Aziza Atori's guide to the mystic class: Mystics seen with a mystic's eyes
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Aziza_Atori - Archosaur
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Aziza Atori's guide to the mystic class: Mystics seen with a mystic's eyes.
Hello everyone. I play mystic on the Archosaur server and I have noticed that many people struggle with the mystic class. Some play a mystic themselves..others just don't understand the class. In this guide I will not focus too much on skill descriptions since there's written plenty about mystic skills and sage vs demon. If you want to read about mystic skill descriptions anyways I'll refer to these threads:
This guide will be written from a very personal perspective. so I will not expect everyone to agree with my opinions. It'll mainly be a guide for PvE. Here's a little about my mystic so you get an idea about what perspective this guide is written from. My mystic is 2nd, rebirth, sage and full rrr9. She specializes in tanks and pulls and my favorite strategy to keep my squads alive is to have as much of the agro as possible myself so they will take less damage.
Mystic pro's and cons: Mystic is a very versatile class which makes it fun to play. To play a mystic well requires multitasking, quick reactions and good timing just to mention some keywords.
Some pro's
-Can play many roles in a squad which means a mystic rarely get locked into a specific role repeatedly like many other classes.
- Good and fast healing.
-Can summon pets and plants which can be a big help if used right.
-fairly cheap to play since they don't need much hp pots and their summons don't need maintenance or leveling.
- Great at multitasking
Some con's:
-One of the slowest runners.
-During mystic being a kind of hybrid, all around class they are not the best dd, not the most
wanted healer..Not the most wanted debuffer..(However, a well played mystic can turn this into a huge benefit)
-They use a lot of mp..luckily mp pots are cheaper than hp ones.
I recommend pure magic with just enough strength to use your gear. Some vit is helpful on lower lvls but If you chose this then be sure you can afford a reset note later on. Don't be tempted to add dex for critical rate, you can use your devil summon and lucky break for that.
Endgame Gear:
Not Everyone wants or can afford full rrr9 but luckily there's other options. If you're going for rrr9 I recommend getting the armors and then the belt before the weapon, though the weapon is tempting, since the armors improves your survivability a lot and have these really nice bonuses.
Armor: G16 Magic armor with physical or hp shards unless you plan on going rrr9. If you don't wish to farm G16; r8 or rr8 an option too. The only G16 piece I've ever owned is a magic sword. Other than that I used full r8 armor until I got r9
Hat/cape: As hat and cape I recommend G16 for the bonus state or a lunar cape and warsoul hat if you like having channeling.
Tome: I recommend a lvl 4 tome or higher, I use a +20 magic tome and it works for me until I get something better.
Rings and necklace: As endgame accessories I recommend a cube neck which boosts your hp and your physical defense. Rings are a question of style. Physical def. rings give phy. def. but not channel or magic damage. Magic rings don't give physical defense. Some prefers one of each. A common combination among r9's and up is the r9 ring/rr9 ring and r8 ring or a cloud stir/sky cover ring. A lunar ornament ring is also an option if you don't plan getting the already mentioned rings.
Belt: Reputation belt, Warsong belt or An Eye of the Jungle belt or a recast version of the 2 last belts mentioned.
Weapon: For mystics I recommend a wand or a magic sword. A glaive is fine too but personally I like the other two more. G16 or r8 are recommended if not going for the rrr9 weapon. I'd pick G16 over r8 though unless you plan to recast it. If you want an op weapon but seeks an alternative to rrr9 then warsoul is the weapon style for you. Do not, and I mean NOT! Chose a pataka of any kind. I hate seeing mystics with patakas since it's the worst weapon a healing class can have. The damage output isn't reliable enough which means your heals won't be either. A big NO GO in my book.
Roles and paths as a mystic:
A mystic got many paths and roles they can play. How many roles and how well depends on a combination of talent and gear. On a mystic there are no continual autohit/autoheal skills like bb or vortex and gear alone is never enough. In my opinion a good mystic can multitask different roles or at least swap quickly if needed. Here's how I define the different roles and paths of a mystic.
The supporter: All mystics should as minimum be able to play support. You'll use your summons as debuffer or shield for you and your squad and you'll use your plants debuffs..Do not use a plant with a debuff that someone in squad has cast on the target since their debuff is mostly stronger than your plants.
The damage dealer: You ditch out damage to the targets but be aware that you're not just a DD, you should not focus on dd'ing only.
The healer: Mystics heal well and fast but if there's a competent cleric in your squad you should not focus entirely on healing. However, always keep your eyes open. A mystic can sometime save a life before the cleric has cast their heal since break in the clouds is a very fast skill.If you're main healer it is important to have what I call," a healer's plan", it's always good to have one but it's a must if there's no cleric. First look at your squad's hp, then take their gears and class into consideration. As general rule I have these hp ranges in mind when I decide who'll need my help more to survive. Also consider if it is a class that can heal itself. My ranges are based on squads at 100+ or rebirth.
* -5k hp= super squeashy, require as much attention as you can afford.
* 5-10k hp =less squishy, react quickly on a hp drop.
* 10-15k hp=(depends on class) Moderate attention, heal if hp drops too much.
* 15k-20k hp=(depends on class) require minor attention.
*20k+ hp= Won't need you much or at all..Heal if hp drops a lot though.
The Puller: Pulling requires good defense and hp gears, but even with that you'll need to know your combos and time it well. If you got the rrr9 weapon then save your genie and let the speed buff do its work. If you don't have that weapon then use holly path. I prefer to end my pulls with sage spark + Lucky break + gale force, then the squad can see the pull is done and gale force helps you keep damage off the squad and yourself. Pulling also require you can multitask with healing yourself. You might want to ask the squad to stay back a bit while you pull since it can be distracting if they get agro before the pull is done.
The Tank: For this you'll need high damage and good defense plus good hp..Some channel helps keeping agro. Always keep close eyes on your hp and switch to healer quickly if your squad gets agro. I find the genie skill, Alpha male, helpful to catch agro, especially in delta.
How to use your summons properly:
One of the unique things about mystics is our summons. Do not mix them up with veno pets. A veno pet remains tankish at higher lvl while a summon is generally used to tank when the mystic is lower lvl, when the mystic face stronger enemies the summons are used more like a dd aid, as shield by sacrificing it or as debuffer or stunner, aside from these things there's also some neat glitches and other stuff a summon can be used for. This is not really a skill description guide but I'll list the summons anyways and explain their main usage. It doesn't hurt to get it drilled in one more time.
Pet Summons:
Devil Chihyu: physical dd. Used as stunner and against magic immune mobs. sacrifice for increased phy def. and 30% crit rate.
Storm Mistress: used as a metal dd, mainly on a boss and sometimes a player. Got a seal skill with very short duration and a not very useful aoe. Sacrifice for mag def and increased mag atk.
Salvation: used as shield/dmg absorber on an individual or the squad. sacrifice for a stronger shield+ a fallen petal buff. Also great if you are a high lvl helping a low lvl since the shield really shines when applied from a high lvl salvation to a low lvl player.
Cragglord: Your only timed pet summon, costs 2 sparks and got fire aoe. Good both against mobs or a boss and against a player in some cases.
Plant summons:
Punishing string: Phy. dmg. lyse it for an aoe hit. Used mainly as a disctraction or an extra target.
Beffudling creeper: Debuff plant for lowering mag/phy def and lower channel/atk rate.
Spidervine: Debuff plant for lowering atk/mag atk. It also slows down enemies.
Listless blossom: Used to sleep the target.
Healing herb: Heals some hp, best used with vital herb.
Vital herb: Recovers some hp. Good for use if you know squad is about to be harmed or to give you a moment to focus more on dd'ing. This plant costs a spark. Do not cast if the boss do a lot of heavy aoe, it'll kill the plant. Better use Gaias blessing or comforting mist in these situations.
Thicket: Acts more like an attack skill than a summon, but a summon it is. Used to silence and damage the target. It is an aoe attack but with so short a range that it only hit stuff right beside the target.
Using summons for puppet runs:
Mystics have it easy soloing puppet in Abba. Why solo it? You get all the apoth buff drops to yourself and you don't have to wait for your squad to pass the stones plus it's safer to fight puppet do this I recommend at least 10k hp, full defense buff (cleric, barb hp buff, bell, verdant shell) and res on at all times during the puppet runs. Steps is at following; Enter Abba and run through the instance, ignore all mobs and let puppet jail you. Kill the 3 close mobs when you're out of jail. summon a plant at puppet, creeper, befuddling, spiderwine or listless, then summon storm or devil and attack. The boss will try to jail your summons which makes you immune to that move and stops the boss from summoning. Save your sparks to purify off bleed. A run takes less than 10min.
Using summons as agro/stun dummies:
Using summons as extra targets might save a life. The 2nd boss in FC(Frost Covered City) for example will most likely stun your summon, not you. In Warsong it's useful against 1st waterboss since it might stun the summon instead of a player. On wood vile which agroes randomly the summon might get hit instead of a player. Also useful against 1st fireboss in UCH(Under Current Hall).
Using summons to keep a boss in place:
This is neat little trick but doesn't work on all bosses. First of all it must be a fly zone and storm mistress is the pet to use. Position yourself as high as you can above the boss but so storm can use her metal attack and you can transfer mana to her. It makes the boss stand still. It takes time to kill with your pet but it's a good option if you're squishy and can't get help. Do not resummon storm and do not move, it resets the boss. An example on bosses I've used it on with success is shadow boss in secret passage and Xenomorph in Old Heavens Tear. An example when it doesn't work; Sanzi the netherlord (final veno/barb 2nd form boss) in the demon world. It seem to work until the boss uses a heavy aoe that kills the summon ... and you.
Where's my summon?:
There are some places where you will be unable to use any kind of summons like the bottom of AEU and bellow the final boss platform in TT 2-3.
Some skill usages:
I mentioned earlier that I wouldn't list the skills since it's done lots of other places, instead I will write about some ways of using skills. Some tips are very handy, others are just fun and some are just good to know about:
Break in the clouds: Beware using this skill in UCH(at the dragon lure part) if you're squishy, one heal drags healer agro and if the person is carrying a bunch of dragons they will all be on you. A well geared mystic however can use this to save people who has taken more dragons than they can hold and also, a well geared mystic can hold the dragons instead of a cleric but be prepared to spam heal yourself and for your gear to drop a lot of duration.
Bramble Tornado: Useful for interrupting channel of the Blossom Succubus boss in FSP(Flower Silver Passage). Works all the time for me. A fun fact about this skill. In pk-mode or duel, ask people to double jump then bramble, if you time it right they fly up in the air in a really funny way. This skill is also perfect for killing boredom when you're in pk mode. Use it to push an afk friend to a safezone or push them far away from where they went afk. I tried that myself once and it was funny when my friend returned and wondered how he had ended up on the bottom of a lake.
Invigorate: Stacks with duskblades attack blessing skill, get both buffs for a 40% dmg buff in total.
Energy Leech: The anti stun also works without sacrificing a summon.
Absorb soul: Can bypass most resistance shields both in pve and pk. Also salvation shield. I've tried this skill both on elemental immune mobs and physical immune mobs and it damaged both, however, it will not work against mobs immune to all kinds of damage. Also, Absorb Soul ignores defense lvl as long as the skill isn't demon/sage yet. I have tested and confirmed this recently by asking a mystic lower than 89 to attack me with and without an O'maley blessing and the results were the same.
Mystic eye: This skill forces a sin/archer who's close enough out of stealth but it doesn't work if they are higher lvl than you... this also counts if your original lvl (before rebirth) is higher than their current lvl.
Swirling mist/Swinging Cloud dance /Wheeping Breeze dance/Lysing/Devil Chiyu: You will want these as sage/demon versions since it's your rebirth skills. Rebirth Devil doesn't make a great difference though so get that at last.
Gaias Blessing: Can't be purged so use this against a veno instead of falling petals.
Sublime Transfusion: I find it useless in pve but in TW (Territory War) it's great against a cata and in NW Nation War) it's great against a player who's hard to take down.
Lucky Break: A great skill that make your next hit critical. Great if used with galeforce and primal swirling mist after a spark to kill a mob or as part of a combo to damage an enemy. Is to be used wisely as the cd is 60 sec and the duration is 10 dec.
Thicket: Does't trigger lucky break since it's a summon though it seem more like an attack skill.
For this section I have tried to think of mystic related questions asked on the forums and in game. Not everyone might agree with some my answers but I hope people will find them useful.
Q: Is a mystic fun to play?
A: If you like multitasking and aren't lazy in instances then mystic is very fun. Every time I have attempted to move to an alt I end back on my mystic. I just love the class.
Q: Is a mystic worth rrr9?
A: A rrr9 mystic can do a lot of stuff. heal, Tank, Pull, Solo instances with ease and is a very independent class, especially now that they can get apoths from Abba. I'd say go for it.
Q: What Morai Order is better for a mystic?
A: Luminance for Mass Ressurect/Verdant Shell or Corona for invigorate. Transfusion which is needed for Sublime Transfusion is in Luminance but can be bought from others for a cheap price. Save Shroud for last since Mystic Eye can have its bright moments but it isn't an important skill compared to the others.
Q: What's better. Sage or Demon?
A: A very asked question. Sage and demon are fairly balanced on mystics. Demons got more offensive skills like debuffs and a kind of hf(Chance skill) and their channel is OP which is a huge benefit in pvp. Sage Mystics are more defensive caused by the sage spark and a bit more defense on Verdant Shell which make them less squishy when they deal with mobs. It's a question of play style and preference since both got benefits over the other. Of course you can do pvp with a sage or pve with a demon and a squad will never ever care if you're demon or sage.
Q: Can a mystic replace aVenomancer?
A: I have seen this question asked more than once since both classes have pets (I'd rather say summons in the mystics case.) and I'd say no. First, veno pets and mystic summons are not the same thing, it requires completly different playstyles. Also the veno has amplify ..demon mystics dmg increasing skill is not as reliable. Also, a veno can purge, a mystic can't. Another thing about Mystic Summons vs veno pets. The summons get their powers from the mystics gear while the veno's pets don't depend on the veno's gear.
Q: Can a mystic replace a cleric?
A: I might get some slaps in the face for my answer but I say yes and no. It depends. A good mystic can in many cases replace a cleric but a bad mystic can't replace a good cleric. It's two different healing styles. The cleric will most likely heal by bb or with squad heal while the mystic better keep eye on the individuals in the squad and use Break in the Clouds unless Vital Herb or Gaias Blessing is up. I often run instances with no cleric and people don't complain. Also be prepared that some people might feel they are not secure with you as solo healer until you prove that you know your stuff. And a last thing. If there is a cleric in squad then expect him/her to do the job as the main healer so you can focus on something else (Don't let your guard don't completely though, keep an eye on your squads hp still). I get really annoyed when the cleric jumps into violet dance and let me deal with the healing alone.
Q: Can I tank with my summons?
A: Summons are not meant to be tanky at higher lvls as mentioned earlier but if you're clever, patient and focused there is actually situations where you will be able to do so. I used my summons to tank Morai bosses as lvl 95 but it took ages and more than one try. As mentioned. Think about them as dd aid, buffers and debuffers. They make life so much easier for a low lvl mystic though since some of them do more damage than the mystic at early lvls.
Q: Should I power lvl my mystic?
A: So tempting but be careful. I didn't p-lvl before 74 when I felt I knew my class well. On some alts however I've p-lvled from lvl 1-50 or more and ended up regretting it. It left me with a hollow feeling of not knowing my character at all.
Q: Should I make a Heavy Armor or Light Armor mystic?
A: I don't recommend it because HA and LA makes you sacrifice magic which mean lower attack and weaker heals.
Q: IS mystic an expensive class to play?
A: They use a lot of manna but herbs are cheaper than crabs and due to good heals they don't have to carry many hp pots. Also Mystics less common skills are not as expensive compared to for example sin's or psy's expensive skills. Opposite veno pets the summons don't need to be fed so mystics are a cheap class to play in my opinion. If you like tanking and pulling your repair bills will be higher than a non-tankish caster though.
Q: How do I become a better mystic?
A: Know your limits and push them..If you know you're able to pull a certain number of mobs or solo an instance to a certain point then grab a slightly larger number of mobs next time you pull...try to solo the instance a bit further. Know your combos and practice them over and over. Get the best gear you can afford or the best gear you got time to farm to help you take your potential even higher and set high goals to keep yourself going. Also, try to run with other mystics, you might pick up something useful from watching their ways.
Thank you for reading ...
I hope that you who read this guide have found something you can use for your mystic. It's a guide about mystic's seen with a mystic's eyes and experiences but it's also written from the heart out of love and dedication to the class. Thank you to those who has helped me in form of feedback, skill tests, Ect... To you who play mystic already, good luck with the further work on your character. To those who don't play a mystic, I hope this guide have opened your eyes for this wonderful class.
Also, I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes there might be and I also apologize for any mistake I might have unintentionally made regarding any information in the guide.
Hello everyone. I play mystic on the Archosaur server and I have noticed that many people struggle with the mystic class. Some play a mystic themselves..others just don't understand the class. In this guide I will not focus too much on skill descriptions since there's written plenty about mystic skills and sage vs demon. If you want to read about mystic skill descriptions anyways I'll refer to these threads:
This guide will be written from a very personal perspective. so I will not expect everyone to agree with my opinions. It'll mainly be a guide for PvE. Here's a little about my mystic so you get an idea about what perspective this guide is written from. My mystic is 2nd, rebirth, sage and full rrr9. She specializes in tanks and pulls and my favorite strategy to keep my squads alive is to have as much of the agro as possible myself so they will take less damage.
Mystic pro's and cons: Mystic is a very versatile class which makes it fun to play. To play a mystic well requires multitasking, quick reactions and good timing just to mention some keywords.
Some pro's
-Can play many roles in a squad which means a mystic rarely get locked into a specific role repeatedly like many other classes.
- Good and fast healing.
-Can summon pets and plants which can be a big help if used right.
-fairly cheap to play since they don't need much hp pots and their summons don't need maintenance or leveling.
- Great at multitasking
Some con's:
-One of the slowest runners.
-During mystic being a kind of hybrid, all around class they are not the best dd, not the most
wanted healer..Not the most wanted debuffer..(However, a well played mystic can turn this into a huge benefit)
-They use a lot of mp..luckily mp pots are cheaper than hp ones.
I recommend pure magic with just enough strength to use your gear. Some vit is helpful on lower lvls but If you chose this then be sure you can afford a reset note later on. Don't be tempted to add dex for critical rate, you can use your devil summon and lucky break for that.
Endgame Gear:
Not Everyone wants or can afford full rrr9 but luckily there's other options. If you're going for rrr9 I recommend getting the armors and then the belt before the weapon, though the weapon is tempting, since the armors improves your survivability a lot and have these really nice bonuses.
Armor: G16 Magic armor with physical or hp shards unless you plan on going rrr9. If you don't wish to farm G16; r8 or rr8 an option too. The only G16 piece I've ever owned is a magic sword. Other than that I used full r8 armor until I got r9
Hat/cape: As hat and cape I recommend G16 for the bonus state or a lunar cape and warsoul hat if you like having channeling.
Tome: I recommend a lvl 4 tome or higher, I use a +20 magic tome and it works for me until I get something better.
Rings and necklace: As endgame accessories I recommend a cube neck which boosts your hp and your physical defense. Rings are a question of style. Physical def. rings give phy. def. but not channel or magic damage. Magic rings don't give physical defense. Some prefers one of each. A common combination among r9's and up is the r9 ring/rr9 ring and r8 ring or a cloud stir/sky cover ring. A lunar ornament ring is also an option if you don't plan getting the already mentioned rings.
Belt: Reputation belt, Warsong belt or An Eye of the Jungle belt or a recast version of the 2 last belts mentioned.
Weapon: For mystics I recommend a wand or a magic sword. A glaive is fine too but personally I like the other two more. G16 or r8 are recommended if not going for the rrr9 weapon. I'd pick G16 over r8 though unless you plan to recast it. If you want an op weapon but seeks an alternative to rrr9 then warsoul is the weapon style for you. Do not, and I mean NOT! Chose a pataka of any kind. I hate seeing mystics with patakas since it's the worst weapon a healing class can have. The damage output isn't reliable enough which means your heals won't be either. A big NO GO in my book.
Roles and paths as a mystic:
A mystic got many paths and roles they can play. How many roles and how well depends on a combination of talent and gear. On a mystic there are no continual autohit/autoheal skills like bb or vortex and gear alone is never enough. In my opinion a good mystic can multitask different roles or at least swap quickly if needed. Here's how I define the different roles and paths of a mystic.
The supporter: All mystics should as minimum be able to play support. You'll use your summons as debuffer or shield for you and your squad and you'll use your plants debuffs..Do not use a plant with a debuff that someone in squad has cast on the target since their debuff is mostly stronger than your plants.
The damage dealer: You ditch out damage to the targets but be aware that you're not just a DD, you should not focus on dd'ing only.
The healer: Mystics heal well and fast but if there's a competent cleric in your squad you should not focus entirely on healing. However, always keep your eyes open. A mystic can sometime save a life before the cleric has cast their heal since break in the clouds is a very fast skill.If you're main healer it is important to have what I call," a healer's plan", it's always good to have one but it's a must if there's no cleric. First look at your squad's hp, then take their gears and class into consideration. As general rule I have these hp ranges in mind when I decide who'll need my help more to survive. Also consider if it is a class that can heal itself. My ranges are based on squads at 100+ or rebirth.
* -5k hp= super squeashy, require as much attention as you can afford.
* 5-10k hp =less squishy, react quickly on a hp drop.
* 10-15k hp=(depends on class) Moderate attention, heal if hp drops too much.
* 15k-20k hp=(depends on class) require minor attention.
*20k+ hp= Won't need you much or at all..Heal if hp drops a lot though.
The Puller: Pulling requires good defense and hp gears, but even with that you'll need to know your combos and time it well. If you got the rrr9 weapon then save your genie and let the speed buff do its work. If you don't have that weapon then use holly path. I prefer to end my pulls with sage spark + Lucky break + gale force, then the squad can see the pull is done and gale force helps you keep damage off the squad and yourself. Pulling also require you can multitask with healing yourself. You might want to ask the squad to stay back a bit while you pull since it can be distracting if they get agro before the pull is done.
The Tank: For this you'll need high damage and good defense plus good hp..Some channel helps keeping agro. Always keep close eyes on your hp and switch to healer quickly if your squad gets agro. I find the genie skill, Alpha male, helpful to catch agro, especially in delta.
How to use your summons properly:
One of the unique things about mystics is our summons. Do not mix them up with veno pets. A veno pet remains tankish at higher lvl while a summon is generally used to tank when the mystic is lower lvl, when the mystic face stronger enemies the summons are used more like a dd aid, as shield by sacrificing it or as debuffer or stunner, aside from these things there's also some neat glitches and other stuff a summon can be used for. This is not really a skill description guide but I'll list the summons anyways and explain their main usage. It doesn't hurt to get it drilled in one more time.
Pet Summons:
Devil Chihyu: physical dd. Used as stunner and against magic immune mobs. sacrifice for increased phy def. and 30% crit rate.
Storm Mistress: used as a metal dd, mainly on a boss and sometimes a player. Got a seal skill with very short duration and a not very useful aoe. Sacrifice for mag def and increased mag atk.
Salvation: used as shield/dmg absorber on an individual or the squad. sacrifice for a stronger shield+ a fallen petal buff. Also great if you are a high lvl helping a low lvl since the shield really shines when applied from a high lvl salvation to a low lvl player.
Cragglord: Your only timed pet summon, costs 2 sparks and got fire aoe. Good both against mobs or a boss and against a player in some cases.
Plant summons:
Punishing string: Phy. dmg. lyse it for an aoe hit. Used mainly as a disctraction or an extra target.
Beffudling creeper: Debuff plant for lowering mag/phy def and lower channel/atk rate.
Spidervine: Debuff plant for lowering atk/mag atk. It also slows down enemies.
Listless blossom: Used to sleep the target.
Healing herb: Heals some hp, best used with vital herb.
Vital herb: Recovers some hp. Good for use if you know squad is about to be harmed or to give you a moment to focus more on dd'ing. This plant costs a spark. Do not cast if the boss do a lot of heavy aoe, it'll kill the plant. Better use Gaias blessing or comforting mist in these situations.
Thicket: Acts more like an attack skill than a summon, but a summon it is. Used to silence and damage the target. It is an aoe attack but with so short a range that it only hit stuff right beside the target.
Using summons for puppet runs:
Mystics have it easy soloing puppet in Abba. Why solo it? You get all the apoth buff drops to yourself and you don't have to wait for your squad to pass the stones plus it's safer to fight puppet do this I recommend at least 10k hp, full defense buff (cleric, barb hp buff, bell, verdant shell) and res on at all times during the puppet runs. Steps is at following; Enter Abba and run through the instance, ignore all mobs and let puppet jail you. Kill the 3 close mobs when you're out of jail. summon a plant at puppet, creeper, befuddling, spiderwine or listless, then summon storm or devil and attack. The boss will try to jail your summons which makes you immune to that move and stops the boss from summoning. Save your sparks to purify off bleed. A run takes less than 10min.
Using summons as agro/stun dummies:
Using summons as extra targets might save a life. The 2nd boss in FC(Frost Covered City) for example will most likely stun your summon, not you. In Warsong it's useful against 1st waterboss since it might stun the summon instead of a player. On wood vile which agroes randomly the summon might get hit instead of a player. Also useful against 1st fireboss in UCH(Under Current Hall).
Using summons to keep a boss in place:
This is neat little trick but doesn't work on all bosses. First of all it must be a fly zone and storm mistress is the pet to use. Position yourself as high as you can above the boss but so storm can use her metal attack and you can transfer mana to her. It makes the boss stand still. It takes time to kill with your pet but it's a good option if you're squishy and can't get help. Do not resummon storm and do not move, it resets the boss. An example on bosses I've used it on with success is shadow boss in secret passage and Xenomorph in Old Heavens Tear. An example when it doesn't work; Sanzi the netherlord (final veno/barb 2nd form boss) in the demon world. It seem to work until the boss uses a heavy aoe that kills the summon ... and you.
Where's my summon?:
There are some places where you will be unable to use any kind of summons like the bottom of AEU and bellow the final boss platform in TT 2-3.
Some skill usages:
I mentioned earlier that I wouldn't list the skills since it's done lots of other places, instead I will write about some ways of using skills. Some tips are very handy, others are just fun and some are just good to know about:
Break in the clouds: Beware using this skill in UCH(at the dragon lure part) if you're squishy, one heal drags healer agro and if the person is carrying a bunch of dragons they will all be on you. A well geared mystic however can use this to save people who has taken more dragons than they can hold and also, a well geared mystic can hold the dragons instead of a cleric but be prepared to spam heal yourself and for your gear to drop a lot of duration.
Bramble Tornado: Useful for interrupting channel of the Blossom Succubus boss in FSP(Flower Silver Passage). Works all the time for me. A fun fact about this skill. In pk-mode or duel, ask people to double jump then bramble, if you time it right they fly up in the air in a really funny way. This skill is also perfect for killing boredom when you're in pk mode. Use it to push an afk friend to a safezone or push them far away from where they went afk. I tried that myself once and it was funny when my friend returned and wondered how he had ended up on the bottom of a lake.
Invigorate: Stacks with duskblades attack blessing skill, get both buffs for a 40% dmg buff in total.
Energy Leech: The anti stun also works without sacrificing a summon.
Absorb soul: Can bypass most resistance shields both in pve and pk. Also salvation shield. I've tried this skill both on elemental immune mobs and physical immune mobs and it damaged both, however, it will not work against mobs immune to all kinds of damage. Also, Absorb Soul ignores defense lvl as long as the skill isn't demon/sage yet. I have tested and confirmed this recently by asking a mystic lower than 89 to attack me with and without an O'maley blessing and the results were the same.
Mystic eye: This skill forces a sin/archer who's close enough out of stealth but it doesn't work if they are higher lvl than you... this also counts if your original lvl (before rebirth) is higher than their current lvl.
Swirling mist/Swinging Cloud dance /Wheeping Breeze dance/Lysing/Devil Chiyu: You will want these as sage/demon versions since it's your rebirth skills. Rebirth Devil doesn't make a great difference though so get that at last.
Gaias Blessing: Can't be purged so use this against a veno instead of falling petals.
Sublime Transfusion: I find it useless in pve but in TW (Territory War) it's great against a cata and in NW Nation War) it's great against a player who's hard to take down.
Lucky Break: A great skill that make your next hit critical. Great if used with galeforce and primal swirling mist after a spark to kill a mob or as part of a combo to damage an enemy. Is to be used wisely as the cd is 60 sec and the duration is 10 dec.
Thicket: Does't trigger lucky break since it's a summon though it seem more like an attack skill.
For this section I have tried to think of mystic related questions asked on the forums and in game. Not everyone might agree with some my answers but I hope people will find them useful.
Q: Is a mystic fun to play?
A: If you like multitasking and aren't lazy in instances then mystic is very fun. Every time I have attempted to move to an alt I end back on my mystic. I just love the class.
Q: Is a mystic worth rrr9?
A: A rrr9 mystic can do a lot of stuff. heal, Tank, Pull, Solo instances with ease and is a very independent class, especially now that they can get apoths from Abba. I'd say go for it.
Q: What Morai Order is better for a mystic?
A: Luminance for Mass Ressurect/Verdant Shell or Corona for invigorate. Transfusion which is needed for Sublime Transfusion is in Luminance but can be bought from others for a cheap price. Save Shroud for last since Mystic Eye can have its bright moments but it isn't an important skill compared to the others.
Q: What's better. Sage or Demon?
A: A very asked question. Sage and demon are fairly balanced on mystics. Demons got more offensive skills like debuffs and a kind of hf(Chance skill) and their channel is OP which is a huge benefit in pvp. Sage Mystics are more defensive caused by the sage spark and a bit more defense on Verdant Shell which make them less squishy when they deal with mobs. It's a question of play style and preference since both got benefits over the other. Of course you can do pvp with a sage or pve with a demon and a squad will never ever care if you're demon or sage.
Q: Can a mystic replace aVenomancer?
A: I have seen this question asked more than once since both classes have pets (I'd rather say summons in the mystics case.) and I'd say no. First, veno pets and mystic summons are not the same thing, it requires completly different playstyles. Also the veno has amplify ..demon mystics dmg increasing skill is not as reliable. Also, a veno can purge, a mystic can't. Another thing about Mystic Summons vs veno pets. The summons get their powers from the mystics gear while the veno's pets don't depend on the veno's gear.
Q: Can a mystic replace a cleric?
A: I might get some slaps in the face for my answer but I say yes and no. It depends. A good mystic can in many cases replace a cleric but a bad mystic can't replace a good cleric. It's two different healing styles. The cleric will most likely heal by bb or with squad heal while the mystic better keep eye on the individuals in the squad and use Break in the Clouds unless Vital Herb or Gaias Blessing is up. I often run instances with no cleric and people don't complain. Also be prepared that some people might feel they are not secure with you as solo healer until you prove that you know your stuff. And a last thing. If there is a cleric in squad then expect him/her to do the job as the main healer so you can focus on something else (Don't let your guard don't completely though, keep an eye on your squads hp still). I get really annoyed when the cleric jumps into violet dance and let me deal with the healing alone.
Q: Can I tank with my summons?
A: Summons are not meant to be tanky at higher lvls as mentioned earlier but if you're clever, patient and focused there is actually situations where you will be able to do so. I used my summons to tank Morai bosses as lvl 95 but it took ages and more than one try. As mentioned. Think about them as dd aid, buffers and debuffers. They make life so much easier for a low lvl mystic though since some of them do more damage than the mystic at early lvls.
Q: Should I power lvl my mystic?
A: So tempting but be careful. I didn't p-lvl before 74 when I felt I knew my class well. On some alts however I've p-lvled from lvl 1-50 or more and ended up regretting it. It left me with a hollow feeling of not knowing my character at all.
Q: Should I make a Heavy Armor or Light Armor mystic?
A: I don't recommend it because HA and LA makes you sacrifice magic which mean lower attack and weaker heals.
Q: IS mystic an expensive class to play?
A: They use a lot of manna but herbs are cheaper than crabs and due to good heals they don't have to carry many hp pots. Also Mystics less common skills are not as expensive compared to for example sin's or psy's expensive skills. Opposite veno pets the summons don't need to be fed so mystics are a cheap class to play in my opinion. If you like tanking and pulling your repair bills will be higher than a non-tankish caster though.
Q: How do I become a better mystic?
A: Know your limits and push them..If you know you're able to pull a certain number of mobs or solo an instance to a certain point then grab a slightly larger number of mobs next time you pull...try to solo the instance a bit further. Know your combos and practice them over and over. Get the best gear you can afford or the best gear you got time to farm to help you take your potential even higher and set high goals to keep yourself going. Also, try to run with other mystics, you might pick up something useful from watching their ways.
Thank you for reading ...
I hope that you who read this guide have found something you can use for your mystic. It's a guide about mystic's seen with a mystic's eyes and experiences but it's also written from the heart out of love and dedication to the class. Thank you to those who has helped me in form of feedback, skill tests, Ect... To you who play mystic already, good luck with the further work on your character. To those who don't play a mystic, I hope this guide have opened your eyes for this wonderful class.
Also, I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes there might be and I also apologize for any mistake I might have unintentionally made regarding any information in the guide.
Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...
Post edited by Aziza_Atori - Archosaur on
but dont forget to mention mystics are responsible to keep cleric alive also
..... a support heal is one i can depend on or elsle it either my genie or pots and both have limits and cool downs .... so a mystic is what i depend on , and yes mystics are very intresting to play ... amazing guide .... ~skybring
0 -
Well that's why you can't be lazy as mystic. Even the cleric might happen to need you. Glad you like the guideAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Use another color for "How to use your summons properly" please, that shade of blue is really hard to read on this forum.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
5 years lurking forums0 -
Fail_BM - Raging Tide wrote: »Use another color for "How to use your summons properly" please, that shade of blue is really hard to read on this forum.
noted..I'll change it later.Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Aziza_Atori - Archosaur wrote: »
Using summons to keep a boss in place:
This is neat little trick but doesn't work on all bosses. First of all it must be a fly zone and storm mistress is the pet to use. Position yourself as high as you can above the boss but so storm can use her metal attack and you can transfer mana to her. It makes the boss stand still. It takes time to kill with your pet but it's a good option if you're squishy and can't get help. Do not resummon storm and do not move, it resets the boss. An example on bosses I've used it on with success is shadow boss in secret passage and Xenomorph in Old Heavens Tear. An example when it doesn't work; Sanzi the netherlord (final veno/barb 2nd form boss) in the demon world. It seem to work until the boss uses a heavy aoe that kills the summon ... and you.
It works on many of the "Perfect World" bosses (and I think all Morai (non-insance) bosses and you can also use Devil for it.
If in doubt, try it out. Worse case scenario it kills your summon. No harm done. b:chuckle
I also find, for myself, that positioning above the bosses head (of course up high enough to not get smacked by it) so the summon "lands" on top of their head tends to work better. Might take a little practice.
Nice guide! b:victory
P.S. A mystic can never replace a well-played cleric. They are a great support to clerics though. b:cute0 -
noodlepunch wrote: »It works on many of the "Perfect World" bosses (and I think all Morai (non-insance) bosses and you can also use Devil for it.
If in doubt, try it out. Worse case scenario it kills your summon. No harm done. b:chuckle
I also find, for myself, that positioning above the bosses head (of course up high enough to not get smacked by it) so the summon "lands" on top of their head tends to work better. Might take a little practice.
Nice guide! b:victory
P.S. A mystic can never replace a well-played cleric. They are a great support to clerics though. b:cute
It's a while since I've needed to glitch bosses with my summon so I've given examples of bosses I remembered it has and hasn't worked on. As I said, clerics and mystics are 2 different playstyles and in some situations a mystic can replace a cleric just fine, in others they can't. As mentioned in my guide, i would never do fsp without bringing a cleric to mention an example. Wouldn't run EU without one either since I know people get purged a lot and might need rez but I might on rare occations skip bringing a cleric in AEU if I have other mystics with me who don't mind to heal when needed plus a sage psy to purify in case we get balance. other than that it's typic me to just pick up whoever pm me and get the instance done. I enjoy FW runs except doing the pavillions and my squads are completly random classwise as long as all pavs are covered. I find that kind of squadding more amussing than the traditional barb, cleric, bm, veno sin +1 combination :P
Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad that you liked the guideb:cuteAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Mystics can do anything even w/o squad. you just need the right build and to know your skill. like g16 armor with eye of the jungle belt and a phys neck. even with lvl 10 skills you can solo 3-3 tt
on the other side. if you are rrr9 you can use some channeling for pve.
i prefer phys shards as well for my mystic.( +70 from shroud are cheap and good)
you can get life from refines meridian and Cards
i prefer glaive for g16 set instead of wand or r8r
i prefer mistress for farm . i dissagree with aziza about that pet. in some instances like delta mistress can hit even 100k on aoe. depends on the mobs. i use devil only for pvp cause of stun. you dont hope for your pet to kill som1 for for salvation. if you are low gear yes it helps but i still prefer to leach devil and petal myself.also. i prefer sage version. i was demon in the past . its nice to have a bit more channeling for a while and a chance for hf with demon thicket. but in front of more attack defence purify and chi that sage gives demon is nothing.
in my opinion mystic is the best class. ->healer-dd-tank<-
~and ik that most of ppl say.. pff mystics are fail for pvp etc but if you know how to combine your skills you can beat ANY class !!!
nice guide aziza
Rangkod rrr9 103 Sage Mystic0 -
Mystics can do anything even w/o squad. you just need the right build and to know your skill. like g16 armor with eye of the jungle belt and a phys neck. even with lvl 10 skills you can solo 3-3 tt
on the other side. if you are rrr9 you can use some channeling for pve.
i prefer phys shards as well for my mystic.( +70 from shroud are cheap and good)
you can get life from refines meridian and Cards
i prefer glaive for g16 set instead of wand or r8r
i prefer mistress for farm . i dissagree with aziza about that pet. in some instances like delta mistress can hit even 100k on aoe. depends on the mobs. i use devil only for pvp cause of stun. you dont hope for your pet to kill som1 for for salvation. if you are low gear yes it helps but i still prefer to leach devil and petal myself.also. i prefer sage version. i was demon in the past . its nice to have a bit more channeling for a while and a chance for hf with demon thicket. but in front of more attack defence purify and chi that sage gives demon is nothing.
in my opinion mystic is the best class. ->healer-dd-tank<-
~and ik that most of ppl say.. pff mystics are fail for pvp etc but if you know how to combine your skills you can beat ANY class !!!
nice guide aziza
Rangkod rrr9 103 Sage Mystic
Ty for your feedback Rangkod. I dont find the aoe of storm mistress that useful, I prefer using gale and mist but it's a question of preference. If you find it useful it's an example of how us mystics have different play styles and preferences which isnt badAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
You could also add when NOT to use certain plants. Though plant debuffs are nice, most classes have better versions of those same debuffs.
Befuddling Creeper: Don't use this if barb uses Devour on bosses or if squad has a veno 'cause it overwrites Myriad Rainbows if they proc(100% p. def. and m. res. debuff).b:surrender
Spidervine: Don't use this if sin ish using sin's attack speed debuff(Rib Strike). If Spidervine overwrites Rib Strike...feel the guilty of killing the poor fish.b:cute
Listless Blossom: Don't even bother to try using this against most [?]-bosses. Grand majority of them are immune to sleep and other movement debuffs.
Also, about when to heal:
Though someone might have loads of HP, that doesn't really mean you should let it's HP fall too much, especially if it's charmed. It's a good guideline to keep everyone's HP over half all the time if possible.
Best way to find out of someone has a charm ish...*drum roll* asking them!
If you don't feel like asking, check people's HP bars when they're taking damage. If someone's HP goes from half to full without Bloodpaint or heals, it was most likely a charm tick. Even with BP HP rarely goes back to full from a single skill, though.
In large pulls it's hard to avoid charms ticking, though. If you can, try to keep it to minimum still.
Good example of this ish Kitty's BH Snakes lately. Kitty usually has a charm on her HA-characters to make PV-running easier. Soo, in BH Snakes many clerics have let Kitty's HP fall below that 50% and DD'd instead, obviously resulting charm ticks.
Result: 300k worth charm ticks in a single BH Snakefist. Without doing vile.
Though healing might feel boring and you could add some extra DD, Kitty can still say from experience:
if you kept squadmates' HPs full most of the time, you'll get easy access to their squads anytime.b:cute
If you let their charms tick a lot while you were supposed to be the healer and you DD'd instead: prepare to solo your stoofs, you won't get another squad with those guys.b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Kittysama - Raging Tide in APS-barb disguise, when avatars were bugged. Now posting again as Kittysama.
Deleted old mains on Feb. 2014, back with every viable build covered, majority of them at or above non-rb 100.b:cute
The Greatest APS-Panda on RT! 'Cause there's too much food in tables of Imperial palace.b:surrender
Kitty's current average lvl ~94 b:shocked0 -
Well in general I use my plants if the boss isn't debuffed yet or doesn't have a debuff icon similare to my plants debuffs. As for healing. If people mention a charm i heal them extra fast but in general I'm trying to heal people fast, and people are usually happy with my heals so I must do something rightb:chuckle Some mystics don't heal at all and for those my hp range explanation might be a good start to get them more into healing i hope. Got to start somewhere. Thanks for your feed back KeisariAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Aziza_Atori - Archosaur wrote: »Well in general I use my plants if the boss isn't debuffed yet or doesn't have a debuff icon similare to my plants debuffs. As for healing. If people mention a charm i heal them extra fast but in general I'm trying to heal people fast, and people are usually happy with my heals so I must do something rightb:chuckle Some mystics don't heal at all and for those my hp range explanation might be a good start to get them more into healing i hope. Got to start somewhere. Thanks for your feed back Keisari
Unless you lyse your plants right away, the debuffs people will (or should) land will get overwritten by the plant regardless, which is quite bad. Consider this:
Barbarian's level 10 Devour decreases physical defense by 50%
Venomancer's lvl 10 Ironwood by 40%, Demon reduces phys def to 0 if procs, primal version by 50% if sage, 40% or 180% if demon depending on procs (nerfed version of original demon ironwood)
Venomancer's Myriads reduce phys and mag def by 100% if they proc
Cleric's Dimensional seal reduce phys def by 40%
Cleric's Elemental seal reduce mag def by 40%
Stormbringer's skill reduces mag def by 40% as well I believe
Various pets reduce phys/mag def by 30% if veno uses them
BM Glacial Spike reduces both defenses by 50%
... Which leaves befuddling creepers the worst debuffers there are. If squad has no other debuffer or theyre not doing their job, go ahead and debuff.
Kitty made little mistake in her comment. Befuddling creeper reduces attack rate, not spidervine. Keep in mind, for a sin tank rib strike's effect is VITAL and you must not overwrite it with your plant in any situation if the sin tank has already trouble taking hits. Even for some other tank rib strike can matter life or death, demon rib strike reduces attack rate by 65%, lvl 10/sage by 50%.
Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
I'm careful with use of plants. I know it's better to use them a bit too little rather than a bit too much, harm if no one in squad are debuffing anyways. personally I'm more into the dd/healing than standing behind throwing plants though.Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Thats the dmg you can take from a fail RRR9 +10 Bm b:laugh b:victory
~Only the Strongest can Survive~
Rangkod rrr9 103 Sage Mystic0 -
Thats the dmg you can take from a fail RRR9 +10 Bm b:laugh b:victory
~Only the Strongest can Survive~
Rangkod rrr9 103 Sage Mystic[/QUOTEHe didnt wear his gear did he Rang?b:surrenderAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Personally I've stopped using Befuddling Creeper entirely - most squads I'm in have better debuffers, and the damn thing can't even survive one hit. The plant I do plop down from time to time is the pipsqueek (Punishing Sting). Over the space of a minute, if it survives that long, it does a nice amount of damage for the time it takes to cast. If for some reason the the Sting won't work, there's always the Spidervine or the Healing Herb - not many parties have damage mitigation effects, and they can help squishy party members out.
As for roles - A Mystic, unlike a Cleric, can switch between DD and Heal instantaneously (there's no VD state to remove before your heals work again).
Skills: I -can't- believe you glossed over Lucky Break. Making your next attack a crit hit - something that will work on an AOE - is AWESOME during pulls. Full chi - do pull - triple spark - Falling Petals - Rapid Growth - Lucky Break - Galeforce/Primal Mists Grasp tends to wipe out everything you pulled, something that is very handy in PV. If attacking a single heavy target, use Storm Dance instead of the AOE for an insanely heavy hit. My mystic - with a **** mix of Morai101, TT90 and two pieces of G16 armor and a G16+7 Pataka sometimes manages to steal aggro from the R9+10 crowd down in FSP - to the point where I have ceased to use the spark/luckybreak combo on frog 'cause I don't like frog's axe to my face...
Upgraded healing skills (Break in the Clouds for sage, Comforting Mists for demon) can be used as a backup purify. They are too unreliable to fully trust them - but if your cler's in BB (or dead) and someone needs a puri, they can be a party saver. I frequently use sage break in the clouds to purify party members hit with the water debuff at Azoth in FSP - and sometimes at Frog if the cler manages to get him/herself chopped...
Speaking of frog - Your summons are a great tool for taking the first axe. Simply have your pet attack frog as soon as the barb charges. The barb should easily get more aggro then your pet - and second highest aggro always gets the axe at frog. If it fails and your pet gets the highest aggro instead - no worries, it'll die at the chop, then frog comes running for you but he won't do his chop for some time, so the barb can retake aggro. You can also use a plant for this.
Last, playing Mystic economically is possible if you're sage (mana neutral). Simply use Nature's Vengeance only, sage version. Along with Li's Technique you'll generate so much chi that the celestial eruption will replenish your mana quite well. The Clear Thoughts mana replenish skill does the rest - using these in a combo allows for easy charmless autocultivation with a sage mystic. Can be useful when you're recovering from rebirth, or just want to level your mystic the lazy way.I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
Skills: I -can't- believe you glossed over Lucky Break. Making your next attack a crit hit - something that will work on an AOE - is AWESOME during pulls. Full chi - do pull - triple spark - Falling Petals - Rapid Growth - Lucky Break - Galeforce/Primal Mists Grasp tends to wipe out everything you pulled, something that is very handy in PV. If attacking a single heavy target, use Storm Dance instead of the AOE for an insanely heavy hit. My mystic - with a **** mix of Morai101, TT90 and two pieces of G16 armor and a G16+7 Pataka sometimes manages to steal aggro from the R9+10 crowd down in FSP - to the point where I have ceased to use the spark/luckybreak combo on frog 'cause I don't like frog's axe to my face...
Upgraded healing skills (Break in the Clouds for sage, Comforting Mists for demon) can be used as a backup purify. They are too unreliable to fully trust them - but if your cler's in BB (or dead) and someone needs a puri, they can be a party saver. I frequently use sage break in the clouds to purify party members hit with the water debuff at Azoth in FSP - and sometimes at Frog if the cler manages to get him/herself chopped...
Uff, so I missed out lucky break under skillfacts x.x Ty for leading my attention to it, I'll get it added to the guide. And about break in the clouds as puri..I use it if the cleric don't do it's job or if i spot someone having the buff anyways just in case. I've given up on attacking the toad at all since it hits me even if i just do venegance without spark or anythingb:surrender I either use pets or act as support or backup healer on that .. ty again for the feed back .. lucky break will be added to the skill facts I use it both with mist and gale ..If i pull large i use gale with lucky and spark to make the mobs smaller pulls I use mist.Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
I use luckybreak/mists if someone else is doing the pulling (if anything survives, I can then follow up with Gale and seal or kill stragglers so I don't take too much aggro). If I pull myself, Gale is my preferred AOE (followed directly by tab-to-next-target, mists to hit whatever survived with a second aoe along with a DOT to kill em while they run away sealed).I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
Evryn - Morai wrote: »Personally I've stopped using Befuddling Creeper entirely - most squads I'm in have better debuffers, and the damn thing can't even survive one hit. The plant I do plop down from time to time is the pipsqueek (Punishing Sting). Over the space of a minute, if it survives that long, it does a nice amount of damage for the time it takes to cast.
The creeper is specially useful for AOE debuffs.
On a boss I use it all the time if I'm solo ('cause nothing is better then), but almost never if I'm with a squad. So while being with a squad, I was using Punishing sting as well because other plants are not that useful (healing herb can be useful but only with really squishy teamates). But I must admit I don't use it often anymore because I find damage kinda ridiculous actually, even if the cast is fast.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
I'd use it just for the funny sound that it makes while shooting... b:laugh
And yea, the befuddler is nice in some situations - mainly when soloing something that you can't one or two shot (while farming TT or do pulls in Lunar or such). But it's use is rather limited these days. On such large pulls Lidless Blossom is probably the better choice anyway.I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
Evryn - Morai wrote: »I'd use it just for the funny sound that it makes while shooting... b:laugh
And yea, the befuddler is nice in some situations - mainly when soloing something that you can't one or two shot (while farming TT or do pulls in Lunar or such). But it's use is rather limited these days. On such large pulls Lidless Blossom is probably the better choice anyway.
Not the same use. I personaly never use Mistless Blossom in PVE, but I guess it can help squisher mystics to get less hits at same time (but maybe spidervine might in this case be more useful since you will wake up the mobs anyway). I'm not really facing this problematic myself and then I prefer the creeper to kill them faster. From time to time in Lunar or in FSP after pulling the mobs in the corridor, or against the 5 mini bosses at the end. So basically I use it every day actually b:pleased
I find it very efficient in PVP as well, especially if I have several people on me, but once again this is a choice between trying to kill the opponents faster or being able to tank them more easily.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
I sometimes use punishing sting as an agro dummy on random agro/stun bosses, good if I'm in a squad so I dont override someones debuff. Listless is mostly pvp for me if I need to get away from someone or catch up to them or get an absorb soul cast on someone without risking being killed while i cast it.
Talking about absorb soul..has any mystic tried to solo the twin bosses in AEU? I have a theory that a mystic with good damage can hit the elemental resist with absorb to it's near death (Tried it and the boss ignored me and kept hitting the npc) and then move to the physical resist one to kill that and then strike the deathblow on the element immune. I have not had an oppotunity to test a full solo yet but I would like to know if it's possible. If anyone has tried that I would like to know how it turned out.Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Aziza_Atori - Archosaur wrote: »I sometimes use punishing sting as an agro dummy on random agro/stun bosses, good if I'm in a squad so I dont override someones debuff. Listless is mostly pvp for me if I need to get away from someone or catch up to them or get an absorb soul cast on someone without risking being killed while i cast it.
Talking about absorb soul..has any mystic tried to solo the twin bosses in AEU? I have a theory that a mystic with good damage can hit the elemental resist with absorb to it's near death (Tried it and the boss ignored me and kept hitting the npc) and then move to the physical resist one to kill that and then strike the deathblow on the element immune. I have not had an oppotunity to test a full solo yet but I would like to know if it's possible. If anyone has tried that I would like to know how it turned out.
Absorb soul doesn't generate real aggro, which is the problem.Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
Colum - Raging Tide wrote: »Absorb soul doesn't generate real aggro, which is the problem.
I don't see why it would be a problem in this situation.
I have never tried to solo AEU because I don't see the use (need to much openers) but I could eventually try it just out of curiosity. I guess it's totally doable since the damage from the two bosses are not really high for and endgame mystic.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
It's a benefit that absorb soul doesn't call agro...not a problem ._.Aziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Aziza_Atori - Archosaur wrote: »It's a benefit that absorb soul doesn't call agro...not a problem ._.
Actually it can indeed be a (minor) problem on some (quite rare) situations. But I don't see why it could be a problem in the situation you described. When talking about soloing a boss (or anything) that "feature" is neither a problem nor a benefit in my opinion.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Zoldi - Morai wrote: »Actually it can indeed be a (minor) problem on some (quite rare) situations. But I don't see why it could be a problem in the situation you described. When talking about soloing a boss (or anything) that "feature" is neither a problem nor a benefit in my opinion.
I see it as a benefit to have a skill with good damage that dont drag agro. I wish I had known more about absorb soul when I was squishy. And about AEU, please do tell me the result if you're really going to test it. I'd love to myself but where to find 7 people who're willing to lose orders so I can test it's 1/3 chance to get the twin run. Had a situation though on the twinboss run where absorb soul saved us all. Rest of the squad died but I managed to stay alive whille landing a deathblow on elemental. Absorb soul is one of my favourite skills since it's so weird xDAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
It's a benefit most of the time not to "steal" aggro (Toad is obvisously the best interesting example currently). But when you do need to be the tank, the more you use it, the more you take some risks to lose aggro. Because of that you wouldn't be able to tank an elemental immune boss (except if the other guys don't hit it, of course)
Regarding AEU, I think I unfortunately won't be able to test it soon. As you said, I need to find openers that just want me to test it, then there is only 1/3 chance to get them, and I don't think it would be fast to kill the boss, only with AS (but haven't done any AEU for a long time, so don't really remember the damage I can deal on him).
If I do it, I'll let you know. In theory I really don't see why it wouldn't be doable anyway~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
I'm pretty sure my theory last as well. I got the element immune boss to around half before the squad started to hit and I have a feeling you're better geared than I am so you should deal quite some dmg on it with your absorbb:chuckleAziza_Atori: 102 sage mystic
Aziza_Amina: currently fail 91 sage cleric
And a lot of alts...0 -
Aziza_Atori - Archosaur wrote: »
Thats the dmg you can take from a fail RRR9 +10 Bm b:laugh b:victory
~Only the Strongest can Survive~
Rangkod rrr9 103 Sage Mystic[/QUOTEHe didnt wear his gear did he Rang?b:surrender
he try to kill me after fsp haha. hes just fail. or im too Op - maybe both :P0 -
Regarding the twins, I had to solo them when rest of the squad wiped. So yes it's possible.
Absorb Soul does generate agro, just not a lot of agro.0
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