Advice on gear, please

muevles Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Archer
Hi! I was reading a lot of posts about gears and I don't know if they are outdated or I can use them for inspiration. This is my build now:
The gear is refined and sharded, but I'm not on game now and I don't know exactly how much (at least to +2 +3 and with HP shards). And the cape I had is the lvl 85 one from Quicksand Maze.
So, here is my question. Should I go TT90 or wait till 95 for Morai? I don't level really fast, so maybe I was going to be in 91-94 range a week or two.
Is better to get phis and magic defense ornaments and refine them or stay only with the phis ones?
I don't pvp and in pve I'm doing fine till now, but it can be better.
Sorry if this post is like others, if my english is not as good as it can be and thanks for your help and for wasting your time reading me.
Post edited by muevles on


  • Khaime - Dreamweaver
    Khaime - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I think u should perhaps get more of the Quicksand gear, its better than TT gear of equal or slightly higher level. It adds a set bonus if u wear more than 1 piece and it seems to have a guaranteed 4 sockets per piece.
    Ur necklace should be replaced though with Sky Demon's Pearl or the like, even the protection necklace from dreamchaser pack is better.
    The free morai gear is inferior to the quicksand gear, as far as i know, though the weapon is really good as u dont pvp. Its a slingshot for archers if i remember correctly, so this may clash with ur style... (Some archers hate slingshots..).
  • muevles
    muevles Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Thanks for your answer and suggestions of necklace and gear. I love slingshots, so that's not a problem to me :)
    See you.
  • angellicdeity
    angellicdeity Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It depends on what your end-game goal is. If your end-game goal is to look like:

    Then Quicksand/Any gear will suffice until you hit 101 and get Rank 9.

    If your end-game goal is NV3 (a little more affordable) - then you should consider getting TT90, or CV80 to begin the NV3 upgrade path:

    TT90/CV80 -> TT99/CV95 -> NV -> NV2 -> NV3

    Qiuicksand gear is not a good idea in such a case.