A question to the current PWE Staff

XXHotXx - Morai
Posts: 1,246 Arc User
So we are at a point of the game where the majority of players already obtained the last endgame content, the new skills, the free stats and the avatars...
I am concerned by the fact that a large portion of those players took a break from the game or feels completely unsatisfied by the current class balance,
what i see from an unbiased point of view is that each class damage added by character skills is completely obsolete with few exceptions (assassin's and seeker's primal damage skills)
how is this obsolete?
Currently the base magical\physical damage of each class is that high in value that the damage added by the character skills themselves is unrelevant
here are the base damage formulas:
Base P. Damage = 1 + ( Dex\Str / 150 ) + weapon mastery + physical attack buffs * weapon attack
Base M. Damage = 1 + ( Mag / 100 ) + magical attack buffs * weapon attack
With each class getting close to reach 900 points in their class damage related attribute:
at the moment the skill damage output of each class is 90% composed by the base damage value
and here i see the main problem:
the character damage skills were developed few years ago, when no dev could predict that the base damage values could reach the values we have today,
when they developed character skills, they added xxx% of weapon damage plus fixed amounts of damage to actually balance out the single skill damage output for each class therefore to balance each class
for example:
2010 R9 Mystic = 17000 base mag atk
2010 R9 Wizard = 15000 base mag atk
Mystic skill Sage Nature's Vengeance = Base Matk + 100% weapon damage + 1200 = 17000 + 2700 + 1200 = 19820
Wizard skill Sage Divine Pyrogram = Base Matk + 300% weapon damage + 4903 = 15000 + 7500 + 4903 = 27403
Wizard Divne Pyrogram had a 72% better damage output than Mystic Nature's Vengeance
and at this point we could say that the character skills were actually making the difference in terms of damage added by the skill itself
as well as giving a sense to fast channelling cast and cooldown times for nature vengeance and slow channelling cast and cooldown times for divine pyrogram
but now what do we have?
2014 R9R3 S Set Mystic = 75000 base mag atk
2014 R9R3 S Set Wizard = 65000 base mag atk
Mystic skill = Base Matk + 100% + 1200 = 75000 + 3000 + 1200 = 79100
Wizard skill = Base Matk + 300% + 4903 = 65000 + 8400 + 4903 = 78303
Mystic Nature's Vengeance has now a 1.1% better damage output than Wizard Divine Pyrogram
while nature's vengeance still has 1 sec cast 1 sec channelling and 1 second cooldown times
and divine pyrogram still has 1 sec cast 3 sec channelling and 3 second cooldown times
but besides this problem, there is even a bigger issue that makes it even clear how damage added by skills is obsolete:
2010 Wizard R9 skill Sage Divine Pyrogram = Base Matk + 300% weapon damage + 4903 = 15000 + 7500 + 4903 = 27403
2010 Wizard R9 Ultimate skill Black Ice Dragon Strike (2spark aoe) = Base matk + 500% + 14000 = 15000 + 12500 + 14000 = 41500
The ultimate skill had a 34% better damage output
2014 Wizard R9R3 S Set Divine pyro = Base Matk + 300% + 4903 = 65000 + 8400 + 4903 = 78303
2014 Wizard R9R3 S Set Bid = Base Matk + 500% + 14000 = 65000 + 12500 + 14000 = 91500
The ultimate skill now has 14% more damage than the divine pyrogram while:
Divine Pyrogram is a 1+ 3 secs channelling + cast and 3 seconds cooldown
Black Dragon Ice Strike is a 1.6+ 4 secs channelling + cast, 30 seconds cooldown and 2 spark cost
I brang mainly Wizard examples cause wizard is the class i play but the same concept is applied to all the character damage skills that doesnt have base damage multipliers ( like Elimination, Life hunter, Glowing Blade etch )
and imo what it's really needed at this point of the game, that each damage skill of each class shouldn't add of XXX% weapon damage + XXXX anymore,
instead the skill damage modifier should be changed into XXX% of base Phisical\Magical Damage (ofc in a clever way, considering Channelling + Cast + Cooldown times + Chi costs)
So here finally is my question for the developers \ current PWE Staff:
A couple of years ago PWE had been able to conveniently change or rework character skills
Does the current PWE staff have the tools and the knowledge to be able to actualize character skills rework like the old staff was able to?
If so, is PWE staff planning to do something about it?
Thank you for kind reply. b:pleased
I am concerned by the fact that a large portion of those players took a break from the game or feels completely unsatisfied by the current class balance,
what i see from an unbiased point of view is that each class damage added by character skills is completely obsolete with few exceptions (assassin's and seeker's primal damage skills)
how is this obsolete?
Currently the base magical\physical damage of each class is that high in value that the damage added by the character skills themselves is unrelevant
here are the base damage formulas:
Base P. Damage = 1 + ( Dex\Str / 150 ) + weapon mastery + physical attack buffs * weapon attack
Base M. Damage = 1 + ( Mag / 100 ) + magical attack buffs * weapon attack
With each class getting close to reach 900 points in their class damage related attribute:
at the moment the skill damage output of each class is 90% composed by the base damage value
and here i see the main problem:
the character damage skills were developed few years ago, when no dev could predict that the base damage values could reach the values we have today,
when they developed character skills, they added xxx% of weapon damage plus fixed amounts of damage to actually balance out the single skill damage output for each class therefore to balance each class
for example:
2010 R9 Mystic = 17000 base mag atk
2010 R9 Wizard = 15000 base mag atk
Mystic skill Sage Nature's Vengeance = Base Matk + 100% weapon damage + 1200 = 17000 + 2700 + 1200 = 19820
Wizard skill Sage Divine Pyrogram = Base Matk + 300% weapon damage + 4903 = 15000 + 7500 + 4903 = 27403
Wizard Divne Pyrogram had a 72% better damage output than Mystic Nature's Vengeance
and at this point we could say that the character skills were actually making the difference in terms of damage added by the skill itself
as well as giving a sense to fast channelling cast and cooldown times for nature vengeance and slow channelling cast and cooldown times for divine pyrogram
but now what do we have?
2014 R9R3 S Set Mystic = 75000 base mag atk
2014 R9R3 S Set Wizard = 65000 base mag atk
Mystic skill = Base Matk + 100% + 1200 = 75000 + 3000 + 1200 = 79100
Wizard skill = Base Matk + 300% + 4903 = 65000 + 8400 + 4903 = 78303
Mystic Nature's Vengeance has now a 1.1% better damage output than Wizard Divine Pyrogram
while nature's vengeance still has 1 sec cast 1 sec channelling and 1 second cooldown times
and divine pyrogram still has 1 sec cast 3 sec channelling and 3 second cooldown times
but besides this problem, there is even a bigger issue that makes it even clear how damage added by skills is obsolete:
2010 Wizard R9 skill Sage Divine Pyrogram = Base Matk + 300% weapon damage + 4903 = 15000 + 7500 + 4903 = 27403
2010 Wizard R9 Ultimate skill Black Ice Dragon Strike (2spark aoe) = Base matk + 500% + 14000 = 15000 + 12500 + 14000 = 41500
The ultimate skill had a 34% better damage output
2014 Wizard R9R3 S Set Divine pyro = Base Matk + 300% + 4903 = 65000 + 8400 + 4903 = 78303
2014 Wizard R9R3 S Set Bid = Base Matk + 500% + 14000 = 65000 + 12500 + 14000 = 91500
The ultimate skill now has 14% more damage than the divine pyrogram while:
Divine Pyrogram is a 1+ 3 secs channelling + cast and 3 seconds cooldown
Black Dragon Ice Strike is a 1.6+ 4 secs channelling + cast, 30 seconds cooldown and 2 spark cost
I brang mainly Wizard examples cause wizard is the class i play but the same concept is applied to all the character damage skills that doesnt have base damage multipliers ( like Elimination, Life hunter, Glowing Blade etch )
and imo what it's really needed at this point of the game, that each damage skill of each class shouldn't add of XXX% weapon damage + XXXX anymore,
instead the skill damage modifier should be changed into XXX% of base Phisical\Magical Damage (ofc in a clever way, considering Channelling + Cast + Cooldown times + Chi costs)
So here finally is my question for the developers \ current PWE Staff:
A couple of years ago PWE had been able to conveniently change or rework character skills
Does the current PWE staff have the tools and the knowledge to be able to actualize character skills rework like the old staff was able to?
If so, is PWE staff planning to do something about it?
Thank you for kind reply. b:pleased
Post edited by XXHotXx - Morai on
PWE never changed or modified any skills.
PWE simply has rights to host the game.
They purchase these rights from Wan Mei, the company which actually owns the game, in China.
At best, PWE can request changes to our individual version and give them feedback from us, the American consumer, but any change specific to our version creates complications with each following update/expansion.
The skills were changed a while back as seen fit in China. It had nothing to do with PWE.
The developers and anyone who codes this game do not read these forums. Most of our GMs (who have nothing at all to do with the game's development) don't read these forums either. The community manager and a couple other customer service GMs read these forums and report to their superiors.
Long story short,
you're at a Walmart asking a clerk to change the ingredients used in a bottle of Coca Cola.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kniraven - Lost City wrote: »PWE never changed or modified any skills.
PWE simply has rights to host the game.
They purchase these rights from Wan Mei, the company which actually owns the game, in China.
At best, PWE can request changes to our individual version and give them feedback from us, the American consumer, but any change specific to our version creates complications with each following update/expansion.
The skills were changed a while back as seen fit in China. It had nothing to do with PWE.
The developers and anyone who codes this game do not read these forums. Most of our GMs (who have nothing at all to do with the game's development) don't read these forums either. The community manager and a couple other customer service GMs read these forums and report to their superiors.
Long story short,
you're at a Walmart asking a clerk to change the ingredients used in a bottle of Coca Cola.
uhm i am not sure about that,
this changes http://www.perfectworld.com/news/?p=746891 were brang to us from PWE devs as well as PWI's R9R3 version b:pleasedmypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
The skill changes were implemented to every country and version as dictated by PW-CN and had nothing to do with PWE.
We do have an alternative version of R9.3
To tell you the truth i don't know the reasons behind that.
I do however know that this has shorted us on future updates related to it and caused issues for our version.
DQ points are the best example of something specific to our version.
They were made as reparations for our loss of DQ coin when CN nerfed the NPC prices of DQ items to combat bot-farmers destroying their economy. This lead to a whole host of new problems and gear imbalances in our server as MoGs etc were an obtainable DQ reward.
PWI quickly had many more R9 players than any other version.
Other examples would be our PvE servers.
PvE servers don't exist in our mother version of this game.
What you call a PvP server is actually just a "normal" server.
As result of that change to our version we have content not catered to our special snowflake needs like the "pk mode" requirements for the veno instance or caravan at sky owl that so many ppl complain about.
I reiterate,
PWE does not develop or change skills. Furthermore their influence on those who do is next to none.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
This is a very complicated suggestion attempting to disguise itself as a question so it doesn't get moved, but that's just my opinion.
On topic, Kniraven makes a valid and mostly correct point. Any and all of the skill rebalances we have received in the past have come from pw-cn.0 -
then if it is like that i guess its time for PWE to step up and apply some changes like they did for r9r3, pve servers, or not implement \ differently implement S+ and S cards
also we had the morai update before china released it, i am not sure if it was that update or nation wars update but i am pretty sure we had one patch that came months before china released it
and it was a major one
this is not a suggestion, this is maths to support a needed skill rework thesis
cause damage added by skills is obsolete and its pretty much obvious
so what i am asking to the devs here, is if are we completely at China's "mercy" or if they can actually do something about it like they did for few other but major things (r9r3 in primis)
also another concern is if they are just trying to make the game so unplayable to eventually shut down PWI title, but with the current players that wont argue about the money they invested here cause simply the game became inevitably garbage.mypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
We have never had a major update before them. All of our major content comes from them. We have only had certain version specific smaller updates and cash shop related content.
To answer your question in regards to skill damage.
Yes, we are entirely at "China's" mercy.0 -
PWE doesn't have devs.
They may have web developers for their site and ARC but that's it.
PWE doesn't own and didn't make any of their games.
PWE buys the rights to host games made by other people.
They never stepped up and changed anything. They send feedback to the people they are renting rights to the game from.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nudimmud - Lost City wrote: »We have never had a major update before them. All of our major content comes from them. We have only had certain version specific smaller updates and cash shop related content.
To answer your question in regards to skill damage.
Yes, we are entirely at "China's" mercy.
nope there was 1 patch that came before it was released in china, i am not sure if sirens of war descent or reflections thoKniraven - Lost City wrote: »PWE doesn't have devs.
They may have web developers for their site and ARC but that's it.
PWE doesn't own and didn't make any of their games.
PWE buys the rights to host games made by other people.
They never stepped up and changed anything. They send feedback to the people they are renting rights to the game from.
how do you explain then the differences between CH client and PWI client?mypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
XXHotXx - Morai wrote: »how do you explain then the differences between CH client and PWI client?
The changes are made in China at the request of PWE.
PWE doesn't edit the game other than text/translations.
Hell, look at SparkySofts recent stickied thread about the event boutique/refine aids.
They need Chinas help to change what item they have in the shop.
EDIT: Like Nudimmud i too do not remember us ever having an expansion before CN, but if we did then they were using us as beta testers / guinea pigs.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
XXHotXx - Morai wrote: »how do you explain then the differences between CH client and PWI client?
Which is why we always end up with them **** up files and breaking our version.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
what about Arc staff\devs?mypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
Arc staff/devs work on Arc, not any of the games launched from Arc. They work with game developers to integrate the games into the Arc game launcher system, but have no say in game internals.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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What they did once (or maybe more) is rushing a release that was not planned before some months. But this had been released in China long time before. The roadmap is kinda : beta servers in China ---> official servers in China ---> other versions. For our specific content this comes from China as well but this is probably not really tested by anyone b:chuckle
And the devs working on Arc are not video games devs. This is not the same kind of technology at all
Anyway you're right when writing that to PWE staff because you have no way to ask to anyone in China. So I guess you have to ask to PWE staff and then PWE will discuss about that with the devs in China if they are interested in what you say. But they will probably don't even read it~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
ofc they wont, especially after they senceless moved my thread... >.<
can anyone make this thread reach any of the PWE staff sparkie? surtr? pleasemypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
BTW, you are correct we did get one expansion before China. It hadn't before or since. It was the expansion that released the g16 gear, pre: nation wars. The g16 gear was released directly because of the suggestion box here. And that was done by Frankieraye.
At any rate, the people here are just publishers and have no direct (legal) control of the game.
And just because the suggestion box is less commented on doesn't mean it isn't getting read by the gms.
And proposals for skill changes go in the suggestion box, even if they are needed. The suggestion box isn't just for bad suggestions or something. >>0
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