by people just like Teabag.
Let's assume for argument's sake that the person glitched on goons, they got 105. The other two 105's was gotten through pv runs and other means. You can not use goons to get 105x3. Even if people goon glitch, they still put in the effort two more times to hit 105.
Whether you are a heavy cash shopper, non paying player or a mix, reaching 105x3 is still hard work. Getting your badges from fws 200~500 badges = takes time. Only those people who go full r999 in one shot know that the hardest things in pwi is opening those blasted chip packs to make gsts. That stuff is painful.
But hey, people say what people say, people do what people do, we just live like how we want to live
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@jabq *applause*
Inb4 we get into the truly rich people who pay others to do this lmao.
Jeeves, here is 2886328899853698 chip packs. I expect 200 gsts within the hour or youre fired!
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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The hardest thing in pwi is to play game without money for expensive equipment and skills.jabq said:
Only those people who go full r999 in one shot know that the hardest things in pwi is opening those blasted chip packs to make gsts. That stuff is painful.
0 -
magicsabre wrote: »Only those people who go full r999 in one shot know that the hardest things in pwi is opening those blasted chip packs to make gsts. That stuff is painful.
The hardest thing in pwi is to play game without money for expensive equipment and skills.
That is fun, that is why we play pwi. But when you play the game for free/or use money, and you buy all your chip packs for gsts. You really wonder at the end of making all your gsts, why do you play this game. The rage becomes very real when someone puts a giant bunny on the npc or a mount. I made my gsts in 5 sittings, it was very frustrating and boring. I shudder to imagine if people went r9 without the option of opening packs in batches.
thank you @eirghan Worst part was, when a few other people in faction also get gsts for r9 and they ask you to help opening up the chip packs after you got done.
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thank you @eirghan Worst part was, when a few other people in faction also get gsts for r9 and they ask you to help opening up the chip packs after you got done.
I tell them it's their right of passage and to do it themselves.
I promise to mail them an ice pack for their wrist
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