We Want The 9 Million Coin Reward Back



  • opalhs
    opalhs Posts: 34 Arc User
    opalhs wrote: »
    mecatl33 wrote: »
    For those that didn't want this reward, you had your say. Either you explained in detail or complained here on the forums or in game. Now for those like myself who want it back now it's our time.

    PWE you listed a reward and you took it out because some people complained. Not only that you replaced it with a reward that doesn't even come close as a decent replacement. I can understand the concerns of inflation but you're also a company that's been handling games for awhile and should have thought twice about this reward. The 9 million should be given back.

    Voice your opinion guys. Replay below. Let PWE know how you feel.

    Not some ppl,alot ppl.Why you didnt start this thred as a pool?
    What reward doesnt eaven come close?you got 3 B-S packs yesterday and 5 B-S packs today.Its 8x4 gold+80 fs coins=32 gold and 80 fs,this is too low for you?
    Now give some argument about why should 9 milion note be back in game pls,because we all gave atleast 20 reasons why not.Convice us that you are right pls.

    B) If only it were that simple.

    Damn shame that the same ones who complained about the 9 mil, are now complaining about the cards. Didn't turn out so well did it. Too bad you all just couldn't shut up and take what they handed you. OH NO! They had to go and QQ about it.

    I sure hope their anniversary "gifts" are better than the garbage they have handed out in the past. Maybe they can make the 9 mil bank note a part of the anniversary rewards.

    Reason why to give 9 mil bank note back again?

    lilmomcrow wrote: »
    I am also disappointed, but not surprised. As a returning player trying to play catchup, and most of the old ways of either earning coin or at least keeping up with repair costs gone; kinda discouraging. Now I'm glad I have not invested coin in the boutique yet this time around.

    All same ways of earning coins still work + you eaven have jolly+ 5 mil from bh+fs+you can get cheep gear to solo some hard things and you have better starting gear then old ppl did.Thay only puted dq and gear value to 1 coin.I remember farming dq 1 hour for 200k coins per hour at spiders without autocultivation and 200k coins per hours is nothing that you can make now,so you didnt lose anyhting.Trust me its beter to have jolly and dc/gs maze gear then lvling 3 months with npc gear to get to lvl 80 to start farming dq in imolation camp for 100k per hour,then in 2 more mohts when get 90 farm fish in sea of isolation to get 150k coins per hour and after 2 more mohts when you are 95 farm spiders 1 month to get hh 90 and then not be able to do anything alon lie old players played in past.
    I started farming hard hh when i had hh 99 with 4 other friends (barb,bm,ep,ep, and me archer) and we neaded to split mats when we are done cos you couldnt do any hard hh without full bufs and eps in train( its thing when 1 ep heal archer on max range and other ep heal first ep on max range too :)),bought hh 99 by soloing hh 2-2,on my server forshura hooks are still 300k+ and thay will allways be worth cos there will allways be assasin classes cos everyone wana be assasin and kill ppl,no one wana be mystic or psychic(by my server where we have maybe 2 r9 psychics and 4 mystics ),make 20 forshura hooks in 1 day with qs maze gear if you like to play this game and you will get 1 hh 99 gold mat per day,in 12 days you will have full hh 99 gold mats to make hh 99 eaven if you cant find squad for fs or have no luck in BH,and rest is cheep for nv3.
    You just need to play game if want gear,not to stay afk in some city and duel/talk/watch shops/trash talk on wc and stuf.I farmed herbs and mats too,i am not shame of it.I loved this game too much to just get coins from dailys,i played eaven if i am done with dailys,thats what ppl who like this game.
    If you wana make account on pwi,and just make caracter,and imidiatly get lvl 105,r9+12 josd gear and S cards,then i think this is wrong place :(.There are alot private servers,but no,ppl dont want private server,cos there everyone have max gear and its boring when you cant kill ppl who have more skills but you dont wana admit it,so you can allways come back on pwi and qq to get something and dont play game at all.

    32 gold+80 fs coins is garbridge for you?some ppl work 1 month for 32 $ man :),and 32 $ is prety sure more then 9 mil.Longevity A card on lvl 1 give you p def and hp like you have 1 more extra Blate/chest of nv1 gear equiped with +7 refine,not eaven gona speak about S cards.

    bolma wrote: »
    dont get me started i justed started login in just to get the 9 mill well not any more time for a new game have fun

    You know those 500 mil that you would got will not mean anything to you,be honest :).Play game and enjoy if you can.

    My favourite sentence is: when you dont have something just simply buy it with money.When you cant buy it with money,buy it with alot money.In this case you cant eaven buy you items eaven with ALOT ALOT ALOT money. If you make 10 chars and get 90 mil,it will be worth like 1 mil,because on every your 10 chars you make,i allready have double of that made.I am one of those who dont have alot lvl 100 chars maybe 15 max,but i have 3 and half account(28 chars) with just world and mini boss checkers who are allready 62 lvl just from profundity scrolls and check in.and there is atleat 20 more ppl with so much wb checkers and + 100 more account thay thay got from ppl who left game.Can you make 100 chars in 9 days to get on my lvl to have cahnce to buy some items that you want not eaven talking on other ppl lvl who will make 5+ bil.If all ppl who can farm you eod have 2 bil coins and cant buy gold for that money,do you think thay will sell you eod for less then 50 mil cos 9 mil is now for them nothing?

    mrrlove wrote: »
    Well, good job whinners u won again .....
    And PWI fcks up another shiit that favors many ppl .
    Exhanging it with a lame reward too ?
    What's the loss in 9mil or in 200mil per player ? now u are all worried about this ?
    You think if the players gained some coins inflation is gonna happen , u are mistaken . This is not even 1% of the DQ thing . And Nope nothing is gonna happen , Everyone was gonna be happy and buy an item or 2 they would like to maintain . It was That simple .
    But No u have to use ur unexperienced ppl again which wrongly judge the item offered to us players .

    Thay didnt fcked up anything,thay eaven gave us beter thing(8 S packs) then 9 mil coins.If you had luck and got 1 S card,1 S card is worth around 50-100 gold because i have bought some S PACKS and from 156 packs got 2 S cards and other ppl say thay get around that too.So lets say you get S card witch is worth atleast 50$,with 50$ you can buy 1 part of r9 armor,so if you have luck thay give you 1 part of r9.I think that enought from them so dont know what is lame in that.
    DQ thing was usles,if you exploated dq and know something about that you would allready have end game gear and would not care about 9 mil.
    What item or 2 would you buy?Pls tell me i am so curious,ty.

    zentfamily wrote: »
    You say the reward should be given back, but you give no reason. This is pure whining. At least the ones who complained in the other thread had some solid argument.


    squeesgf wrote: »
    As someone with a few 50+ characters, I was excited about the 9mil rewards. It is really hard to make any money in this game if you have none. I realize it would have effected the economy of the game, but every time something like this happens, it eventually returns to some sort of balance.

    I know I'm getting free stuff with the new setup. But I don't like being told one thing and then getting excited and having that changed. If they are going to switch it based on the opinions of some people, why don't they ask us before hand instead of telling us one thing, having some people who it would benefit greatly get excited, and then having that changed on them based on the wishes of other people?

    Some people were upset. Others were excited. They switched it based on the the people who were upset before, who are probably now happy, but just made the other people upset. There is no situation where you can make everyone happy unless you ask beforehand what the players would like, and even then you might get people from the minority whining. I'm just upset that I was told one thing, that would actually be beneficial to me, and then now it's something else that won't be beneficial.

    Honestly if you ask me this 9 mil reward was mistake and thay would remove it eaven if no one complained.This is probobly tooked from chinese pw where everyone have trilions of coins but cant buy gold i mean thay can but thay cant buy mog and chips in boutique,there is 99% of nv3 on chinese servers and only 1% of r9.
    Man who made this thread should start this thread as a pool,not because thay will change it back if more ppl want 9 mil back cos thay will not but thay will bring it back at some point,but just to see that more then 51% ppl will vote against 9mil.But dw thay will bring it back :)

    shtalenkov wrote: »
    Hey, pwe. We want 9mil banknote BACK!

    Why?Give us reason :(

    motoor wrote: »
    ofc Cser QQed to removed the money..and at end of day they QQ that server is dead and no one to have fun...ppl in this game dont care about fair fighits have fun pvp and TW...they just wana feel Op lmfao

    I am not cser and I qqed but i gave my reason.
    Man it wouldnt be fair fight if you get 90 mil :).if you want it to be fair fight just charge 10k$ or put 5 of your life time to game and we will have fair fight,you can have alot of fair fights on private server if you just wana pk and trash talk on wc.
    Ofc i wana feel op,i worked hard,go work like me and you will be op,this is perfect world,here if you work you will have something,yes its only pixels but it give you some pleasure,if it dont give you some pleasure then find something that do.

    PWI reduces coins for gear npc and dq so you don't make money botting. They get rid of frost hypering so people can't sell or buy that as a service anymore. The people say "Oh make alts and do Jolly Jones" And so people do that. And now the same people who say make alts to do JoJ is now telling us that people have too many alts to exploit the 9 million gift(esp since you need to be in the 6x level range to get a decent amount of coin). Questing gives a decent amount of coin but it dries up around the 9x range. Farming you have to be decently geared and you can't sell PV service unless you're highly refined which costs more money. They do a friendly 9 million gift for logging on and people say it's putting too many coins into the game.

    People argue about inflation but that's been said for any change and as shown, the prices go back down. Don't want inflation? Don't buy super overpriced items. The OP people in game are the ones who sit on billions of coins and continue to earn their money whichever way and then once prices go down(because they will once they see people aren't buying the items) they buy what they need. Look at the top merchants in your server. It's not a fast market for them, they wait weeks for the right sale to happen to spend their money.

    Old ppl didnt have afk making money so why would you do too and old ppl allready have 10x more boting chars then some other ppl,so whatever you want to buy thay will pay it 10x times more and you will not have it.You can do jolly,if sin lvl 105 make 4 mil coins in 1 night(12 hours)thats 1 mil per 3 hours,thats 330k coins per hour,you can just go do jolly and get 880k in 20 mins,or eaven better play this game for some time and money will come.
    You can sell or buy qsd service if you wana buy or sell some service.
    Ppl who can sell pv service didnt got thier refine for free,and no one would buy pv service if you are not able to do 3 runs of 95+ pv and to do that you need to be r9s3+10 atlea.
    I am against merchants too,mostly because i dont have strong pc to put 2 or more shops in west and play on main in same time but that is just because i am jellous :).But you cant do anything about that,thay dont cheet,If you envy them,make shops and start merchanting too.If there was too much merchants on some server ppl would realise there are only merchants on that server,prices of everything farmable will go up and ppl will start farming eaven more so your point is not true.

    lilmomcrow wrote: »
    Inflation also hurts those who have billions....if all coins are worthless their billions are now worth less as well. Of course they don't want more money in the economy. And, it's certainly not because it would hurt the farming F2Pers; it's because their money would not buy THEM as much gold to shop in the boutique.

    Offcourse,if i invested more time/$ or something else then some other player,you cant want to waste my time or $,especialy if its just to **** economy eaven if you dont get anything cos you cant buy antything for those 9 mil after whole server gets them

    usmc1990 wrote: »
    Buncha **** idiots, you **** economist should keep your mouth shut. Its a **** game stop bring your RL **** in here. All you high lvl have a way to earn your coins bc you can solo all kinds of instances to earn, compare to those that still low and new to game. this was a way to give them a little boost, and the one time GM listen to you **** rejex=ct cost alot of other people a way to upgrade their gear abit. **** rejects

    I am **** idiot :),not **** exonomist sadly,I finished school to work on 3d printers only :( But i wish i was economist,would have less time to sit in front of computer and will have more money in rl so would be able to cash shop and not care about gm giving some ppl 9 mil of something that dont worth anything in this game :)-That would be my bringing my rl in here if i wanted to speak about my rl :).
    We all have same ways to earn coins man.We all do same that you can do:jolly,cube,fs,bh.If you are not 100 you will be soon cos you now have alot help from that treasure chest,check in,redem code and log in events.I can solo everything exept FS because i have bad PC and i do all you could do if you played this game for some time.
    If you are low lvl and new to game,then how you have right to say those things and think you know everything about this game.
    How can you upgrade your gear with 9 mil coins especialy when everyone else would get same or 100x more then you and would go for upgrading thier gear too?If you can pls answer me on this,ty

    usmc1990 wrote: »
    BC people like you would just go ahead and increase the price on everything bc you can and bc you already have tons in in reserve so you dont need to sell anything quick to upgrade other gear you have, guess what the new and low lvl players dont have what you already have, so this would have give them a boost in upgrade their skill/gear. BB of you already have all you need so who care about anyone else. So let take a deep look at that and at least have the gut to said yea this is all about urself and **** the others. You already got all you need who care about them. PFFFFFF

    If i allready have everything i want i wouldnt care about gold price.Also this will efect on you too not just on me,only one who dont care about this are ppl who charge gold in to game.


    Game is curently standing in 1 place with gear,so what was end game gear before 2 years its still same gear exept ading sockets to belt/ring and engrave on rings/neck/cape/helm which is not so big advantage or cards(but most of ppl dont have good cards exept those extreme gold chargers) .Only big think that thay puted in game is merdiian,nuemas,title and sky lvl and cards,you will get A cards +1S just from log in event so you allready cought up with that part,and you can farm meridian/nuemas/title/sky lvl for free if you rly play game.You had 2 years to catch up with other players with strong gear,and you will probobly have atleast 1 more year to do that,and now its eaven easyer if you rly play game for atleast 1-2 hour cos you can fast get some cheep g16 gear to farm r9.Playing game means go in some instance and kill some mobs/boses and those stuf :).not stalking formus and say you know everything eaven if you say you are new and low lvl to this game :)

    Exibit 1:
    My friend come back after 2 years of break.Assasin lvl 100,had hh 99 wrist/foot,hh 90 legs,aps rank plate lvl 60,warsoul helm,lvl 90 npc helm,and npc ring,belt and neck,basicly he couldnt do anyhing and he eaven asked me to give him 100k coins for teleport first day so you can imagine what he had at that point.Now after 2 weeks of playing he is 2nd reawaken,astral sky lvl 4,with full nv2 armor exept nv3 cape and helm,nv3 dager,now he is just colecting coins from fs and bh and waiting 2x so ppl do alot of lunar for badges and ws for ws inscriptions for ws belt so he can get gear.Soon gona start teaching him how to do cube,just waiting him to get 5k prestige in luminance.Only thing i helped him was that i gave him free nv3 service for cape(30 badges and cape mold) because his npc cape was terible and some advice what to do.He couldnt just handle that he can just make coins from dailys so he eaven farmed 600+400 of some herbs and from those herbs got money for his hh 90 gold helm and cape.There are threeds on forum where ppl disccus how to best start playing game and farm so you all can go read it if you think you cant do anything.

    Start geting blessings,thay are very important thing in game and its free.

    If you wana be pro,dont start with assasins or archers like most of ppl,every class is killer when it have gear dont wory,start with veno or mystic,veno is most wanted class atm in every instance,especialy in fs because of purge and debufs,and ppl wouldnt eaven ask you for your gear,its just enought to have qsd maze gear to have 5k hp without buf on lvl 100 to pass traps at start in fs and everyone would want you in squad.

    And for those lvl 100+ who have good gear and complaining about B chests for tier 2 rewards.Instead of complaing about those B cards that we will get instead 9 mil,we should thank gms for leting us 2 years to catch up with ppl with end game gear without charging in game :)

    If you think that old ppl who have money are in some BIG advantage against you tell us here how are thay in big advantage.I will tell you if you are right or wrong cos thats what you do on forums.

    Would be good if someone go and make pool for those 9 mill eaven if that will not change anything now just so ppl can see who is majority.

    Forgot to say,i eaven have very good friend who make money by boting with 6x lvl char on those mobs that give mats for raising blacksmith and tailor lvl and she is full r9+11 very close to end game gear...

  • lamb91
    lamb91 Posts: 18 Arc User
    all the rich complaining coz they have to cs to make coins in game, whereas we the poor have to farm and buy gold from them. But what about if we get free 9m to buy their golds? thats the point, they'll get mad! and thats what just occured, all csers that r always in forum, to get first advatange of something that is coming, or avoid/nagg about what is about come!

    so basically, the csers are the one who pwi focus on, and if they complain, pwi obeys. as we can see the 9m changed for a non worth trash items such as b cards.

    ty csers. u can keep csing.
  • nopers
    nopers Posts: 12 Arc User
    My coin would have personally been sunk on manufacture fee's for a couple nw item upgrades and I'm a little bummed out I don't get that boost, but oh well. The coin injection would have been nice on LC with all the pack item overflow and lower prices on many items would just return to average... I don't see a big impact on much and it'd be temporary. Ya'll are too doom and gloom...
  • lamb91
    lamb91 Posts: 18 Arc User
    QQers gonna QQ, and thats what CSERs did, but well, its time not to spend much on pwi , but others.
  • thesquee1
    thesquee1 Posts: 44 Arc User
    I was going to make over 200m from the log in event before they changed it. Having lost that 200m, I am happy they removed it.
  • laiwaisan
    laiwaisan Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    9 mill per account been fine unless it was per every single toon on your account that be over kill.

    How ever no one likes bait and switch easy solution to shut every one up is simple 1 avatar S-Chest not pack pwi lol chest just a thought.
  • eag1e67
    eag1e67 Posts: 94 Arc User
    laiwaisan wrote: »
    9 mill per account been fine unless it was per every single toon on your account that be over kill.

    How ever no one likes bait and switch easy solution to shut every one up is simple 1 avatar S-Chest not pack pwi lol chest just a thought.

    9M per acc should have been what they needed to offer, or instead of changing it to B cards, event gold x 5 would have been better

  • shtalenkov
    shtalenkov Posts: 31 Arc User
    PWI, please, 9mil note or event card. Not that trash you put atm
  • elyora2
    elyora2 Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I'm just gonna leave this link here.................
    Of course not all arguments in the article can be implemented into pwi, but it still gives a pretty straight economy for dummy's level answer to why we do NOT want free money, whether you're a cashshopper or not.
    Because believe me, the rich wil GAIN from the free money, because mostly they are the ones owning tons of catshops.....
    So if you're crying that PWI listens to the CSers NOT wanting this reward, you need to thank them on your knees, Because everything will go UP in prices, and those who do not own much money will still be unable to buy anything, due to the raise in prices, when given free money to everyone.

    I even forgot to mention that your precious 5mil BH reward will become WORTHLESS if everyone is given 9mil coins.
  • sirwilliamkent
    sirwilliamkent Posts: 4 Arc User
    Its great that botters and exploiters, get to be used as excuse not to give out coins. Whos foot is on the Gas pedal and who has the hands on the wheel? xD

  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Its great that botters and exploiters, get to be used as excuse not to give out coins. Whos foot is on the Gas pedal and who has the hands on the wheel? xD

    Except those arguing against the 9 mil are using the consequences from the botters and exploiters as an example of just why giving every toon over level 50 9 mil is a terrible idea. It's not an excuse. It's based on a real outcome of what happens when so much new coin is generated from the environment without a coin sink to remove it from the environment. It will devalue it even further.
  • elyora2
    elyora2 Posts: 195 Arc User
    Its great that botters and exploiters, get to be used as excuse not to give out coins. Whos foot is on the Gas pedal and who has the hands on the wheel? xD

    Except those arguing against the 9 mil are using the consequences from the botters and exploiters as an example of just why giving every toon over level 50 9 mil is a terrible idea. It's not an excuse. It's based on a real outcome of what happens when so much new coin is generated from the environment without a coin sink to remove it from the environment. It will devalue it even further.

    Yea, the effect botting has brought is still somewhat visible in in the current prices..
  • cottoncandy69
    cottoncandy69 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    elyora2: wrote: »
    Yea, the effect botting has brought is still somewhat visible in in the current prices..

    The effect is why would Cash shopper A sell something for 50 mill when he used to get 100 mill he wouldn't so he doesn't ......lets not confuse consequence with plain and simple greed ........greedy ppl havent barely and wont lower prices even though botting has been a thing of the past for months now and there are plenty of coin sinks in place but the problem is the ppl sittin on the damn coin i.e. cash shoppers/merchants are all end game gear/shards/refines and dont use the coin sinks so ofc they have coin out the wazooh! and the rest of the little guys are screwed because u tards spend your time circle j'erk merching your c'rap to them s'crewing them because u "think u should get more" everytime someone farts and the gold prices go up i call tht greed not consequence sorry

  • sjampie
    sjampie Posts: 626 Arc User
    ... and the rest of the little guys are screwed because u tards spend your time circle j'erk merching your c'rap to them s'crewing them because u "think u should get more" everytime someone farts and the gold prices go up i call tht greed not consequence sorry

    Lol, funny! But 'candy', we will laugh in the end because of the 'big raffle'. I'm sure people will start QQ-ing by then.
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    elyora2: wrote: »
    Yea, the effect botting has brought is still somewhat visible in in the current prices..

    The effect is why would Cash shopper A sell something for 50 mill when he used to get 100 mill he wouldn't so he doesn't ......lets not confuse consequence with plain and simple greed ........greedy ppl havent barely and wont lower prices even though botting has been a thing of the past for months now and there are plenty of coin sinks in place but the problem is the ppl sittin on the damn coin i.e. cash shoppers/merchants are all end game gear/shards/refines and dont use the coin sinks so ofc they have coin out the wazooh! and the rest of the little guys are screwed because u tards spend your time circle j'erk merching your c'rap to them s'crewing them because u "think u should get more" everytime someone farts and the gold prices go up i call tht greed not consequence sorry

    Greed - An insatiable lust fueled by a strong raging jealous envy for the acquisition of wealth from those who have achieved their own wealth through hard work and devotion transferred to those who refuse for whatever reason or excuse to do what is necessary to achieve their own wealth through hard work and devotion.

    The greediest people I ever meet are the poor people who are jealous of what others have and demand the same wealth without doing what is required to achieve it on their own. These people expect others to give up their wealth to them for little in return. It's the entitlement class rearing its ugly nasty head for all to see.

    Nobody owes these greedy poor people anything. They need to do what is necessary to get what they want by working for it. Not getting a handout. There's too much of that entitlement sentiment in the game. Give these greedy poor people an inch and they expect everything should be free and easy for them.

    Blaming what people charge for prices is idiocy because prices are market driven. People charge for something what others are willing to pay for it. If gold is 3.5 mil each right now that's because people are willing to pay that much for it. Don't blame merchants for their prices when others pay it because to them it's a fair and competitive price. Merchants who charge too much sell nothing.

    If the price is beyond what you can afford then that's your problem and nobody elses. Find a way to get more to afford it or shut up. After all that is what the economic part of this game is all about. Fail or succeed at it.

    And finally I still bot and I still make coin with it. I bot for EXP mostly..

    By the way what the hell are these end game users supposed to do with all that coin they are hoarding? What really is there to do with it? There is no real coin sink other than equipment repairs at end game so what is the motivation for them to do anything with it?
    Post edited by jamesburr36 on
  • elyora2
    elyora2 Posts: 195 Arc User
    elyora2: wrote: »
    Yea, the effect botting has brought is still somewhat visible in in the current prices..

    The effect is why would Cash shopper A sell something for 50 mill when he used to get 100 mill he wouldn't so he doesn't ......lets not confuse consequence with plain and simple greed ........greedy ppl havent barely and wont lower prices even though botting has been a thing of the past for months now and there are plenty of coin sinks in place but the problem is the ppl sittin on the damn coin i.e. cash shoppers/merchants are all end game gear/shards/refines and dont use the coin sinks so ofc they have coin out the wazooh! and the rest of the little guys are screwed because u tards spend your time circle j'erk merching your c'rap to them s'crewing them because u "think u should get more" everytime someone farts and the gold prices go up i call tht greed not consequence sorry

    And what does your tiny little brain think would happen when people are given free money? Do you really think that will benefit those with less money? If yes. Please stop thinking and go play something that doesn't involve an economic system.
  • mintsummer
    mintsummer Posts: 125 admin
    edited July 2015
    I heard you all ! My sincere apology to everyone who wants 9 million coins and who does not want it. We will schedule our event with more appropriate ideas from now on.
    And, we have more things under development in game. Stay Tuned!
  • jamesburr36
    jamesburr36 Posts: 150 Arc User
    mintsummer wrote: »
    I heard you all ! My sincere apology to everyone who wants 9 million coins and who does not want it. We will schedule our event with more appropriate ideas from now on.
    And, we have more things under development in game. Stay Tuned!

    Thank you very much. Looking forward to it.
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    PWI reduces coins for gear npc and dq so you don't make money botting. They get rid of frost hypering so people can't sell or buy that as a service anymore. The people say "Oh make alts and do Jolly Jones" And so people do that. And now the same people who say make alts to do JoJ is now telling us that people have too many alts to exploit the 9 million gift(esp since you need to be in the 6x level range to get a decent amount of coin). Questing gives a decent amount of coin but it dries up around the 9x range. Farming you have to be decently geared and you can't sell PV service unless you're highly refined which costs more money. They do a friendly 9 million gift for logging on and people say it's putting too many coins into the game.

    People argue about inflation but that's been said for any change and as shown, the prices go back down. Don't want inflation? Don't buy super overpriced items. The OP people in game are the ones who sit on billions of coins and continue to earn their money whichever way and then once prices go down(because they will once they see people aren't buying the items) they buy what they need. Look at the top merchants in your server. It's not a fast market for them, they wait weeks for the right sale to happen to spend their money.

    I feel some basic class of economy should be mandatory to everybody. Simply so we would lack these sort of comments. Well written, coherent but oh so dumb. Market price is decided by supply and demand. Injecting **** ton of coin into economy will drive demand up hard, which will then raise prices as supply does not go up. It has very little to do with greed. It would be greedy to ask merchants to sell their inventory under current market value.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • theghost1240
    theghost1240 Posts: 3 Arc User
    Well, obviously anything free is causing a hassle, so PWI should just remove these events from the game.
  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    I will destroy any argument new players have concerning coin. Until higher levels coin isn't a problem and once you reach jolly Jones level you can do that for coin every day. You can make alts just for this purpose. You can farm in game. They already give you options on how to farm coin at all levels so using the excuse that new players need coin for this or that is broken and is no excuse. Sorry not sorry stop being lazy and stop acting like everything should be handed to you and farm.
  • ironknight
    ironknight Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Well, obviously anything free is causing a hassle, so PWI should just remove these events from the game.

    Get Out.

    I like the free stuff. The Bignote reward was a bad idea tho. Guess many don't understand or care how it would **** over the games market.

  • lavela
    lavela Posts: 7 Arc User
    Oh yes i want the 9 million back!!! i don't want any cards reward, just 9 millions. Prices will go up, could be, like they went up before, but i never payed for a tones of overpriced stuff and always bought cheap and sell cheap, that's how i fight overpriced catshops never bought a damn item.
  • mrrlove
    mrrlove Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    The real question is why do u suddenly all care about the fcken economy from 9mil/ character ONCE in a long while.
    when DQ was doing 100x Inflation more over a long run time . And Nobody of u all smart asses did put it this serious nor gave it this much clear refuse .I do remember the days of DQ , when it was beficial for u all .. there was 2 voices , 1 with and 1 against . It surprises me how Now just now when for once ppl are going to get some coins to buy them a single item or 2 they wish to have easier and free . You work for it to change in it's SAME moment , same few days , u fight for it and show every possible way to make it removed , and you claim we have no point in asking for it .Pathetic moody beneficial ppl , only looking for what pleases you .

    * And a Side Note , Nope it's not true that many will get 1bil . There is barely 1/1000 who will get such thing . and max 5-10% who will get anything close to 400-500m , and a little number who might get 200-300 . regardless if u are lvling alts just now or had them before from abuse lvling times . If u sum those coins , and think of it compared to DQ inflation days ... At DQ inflation days there was monthly over 30bil bumped into each server from botting . MONTHLY !!! how long did it take gold to calibrate ? 1 freaking week GOLD WENT FROM 4mil TO 3mil ON MY SERVER .

    So people gotta stfu , and stop claiming they know what will happen and what's going on . While they are full of ignorance .

    And for ur information , if u think that PWI had no idea what's the effect of this, u are so mistaken .
    They knew it's effect is very small, But u know nothing Jon Snow .
    They only removed it cause YOU DON'T WANT IT AS A PLAYER . Not cause u are right .!
  • astarael7
    astarael7 Posts: 15 Arc User
    I can't for the life of me understand how people are saying it's hard to make money in this game if you have none. If you have 100+s do BH daily and quest. If you have a rbed character FSP daily. If you have a character 50-80 do JoJ quests, you can make millions in days. It is easier to make money on this game then most other games I've played. No you're not going to just be able to afford a Scroll of Tome, but the 9mil would have HURT the economy much more then helping it.
  • prosaber
    prosaber Posts: 19 Arc User
    i have to laugh out loud when people talk about economy of a game.
    and i have to laugh even more and harder that pwi giving up the control over it by letting the community WITHOUT VOTING decide which reward is bad or not bad. i hope you are all happy about b-chest log-in reward LOL....

    Nirvana is dead, but was pretty less rewarding when it was alive.

    Frostcovered City is dead

    God`s Valley seems pretty dead either

    Endeless Universe is pretty useless unless for bh, but for bh you are screwed if it has a buggy day, because you can only enter it once a day. I wonder why AEU dont have that problem and is itself more rewarding.

    TT is dead if there is no BH or no 2x drop. because pwi setup this game with very low drop chances for material which has now a very low value. (low value compared to what gear you craft with it and what else is possible)

    Lunar, well i think lunar always had the issue of the 3 million buy in. but it seems dead anyway if there is no 2x event.

    Seat of Torment and Abaddon is done only for the weekly quest and the cultivation. which is, lets be honest, pretty rare.

    I dont care about pwi economy because its a **** game, but i care about dead game content, waste of developers time for dead game content and useless replacements of login rewards initiated by a egotistical community even without a voting.

    pwi may remember the expansion for the duskblades and the stormbringers, where they introduced a new start zone. i like that area and i find it cool designed, but in my point of view, the time you have spend to create that area was wasted because as soon as people become 20 they leave that place forever and never return for anything. (which is less than 5 days of gaming)

    i do not really care about the fact that every drop now has no coin value anymore because you have replaced it with jolly old jones. but
    1. i am worried about people between 81~99 who need money too but got no jolly old jones quest
    2. your 2x drop event is mostly useless for me because i am not Lunar or Twilight Tempel addicted.
    In a game where farming material from monster-drops got nerfed so hard, i dont see a reason to celebrate a 2x event at all.

    PWI now could at least increase the drop rate of regular crafting material by 3 times. i talk about rough fur, oil, compact oil, leather, and so on and so on. and you could also reduce the spawn time of all regular materials like coal, refined steel,Lumber Essence and so on and so on. maybe also on herbs. i dont think it would anyone hurt at all.
    yes the price will drop, but the market there is bad anyways already.
    reduce the spawn time from 10 minutes down to 2 minutes.

    i dont know why i waste my time to write this **** down, i mean, the community complains about free 9 mil reward but not about dead game content or less rewarding to almost worthless game content. i dont understand you people nor want i understand it.

    care more about your catshopprices while everyone else will just quit the game.
    you will then now see who will buy your ****.

    and let me say one more thing.
    if people get 9 mil on each char and might gather up arround 200 mil and then pay 500 mil for one piece of G15 armor (thats what someone announced in another thread) then i tell you, these people deserve to get scammed.

    stupidity must be punished
  • echtzeitmesser
    echtzeitmesser Posts: 23 Arc User
    I got the tier 2 rewards and I can confirm it is still a 9M note!!! I knew it..wonder what other rewards will be. Crashing economy with no survivors! B) ty PWI