Best of each class - first half of 2015

CapnK - Sanctuary
Posts: 1,166 Arc User
It's that time again. Keep it respectful please so Kossy doesn't shut us down.
Best: Jhonyfoxkir, Bobzl
Most improved: -
Best: Crygol
Most improved: gater
Best: Suchafreak (catabarb), Roar_King (DD barb)
Most improved: Krull_
Best: TheDan (dramatically worse when someone else on his char)
Most improved: Mr_Pickle
Best: Dovienya
Most improved: Tie_Row
Best: Halfrican
Most improved: -
Best: MysticBoob
Most improved: xlagrosse
Best: Temptatious
Most improved: -
Best: NeoLilyStar
Most improved: xGary
Best: Bananonymous
Most improved: -
Best: Micutaro really been impressing me lately
Most improved: ^
Best: -
Most improved: Sodaku
Best: Jhonyfoxkir, Bobzl
Most improved: -
Best: Crygol
Most improved: gater
Best: Suchafreak (catabarb), Roar_King (DD barb)
Most improved: Krull_
Best: TheDan (dramatically worse when someone else on his char)
Most improved: Mr_Pickle
Best: Dovienya
Most improved: Tie_Row
Best: Halfrican
Most improved: -
Best: MysticBoob
Most improved: xlagrosse
Best: Temptatious
Most improved: -
Best: NeoLilyStar
Most improved: xGary
Best: Bananonymous
Most improved: -
Best: Micutaro really been impressing me lately
Most improved: ^
Best: -
Most improved: Sodaku
Post edited by CapnK - Sanctuary on
CapnK - Sanctuary wrote: »It's that time again. Keep it respectful please so Kossy doesn't shut us down.
Best: Jhonyfoxkir, Bobzl
Most improved: -
Best: Crygol
Most improved: gater
Best: Suchafreak (catabarb), Roar_King (DD barb)
Most improved: Krull_
Best: TheDan (dramatically worse when someone else on his char)
Most improved: Mr_Pickle
Best: Dovienya
Most improved: Tie_Row
Best: Halfrican
Most improved: -
Best: MysticBoob
Most improved: xlagrosse
Best: Temptatious
Most improved: -
Best: NeoLilyStar
Most improved: xGary
Best: Bananonymous
Most improved: -
Best: Micutaro really been impressing me lately
Most improved: ^
Best: -
Most improved: Sodaku
How do one say who is the best of each class?
Reason i ask is this, if in a 1v1 for example i will call the sins A and B and Archers C and D.. Sin A versus Archer C and wins, then Sin A goes against Archer D and loses.. But yet Sin B defeated Archer D, but yet Sin B lost to Archer C...b:shocked
My way of loooking at it could be completely wrong but please enlighten me....Bahamas represent0 -
Here on the Sanctuary forums we dont like to apply dark magics such as ''logic''.
You can simply look at CapnK's list and draw ur conclusions, 90% of the ppl on this list, dont PK, dont NW and he hasnt faced in TW since he spent the entire season doing TW against 1 faction, his opinion is based on a bag of doritos and some mountain dew.
This thread much like the previous ones are just a big circlejerk, so unless u have a big bag of flamebait, dank memes and troll posts, I would suggest u stay clear away from the Sanctuary forums, this place is dangerous for unknowing travelers, as for us, we're already lost, we can no longer return to the functioning world b:surrenderIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
CapnK - Sanctuary wrote: »It's that time again. Keep it respectful please so Kossy doesn't shut us down.
Best: Jhonyfoxkir, Bobzl
Most improved: -
Best: Crygol
Most improved: gater
Best: Suchafreak (catabarb), Roar_King (DD barb)
Most improved: Krull_
Best: TheDan (dramatically worse when someone else on his char)
Most improved: Mr_Pickle
Best: Dovienya
Most improved: Tie_Row
Best: Halfrican
Most improved: -
Best: MysticBoob
Most improved: xlagrosse
Best: Temptatious
Most improved: -
Best: NeoLilyStar
Most improved: xGary
Best: Bananonymous
Most improved: -
Best: Micutaro really been impressing me lately
Most improved: ^
Best: -
Most improved: Sodaku
Well at least some new names are added to the list of The best in each class, the repeating names each year was getting a little old.....0 -
To me ur the best in any class ChrissIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »his opinion is based on a bag of doritos and some mountain dew.
I don't like Mountain Dew.0 -
2 bags of doritos and a cool aidIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
Slewdem - Dreamweaver wrote: »How do one say who is the best of each class?
Reason i ask is this, if in a 1v1 for example i will call the sins A and B and Archers C and D.. Sin A versus Archer C and wins, then Sin A goes against Archer D and loses.. But yet Sin B defeated Archer D, but yet Sin B lost to Archer C...b:shocked
My way of loooking at it could be completely wrong but please enlighten me....
These lists are, most of the time, popularity galore fests anyway.
If you want to apply somewhat of a logic, do a best 2 out of 3 between all contestors. Still not the best indicator, but it's at least not tied as a 1 match only.
Also, let sin B and sin A fight eachother.Soon™
Well, maybe later, semi-retired.0 -
I think the sense of the topic is to say who have impressed you, fighting PK/NW/TW or just PvE is not important, maybe you can specify the reason.
In my opinion, I think that this post can be interesting and help other players to improve their gameplay by watching videos or asking info in game to the "best player" that are active in this moment (same as I did some years ago, watching video on youtube or asking info to some barbs i see on an old topic).
<< bad english, but I hope is understandable b:surrender >>
I report only the players I had the honor to fight or saw them fighting, so don’t ask me why I don’t list some big name.
Valjra (I’m not sure I write the name correctly): I had some fight with her in Nation War and she was very hard to fight.
Vladamir (Shinbu): I see him PKing outside West Archosaur and he know how to play his class 1vs1.
I don’t know… my idol was BBB but I can’t see him around. One Barb I like is WolfsKing.
TheDan: Best geared BM, but he know how to play his class and his work in Territory War is awesome. Even a pain stop him hehe.
Tenjio: He need to work more on his gear but I like his gameplay, hard to kill him.
Slaystar: Same as Tenjio.
Kanmi: Nice gear and awesome support for Territory War.
Dejaunah: Same as Kanmi but with lower gear.
ZhugeLiang: Best support for PvE, he know how to take the squad alive in every dungeons.
I don’t have personal experience with a Duskblade, so I don’t know.
Mysticboob: Nice gameplay and nice teamwork in Nation War. Even hard to kill him.
I don’t see anyone that really impressed me… except for the annoying Seal of Silence. Maybe FishFromHell is playing good, every time I fight him he know how manage me and he know when is the right moment to attack and run back.
NeoLylStar: Best seeker I fight last time, nice gameplay and he manage his combo with QPQ very good.
Avunaye: I don’t know to much on the new class but she seems really hard to fight, good team job on Territory War with that Purple Tornado. (but stop to run so fast hehe!)
Mmh... I don’t know, I remember 1-2 Venos I find very good in Nation War but I don’t know the name.
TheRedMage: Good gameplay and nice defense.
b:bye0 -
i came to this thread since i got a notification of there being dank memes. where are the dank memes bruvs?
ill gib u all my top players. anyone wit badass gear who triple spark IGs for kills is a top player in my book. i still have no idea how to triple spark IG without using a genie. this is the apex of pvp skill that only true masters of pwi can utilize.
c u all u cucks in tw, o wait. i prolly wont. whalez.0 -
It's that time again huh. First half of 2015 eh
Best: Bobzl, Ignathas does well too, not necessarily best but worth mentioning
Most improved: can't think of anyone, most archers are about the same due to the way the class is
Best: Kyougu (when real one)
Most improved: Crygol
Best: Roar_King (DD), tank not sure...
Most improved: can't think of anyone in particular
Best: Sifimohtofu, TheDan
Most improved: tenjio
Best: Kanmi, Dejaunah (support), DD idk
Most improved: can't think of anyone, most vindi clerics seem good tbh
Best: too early to tell
Most improved: Blackteria seems promising
Best: i still can't pick any, maybe MysticBoob?
Most improved: same as above
Best: nobody really impresses me
Most improved: same as above
Best: $hadowsEdge, NeoLilyStar
Most improved: melcomania.. think he changed name to AKsnail or something
Best: too early to tell
Most improved: Bananonymous and Avunaye are the most notable ones thus far
Best: Wyvelin/Desdi, Womansley, Eoliana doesn't exist anymore
Most improved: Xylona, Satyrion and several other hoorah venos have stepped up a lot lately
Best: can't think of anyone in particular
Most improved: same as aboveLurking forums for years sometimes posting.0 -
I would like to nominate all the Vindicate BMs for this much desired and renowned title, Ive been so impressed by their ability to work together, their general awareness and their focus on the important things. Never have I seen people utilize their kill potential so effectively, truly impressive, its so hard to pick which one is the best, I made a montage just for them, since they impressed me so much in TW qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »To me ur the best in any class Chriss
Well thank you, see knew you could say something nice about someone.
Here your snickerz bar I promised you0 -
I cant wait for the day vindi seekers get their own troll comment from the one and only $picylovah
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Let's make a best of class actual post based on no bias and hate. Archer: Bobzl/DownOfSon these guys actually pk and take part in pvp and I've seen them tear people apart. Assassin: Zaiyn (XxShinbuxX) I'm sure you would agree everyone is afraid of me in pvp, it takes a squad to kill me. No one wants to 1v1 me these days apart from a select few. My gear is also maxed and I'm 1 card away from Nuema portal. I chose myself not from ego but facts, and I'm sure you all know I am the best. Many people dislike me Barbarian: Freakys barb & Roar_King they are max gear and their damage is scary and they aren't afraid to pvp. Blademaster: I want to go with tenjio (pretty good bm) he's pretty tanky and not max gear, but I will have to go with TheDan he knows his class very well and has the gear to pvp and kill. Sifu(baldy) has a nice lock but without help in pvp he isn't much of a challenge anymore. Cleric: Dovienya & lilddragon pretty tanky has the money to put in game, don't see them in pvp much now. Duskblade: to early to say yet not many around. Stormbringer: to early to say yet not many around. Mystic: MysticBoob he has good gear and pretty Nice damage in pvp or Nw, when I came across him. Psychic: Temptatious She has very nice gear and she hits really hard compared to others psys in pvp, but still squishy in comparison, she knows her class and is improving. Seeker: Rouxx has come a long way he hits pretty hard in pvp and has a nice card set. Shadowsedge has been gone for some time, his cards suck and his damage isn't as good as rouxx overall both know their class. (Even tho shadow tps away from me in fear in PK) lawikispirit is pretty Op, There are a few others that are pretty good but do not pvp etc, so it's hard to say. Venomancer: I would like to go with KillingTime (MsDoom) she is funny in pvp and she can kill better geared then herself, amazing to watch. Very good support in Pvp. Gear counts a lot in this game, so I would have to go with Wyvelin(Eoliana) he has skill but relies on running around and purging this guy always waits for tidal to end he know how the assassin class work. venos also have so many survivability skills now so unrealistic. Womansley is one of the best venos knows his class well and is pretty op, don't see him in pvp. We have improved venos such as Xylona before she was such a fail, but yeah improved a lot, she pvps in groups never alone. Like a lot of people on sanctuary. But yeah on this I'm going with Wyvelin. Wizard: Darcabyssl this guy has improved by far in pvp, seen him destroy in pvp solo. Also so good in group pvp. He's working on his cards and I'm sure when he's done I'm -toast- OL we have amateurs like GingerBread run around kite spam spark hope to get a lucky crit on it, no skill mostly relies on his team. Belewiz is best geared hands down can 1 shot me sparked, that's saying something, takes a team to pin him in TW sure everyone would agree. Faceroll is pretty good in pvp he quit, so that ends there. Darcabyssl I'm going with him. My results are based on facts as I am a well known pker. I'm sure none of you would disagree with them. These results include PK,Nw, Tw all aspects of knowing their classes.
mod edited for swear filter circumventionPost edited by ovenusarmanio on0 -
Don't mind me.
Just stopping in to see the list of people I need to 1v1 after the server merge | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | -
Archer- LOVELYESY / Jhonyfork
Assassin- Crygol / Kyougu
Barbarian- Roar_King / Suchafreak
Blademaster- TheDan / Tenjio
Cleric- Feighlara / Mendolin
Duskblade- Blackteria / LastMeridian
Mystic- MysticBoob / Cyrusdesu
Psychic- MizChinaDoll / JyTheMerman
Seeker- ShadowsEdge / AKSnail
Stormbringer- Avunaye / Bananonymus
Venomancer- Womansley / KillingTime
Wizard- Darcabyssl / Gingerbreadd0 -
I cant wait for the day vindi seekers get their own troll comment from the one and only $picylovah
This is a guy claiming people cant catch him in TW and i constantly see 2-3 people wacking his head and **** in TW me included so either he lagging more than he know it or he sanctuaries certified wolf boy.
ah... sick and absent for nearly a year and 99% of the names havnt changed....
same people naming the same names >.>
Capn, you should make it so that the names limited to those that started in the last 1-2 yrs or so.
Some of these names are so 'active iffy', xx yrs later we'll see the same list again cause nothing but the golden hayday names pop as an automated inprint in our minds. I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha...
★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous0 -
List may change with addition of new server | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | -
Erighan, why do you even bound an Emperor on a PvE Server? It's the most expensive tradable item. SO DUMB!0
voluminous wrote: »Erighan, why do you even bound an Emperor on a PvE Server? It's the most expensive tradable item. SO DUMB!
Nice to finally meet Drake Kahn in the forums. Welcome. Please, make yourself at home!
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Nice to finally meet Drake Kahn in the forums. Welcome. Please, make yourself at home!
dude he was pining for you after maint. yesterday like a long lost lover! I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha...
★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous0 -
He was practically standing on my toon with his mount when I was recruiting on LC. Was kind of awkward. And he wonders why I bound my **** in time for his arrival!
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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