Doing Superfast Phoenix Valley Runs with R9RR

PanboyAir - Sanctuary
PanboyAir - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Venomancer
Harro frienz:

I know I'm probably so two-thousand-and-late with Phoenix Valley videos, but it seems like PWI is unceasing with these dailies. It takes maybe 2-3 hours a day just to do dailies, and that doesn't even include the time required to earn coin for gearing up.

All I do on PWI lately is Phoenix Valley, Undercurrent Hall, Flowsilver, Neuma, etc. It's pretty terrible that there's no time for anything except dailies. b:angry

Anyway, I ended up getting ΦMalefic Crush with my blood just because I feel passives are boring. As far as I know, not many venos have opted to get ΦMalefic Crush, so I wanted to share it with Desdi's forum frienz. The only chance I get to use it is in Phoenix Valley atm.

I do 8 clean runs with purify weapon. I've been doing solo Phoenix Valley since I was +9 flawless shards with standard buffs. So R9RR venos with lesser gear can still do it with faction base buffs.

Also, Phoenix Valley is a good opportunity to level your pets. Don't forget to summon your pets!

PVE24/7: Phoenix Valley

105-105-102 R9RR Sage Veno
I haven't posted on my main because I can't decide on a 105 Venomancer forum avatar.b:cute
Post edited by PanboyAir - Sanctuary on


  • Anonome - Dreamweaver
    Anonome - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Dailies really are a pain now. I thought FSP was annoying, after UCH was released I realize how good I had it...
    Really awesome video!! I would love to try soloing, but I duo because I lack the openers T_T the struggle.
    I'm still astonished at how easily/quickly sage venos gain chi, btw. f:stare
  • Marengo - Lost City
    Marengo - Lost City Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Well done.
    Openers is a real problem though b:chuckle
    As a demon I don't have chi troubles there using genie with cloud eruption.
    For those who have decoratory TW reward weapon, Ceremonial pataka, - there is a mistake in description and it restores chi, not mana. Can also be very helpful, but you have to live without purify spell when you wear it.
    pw art ◊ ◊