PVP tournament- Sanctuary

Posts: 236 Arc User
edited January 2015 in Twilight Temple (West)
Hi sanctuary. As most of you know I am the in pk 24/7 veno RIPWomansley. I have a question for our server... why do people like tw/nw, but do not like pk? Their both kind of the same thing, but I consider pk to be funner because u can do it anytime and anywhere. Also I will never understand pve only. Would never pay for r999 to kill mobs all day. I'm guessing it's more of a social thing. Mobs do get kind of boring and repetitive and I do have to say this game is more pvp oriented. Like seriously their's not even a traceable storyline.

My plan:
I'd like to make a sort of pk tournement for fun ya know. Of course their will be prizes.

This will be a free for all in the location of my choosing.

If you die you stay dead(i will have a few people watching everyone that dies).
teaming up to reach a goal is always allowed,but no more than 4 to a team I will have alts and friends in all teams to check (they must be registered in the tourney though)
-that's pretty much it.

1st place(last one standing)-200 mill
2nd place(runner up for 1st)-80 mill
3rd place (runner up to 2nd)-50mill

what I need from yall?
What I need anyone that chooses to participate is for them to type the name of the character they will be using in this thread. Sign ups close February 20th

How do you know I will give out these prizes?
Well u won't know for sure, but I have done plenty of events and I always gave the rewards I said I would. Examples- chase me around arch and first to catch me in trade wins wtvr, riddle challenges, and 1v1 events.

Tournament date: February 29th(I will post time when it draws close)

Side Notes:
- you may also post suggestions in this list I will update weekly.
-I will just be playing in it for fun.

I sure hope many choose to join in.

sign ups start now :)
Love lost is room gained
Post edited by killeresras on


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  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    again, i never seem to gasp the concept of people playing on a pve server, and complaining no one is pking while there are pvp servers out there.
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jytheone wrote: »
    again, i never seem to gasp the concept of people playing on a pve server, and complaining no one is pking while there are pvp servers out there.

    Sorry to sound rude, but grasp it elsewhere, just because you don't get the difference between MMOs and FPSs doesn't mean you get to derail this noble effort. xD

    Lack of PvP on all servers wouldn't be such a problem if the pve only type players would just mind their own business and not poopoo on players that enjoy pvp trying to set up some events and get people pvp'ing together.

    Some people like coffee, some people like tea, just because I prefer coffee doesnt mean I need to gtfo out of England lol
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin

  • Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i will tell u simply some reason from my view for ppl not pk

    first one which strong : SINs , they unfair class which they can keep steath as much time as they have mana and u cant keep spam use potions to see them .

    2nd thing most ppl reach max lvl of gear and they take rest now from game or play other game ,

    take look at NW as example how many attendance now in nw be? i remember at first nw released days around 300 every nation ,

    now its almost 100 and u need remove No# of alts too

    3rd reason , ppl dont see any good effect from pk or pvp i suggest if pk or pvp event could give some additional points can get it after u kill someone from fight , be same meridian system if they put that system on pk and not make it depend ur luck lets say if u kill first 10 u will get open first step in meridian next stage u need kill 200 and so on. b:shutup

    *signature made by Xiaimine b:victory
  • Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Oh to answer your question why I don't PK it's a variety of reasons

    1) Work
    2) Friends
    3) family

    Get it now? Too busy to PK 24/7 its why I chose pve not pvp server but tw/nw are fun :P Good luck in your tourny my guess is a Hoorah will probably win since thats what they do 24/7
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I have a question for our server... why do people like tw/nw, but do not like pk?

    Hm, I enjoy big group PvP much more than small scale PK (1v1, 2v2 etc.), and TW/NW are the best places to get that regularly (PK is kinda random). I also like that TW is about working with different squads of people, communicating and playing together for the common goal of taking the enemy crystal down. Others might have the same preferences.

    It's also that some people who are really busy will most likely choose to make time for a TW which is guaranteed, instead of going out and hope to find/start some PKing (it was different when servers were more active).

    Good luck with your tournament, I won't be joining as it's my busy period again.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    generally group PvP is a lot more fun since it requires so much more awareness and cooldown management. PK in this game is very dull, people will generally create to most convenient circumstances to fight, show up with 20 buffs, full chi, everything off cooldown, specialized genie (not to mention this game hasnt been balanced for 1v1 PvP, some classes are very imbalanced for such scenario's), where 90% of the skill in PvP gets removed and replaced with routine.

    In PWI and a lot of other MMORPGs 1v1 PvP is almost like PvE, there's an optimal way to play and u can pretty much set up a macro to play this way, out of the 12 classes there's maybe 2 or 3 classes that can actually switch up playstyle and still be effective, as a demon venomancer u must know this, there's really only 1 thing that works, and if u dont do it nothing really works.

    In group PvP (NW/TW) u cant be in this ''perfect'' situation every time u engage in a battle, so u have to resort to less effective ways to fight and spread out ur cooldowns over multiple targets, which makes it harder, which is more fun, to me anyway, it requires more thinking and consideration, not to mention sage BMs are quite awful in 1v1 scenario's b:chuckle
    IGN: qontroL b:thanks

    Im so mean, I make medicine sick b:angry


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