Fighting Against Nevitible

SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
Posts: 7,908
I don't mind fighting a faction full of alts from Vindicate, Hoorah, or some other big faction. At times it can even make the battle a real challenge and a learning experience.
My issue with last night's battle, is that we were fighting against multiple alts from one person at the same time. I know damn well you can't drive 4 separate toons in TW at the same time, and even if you could, that would be a violation of the policies set by PWE.
Unfortunately, someone thought it would be a good idea to have a bunch of people from Vindicate play on their alt accounts. They didn't stop there either. More than one individual decided to do this. So instead of an evenly matched battle, we were fighting a much larger number than we should have been if it was just Nevitible members.
And really, it's the account sharing that is the biggest offense. I don't mind losing, and overall the battle was fairly fun.
However, if actual Nevitible players had attended, and not a bunch of extras that may not even have characters in that faction, the battle would most likely have either gone the full 3 hours, and been fun for everyone.
For those that participated in this violation of PWE's account rules, I'm calling you out.
I don't really expect much of anything to come out of it with the abysmal state of PWE's support currently; but you know damn well that if this had happened 2-3 years ago, the lot of you would be facing some serious downtime.
P.S. LOL at the person in WC who said we "ganked" Nevitible by attacking without discussing it with them first.
We didn't even make an attack last week when we knew that Nevitible was going to be missing their primary cata barb, because we'd rather have a fair fight.
My issue with last night's battle, is that we were fighting against multiple alts from one person at the same time. I know damn well you can't drive 4 separate toons in TW at the same time, and even if you could, that would be a violation of the policies set by PWE.
Unfortunately, someone thought it would be a good idea to have a bunch of people from Vindicate play on their alt accounts. They didn't stop there either. More than one individual decided to do this. So instead of an evenly matched battle, we were fighting a much larger number than we should have been if it was just Nevitible members.
And really, it's the account sharing that is the biggest offense. I don't mind losing, and overall the battle was fairly fun.
However, if actual Nevitible players had attended, and not a bunch of extras that may not even have characters in that faction, the battle would most likely have either gone the full 3 hours, and been fun for everyone.
For those that participated in this violation of PWE's account rules, I'm calling you out.
I don't really expect much of anything to come out of it with the abysmal state of PWE's support currently; but you know damn well that if this had happened 2-3 years ago, the lot of you would be facing some serious downtime.
P.S. LOL at the person in WC who said we "ganked" Nevitible by attacking without discussing it with them first.
We didn't even make an attack last week when we knew that Nevitible was going to be missing their primary cata barb, because we'd rather have a fair fight.
Post edited by SylenThunder - Twilight Temple on
I heard Temptatious wanted to get carried in TW, so it took 5 guys to log her chars to even lift her off the ground b:pleased
also support stuff dun care, so i suggest u do the same :P no one will be banned
Vindi has been doing the same thing, dozins of ppl in Vindi TW arent even playing their own char and as a result no one gets to TW, ppl arent looking to have fun, they just wanna win, better just accept it :PIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
I wish I could put an alt in Nevitible, but then I'd get banned :<
P.S. as written above, nothing will be done about it.Name: AsMyliuTave
Race: Winged Elf
Class: Archer
Spiritual Cultivation: Celestial Sage
Level: 104-103-101
Faction: Vindicate (Executor)
Server: Sanctuary -
It's unfortunate but it happens in most factions. I've had fights against three characters owned by the same person in Hoorah at the same time - sin, psy, and veno.
As others have said, nobody's going to get banned for it. Support is practically non-existent these days. So do it back to them or get used to losing.0 -
I know for a fact that Meteora has loaned out alts for tw's before too. Just because you caught the losing end, you guys cry about it.
Get past it, see you next time you bid \o0 -
Sad truth is Sylen, that with the current state of support, unless you're actively breaking the server with something there's frankly no consequences anymore to any kind of undesirable behaviour in the game. It's a free-for-all and I don't see that changing any time soon. Best to accept that and work with that knowledge to your own benefit, since crying about it on the forum has had zero effect for several months in a row...
Multitooning has become a part of the game. If they'd ban everyone who does it, there'd be barely anyone left at this point...I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
Funny thing is... they do still ban. Just that it seems completely arbitrary at times while people who are blatantly ignoring ToS don't even get glanced at.
It's stupid and senseless, but that's how things have become.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Meteora used to plan fair fights with Nevitible in advance. They would discuss the attack, numbers, gear so all players had fun.
Suddenly, Meteora starts bidding without discussing, sometimes when main players aren't showing up. Nevi loses land and Arteria has more money in her pocket.
Nevitible didnt get salty and start QQing in world chat about Meteora or posting on the forums. They bolstered their numbers.
Then the PMs begin. The threats. And the trash talking by Meteora against players of Nevitible that really has nothing to do with the TOS or fair play, just being trashy.
And the salt about who has what alt in a faction.
You guys chose to attack Nevitible. You know people from larger factions have alts in Nevitible. If Meteroa could be more accepting of larger factions instead of trash talking them Meteora would have alts from big factions as well.
And like shadow said you guys account share all of the time. You guys forget Nevi once had alts in Meteora (before the trash got too much) We were friends with a lot of you guys and know that you guys do exactly the same thing. Pointing the finger and trying to get your (once friendly?) opponents banned will only result in fingers pointing right back at you. And the fact that you make posts about unfair play on the forums that you yourselves are guilty of just spells SALTY.
It could have been a fun fair fight but you guys chose to go beyond that by stepping outside agreement and planned attacks. Your surprise attack backfired and all I see is QQ.
Ill be joining my alt back to nevi just to fight you guys like a lot of others will be doing. See you next tw.
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Vindi ruining TWs left n right cuz they think TW is only fun when u completely overpower someone b:surrender most boring players ever, avoiding every challenge n only go for easy mode
30 geared opponents? better give account info to everyone so we can use 80 geared accounts
3 hour TW vs meteora? better log 5 temptatious chars so we can make it a 10 minute TWIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindi ruining TWs left n right cuz they think TW is only fun when u completely overpower someone b:surrender most boring players ever, avoiding every challenge n only go for easy mode
30 geared opponents? better give account info to everyone so we can use 80 geared accounts
3 hour TW vs meteora? better log 5 temptatious chars so we can make it a 10 minute TW
Hoorah running TWs left n right cuz they think TW is only fun when u get no shows b:surrender most boring players ever, avoiding every challenge n only go for easy mode. hoorah completely overpower lg I dont see u gear down or not use alts when fight lg. hypocrate thanks.0 -
My toon is real tyvm0
$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindi ruining TWs left n right cuz they think TW is only fun when u completely overpower someone b:surrender most boring players ever, avoiding every challenge n only go for easy mode
Funny i have a recording of PK against Hoorah 8 vs 39 something from this weekend. Hoorah is asked (actually I think YOU were asked!) if they want to even out numbers and have a real PK match and Hoorah declines. Right after a TW roll. Then ofc we see Hoorah on the forums blaming vindi for outnumbering in TW.
I'm sorry. Did Hoorah request Vindi to lower their gear and numbers so we could have a "fair" TW? I think i missed that through all the echoes of "Hoorah gonna take Vindi down!"
Meteora wants fun fair matches but attacks without communicating numbers beforehand and expects Nevi to divine their strategy, then threatens with ban hammer when they lose.
GOD damn those dirty vindis for overgearing and overwhelming
Btw my alt is like. G16 +7. Idk if im really overgearing anything. All Vindi alts are pretty mediocre tbh b:shutup
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Not suprised Meteora complaining once again as usual. You kids get so butthurt over TW, just dont TW, simple. Take your loss and get over it besides always bad mouthing, crying and threatening people with tickets afterwards. Grow up, kids. b:laugh0
$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindi ruining TWs left n right cuz they think TW is only fun when u completely overpower someone b:surrender most boring players ever, avoiding every challenge n only go for easy mode
30 geared opponents? better give account info to everyone so we can use 80 geared accounts
3 hour TW vs meteora? better log 5 temptatious chars so we can make it a 10 minute TW
Lol this is the first TW in, well, ever that we have had roughly equal numbers. They had more r9 than us by far. What's his signature?
"It's all about knowing your class and playing it well.
Being Pro has nothing to do with how much money you wasted on your gear. (It can certainly help, but it's not everything.) "
You out-gear us so do we win a bigger prize? b:chuckle Mr. R9 cleric tempesting from the air. Class skills OP.
Its okay though qontrol pretend you're in meteora idm. We can beat you there too.0 -
Summary of this thread: a bunch of pots calling other kettles black, back and forth.Lurking forums for years sometimes posting.0
lmao! I was told vindi wanted to do faction PK since the TW was such a bore, I didnt kno u only had 5 ppl that wanted to PK
I wouldve switched sides but since we had over 10 ppl we had to have faction protection on! so that wudnt have worked, blame the game b:surrender
IGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »lmao! I was told vindi wanted to do faction PK since the TW was such a bore, I didnt kno u only had 5 ppl that wanted to PK
I wouldve switched sides but since we had over 10 ppl we had to have faction protection on! so that wudnt have worked, blame the game b:surrender
Idk if it was faction pk. Ursweet called a few out to pk a handful of hoorah. I dont think anyone expected more hoorah to show up to pk than there was at the tw 10 mins before.
Still doesnt change you guys are just doing the same stuff you qq about xD
I had some good pk matches yesterday. Honestly respect some hoorahs and enjoy pk with you guys when somewhat fair teams are made. Pleasantly surprised no one killed my res whoar (Except you poly. Imma sog your bum mister)
Im sure we all would feel the same way about tw its boring to roll you guys but i would probably get kicked from vindi if i started recruiting for hoorah. And i somehow doubt tp star is going to let you guys coordinate tw with vindi after all the big talk xD were not talking a flux of 10m land like in met after all.
This thread's still about nevi vs met tho not about vindi vs hoorah. I would love to pk with met too but idk if itd go too hot.
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$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindi ruining TWs left n right cuz they think TW is only fun when u completely overpower someone b:surrender most boring players ever, avoiding every challenge n only go for easy mode
30 geared opponents? better give account info to everyone so we can use 80 geared accounts
3 hour TW vs meteora? better log 5 temptatious chars so we can make it a 10 minute TW
Why u sound so sour? Against Tempy? Anyway on topic, hope Meteora doesn't hold a grudge against Vindi people they are one of few factions outside of big factions that tw. Would love to have an alt with you guys to tw with but if your gonna get sour with members from vindi.....0 -
Chrisssss - Sanctuary wrote: »Would love to have an alt with you guys to tw with but if your gonna get sour with members from vindi.....
They have been rude to members of Vindicate inside Meteora for a while now actually. You can ask a certain bm in vindi about the details of him leaving on all alts from them. Or a seeker in there too. They aren't fans of vindi and don't like when people join them for some reason. Never truly understood why. b:surrender0 -
modshadowct wrote: »They have been rude to members of Vindicate inside Meteora for a while now actually. You can ask a certain bm in vindi about the details of him leaving on all alts from them. Or a seeker in there too. They aren't fans of vindi and don't like when people join them for some reason. Never truly understood why. b:surrender
I've actually heard this from multiple former members. I've also heard from a variety of former Meteora members about current Meteora members multiclienting.
Honestly, I don't know why Meteora is suddenly getting upset about our alts. I've come to several Nevi-Meteora TWs on my cleric and they didn't even realize it was me. (Shes squishy, dies so often, and not mostly from doing suicidal things like on my wizard QQ). Even when Nevi's lost in the past, which we've definitely done, we haven't complained. This wasn't even a fight where we attacked. We were defending, you made a very active decision to attack us. Don't complain when it doesn't work out how you'd hope.xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer
Because I can't stand playing melee classes0 -
modshadowct wrote: »They have been rude to members of Vindicate inside Meteora for a while now actually. You can ask a certain bm in vindi about the details of him leaving on all alts from them. Or a seeker in there too. They aren't fans of vindi and don't like when people join them for some reason. Never truly understood why. b:surrender
No one is ever likely to tbh. Understand that is. The nearest i can come to it is the whole faction is carrying a torch for one member that had something done to them several years ago by someone who has now joined vindi. I think it was a break up or something. But too sensitive a subject to get into detail about apparently. Well have to take them at their word and withstand the nerd rage of a hundredb:angry
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$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »I heard Temptatious wanted to get carried in TW, so it took 5 guys to log her chars to even lift her off the ground b:pleased
also support stuff dun care, so i suggest u do the same :P no one will be banned
Vindi has been doing the same thing, dozins of ppl in Vindi TW arent even playing their own char and as a result no one gets to TW, ppl arent looking to have fun, they just wanna win, better just accept it :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
damn vindi cliques b:surrenderIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
Every faction on sanctuary is actually vindi alts. Leaders of all factions are actually alts of vindi's officer team.Lurking forums for years sometimes posting.0
QueNa - Sanctuary wrote: »Every faction on sanctuary is actually vindi alts. Leaders of all factions are actually alts of vindi's officer team, and everyone in vindicate is actually a retired player, so no one actually plays PWI anymore
FTFY b:pleasedIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
Nevi has like 20 people in it. Most of which arent vindi alts lmao. People just are salty at vindi.
Tons of other facs have groups of friends that tw on their alts together in other facs.
They just dont tw meteora.
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$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindi has been doing the same thing, dozins of ppl in Vindi TW arent even playing their own char and as a result no one gets to TW, ppl arent looking to have fun, they just wanna win, better just accept it :P
This still makes me laugh considering how many kyougus we fight against weekly in each tw.0 -
modshadowct wrote: »This still makes me laugh considering how many kyougus we fight against weekly in each tw.
Not to mention dballs. At least kyougu named his toons differently
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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$picylovah - Sanctuary wrote: »Vindi has been doing the same thing, dozins of ppl in Vindi TW arent even playing their own char and as a result no one gets to TW, ppl arent looking to have fun, they just wanna win, better just accept it :PName: AsMyliuTave
Race: Winged Elf
Class: Archer
Spiritual Cultivation: Celestial Sage
Level: 104-103-101
Faction: Vindicate (Executor)
Server: Sanctuary -
AsMyliuTave - Sanctuary wrote: »If you can name me a dozen I'll send you 20mil.
I cant just publicly rat these people out yo b:surrender some of them are friends, I thought u were an officer in vindicate, its pretty bad I know more about who attends ur TW than u doIGN: qontroL b:thanks
Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry0 -
Bluff called. Mission: conplete.
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