What if....???

Posts: 7,231 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Twilight Temple (West)
Let's revive LC's section a bit.

So someone on HL made a thread saying that PWI should merge LC and HL and bla bla bla...

And by curiosity I would like to know how is LC and how LC would deal if one day there was a merge with HL.

So here's my questions:

#1: If you had the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?

#2: Where's the AFK spots of the cool kids?

#3: Are you easily impress by titles? (Lead, director and officers)

#4: Do LC have one TW faction that does accept everyone nvm the gears or level?

#5: Do LC have a TW faction that doesn't have a base?

#6: Do LC have people that attempt to pk you, fail and rage at you?

#7: Do LC have people reading Yahoo questions/answers in the world chat?

#8: If HL and LC was merging, how many players of LC do you think would join one of the HL's faction? (You can answer in %)

#9: Do LC consider the mystic class as a healer or a DD?

#10: How many top factions does LC have? Name them.

#11: Do the logo of the top faction look awesome?

#12: HL says FC, TT and GV, do LC call them differently?

#13: Do LC TW factions have friendly wars or it's like a serious business?

#14: Do LC have trolls? I mean good ones.

#15: Which class on your server have the most geared people?

#16: What do you think of HL in general from what you heard/saw about us?

#17: Do you have dudes pretending to be girls?

If you want feel free to ask any question about HL, it will be a pleasure to answer you. b:cute


b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
Post edited by Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    TY for all those questions! :O

    Unfortunately I think most LC people too lazy to answer + nobody really cares about HL server from my experience b:chuckle

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    #1: If you had the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?

    #2: Where's the AFK spots of the cool kids?

    #3: Are you easily impress by titles? (Lead, director and officers)

    #4: Do LC have one TW faction that does accept everyone nvm the gears or level?

    #5: Do LC have a TW faction that doesn't have a base?

    #6: Do LC have people that attempt to pk you, fail and rage at you?

    #7: Do LC have people reading Yahoo questions/answers in the world chat?

    #8: If HL and LC was merging, how many players of LC do you think would join one of the HL's faction? (You can answer in %)

    #9: Do LC consider the mystic class as a healer or a DD?

    #10: How many top factions does LC have? Name them.

    #11: Do the logo of the top faction look awesome?

    #12: HL says FC, TT and GV, do LC call them differently?

    #13: Do LC TW factions have friendly wars or it's like a serious business?

    #14: Do LC have trolls? I mean good ones.

    #15: Which class on your server have the most geared people?

    #16: What do you think of HL in general from what you heard/saw about us?

    #17: Do you have dudes pretending to be girls?

    If you want feel free to ask any question about HL, it will be a pleasure to answer you. b:cute

    1) I already have R9 set so, I'd pick the fashion. Probably would dye my wedding fashion.. or I'd like the chinese wedding fash..
    2) Who I consider the "cool kids" would differ from other peoples opinion, however I'd say south arch lamp :3
    3) No
    4) There seems to be a new "recruiting all!!!`~1~!" faction every week on LC, and considering map just reset there's a bunch of nobodies on the map.
    5) Probably not.
    6) .. of course. Many rude people on this server.
    7) No? We have regular wc drama lovers and such but.. no yahoo questions..
    8) I don't think many high tier people would merge. Lost City pride.
    9) Both.. but more DD than healer.
    10) Stalkers vs ChinaTown and their holy alliance of Vengefui and Knights (and Instinct? and sometimes Zodian)
    11) Panda bear or Pedo bear. Both are awesome.
    12) Some people refer to TT as HH. I know I do.
    13) I don't even want to start on TW politics. It's complicated and stupid.
    14) Trolls? Yes. Good trolls? Not really.
    15) Probably sins, although many have quit.
    16) I think of HL as a tamer version of LC, although I've never visited.
    17) Which game doesn't? xD

    Fun questions to answer. What class on HL has the highest/most geared people? I like that question.

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    Fun questions to answer. What class on HL has the highest/most geared people? I like that question.

    Archers, archers always was the most geared class cause they was OP, but more and more archers get **** each update so people realize that actually there's classes more OP than archers. =)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Archers, archers always was the most geared class cause they was OP, but more and more archers get **** each update so people realize that actually there's classes more OP than archers. =)

    Not many top end geared archers on LC from memory I can only think of ~5, although I'm not entirely familiar with every archers gear b:chuckle I thought of a few more questions I'm curious about:

    1) How is Primal World Boss killed? Are there pk fights between factions to get the boss?
    2) Is 100+ tourney popular? Do opposing factions attend to fight the other?
    3) What is the going price for perfect stones? Due to the long dry spell of 2x, pstones are fairly expensive on LC, around 2.7k+?

    On LC, primal WB is a giant clusterf*ck of factions that change numbers each week. Very fun though and great for group pk experience! Tourney is usually attended by my faction [stalkers] and some weeks there is a very small number of enemies, other weeks we are outnumbered significantly. Thankyou for your insight b:cute

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Not many top end geared archers on LC from memory I can only think of ~5, although I'm not entirely familiar with every archers gear b:chuckle I thought of a few more questions I'm curious about:

    1) How is Primal World Boss killed? Are there pk fights between factions to get the boss?
    2) Is 100+ tourney popular? Do opposing factions attend to fight the other?
    3) What is the going price for perfect stones? Due to the long dry spell of 2x, pstones are fairly expensive on LC, around 2.7k+?

    On LC, primal WB is a giant clusterf*ck of factions that change numbers each week. Very fun though and great for group pk experience! Tourney is usually attended by my faction [stalkers] and some weeks there is a very small number of enemies, other weeks we are outnumbered significantly. Thankyou for your insight b:cute

    1) For a few months my old faction did had the boss, no one else was showing, the faction did died and people did split btw different factions and passed the word about it and then the PVP for the primal boss started, it has be different each time, cause everytime a faction was losing they was trying to find a faction to ally for that PVP to have more people.

    2) I didn't show that in ages, I'm not sure who have it anymore, by moment there will be 2-3 factions showing, but on HL when a faction lose something like that they give up fast and won't show the next few weeks.

    3) I just did check the shops for you cause I never buy p.stones (I have enough alts to do the dailies a few weeks and been good for months with that xD) and wow it's at 4k, people are crazy. O.o

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    #1: If you had the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?

    Gear, fashion is pointless.

    #2: Where's the AFK spots of the cool kids?

    Most of the big factions afk in different parts of south arch, Knights afk's in north.

    #3: Are you easily impress by titles? (Lead, director and officers)

    No, no reason to be.

    #4: Do LC have one TW faction that does accept everyone nvm the gears or level?

    There's a bunch now because of map reset. Once map dwindles down they start to lose and can't get back on the map.

    #5: Do LC have a TW faction that doesn't have a base?

    All of the big tw factions have one.

    #6: Do LC have people that attempt to pk you, fail and rage at you?


    #7: Do LC have people reading Yahoo questions/answers in the world chat?

    Not that I've seen.

    #8: If HL and LC was merging, how many players of LC do you think would join one of the HL's faction? (You can answer in %)

    This would depend entirely on what they had to offer, but most of the big names would likely stay put.

    #9: Do LC consider the mystic class as a healer or a DD?

    Both, but we don't have many good ones around.

    #10: How many top factions does LC have? Name them.

    Chinatown, Stalkers, Insurrect, Vengeful, Knights, and Triad is pretty up and coming.

    #11: Do the logo of the top faction look awesome?


    #12: HL says FC, TT and GV, do LC call them differently?

    FC, HH, GV

    #13: Do LC TW factions have friendly wars or it's like a serious business?

    Depends on the faction, most are open to friendly wars if both sides can agree.

    #14: Do LC have trolls? I mean good ones.

    Meh, most of the good trolls have quit.

    #15: Which class on your server have the most geared people?

    Sins, OP sins everywhere.

    #16: What do you think of HL in general from what you heard/saw about us?

    Gonna keep that opinion to myself.

    #17: Do you have dudes pretending to be girls?

    Everyone online game does.
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    TY for all those questions! :O

    Unfortunately I think most LC people too lazy to answer + nobody really cares about HL server from my experience b:chuckle

    #14, yes ^^^^

    Don't merge us with HL.... You have enough problems dealing with suspicious geared people, we don't (or not that hard-core xD) Don't want that on Lc

    Btw Vedovis, do we have ANY endgame Archer... At all? Close to full endgame there that Stalkers officer but.... 2 more close, the rest average (non+12josd scard)

    Plus we have 3 perfect geared wizzys (+12 josd S card 80/80 set of 4/4) a couple sins with more or less that gear and a couple Psys that I remember now.... Oh, and Ahira up here as top ep ad well even he has no NW base hat #troll
  • Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I gotta agree with what Socqar said.

    Our server appears to have avoided a lot of the scamming and cheating that has made its way into other servers. We do have some, but nowhere near what I see happening on other servers.

    So please, stick to your own server for the time being.

    Also, there are a number of endgame geared archers that are almost max around, they just aren't as well known it appears.
  • Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    #14, yes ^^^^

    Don't merge us with HL.... You have enough problems dealing with suspicious geared people, we don't (or not that hard-core xD) Don't want that on Lc

    Btw Vedovis, do we have ANY endgame Archer... At all? Close to full endgame there that Stalkers officer but.... 2 more close, the rest average (non+12josd scard)

    Plus we have 3 perfect geared wizzys (+12 josd S card 80/80 set of 4/4) a couple sins with more or less that gear and a couple Psys that I remember now.... Oh, and Ahira up here as top ep ad well even he has no NW base hat #troll

    Your wizards frighten me D:

    The archers I was thinking about in terms of close to endgame gear - _Deathstar_, BigSnipez, ReckUrWorld? Not too knowledgeable about his gear.. LeylaDiabla from Knights? Also not sure about her gear. There aren't many endgame archers around :/

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Let's revive LC's section a bit.

    So someone on HL made a thread saying that PWI should merge LC and HL and bla bla bla...

    And by curiosity I would like to know how is LC and how LC would deal if one day there was a merge with HL.

    So here's my questions:

    #1: If you had the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?
    ofc gear...

    #2: Where's the AFK spots of the cool kids?
    It's a small town south of Archosaur (I haven't logged in about a month, so I'm starting to forget names, I guess b:surrender)

    #3: Are you easily impress by titles? (Lead, director and officers)

    #4: Does LC have any TW faction that accepts everyone nvm the gears or level?

    #5: Does LC have a TW faction that doesn't have a base?
    Even small factions have base

    #6: Does LC have people that attempt to pk you, fail and rage at you?
    Yeah, they even banded together in a faction

    #8: If HL and LC was merging, how many players of LC do you think would join one of the HL's faction? (You can answer in %)

    #9: Does LC consider the mystic class as a healer or a DD?
    I consider them as support, so both. I don't know about the rest.

    #10: How many top factions does LC have? Name them.
    One: ChinaTown

    #11: Does the logo of the top faction look awesome?
    No, it's amazing.

    #12: HL says FC, TT and GV, do LC call them differently?
    frost, hh, gv

    #13: Do LC's TW factions have friendly wars or it's like a serious business?
    Serious business

    #14: Does LC have trolls? I mean good ones.
    to me trolls are bad, by definition

    #15: Which class on your server have the most geared people?
    almost all have really well geared people. It would be easier to answer what class has less geared people, and that would be mystics. However, sins overshadows (no pun) all other classes. Archers look like a waste of money: anyone can beat an archer.

    #16: What do you think of HL in general from what you heard/saw about us?
    I have a bad opinion about HL because I've heard that like a couple of people have received "that helmet" (again, forgetting names) and a nuema set from the gms. I think it must be a very unbalanced server.

    #17: Do you have dudes pretending to be girls?
    afaik, no

    If you want feel free to ask any question about HL, it will be a pleasure to answer you. b:cute

    answers within quote
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    answers within quote

    "Anyone can beat an archer " :(((( we just cheat ourselves thinking we are massive pvp class, but as we both know, sins are way more frightening now even in TW than archers are... I don't run from DeathStars but I do IG+run from Rinc...

    Still archers pray all together to have a nice update, someday somehow... New lvl 10 passives might help a bit on the business, but still 1v1 no one can lose against an equally geared ea, just to think about seeing Mooooooooo vs. that Nuema portal EA... That would be a funny fight xD inb4 2-shot-down lol

    Good you still stick to forums btw ^^ and it's hidden orchid and Crown of madness :D (I guess O.o)
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    *Rubs paws*

    #1: If you had the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?
    Fashion of same price with r9 should be able to farm and merch on its own xd

    #2: Where's the AFK spots of the cool kids?
    Depends whom you call cool kids

    #3: Are you easily impress by titles? (Lead, director and officers)

    #4: Do LC have one TW faction that does accept everyone nvm the gears or level?
    Almost all factions have chance for TW

    #5: Do LC have a TW faction that doesn't have a base?
    Didn't check all TW factions, but there are some who don't TW and have base

    #6: Do LC have people that attempt to pk you, fail and rage at you?

    #7: Do LC have people reading Yahoo questions/answers in the world chat?
    Never seen

    #8: If HL and LC was merging, how many players of LC do you think would join one of the HL's faction? (You can answer in %)
    No clue

    #9: Do LC consider the mystic class as a healer or a DD?
    It must support if needed and dd if required. Same goes for dd-clerics and dd-venos :D

    #10: How many top factions does LC have? Name them.
    ChinaTown, Insurrect, Knights, Vengeful

    #11: Do the logo of the top faction look awesome?

    #12: HL says FC, TT and GV, do LC call them differently?

    #13: Do LC TW factions have friendly wars or it's like a serious business?
    Not really, there are cases of deliberate passing lands from one faction to another, but on purpose of getting access to desired territory etc.

    #14: Do LC have trolls? I mean good ones.
    No :( Boring without good trolls

    #15: Which class on your server have the most geared people?

    #16: What do you think of HL in general from what you heard/saw about us?
    Honestly, what others have said about scamming the support, which doesn't sound appealing at all. Can't say anything about players though, have no friends there

    #17: Do you have dudes pretending to be girls?
    Maybe, but I don't know for sure because I believe everyone and don't try to find out more xd
    pw art ◊ tinyurl.com/q6ca7ar ◊
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Marengo did you just leave out Stalkers on purpose? XDDDD

    Btw, Psy or Wizz? Both have... 3 pure endgame chars now that I can remember... Still is true that Psy are active and 2x Wizz left... Mhm you might be right xD
  • Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Marengo did you just leave out Stalkers on purpose? XDDDD
    They are not that long on the battleground (besides, they don't come to TW), so, I don't think I should count them as top right now.
    Btw, Psy or Wizz? Both have... 3 pure endgame chars now that I can remember... Still is true that Psy are active and 2x Wizz left... Mhm you might be right xD
    I wanted to mention clerics on the second place to be honest :D Best geared representatives of some other classes have quit.
    pw art ◊ tinyurl.com/q6ca7ar ◊
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    They are not that long on the battleground (besides, they don't come to TW), so, I don't think I should count them as top right now.

    I wanted to mention clerics on the second place to be honest :D Best geared representatives of some other classes have quit.

    Clerics = Ahira... He's the one that scared me the most and it's a guildie O.o

    But if we count just active players it might be a fair choice... Just DaVinci standing for Wiz nowadays...

    About Stalkers... You're right, they don't show, they're scared, they feel they would lose.... (tries to push them to bid on us as soon as posible)
  • Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    About Stalkers... You're right, they don't show, they're scared, they feel they would lose.... (tries to push them to bid on us as soon as posible)

    I generally try keep out of guild politics because I think people take it way too seriously, but that coming from a faction who organizes a 6 v 1 TW gank is amusing. Insurrect has roughly five active players, the rest moved to Stalkers.

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I generally try keep out of guild politics because I think people take it way too seriously, but that coming from a faction who organizes a 6 v 1 TW gank is amusing. Insurrect has roughly five active players, the rest moved to Stalkers.

    They don't show on any 1v1 either, we've had like... 4 or 5 crystal walks even we were the only attackers... Legit, they were reforming faction and all....

    Hope it's not the case from now on though.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i'll try to clarify some of her quetions

    #1: If you had a decent G16 gear you're happy with, and the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?

    #2: What's the common place for afking for "the best geared players"/ or "the special titled ones" ?

    #4: Do LC have TW factions, that stays on the map at least 1-2 months after the pve tw, that accept everyone nvm the gears or level?

    #5: Do LC have a TW faction,that stays on the map at least 1-2 months after the pve tw, that doesn't have a base?

    #15: What class has the most +12/josd geared players?
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    slamstone wrote: »
    i'll try to clarify some of her quetions

    #1: If you had a decent G16 gear you're happy with, and the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?

    #2: What's the common place for afking for "the best geared players"/ or "the special titled ones" ?

    #4: Do LC have TW factions, that stays on the map at least 1-2 months after the pve tw, that accept everyone nvm the gears or level?

    #5: Do LC have a TW faction,that stays on the map at least 1-2 months after the pve tw, that doesn't have a base?

    #15: What class has the most +12/josd S-card set and/or S-card 80/80 geared players?

    S cards are now even more important that josd
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    slamstone wrote: »
    i'll try to clarify some of her quetions

    #1: If you had a decent G16 gear you're happy with, and the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?

    #2: What's the common place for afking for "the best geared players"/ or "the special titled ones" ?

    #4: Do LC have TW factions, that stays on the map at least 1-2 months after the pve tw, that accept everyone nvm the gears or level?

    #5: Do LC have a TW faction,that stays on the map at least 1-2 months after the pve tw, that doesn't have a base?

    #15: What class has the most +12/josd geared players?

    Clarify my questions? Lol? That's kinda creepy that you think that you know better then me what I want to know.


    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    maybe...maybe not

    1. a new guy to the game or tt90green girl who only plays for the lolz and not at least try to compete would opt for the fashion...which isn't the case... is it?

    2. if u want 3/5 to answer: depends on what u define "cool kids"

    4. in the 1st week and maybe the next 2, random factions appear on the map....those are not TW factions. even a faction with 1 player can solo the tw pve map or no lvl req factions that have beginner lands

    5. read 4. i doubt random factions that take first lands have gb

    15. some may understand that your reffering to the "best geared" not the class with most players that are very good geared (maybe post no.13)

    but w/e it all comes to manners, which some of your last posts seem to lack the basics.

    i guess the long stick of the ragers finally got to u.
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    #1: If you had the choice between a full R9 set or a full set of fashion of your choice (In white ofc DUH!!), which one would you chose?
    Full R9 set. It would go on my Psychic.
    Besides, I already own most male fashion sets in white.

    #2: Where's the AFK spots of the cool kids?
    North Arch b:pleased

    #3: Are you easily impress by titles? (Lead, director and officers)
    Not usually, but I do have a moderate respect for leaders of the larger guilds.
    I understand the frustration they go through.

    #4: Do LC have one TW faction that does accept everyone nvm the gears or level?
    Instinct has some very very under-geared players and they seem to do alright for themselves.

    #5: Do LC have a TW faction that doesn't have a base?
    Doubt it.

    #6: Do LC have people that attempt to pk you, fail and rage at you?
    Probably, but I rarely experience it. More often I get a sin sparking from stealth, using tangling mire, extreme poison, + frenzy then auto attacking me. I stand there looking at them, they restealth, and I get a PM something to the effect of "Well... this is awkward".

    #7: Do LC have people reading Yahoo questions/answers in the world chat?

    #8: If HL and LC was merging, how many players of LC do you think would join one of the HL's faction? (You can answer in %)
    Nobody of importance.

    #9: Do LC consider the mystic class as a healer or a DD?
    I let them be whatever they want to be.

    #10: How many top factions does LC have? Name them.
    1.) ChinaTown. So strong that the #2 faction won't even show vs them.
    2.) Stalkers. A bunch of +12 JoSD sins and a few others.
    3. & 4.) Knights & Vengeful. I honestly have no idea which is stronger. Neither stand a chance vs Stalkers though.
    5.) _TRIAD. They were a crystal walk our first war vs them, but then a ton of Stalkers & Stalkers alts joined them and now they are decent.

    #11: Do the logo of the top faction look awesome?
    Its a panda. Who doesn't like pandas?
    Stalkers has a pedo bear.
    Knights has a white shield w/ violet cross.
    Vengeful has a V.
    _Triad has a triple yin yang thingy.

    #12: HL says FC, TT and GV, do LC call them differently?
    LC says Frost, HH, GV

    #13: Do LC TW factions have friendly wars or it's like a serious business?
    I've had wars where I purposefully go easy on my opponents to make the fight more interesting/fun

    #14: Do LC have trolls? I mean good ones.
    No such thing.

    #15: Which class on your server have the most geared people?

    #16: What do you think of HL in general from what you heard/saw about us?
    A lot of really proud people, who I think would be fun to fight.

    #17: Do you have dudes pretending to be girls?
    No but we have a girl pretending to be a dude.
    *cough* Ahira
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Lol, No need for any LC players to act like their server is more elite.
    Played both servers and HL definitely had/has the better players t b h.
  • Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Lol, No need for any LC players to act like their server is more elite.
    Played both servers and HL definitely had/has the better players t b h.

    This is not a thread designed to ask which server is more elite. It merely offers insight into other servers and how they function comparatively to Harshlands.

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This is not a thread designed to ask which server is more elite. It merely offers insight into other servers and how they function comparatively to Harshlands.


    There's skilled and unskilled players on both servers as on HL when you ask a top of the skilled players people will name the most geared people even if the are the most unskilled players on the server.

    HL think that geared=skilled.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Lol, No need for any LC players to act like their server is more elite.
    Played both servers and HL definitely had/has the better players t b h.

    I think you're interpreting whats written wrongly.

    The general consensus is :

    - Unknown if Lost City players would jump factions if a server merge happened
    - Lost City players generally don't care enough about the game to think about competition with Harshland players

    A large number of well geared players are on hiatus.

    Interest died when you spend most of your time sitting in Archosaur rather than doing stuff.
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I think you're interpreting whats written wrongly.

    The general consensus is :

    - Unknown if Lost City players would jump factions if a server merge happened
    - Lost City players generally don't care enough about the game to think about competition with Harshland players

    A large number of well geared players are on hiatus.

    Interest died when you spend most of your time sitting in Archosaur rather than doing stuff.

    If you think LC players don't care about the game enough in general, then you must play with world chat turned off.

    Interest died when people realized how worthless this game becomes after each patch, hence why people get bored and log on just to afk/talk. By all means, have fun attempting to grind mindlessly to reach an endgame you will never get to b:cute

    Don't bother replying to me unless you use your main characters account, so I know which bad player i am replying to.
  • Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    If you think LC players don't care about the game enough in general, then you must play with world chat turned off.

    Interest died when people realized how worthless this game becomes after each patch, hence why people get bored and log on just to afk/talk. By all means, have fun attempting to grind mindlessly to reach an endgame you will never get to b:cute

    Don't bother replying to me unless you use your main characters account, so I know which bad player i am replying to.

    Thought this thread was to answer questions and gauge responsiveness to a server merge, if one would ever be proposed, not for you to add nothing constructive and act like a pompous pinhead.

    Would like to see some more input from both sides, but sadly it seems the well has already run dry. b:surrender
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Thought this thread was to answer questions and gauge responsiveness to a server merge, if one would ever be proposed, not for you to add nothing constructive and act like a pompous pinhead.

    Would like to see some more input from both sides, but sadly it seems the well has already run dry. b:surrender

    Never heard of you t b h :X


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