nw score

Posts: 506 Arc User
edited May 2015 in Twilight Temple (West)
was curious how much people get in those :) ive been getting around 30k personal credit normally, but today got 44k and ppl called me troll :D


Post edited by Ignathas - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Not even close to that much I'm around 13K-20K on a good day 200+ tokens but I support my squad mainly.
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm usually around 20k on mystic. Having higher refines/soulforce and more hp is a huge factor in how much contri you get.

    I haven't been using charms lately due to lack of event gold. So while I don't get as many tokens, my only expense is charger orbs.
  • Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ok, this is kind of messed up. My cleric when I solo with them, earns typically 28K-32K range in contri each time they go in. They have R8r weapon/chest/pants, and OHT/mold all else.

    Which is why I usually go with both my SB and cleric, and typically earn 22K-25K contri on each one. Last night was pretty good, earned 29K and 26K for 55K total, gained 845 tokens from it.

    And none of them have a single piece of G16 or R9, are uncharmed, and don't even bother using food to heal up during fights or after getting killed. My SB will use their heal skill, and my cleric I'm usually too lazy to swap out of UVD to heal and jump back, so I just someone to sleep and Aurora blast my way to health. Then fly off if MoW does little damage.

    Main thing to get across, not even trying that hard I'm apparently earning better, even when my attention is divided playing 2 different characters that are usually in 2 different nations. And it's not like I just leech, since I solo, or duo(solo) maps with my characters.

    So my question is, how is it with better gear, so many are scoring so poorly? The cleric in support is self-evident; it's why my cleric always went in alone and never in a group. But how are damage dealers with actually near/at end game gear doing so badly?
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You're doing more maps, and you're solo. We're fighting the other rank 9s in 20+minute fights, which is bad contri/time spent even if you get 2150 points. Yes I could go around the edge of the map and get more points, but I'm playing for the nation to win, not for personal contri. Someone has to keep the opposing nation from baselocking us.
  • Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i disagree that 20min fights are helping nation in general.. firsly you earn 2k x 6 - 12k cont overall if you win 6 fights 20 min each so its terrible. secondly you only win 6 territories in the duration of entire nw. waste time.. i win multiple territories simultaneously, join kill leave join another win join back kill win again if i see some r9r +12 josd i stall if needed but i dont waste time on those... i did fight them as well for 15-20mins but ended up loosing all lands around literally and solo defending something in the middle of nowhere :) oh and i dont have purge warsoul wep w/ g16+10 full dot no avatar sets some ppl i can only but scratch b:shocked
    prevent from blocking you have to win multiple battles if only 1 battle then everyone can go around you :) is bad then 20 high gear people all stuck in 1 place for 20minutes
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Same here, generally I have very long battles that still only give 2150 per battle, so for me its usually inbetween the 25-30k. And yes fighting other strong squads is really bad for ur nation, but its fun, so who cares

    Tho regardless of the tokens NW is a loss since each NW costs me around 6-7 silver charms b:chuckle the BM struggle
    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry
  • Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You're doing more maps, and you're solo. We're fighting the other rank 9s in 20+minute fights, which is bad contri/time spent even if you get 2150 points. Yes I could go around the edge of the map and get more points, but I'm playing for the nation to win, not for personal contri. Someone has to keep the opposing nation from baselocking us.

    Yeah, no. I see lots of those, and even participate in some that are fun. But I don't delude myself into thinking it's helping the nation at all. Just like the power teams that head off and divert other nations from fighting eachother to instead head towards their own nation. It doesn't really help, except in very specific instances.

    Me, I map hop quite often in a way that creates a screen of territories to prevent any reinforcements from an enemy nation to resupply their front line, making it easier for my nation to win those battles. Even though those maps don't give much, it's still slightly worth it, and allows my nation to expand and take 3+ territories in exchange. Also, it will frequently cause R9ers of the opposing nation to head the other way, so they don't face a string of 0 player battle maps.

    Honestly I use a lot of different strategies, and almost all of them are geared towards increasing nation territory count. And if that means soloing a crystal map as other nationmates tp in and out, that's what I do. Will still get guaranteed last place, but if it's going to ensure I can cut off reinforcements from that newly gained territory, I'm going to take the personal hit. But most people have this weird belief EVERY territory is like that, which is likely part of the problem.

    And I definitely feel for the BMs, even had R9 on my BM over a year ago, and my cleric without even R8 gear was earning more for cheaper. It's why I made the switch to cleric, and now go with cleric and SB there's not a chance of me brushing off my BM and heading in.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Same here, generally I have very long battles that still only give 2150 per battle, so for me its usually inbetween the 25-30k. And yes fighting other strong squads is really bad for ur nation, but its fun, so who cares

    Tho regardless of the tokens NW is a loss since each NW costs me around 6-7 silver charms b:chuckle the BM struggle

    ditto bruh.

    I feel dat bm struggle too :c
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Other option is to pick your battles and go charmless. Rewards are lower, cost is only time. Personally, I don't bother to fight the stronger squads. Waste of time, even if it was survivable. Let the PVP ladies duke it out among themselves...

    I usually get around 12-16k contri on my BM that way... about the same amount on my cler.
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Other option is to pick your battles and go charmless. Rewards are lower, cost is only time. Personally, I don't bother to fight the stronger squads. Waste of time, even if it was survivable. Let the PVP ladies duke it out among themselves...

    I usually get around 12-16k contri on my BM that way... about the same amount on my cler.

    Clerics easily earn more, if they go UVD. My cleric is the one where I will sometimes help out in the R9 vs. R9 fights, since Auroras ignore ATTK/DEF lvl and do straight damage to their healing ability. Couple that with properly timed debuffs/cc while moving in and out of range, and it's possible to score higher than other R9s on your side.

    Cleric should always be doing well, even without G16/R9/R8. You just need to avoid being stuck as heal *****, and focus on damage. That way in the battles that require it, you can swap over to healing role to keep a R9 alive, and back as needed. Those are the only battles that are actually fun, since it requires a lot of shifting around. Most of the times it's roll or be rolled.

    Though even my SB pre-awakened lvl 9X was able to earn 18k-20k if I remember right back in December. So again, it's not the class; especially not if it's a cleric. At that point it's either choosing a bad role, or just not playing to full effect.
  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Same here, generally I have very long battles that still only give 2150 per battle, so for me its usually inbetween the 25-30k. And yes fighting other strong squads is really bad for ur nation, but its fun, so who cares

    Tho regardless of the tokens NW is a loss since each NW costs me around 6-7 silver charms b:chuckle the BM struggle

    Actually with you with this statement, its all about having fun
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    oh and i dont have purge warsoul wep w/ g16+10 full dot no avatar sets some ppl i can only but scratch b:shocked

    This part made me lol. No set, but 3 max level s cards. G16 +10 with +12 ornaments including r9r ring and +12 hat. With emperor. You aren't exactly a g16 +10 archer.
  • Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    my armor is exactly g16 +10, except the hat, which is also g16 full dot, but +12:) ask womanesly or decent seekers if they can 1 hit me or not. i have 16596 hp with 39 defence lvls.. talking about attack i dont know what im supposed to have some ppl i hit 3k if im full buffed and sparked, who have 30k hp good luck for the pvp.. 3 s cards (random) that i have spent billions to lvl then they came out are a complete **** compared to A card sets, and thats cos im stupid and theres nothing to be proud of :) how are +12 ornaments making me a 'non g16 archer' b:chuckle helps me stay alive against noobs longer if only

    this is just an answer to your comment, that has nothing to do with the topic, the topic i was just curious how people are doing and what is max score ppl get, i didnt make it to troll here or talk about my gear b:shocked
  • Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    He is g16 and a good one. He want to say he doesn't have the same bonus as r9r3 armor set. But we are debating about score no?

    If you want a good score you need:

    1) Solo map or with 3-4 peoples
    2) Fast map (leave map that take long to win/lose)
    3) Play good

    Speaking of Sanctuary, we have a low partecipation on NW so you don't need to be r9r3 +12 to make good points, just follow the points 1 and 2.

    I usually play NW to have fun battles and improve my pvp skill. I don't mind about points and i lose time to fight good squads.

    I usually do 20-25k credits with r9r3.
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I thought ignathas had r9 belt/ring? Or something like that?

    Anyway yeah not important. Im with roar. I usually go to have fun. So while getting top points is nice i wont randomly leave just for the sake of points.

    Nw tokens on sanctuary are worth basically nothing atm so unless you have a specific use for them (sell manued gear/making weap for alt/nwing gear) it feels pretty pointless to me to worry about how many tokens i get.

    But hey if you're playing and supporting a nation good on you.

    Ps i dont claim to be a decent seeker but i can hardly kill ignathas, let alone one shot. Magic classes like venos maybe because of their lack of accuracy issues, but seekers probably not unless you are talking seekers that have better gear/spirit.
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    imma go ahead n say that ur NW score has almost nothing to do with how u play and what u do but is for 99% based off ur soulforce. Someone with full +12 gear cud literally afk in a battle and get rank 1, provided he actually stays in the battle ofcourse

    he has high refines thus high scores, pointless discussion

    he also has better defensive stats than 99% of the archers, he just has awful weapon/armor choices, with the money on his gear he cud be a lot stronger, but o well, at least he can play the ''Im G16 card''
    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry
  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Actually with you with this statement, its all about having fun

    holy **** how did i miss this..... When is the wedding guys?? Can i come?
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    imma go ahead n say that ur NW score has almost nothing to do with how u play and what u do but is for 99% based off ur soulforce. Someone with full +12 gear cud literally afk in a battle and get rank 1, provided he actually stays in the battle ofcourse

    Mostly true, from what I've seen you get an initial ranking in the battle based on your soulforce. Killing enemies increases your rank, but if the high soulforce person is killing also you won't overcome them.
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    eirghan wrote: »
    holy **** how did i miss this..... When is the wedding guys?? Can i come?

    its not happening, I gave him a chance to give me an emperor tome and he didnt take it

    itll prolly go down into his memoirs as one of the moments in his life he regrets the most
    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry
  • Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    didnt get what or who ur talking about :) anyways lately been getting 40k + personal cont for like 5-10nws if i care to show up for nws cos its 5am for me and been getting bored :)
    it is not true that its based completely on your soulforce, it is bull****. it depends how you calculate. ive been getting personal credit ranging from 15k to 45k and did quite alot of them to have an overview.
    1. yes, if you have better gear u get more points for single battle then noobs having identical circumstances, that doesnt play much difference overall..
    2. it dramatically depends on if the battle is won or lost. entering a battle that you loose gives you 100-200 points at least me
    3. if you loose a battle and ur like number 10 in the ranking i sometimes get as high as 50 points for a battle, no matter my extremely epic gear.
    4. winning a battle and being ranked in first 5 gives u most points as roar said.
    5. overall score depends on time of the battle immensely
    6. if you deal or receive damage or anyone in that battle - then score increases significantly. if i have 50 points loosing a battle with 10 people who had (including me) been doing nothing and lost it, it can go up to 500 points if actual damage was dealt in the fight
    7. point 6 is even more important if you win the battle
    8. very important in the beginning stages of battles and fast battles is how fast you begin a fight. if you enter the fight 1st then you get high score, like 500, if you enter last lets say 20th, then you get 80 - its in empty battles where most noobs end up going afk.
    9. most important is overall strategy. i have tried entering and leaving as many battles as i could and i only got around 20k those nws. you dont get high points simply blindly and stupidly jumping battles, no matter your gear. you have to choose those battles that you can win and actually win them
    10. use all kinds of apo/charms like chargers white tea makes you win fights a lot faster. if you want simply pvp then thats a different story, there are perhaps hundreds of ppl better geared then me in this game and for me it is not interesting at all to run forward - die - back to town - run forward - repeat, so i make my goal simply winning and ignoring the pvp that i have no chances to win esp. vs those 'op' squads that kill me before i see them.. ok ill shutup now b:shutup

    edit: for those interested in my gear - i have denied the myth that 50k pdef is max u can get.. with all buffs i have 50600 ish and around 30k mdef. if i had made my armor g16+12 and made it full josd i would be quite tanky, but i dont have money for it to test all that stuff or time.. the reason i have so high *decreases dmg by 92% or so, is not cos i have r9r ring that gives 1500 pdef or cube neck that gives 2000 pdef. the reason i have 50k pdef is cos i stack buffs, everything available in game i have maxed - meridian, titles, nuema, all passives and actives and so on. that is why my gear is **** but i have still better survivability then others, cos it stacks, but my survivability is still being 1 hit by endgame. the reason my dmg is so high is similar - i stack buffs and skills, charms and so on. most importantly isnt the emperor but the 105 105 105, and not only does it increase dex (i have 820+) but also has a dmg reduction potential against those below 103, increased and decreased in pvp both.. other then that idk, ive played an archer for like 6 years now and its my only character (except for noob barb cat).. gear doesnt make that big of a difference as long as im not being oneshot.. also have genie 93LP i think with ad and faith and other stuff :P now time for the long weekend finally


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