Morai PvP

Posts: 1,414 Arc User
Hi guys,
some of you might already know me and my PvP-craze.
Now that we are finally going to be one big family and you people surely wanna still enjoy long and good PvP sessions vs worthy opponent well, fear not! We have alot of PvP-Lovin' Bastrds on our Server.
Here is a little example from ydays PK. Maybe this will get you thrilled a bit considering you can fight one of the best geared Dusks and Storms in the entire game
Well, I am excited fighting you guys with Barb and Storm for sure. W/e you wanna fight buffed, selfbuffed or w/e. So here goes and enjoy (you might also wanna check out my other vids if you're interested about how NW and stuff rolls over there :P):
PS: Some Morai YT-Chans you might wanna check out as well:
Dikke (the dusk in the vid)
Ultimecia (the wiz in the vid at the end)
Xiyie (a great BM)
There are alot more...but I can't seem to find them now without making too much fuzz xD Enjoy.
some of you might already know me and my PvP-craze.
Now that we are finally going to be one big family and you people surely wanna still enjoy long and good PvP sessions vs worthy opponent well, fear not! We have alot of PvP-Lovin' Bastrds on our Server.
Here is a little example from ydays PK. Maybe this will get you thrilled a bit considering you can fight one of the best geared Dusks and Storms in the entire game

PS: Some Morai YT-Chans you might wanna check out as well:
Dikke (the dusk in the vid)
Ultimecia (the wiz in the vid at the end)
Xiyie (a great BM)
There are alot more...but I can't seem to find them now without making too much fuzz xD Enjoy.
People from pve server like you have no right to even talk about open wourld pvp since you have never seen it period.
Reading all your posts is just a sad joke, stop clowning around.
Me and many others who chose PVP server for a reason do not want to play with pve people who think they are the top notch in pvp lol.
Do your thing and leave us alone do not advertise taking away oportunity and forcing people is a great thing.
We from Harshlands are getting robbed of the greatest thing in PW that is PVP server and unprotected open world pvp.
We do not care how much you dream und be happy we hate it and a lot of people have already quit over it, old legends too that is sad.
My motivation here is near zero after over 3 years of pwi, 2 years of pwms and 1 year of pwmy always as a faction leader, always on pvp servers, i have never stepped a foot to pve sheep and cattle zone.
Have a nice day!
Harshlands0 -
fongseijuk wrote: »People from pve server like you have no right to even talk about open wourld pvp since you have never seen it period.
Reading all your posts is just a sad joke, stop clowning around.
Me and many others who chose PVP server for a reason do not want to play with pve people who think they are the top notch in pvp lol.
Do your thing and leave us alone do not advertise taking away oportunity and forcing people is a great thing.
We from Harshlands are getting robbed of the greatest thing in PW that is PVP server and unprotected open world pvp.
We do not care how much you dream und be happy we hate it and a lot of people have already quit over it, old legends too that is sad.
My motivation here is near zero after over 3 years of pwi, 2 years of pwms and 1 year of pwmy always as a faction leader, always on pvp servers, i have never stepped a foot to pve sheep and cattle zone.
Have a nice day!
Oh xD maybe so. I don't really prefer mass PvP as it is quite easy and gets decided by numbers/gears mostly. I am a 1on1 addict so..xDD I am always white named on both xD I have played on PvP-Servers as well..but I dont find enjoyment in unbalanced/unequal open pvp. Some people like the drama. I only like the challange.
Sure its funny killing a whole group of lowbies with one aoe or something like that...but it gets old really quickly. I am also not sooo looking for the increase in mass PvP after the merge. I pretty much just wanna 1on1 literally everyone that thinks that he/she is good and well geared. Thats all
You people are also always overexaggerating as usual. I don't think that so many ppl are going to quit over this as it is hard leaving thousands of dollars behind if the circumstances are not gamebreaking for them (like too much lag and stuff). Only a couple of players will quit. I assume it will be mostly open-pvp gankers and lowbie-killers so I don't care much as those people are not my "type".
If the merge will be successful and the ping will also be "ok" and 500ms is still "ok" then I think only a few ppl will quit. Believe it or not...most people on HL have always been sick of the low population, low NW attendancy and constantly fighting the same people. Don't act as if you represent the whole server please. Let 20 or 30 people quit. Who cares.
Have a nice day as well
Cheers!0 -
On the contrary, Joe, a lot of people are taking this merge as an opportunity to quit for whatever their myriad reasons are. I, for one, have no interest really in playing a pve server. Especially one on EU times. 0
On the contrary, Joe, a lot of people are taking this merge as an opportunity to quit for whatever their myriad reasons are. I, for one, have no interest really in playing a pve server. Especially one on EU times.
Ya xD ofc, but if they really need a reason like this then it is for the better cause obviously they've been wasting away their lives anyways. I still don't get as to why EU times are such a downer for you guys. I wouldn't mind if they would switch stuff to US times. Getting up in the middle of the night for an hour or something is not a problem for me. When events fall in working hours...well thats just too bad but as you might be aware...they are working on a solution for this.
Besides...which events are really that amazing to quit over the loss of them? I can't think of any, not even TW.
I talked to alot of HL people and nearly all of them said that they will stay white forever. So I don't really think that alot will change for you guys with the exception of times and ping and those things might not even be a problem but we'll see how they get the merge done. I wouldnt mind a complete switch to PvP on all server but remember. A whole lotta more ppl would quit if it was the other way around...a friggin huge lot more people. So I can understand their decision.
Too bad if it drives away some good, competitive players that I'd really liked to fight with but...can't be helped. I just take on the all that I can get. For wouldnt even matter if they would merge morai into HL and keep the US East times. I just play to 1on1. I dont need mass pvp, tw, nw and all that stuff. Just 1on1ing is enough for methat makes my PWI life pretty easy
0 -
On the contrary, Joe, a lot of people are taking this merge as an opportunity to quit for whatever their myriad reasons are. I, for one, have no interest really in playing a pve server. Especially one on EU times.
What exactly, other then RW, do you do on HL that cant be done on Dawnglory?
Tigers? Still happens, easier to get mobs without having to worry about being attacked, or is it that youll actually have to work to get top spots that scares you?
NW? Considering its gunna be xserver, this one isnt even a problem.
TW? yeah, the time sucks. Evening tw for DG server isnt gunna be any different then the early one on HL. Morning TW, thats gunna suck, but hey. You got at least 3 EU players that i know of in your faction. Get some more. Get a EU group that will defend ur lands at the early war so you can defend at the late one.
Also, very hilarious saying that the time sucks for you and pve server sucks, when you barely even play. You may get on do BH and FSP and chat a bit(most likely with the same people whod be on when ur on ANYWAY) but after that you go play league.
To HL players,
The message from PWI here is "Make EU friends"
This guy, Joe, knows maybe 1% of you, so he doesnt know what whiny little **** you are. Im pretty sure if he did know he'd be saying "Can we merge with another server?" but nope. Here this poor guy is, trying to meet us halfway, and yall are being.... yall. Give it a chance, hell you may find you like it, and if you dont, play at your normal times. Be the guy who gets on at 2am server time does what he needs to do, plays with his friends and gets off.0 -
Well the sole reason for half the people on Harslands being there is being a PVP Server.
So taking away that is making all the history obsolete, taking away someones aim makes all investments null and void.
Joe i do not care if you go to the knees and swallow it whole from pwi ...
We want to be with PVP people from the other pvp server, not sheep and cattle crybabies and dreamers from morai.
I am from europe and never would i play there, i could care less about events, code bribes, non existing support.
I am thinking about closing my faction or giving away leader -.-
pw politics is just a suicide run.
I feel robbed with 2 chars i went r9 just for unprotected open world pvp, give the money back !
Do not think i will support this company any longer under that circumstances.
I am no socialist, i always support what i am into, so that should hurt driving away people like me.
Love u all Champs and Harshlands PvP people, was a great time in PvP world !
The sky is falling (at least for open pvp oriented pwi players).
Last day in the real pwi today, rest in peace freedom !
PLC, Harshlands
WongFeiH, PWMS
WongFeiH, PWMY0 -
Whelp. If that's the response of the HL players, I'm gonna have to guess that iffy is (unfortunately) right. That said, we got crybabies on Morai too... The Requiem zergling horde overrunning the Cry-sis defenses in a TW always makes for an evening of barely usable WC due to the amount of spam going on...
But meh, it's going to be bad ping-wise for the US East players.... forget your fears. And want no more...
Dawnglory player:
Ulsyr - Khelvan - Evryn - Gromth
And StoneSnake - CatSnakeshop for everyone's Common Stones and more!0 -
I still don't know why you guys are losing anything? Don't you think that the majority of HL players will stay white all the time cause they think the exact same way as you do? Nothing really changes for you. If on the other hand some wussies from HL now decide to camp blue name then please don't blame EU players and instead blame the wussies from your Server.
I don't think that ping will be such a huge problem. As you guys might be aware there are some Top-Players from the US-Server being Europeans that always had to struggle with Ping Times of around 300-600ms. They are still Top-Players from their respective Server so I don't see that as a big problem.
0 -
The event times would be crappy and the Europeans in Harshlands are the ones who can atttend TW only in East coast server time due to their real life commitments. Making the TW times EU time - they won't be able to TW
What about east coast people - Most work on Saturday till noon and so they can't attend too. I hang on to this game to play with my friends and faction, and after the merge if this doesn't happen I will quit!0 -
You will come back in some months anyway.
Next step will be to merge all servers into one and then they will probably choose East coast timezone. I, myself, hope this won't be soon, but I'm pretty sure this will happen eventually.
You might also want to learn more about cross server event before totally leaving because there are very few chances that this will be euro-time friendly anyway.0 -
You will come back in some months anyway.
Next step will be to merge all servers into one and then they will probably choose East coast timezone. I, myself, hope this won't be soon, but I'm pretty sure this will happen eventually.
You might also want to learn more about cross server event before totally leaving because there are very few chances that this will be euro-time friendly anyway.
I dont think that they will merge them all into one US server. I can imagine that they will merge some into a US Server and some others into a EU server so that we end up with one EU Server and one US Server in total.
And the times...when they really schedule all events twice or thrice each day then it is fine, isnt it? xD
If most HL guys do work til noon on Saturday then nothing changes cause you should now also be unable to attend the 2pm TWs. That will only switch to being unable to attend the 8pm ones. Doesnt make a dif I guess...but damn you poor guys...working on the weekend sucks...did never really think that soo many people are working on the weekends.0 -
And the times...when they really schedule all events twice or thrice each day then it is fine, isnt it? xD
If most HL guys do work til noon on Saturday then nothing changes cause you should now also be unable to attend the 2pm TWs. That will only switch to being unable to attend the 8pm ones. Doesnt make a dif I guess...but damn you poor guys...working on the weekend sucks...did never really think that soo many people are working on the weekends.
This is right, we do not have many people for the 14:00 TW slot, 20:00 has ALWAYS been HL's TW strength. Now, there was a patch where PWI screwed and put TW times at 09:00 and 14:00, when this happened we hardly had 30 people for 09:00 and 55~ for 14:00. We do have alot of people from west coast too, meaning the 09:00 TW will be 06:00 for them.
Reg the multiple event times, the merge is supposed to happen tomorrow and no official news about it yet. So I do not honestly think so
0 -
And the times...when they really schedule all events twice or thrice each day then it is fine, isnt it? xD
If most HL guys do work til noon on Saturday then nothing changes cause you should now also be unable to attend the 2pm TWs. That will only switch to being unable to attend the 8pm ones. Doesnt make a dif I guess...but damn you poor guys...working on the weekend sucks...did never really think that soo many people are working on the weekends.
This is right, we do not have many people for the 14:00 TW slot, 20:00 has ALWAYS been HL's TW strength. Now, there was a patch where PWI screwed and put TW times at 09:00 and 14:00, when this happened we hardly had 30 people for 09:00 and 55~ for 14:00. We do have alot of people from west coast too, meaning the 09:00 TW will be 06:00 for them.
Reg the multiple event times, the merge is supposed to happen tomorrow and no official news about it yet. So I do not honestly think so
Ya but dw seekwill will defend your lands when u US guys are away! I promised Ruby and Seeker_King! =P We'll find a way xD Let's hope for the best...somehow I have the feeling that this one time they wont **** us other (PWE I mean).
BTW: Dont they actually just have to switch all events to a timeslot 3 hours later then it is currently in EU times and most of you guys could perfectly attend all events? That would be the best solution imho. TW would be at 11 pm for us so we would have to stay up a lil longer but that doesnt really matter, at least for me and alot of ppl I know. I hope they will go for this seriously.0 -
I just wait and see how things go. No one is gonna know how it will end up.
Atleast i mostly log in 5 min a day anyway to say hello and thats it.
The only thing that was interesting in the last months for me was TW. 3 months between each TW Map reset no idea how this will turn out, just many 20 vs 20 or are there some good 60+ vs 60+.
And i have nothing against it if some certain Chars cant attend TW, most HL know whom i'm talking about.
The openworld PvP that PLC think exists is gone since ages and he only speaks for himself dont take him serious.The Ordinary Magician
Tynave0 -
Joe, you are great player but duel is not pvp.
PWI had never been open pvp cause of some places restriction but in HL it was pretty ok.
The idea of pvp is random encounter and fight. When you approaching a spot and see enemy. Atack and now you see his friends... After a while youre friends incoming and you have a team fight.
Sometimes without a buff, without a best stuff but alwasy with high adrenaline
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