
Posts: 16 Arc User
edited November 2014 in Twilight Temple (West)
Why does vindi and hoorah fight? Both suck, both are full of trash talking nubs, both are full of players to afraid to go out and pk, both are just big masses of faction merges. Vindi and Hoorah might as well form an alliance. The name can be Hondicate- "come and pvp with us. We suck at pk so let's stick to tw and trash talk players we can't beat". Max geared players in pvp factions to afraid to pk (pvp). That wiz with max possible gear in vindi... yes u all know who I'm talking about well he should be poster boy for you Vindi(max gear and to afraid to pk). Hmm poster boy for Hoorah? That JOSD barb with the shirt u all know who I'm talking about. Lesson for both vindi and hoorah - trash talk players on wc or in faction chat pk them and kill them or your the actual trash.

That is all Hondicate.
(I know players names, but I won't type it because of rule :3)
Post edited by elvenkilleres on


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