Special Anniversary Gift Information! Email



  • shag1991
    shag1991 Posts: 31 Arc User

    I asked what the email criteria was and they said that there was a limited number of physical items, so they ran a raffle of all players subscribed to emails to get the list.

    It was also mentioned that when you sign up for Arc, there is a tiny checkbox that is in the location the Terms of Service check box normally would be, but it unsubscribes you from receiving emails from us. You can check if you clicked this under your Arc account - Settings - Preferences. :)

    Okay this is just dumb and seriously unfair. SMH i cant even vent my fustration on here or else ill get banned. Anniversary is done and i a player from 2008 and im sure others can say they benefitted in no way at all. Better you guys had keep that treasure hunter quest around honestly.
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    @sheepclouds thank you for clarifying. Since the anniversary mount and event gold are not physical gifts, does this mean all players were meant to recieve these items? Or was this a random draw also? It seems a large majority did not receive either of these, or are missing one or the other. For example, i recieved both the mount and the plush toy email, but not event gold. I am quite happy and flattered that i get such a nice gift, but curious about why some get one and not the other, or nothing.
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    This entire anniversary was a joke and a slap in the face to the players.
  • ajerbajah
    ajerbajah Posts: 8 Arc User
    When I submitted a ticket about lack of email codes, I was told to come post on the forums. So here I am, posting on the forums, with no idea why this is supposed to help...
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Well. I just got a VERY LONG code for a "15% bonus zen". Not sure if it works and not gonna charge to find out. but. I guess this is more anniversary gifts? Thanks monkey-2.gif

    I can say... if some players get this gift and not others..... the rage will be real monkey-47.gif
  • yakido
    yakido Posts: 7 Arc User
    Well, another fine mess up by PWI, they are getting pro at this tiger-5.gif​​
  • barber
    barber Posts: 86 Arc User
    Yuppers, got the 3rd code yesterday for 15% bonus zen but I wont use that one. Havent got the need for it at the moment :)

    Dang, this topic has 4.3k views on in now thats more than most of the stickies.
  • projectlegion
    projectlegion Posts: 61 Arc User
    got hit by the code error again

    >.> seriously,why the uber long codes?
  • blue20
    blue20 Posts: 46 Arc User
    Also got Code Error with the new code i got
  • anita
    anita Posts: 32 Arc User
    I didnt get any code, any toy. Anything. Only a mount. I play since 2008 ( open beta). Pwi is becoming a joke. A very very bad one.
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  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    teabagg wrote: »
    you all complain about pw being a joke and most here spend on the game like the game is brand new lol..fools,and pw knows it.I been here since 2008 I'm not crying.

    Okay we get it. You only come to forums to talk about how you have been here forever and know better than everyone else... and everyone else is fools.... Yaddayaddayadda. Is this Drake Khan? ​​
  • iamluckingfoco
    iamluckingfoco Posts: 158 Arc User
    The 15% bonus zen code that is long does work. When buying zen you put the code in the "Promo Code" before you click purchase.
    Be Strong! Be Fierce! Be Vicious!
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  • oneofnine
    oneofnine Posts: 1 Arc User
    i was told to come post that the code i got said that it expired so here i am.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    oneofnine wrote: »
    i was told to come post that the code i got said that it expired so here i am.

    Which does you absolutely no good at all.
    Reply to the ticket and tell them to pony up.​​

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  • onyxhunter
    onyxhunter Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I have got no email or anything and I have had this account since Nov 2008