How Often Do you Spy / SpawnKill in TW?



  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have a big say in Tempest
    every1 knows that since the day u guys merged actually b:laugh

    beside nothing about this is about dynasty, its what sort of *respect* u had against other guilds
  • Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have been absent from the game when this merge took place, i just came back a few months ago.

    As far as i see it and as it always will be, there will be one powerhouse on the server and maintain that power for quite some time, becouse people plainly simple abbandon there old faction to join the winning team, wether or not this is the case again or not, its always been like this

    Anyway i look forward to this TW season, no salt here

    I know tempest has a lot of kind and awesome players and i will never hold any grutch against tempest as a faction. Me personely like to be in the underdog faction. For some reason it never appeals to me to be part of the NR1 guild on the server
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    If you dont want to get spawn killed in TW, just dont stay grouped...
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    imma be honest all i care is bout gettin my damn panda so untill then KILL EM ALL!!! DRINK THEIR BLOOD!!!!

    also funny to read these threads made bout the gank :D
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    imma be honest all i care is bout gettin my damn panda so untill then KILL EM ALL!!! DRINK THEIR BLOOD!!!!

    also funny to read these threads made bout the gank :D

    they didnt send out yet? b:shocked lol
  • Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Join me in the Hodor faction to take the north next season.

    Tempest = Lannisters.
    Dynasty = ???
    EQ = ???

    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Join me in the Hodor faction to take the north next season.

    Tempest = Lannisters.
    Dynasty = ???
    EQ = ???


    Winter is coming.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Kakumau is generally against spawn killing. Officers and other people involved in the TW decisions will usually tell members to avoid spawn killing. However, we can't control our members, and there has been cases of some members spawn killing.

    As for Hoorah, I haven't really gotten involved with the TW stuff, but I think they have no rules against spawn killing. Up until now I've mostly just attended TW whenever possible without involving myself too much with the faction/people.

    If I'm TW'ing with Kakumau I will not spawn kill (if I've ever done it I apologise), but if I'm TW'ing with Hoorah I don't have anything again spawn killing. and I might just do it, but I usually prefer to play in defence squads so I don't get in the enemy base as much as offence squads.

    TW spying? Not sure if there are people that do it xD
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    There are too many people that play this game that will not agree to not spawnkill, and will leave a faction that doesn't allow them to do so.

    A faction that believes in Fair Play doesn't last long. Anonymity and the desire to be an a-hole to strangers on the Internet usually trumps Honor.

    \not that anyone cares, but it's why I don't TW, NW or PvP anymore
    \\having a good TW =/= being a spawnkilling jagoff
    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    There are too many people that play this game that will not agree to not spawnkill, and will leave a faction that doesn't allow them to do so.

    A faction that believes in Fair Play doesn't last long. Anonymity and the desire to be an a-hole to strangers on the Internet usually trumps Honor.

    \not that anyone cares, but it's why I don't TW, NW or PvP anymore
    \\having a good TW =/= being a spawnkilling jagoff

    While i am an executor in a TW faction that frowns upon spawn killing, i have to agree with you

    I dont mind being spawn killed, i dont mind getting *** whooped. But there are a lot of people who take the game way to personal and provoke drama over it. And thats the thing factions like us, Equinox, try to avoid
  • edited March 2015
    Kakumau is generally against spawn killing. Officers and other people involved in the TW decisions will usually tell members to avoid spawn killing. However, we can't control our members, and there has been cases of some members spawn killing.

    As for Hoorah, I haven't really gotten involved with the TW stuff, but I think they have no rules against spawn killing. Up until now I've mostly just attended TW whenever possible without involving myself too much with the faction/people.

    If I'm TW'ing with Kakumau I will not spawn kill (if I've ever done it I apologise), but if I'm TW'ing with Hoorah I don't have anything again spawn killing. and I might just do it, but I usually prefer to play in defence squads so I don't get in the enemy base as much as offence squads.

    TW spying? Not sure if there are people that do it xD

    That's funny since you guys have spawn killed in almost every battle we've had. (At least in every TW faction I've been in against you in the past two years or so.)

    Meteora does not spawn kill, even if we are evenly balanced, or hugely overpower the opposing faction. We also do not attack after the battle has ended. This is strongly enforced, and any member violating the rule is held accountable. (Unlike Kaku)

    Corvinus is really really bad at spawn killing since they lack any sort of strategy and rely entirely on gear and numbers to over-power the weak factions they go against. As near as I can tell, they won't even attack factions that would be on close to equal footing for them because they are afraid to lose.

    I haven't seen you personally spawn kill, but to say Kaku doesn't is kind of funny to hear. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Spawnkilling could be an interesting strategy in balanced fights not to let opponents rebuffing easily during TW or not to let them easily run after the flag holder in NW.
    But most of the time, the guys doing that are just people that need to feel powerful but can't shine in equal fights. And they usually do that when they outnumber or overgear the guys at spawn (it's even worse in TW because of the silence)
    ~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
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    Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 89
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2015 - accessed 10/03/15 (GMT) It doesn't say here spawn killing is bad, it is just heavily frowned upon and, again, in my honest opinion the seals should be replaced with the bubbles you get in Nation War, but extended for a total of 10 seconds. Also note how Conspiracy is against the rules.. just pointing it out.

    Are you in insinuating there was a conspiracy? That would mean two or more came together and intended to commit a crime and as far as the 'gank' is concerned I can't see how any rule or ToS was breached. Had there been funding to and/or from the factions involved or in some way it circumvented fair play of the 'system', then perhaps that would have been a conspiracy. Otherwise I see no way in which these rules were breached, voiding any claim of conspiracy.

    As part of a TW faction that didn't attack tempest that weekend, i found it rather odd that 7 factions suddenly decided to attack them all at once.
    It was very obvious right from the start that there were collaborations made before TW in order to take lands from 1 faction, which is in a way circumventing the fair play, something clearly stated to be against the rules. But whatever.

    Again please read all the rules and ToS intently before trying to quote them. For collaboration to be against the rules it must circumvent the fair play of the system. This does not mean fair play of what the player base thinks is fair play. Nor do I believe this gank was against that kind of fair play either. In fact I'd rather like to hear how you think it is against fair play in this particular instance.

    Just wanted to make that clear, as a lot of this misbelief has been going around.

    As for it being 7 v s 1, It was clearly a close fight across the board considering only 1 faction won out of the 7. In fact it provided for some fresh TW against new faces on that front. Too many get sidetracked by having copious amounts of land and want to comfortably win every fight, forgetting the whole point we are even there. For fun. This is a game and that is it's purpose.

    I'm confident Tempest found it fun, it provided a challenge in terms of power and for their TW co-coordinators. From what I have seen and heard members have rejoined the game due to this gank. The majority of the TW faction members all came together in 1 event other then NW and frankly things like this should happen on such a scale more often.
    Well, then i suggest you start with Kindrid who on several occasions have broken your so-called "rule" of not aoeing spawnpoint. Like was said, it is heavily frowned upon, and it gives any guild that does that a bad name.
    If a guild leader cannot control his/her members then that is something that is to blame upon them.

    As for spawn killing, I don't believe any faction on dreamweaver condones such an act. As much information and threat that you give out there are always players that cannot resist the urge. Try running a faction of 150+ active players and tell me you can control their every action. Would you like to be the one being restricted? Yes there is respect, and yes reprimands can be made, but only after such 'acts' of in this case spawn killing have been committed. So when 1 idiot in lets say 'Kindrid' just to keep to your topic does an aoe at spawn once, the rest of the 50 members stayed back. That member is removed from faction but everyone to their obviously better judgement calls Kindrid a spawn killing faction. Come on people, we are better then this. Getting tired of entire factions being completely judged on the actions of 1 or 2 members when you can't kick them unless they actually do the action which the faction then associated with. Faction leaders can't predict the future, no matter how much they think they can xD
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    That's funny since you guys have spawn killed in almost every battle we've had. (At least in every TW faction I've been in against you in the past two years or so.)[...]
    I haven't seen you personally spawn kill, but to say Kaku doesn't is kind of funny to hear. b:chuckle
    Kakumau is generally against spawn killing. Officers and other people involved in the TW decisions will usually tell members to avoid spawn killing. However, we can't control our members, and there has been cases of some members spawn killing.

    You might want to re-read what I wrote there o.o

    Nowhere in my post did I say Kakumau doesn't do it xD It is frowned upon, and not encouraged by most members, but some people will do it / have done it anyway. I don't think we've ever kicked anyone for doing it though, I don't know how your faction deals with those. We'll usually try to talk to them, and deal with each case individually (or at least that's how it was while I was an Executor).

    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    going by history Dynasty leadership seems more like the sulk in the corner and wait for OPs to join kind

    Im sorry but i laughed so hard at that phrase!!! yeah...Dyna is the one that recruits only OP people thats why we have so many nuema portals, S cards set people, countless jade people, and all joined together... right!!!
    Oh wait... we dont!

    Dont get me wrong, im not saying u guys merging was bad, just u never thought the outcome.
    If u fuse 2 big factions, to take down 1 big factions, is obvious u are gonna win, with no strategy involved, just full 80 every week and better gear selection.
    If u are not having fun, do something about it, and again, im not saying split or ask others to merge with Dynasty, i mean, dont encourage people to go to TW for a while, so u get less numbers and even the field, but that means there is a chance to lose u are not ready to take.
    Even though apparently 20 ppl held 60 dyna had >.>

    What i dont understand is this: decide if u are happy or unhappy over having a challenge on TW, cause i see countless QQ over having more than 1 faction attacking, but then posts saying it was fun, and then talking how awesome your defense was, but spawn killing to avoid people wiping u, is a bit confusing.

    And about the spawn kill itself, if u wanna do it, is your call, i dont care, but tell your members so they dont get butthurt when in WC people call them spawn killers. Just be clear to your members.

    Ok lets keep peace, is so 2010 fighting about TW... b:laugh
  • Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    What I find most amusing about all of you guys are actively talking about forming ganks in TW and aiding other factions to take down one or another faction by working together.....if GMs actually did their jobs you guys would get banned for rigging TW. This is against the rules of what is allowed in TW. But keep on with your chats this is an entertaining thread to read....maybe once the GMs actually start doing their job (not holding my breath here) many of you will see the banhammer.
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Im sorry but i laughed so hard at that phrase!!! yeah...Dyna is the one that recruits only OP people thats why we have so many nuema portals, S cards set people, countless jade people, and all joined together... right!!!
    Oh wait... we dont!

    Dont get me wrong, im not saying u guys merging was bad, just u never thought the outcome.
    If u fuse 2 big factions, to take down 1 big factions, is obvious u are gonna win, with no strategy involved, just full 80 every week and better gear selection.
    If u are not having fun, do something about it, and again, im not saying split or ask others to merge with Dynasty, i mean, dont encourage people to go to TW for a while, so u get less numbers and even the field, but that means there is a chance to lose u are not ready to take.
    Even though apparently 20 ppl held 60 dyna had >.>

    What i dont understand is this: decide if u are happy or unhappy over having a challenge on TW, cause i see countless QQ over having more than 1 faction attacking, but then posts saying it was fun, and then talking how awesome your defense was, but spawn killing to avoid people wiping u, is a bit confusing.

    And about the spawn kill itself, if u wanna do it, is your call, i dont care, but tell your members so they dont get butthurt when in WC people call them spawn killers. Just be clear to your members.

    Ok lets keep peace, is so 2010 fighting about TW... b:laugh

    Yeah getting boring and repetitive no offence.

    When I met 1st Kalo many many moons ago he was a g15 sin and perma catshop. S cards, really, all the recruiting for the main group that formed Relic was done way before even cards came out. Yes those people obviously liked us and stuck with us and came across with me on the merge, like do I need to apologise that I have friends or that they are loyal? Like I know Dynasty has people leaving and trying to join the #1 faction all the time but we have really good retention rates. Like if we were allowed to name sht on forums the list of current and ex-dyna members that wanted to come across to Tempest because reasons is pretty large and lame.

    Whereas Dynasty recruited a whole set of endgame characters way back from God when you were having equal fun fights with Tempest and all of sudden started rolling. Awesome decision.

    We're really happy with the way things are atm, the ganks are cool, perhaps a bit too tryhard with all the alt factions but we done a great job on it.

    Yeah you guys already call us what ever you like on world chat, like our actions bear any semblance to it, I don't mind, it's just nerdrage.

    Sure, let's have a peace till the next thread that pops up b:laugh anyways yeah ciao
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Spawnkilling could be an interesting strategy in balanced fights not to let opponents rebuffing easily during TW or not to let them easily run after the flag holder in NW.
    But most of the time, the guys doing that are just people that need to feel powerful but can't shine in equal fights. And they usually do that when they outnumber or overgear the guys at spawn (it's even worse in TW because of the silence)

    This is exactly what I think

    Almost every time I've seen people spawmnkilling, the player doing it is end game gear or have a huge advantage on number.
    Spawn killing isn't bannable and a lot of people need to get over their pixels being killed.

    I understand your point. I personally do not take it seriously, I do not rage about being spawmnkilled I just try to avoid it since is a waste of charm.

    However one thing is to not rage and make drama about it and other very diferent is to think that is normal or even cool.
    I would never feel respect for the people who do that, mostly because I think players who spawmnkill are just frustrated people (either in the game or in real life) who take pleasure by humiliating the weaker because they can not beat someone equal or stronger.

    I think it would be really fun to change the seal of those nw guards for a 1 SHOT Skill
    with enough range so that not even the yellow bubble skill/pills can save the spawmnkillers b:laugh
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    As for those other comments made :

    NO rule forbids the Aoeing of the spawnpoint. But it is a general accepted rule of "fair-play" not to do that sort of thing. If you find such a rule, please show us exactly where instead of linking us to a rules about forum posting, which has nothing to do with this.

    Well, then i suggest you start with Kindrid who on several occasions have broken your so-called "rule" of not aoeing spawnpoint. Like was said, it is heavily frowned upon, and it gives any guild that does that a bad name.
    If a guild leader cannot control his/her members then that is something that is to blame upon them.

    What i DO know is that in our faction, ANY member that tries to do that in a TW gets an immediate kick from the faction, during that TW, no matter who it is. People like that do not belong with us and cannot be tolerated.
    But i guess some factions make up their own rules.

    Every faction does make their own rules.
    That said, Kindrid gives 1 warning to those who break any rule before they are removed, to be fair, not all players take time to read rules in the first place and reminders in chat get lost when a faction is as active as ours, and thanks for singling us out after I took the time to rage at our members that broke this rule and tried to PM your leader with no response to opologize.
    Fail Archer
    Kindrid Member since 2009
    Prindagelf - YouTube Channel
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hi all,

    First of all, spawn Killing is bannable once you get reported.
    Second of all, Pwi staff implemented a thing that makes it impossible for a single guild to control the full map, so there is no point of QQing about it, once you have more lands you need to expect and see that coming, gank is inevitable.

    My advice is to start learning how to lead and be proud of what you create, w/o having "the BIG EGO of cash shoppers" and teach your guild members how to behave in instances, chat, pvp.
    And personally I got spawn killed aswell, during the 2pm TW against Tempest and wasn`t cause
    "AOE WAS SETTED ON A PERSON AND HE/SHE MOVED TO SP" as they said, seen clear the quick shot coming.

    Best regards,

    Ps: for who doesn`t know go on , also here

    Funny, but when I have asked GMs and sent tickets on a ruling on spawn killing and a few other TW related questions, they all send me to:

    and I can find nothing on spawn killing
    Fail Archer
    Kindrid Member since 2009
    Prindagelf - YouTube Channel
  • Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    False. If you show me the line of the ToS where it says spawnkilling in TW is illegal I'll happily submit a ticket for being spawnkilled by Dynasty in the 9am gank. xD

    Just cuz someone did it too you, doesn't mean you gotta do it back...
    (not saying you did, but members of your faction did, and you have influence in the faction....)
    Be the better man... be the better faction....

    ^ This. Well I guess LP already retracted what he said, good on him.

    My pixels weren't getting killed, nor was I QQing about the spawn killing.
    I just thought it was something to talk about....

  • Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    InTandem spawnkilled. I spawn killed when i was in Intandem.

    I didn't care, nor do I do now.

    I don't spawn kill anymore (intentionally) because I don't care nearly as much as I used to. I play for fun now, not to on people's hopes and dreams in TW
  • Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    LMAO!!! the title of this thread reminded me of what some one pm'ed me Saturday morning when I was waiting to enter TW.... The person pm'ed me saying SPY!!!! LMAO,i did not even bother to look at the name of the person,it was to funny lol
    Bahamas represent
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Dynasty had players in 2 of the attacking factions. One of the other attacking factions no-showed.

    Spying = legit.
    Spawn Killing = egit.

    Collaboration on attacking a faction using players who have characters in both factions = bannable.

    Fail Thread! b:bye
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    by making this thread poet u urself have an issue, and u urself spawnkill urself yet here u r QQing about it and claiming this thread is not a QQ thread, now u have completly editted ur original post which again show u did not think about any of this before u posted and now u r trying to say otherwise.

    I was in pms with u not to long ago over a NW incident where i told u after giving u my 2 cents on it *Think about that for a min* obviously u didnt think about it very hard
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    And about the spawn kill itself, if u wanna do it, is your call, i dont care, but tell your members so they dont get butthurt when in WC people call them spawn killers. Just be clear to your members.

    I see that not in all server Factions actually r against spawnkilling.
    But in DW mostly factions had respect against each other so far, no matter how big gank was, no matter how big chance was to win, no matter how outnumbered u were.
    I love to remind ppl in my squad -that never aoe on top of spawn.

    but 1st time i see that big faction who wanted a challanging TW for so long time gave excuse that they were alloud to spawn kill..well basicly...
    sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Would of the TW result change if u wouldnt spawnkill? not at all
    Was the spawnkilling really needed? no
    So i start to think, maybe it was sort of a punishment for ganking? Hope not
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I get accused of spawn killing in tw whenever I kill anyone behind their crystal.

    The vast majority of the spawnkilling accusations on DW are no where near the spawn point, not saying there wasn't one apparent aoe on the spawn but other than that it doesn't occur often.

    For the people who're ignorant/dumb or just tw amateurs: the spawn point is where you spawn after you die and return, not down the stairs, not at the catas and by god not anywhere between the crystal and the actual spawn point.

    Tw's were fun, tired of excuses for every tw, thanks all who participated.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Would'nt say it was a punishment for ganking, seemed like more of a punishment for accusations if anything, from what I read anyways. People have different views on what spawnkilling in TW is. For most it's an attack on the stairs/ platform, for other its anywhere in the vicinity of where the catas are or even past that point.
    TW, whilst it should be fun and respectiful, lets be honest, it does get heated up. You accuse one person of spawnkilling, that person might have thought otherwise becuase of their view on what spawnkilling is and not everyone reacts the same to being accused of doing it; they may even be provoked enough to actually go and do it.
    Never experienced it myself but being harrrassed with people calling you spawnkiller when you thought otherwise must not be nice xD
    So unless they literally put up an aoe on platform or stairs where its the most obvious spawnkill, don't be accusing people, becasue not everyone will react to it the same xD

    I don't condone spawnkilling in TW and in my view spawnkill would be anywhere on the platform or stairs, anything past that point is fair game, i wouldn't say i've never spawnkilled in TW, not intentionally atleast. As an archer, using GA and planting BoA from behind crystal on a moving target who ends up running back to spawnb:shocked, the aoe will probably tick once before being interupted, whilst it's spawnkill, it isn't really anybodys fault, archer can't predict the target moving to spawn, the target probably doesnt know boa is on it with a million other things going on around x_x

    But yh, hope one day they may update TWs,it's outdated as **** , but doubt it'll ever happen b:chuckle
  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Dont want to get killed? Dont tw. Stick to ur daily bh's.. And if youre faction weak enough to get spawnkilled .. Even more reason not to tw... Bychin bout spawnkill childish... b:surrender
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    i say we just do tw sp delta style b:chuckle


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