Missing Little Dawn Flyer

tylin2me Posts: 3 Arc User
edited July 2014 in Quality Corner
Ello all,

I have already made a support ticket on this issue, where I was advised to also post this issue here as well.
Firstly, I am not a newbie player....I have been playing on and off for more than 5 yrs. My main character is a Lvl 84 Mystic. I recently returned to PWI after the new expansion. I first made a Veno, whom I worked my behind off on gathering aquametals for the Unicorn mount....which I got and moved on to Perfectworld proper.

Then I decided I wanted to try a Seeker out, since I never did before. So I made one. This time I stayed in the starting area for what seemed like forever, gathering the aquametals to have enough for the Unicorn mount as well as her flyer. It took a week to do this...since I had other people picking up my drops too *shrugs*. Anyhow, just yesterday on 7/17/2014, I finally achieved my goal and was able to get both the mount and my flyer. Just before I left the starting area, I bought both of them with the aquametals. I then equipped my new flyer since I knew the one from the quest would disappear once I left the starting area. I then went to the Apothecary in the starting area and rid myself of the free, quest flyer. The flyer I had just bought with the aquametals was still equipped. I flew to the guy who teleports you out of the starting area and into Perfectworld proper.

Once in Perfectworld proper, I haad quests popping up...well not quests but the things to accept for the chest box in the top of the screen. I then ran around grabbing other quests. When it came time for me to complete the quests, I clicked on my fly button (which is hotkeyed) to fly to the destination I needed.
Guess what? Nothing happened. I click again, and then a third time thinking I mis-clicked. Then I open my inventory bag, and find the flyer is no longer equipped, nor is it in my bag. Confused I thought perhaps i might have placed it in my bank by accident....even though I knew I had the thing equipped before leaving the starting area. But...it was worth a try to at least check before I reported the issue.

I go to the bank...and nope it wasn't there either. Seeing as I hadn't sold anything upon entering Perfectworld proper, I knew that wouldn't be the case either. Besides, I always pay attention to what I sell to an NPC. I am always checking the item I'm trying to sell, seeing as many things you are unable to sell, trade or discard....which is really a pain in the behind. Anyhow, as I said, I am a long time player and know the accidents that few newbies have made. I have seen it done...in fact an old friend of mine had sold her stash box ages ago when they first started the boxes. Others I've heard done similar things with other items. So I am always careful, especially when it is something I have used real money to purchase zen/gold for Boutique items.

And since I worked my behind off so hard for the Unicorn mount and flyer....it may not of cost real life money, but it might as well have since it took so long to get enough aquametals to purchase them. I still have my Unicorn mount, but no flyer aside from the free one you get at lvl 20 (I think) that expires in a few days. So yeah, you could say I am not very happy by this. b:sad

I am unsure if this is a bug, but the one who replied to my Support Ticket called it a possible bug. Either way...my flyer is missing and I am unable to get back to the starting area to work my behind off again to gather the aquametals and purchase another. b:sad
I hope this error is fixed soon! Then again even if it is fixed, it does me no good since I am and will be stil without that flyer.

Post edited by tylin2me on


  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I never got that issue and did that on many chars.


    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • tylin2me
    tylin2me Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I didn't have the issue on my veno...but oddly I did on my seeker. So not sure...hopefully it gets figured out. Especially if others start having same issue...some may not be too happy to work their behinds off to get a mount and flyer only to have one or both disappear on them. I know I wasn't happy! I actually hate to grind, but did it just to get them. Cuz i love the unicorn...and the flyer I thought looked cool. When I realized my flyer was gone...I tried checking the Boutique for it...but its not being sold in there obviously. After I did a bank check...I decided to send in a ticket. Even though I knew the flyer was attached before I left the start area....I thought maybe it came off and i accidently put it in the bank...but it wasn't there either. And I know for a fact I hadn't sold it. I sold the one you get from a quest in the starting area before I left the area. Then I put the new one on...and flew to the guy who teleported me out of there. Like I said...when I got to PW proper...it was gone. And I hadn't even noticed it until I picked up some quest and went to click to fly and realized something was wrong when nothing happened.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    tylin2me wrote: »
    I didn't have the issue on my veno...but oddly I did on my seeker. So not sure...hopefully it gets figured out. Especially if others start having same issue...some may not be too happy to work their behinds off to get a mount and flyer only to have one or both disappear on them. I know I wasn't happy! I actually hate to grind, but did it just to get them. Cuz i love the unicorn...and the flyer I thought looked cool. When I realized my flyer was gone...I tried checking the Boutique for it...but its not being sold in there obviously. After I did a bank check...I decided to send in a ticket. Even though I knew the flyer was attached before I left the start area....I thought maybe it came off and i accidently put it in the bank...but it wasn't there either. And I know for a fact I hadn't sold it. I sold the one you get from a quest in the starting area before I left the area. Then I put the new one on...and flew to the guy who teleported me out of there. Like I said...when I got to PW proper...it was gone. And I hadn't even noticed it until I picked up some quest and went to click to fly and realized something was wrong when nothing happened.

    I never heard of anyone having that issue (neither on forum or in game) and you say you did sold a flyer and since they both looks the same then maybe you did sold the wrong one by mistake, maybe you did right click it which could have equip the temporary one and you sold the permanent one.

    Mistakes happen to all players, items that vanish by magic not so much.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • LuckingFoco - Raging Tide
    LuckingFoco - Raging Tide Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I never heard of anyone having that issue (neither on forum or in game) and you say you did sold a flyer and since they both looks the same then maybe you did sold the wrong one by mistake, maybe you did right click it which could have equip the temporary one and you sold the permanent one.

    Mistakes happen to all players, items that vanish by magic not so much.

    More than likely as Bella said, you sold the permanent one on accident since the permanent one and the temporary one are identical.

    I say this because I've equipped a new Jones Blessing before when the old one was almost out, only to wonder why I wasn't attacking for as much. Checked my inventory and the new one wasn't equipped even though I know I clicked it to equip it. Only way I guarantee myself to equip something is drag it to the character slot I need it in and not click it
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides