[Maintenance Discussion]-[Restart/Server Migration] 2-11-14 COMPLETE



  • ToyMaker_NOT - Raging Tide
    ToyMaker_NOT - Raging Tide Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    god help us all!
    *takes screen shots of toons, to have some souvenir of all the wasted years in pwi*
    i think that this gif accurately illustrates our feelings, when we heard that our server will migrate to better hardware! b:chuckle


    Come On Event Gold, Orbs, x200 EXP, SPIRIT, COIN, CHARMS, 1 week free boutique spending spree!!!

    YEA BABY!!!

  • Miyukiane - Sanctuary
    Miyukiane - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I am thunderbear.
    I have Psychometry.
  • sparkiesoft
    sparkiesoft Posts: 47
    edited February 2014
    If I had to have one superpower, it would have to be..........time travel. Although I have a pretty bad feeling that I'd do something wrong in the past and mess up the future. Oh well, it'd be worth it!
  • Boomz - Harshlands
    Boomz - Harshlands Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If I had to have one superpower, it would have to be..........time travel. Although I have a pretty bad feeling that I'd do something wrong in the past and mess up the future. Oh well, it'd be worth it!

    Thats not a problem! According to some part of string theory (I think?), if you mess up in the past and therefore change the future, just go back to before you made the messup and stop yourself from doing it. However, i'm not sure if that might create alternate dimensions in which different scenarios of the same reality are played out via the time shift that occurs upon you seeing yourself from another time period therefore interrupting the flow of the time-space continuum. b:victory
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • ObviousAlt - Raging Tide
    ObviousAlt - Raging Tide Posts: 655 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If I could be a Superhero,
    I would be Awesome Man.
    I'd fly around the world fighting crime
    According to my Awesome Plan.
    And if I saw criminals trying to lie
    Hurting other people and making them cry
    I'd haul them off to jail in my Awesome Van.
    Because I would be Awesome Man.

    But in all seriousness, I'd have the power to manipulate matter!

    If you could be a super hero..
    would you be Justice Guy
    making sure ppl get what they deserve
    Especially women who lie..
    102 Celestial Demon Archer (2nd Rebirth 102)
    101 Celestial Sage Blademaster (Rebirth 100)
    101 Demon Sin (Rebirth 100)
    101 Sage Seeker (Rebirth 100)
    101 Sage Wiz (Rebirth 100)
    101 Sage Cleric (Rebirth 100)
    101 Sage Barb (Rebirth 100)
    101 Demon Duskblade (2nd Rebirth 101)
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hello everyone!

    Today there will be a server restart and server migration from 11pm PST - 3am PST.

    All servers will undergo a server restart, however East servers are going to be migrated to new, faster hardware.

    As a side note, East servers may be down longer than West and EU.

    This week's maintenance question:

    If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

    Sweet! About damn time we got a hardware upgrade.

    Maintenance question: Intellect, Fight, or Shapeshifting.

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited February 2014
    If you could be a super hero..
    would you be Justice Guy
    making sure ppl get what they deserve
    Especially women who lie..

    Like if a wife left her huband with three kids and no job
    To run off to f...ing Hawaii with some doctor named Bob?

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Lazaraes - Archosaur
    Lazaraes - Archosaur Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I hope you can fix that quest... Guard the Camp => Time for the Living

    -facepalms hard- When will people learn that restart =/= patch. Restarts are giving the poor server a break so it can probably cool down and stuff... Patches are what we get when we're getting new content or "fixes".

    Also if I could have a superpower it would be something nebulous like the ability to escape things that could harm me at will... f:sneaky
  • Devilskarma - Raging Tide
    Devilskarma - Raging Tide Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    As far as "time travel" goes... It is absolutely impossible on the basis that clocks (not "time" mind you) which are made of mass, are slowed by increasing gravity and increasing speed. The more accurate description is that this "time" as we say (actually the clock rates), changes as a symptom of mass and space itself interacting with each other. Whereas you can actually speed up and slow down your aging process or rate... you can not "time travel."

    And what is actually assumed to happen if you screwed up something in your "past", is that you would create yet another universe among the multiple universes which are already assumed to exist. The reality is the first paragraph on the topic of "time travel" tho. If multiple universes do happen to exist, it has nothing to do with nor would they be as any sort of result of our actions.

    And concerning "training kittens"... we can not train kittens... kittens train us. b:surrender

    On an end note for super powers... consider what power you do really want... and stop wanting it... make it happen. You want to fly? Then fly... fly a plane, sky dive, parachute, become an astronaut, design a rocket pack, get yourself one of those nifty flying squirrel body suits with wings... friggin fly... THAT is power. THAT can be applied to any power. b:cool
  • joseandresyesque
    joseandresyesque Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    GO BACK THE 50% OFF PACK CHIPS PLSSSSSSb:dirtyb:byeb:bye
  • PeachyKisses - Archosaur
    PeachyKisses - Archosaur Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hello everyone!

    This week's maintenance question:

    If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

    My Super power would be...The ability to turn people into baby tigers....oh nevermind I can already do that here b:surrender
  • JustAllEvil - Harshlands
    JustAllEvil - Harshlands Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If I could have a super power, I'd want a superhuman intelligence. With that level of brains, everything else would be simple.
    Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.
  • Liveena - Heavens Tear
    Liveena - Heavens Tear Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Superpower I wanted, Common Sense, having common sense is kinda like having superpower which everyone else doesn't have nowadays b:chuckle.

    On semi-serious note, the type of power I want is the power to alter reality. b:pleased
    Heaven Tear

    Liveena 102/102/102 Demon Cleric
    Milfeena 103/102 Demon BM
    Silpheena 104/103/102 Sage R9S3 Seeker
    Cieleena 101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer
  • Foxyz - Raging Tide
    Foxyz - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    to shapeshift into many animals
  • Nevvah - Archosaur
    Nevvah - Archosaur Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    *waits for the inevitable "ROLLBACK" Demands*

    As for a super power, Mental Domination.
  • Metalpuritan - Sanctuary
    Metalpuritan - Sanctuary Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If I had a choice of super powers to acquire, i would certainly choose levitation. Using some imagination and hard training of my powers I could create lightning storms, tornadoes and level entire cities. I would always walk around with a bag of sand. I could even train myself to deconstruct matter with the power of levitation by levitating atoms and molecules. I always feel as if super heroes never realize their true potential. I would certainly not be a super hero, I wouldn't be a villain either, I would be something in between, I would do good things and "bad" things if/when necessary.

    The power of levitation is only limited by the lack of an imagination.

    I could use my bag of sand to generate static electricity to provide power to the people or perform micro surgeries to save lives, on the other hand I could return deltas back to their rightful positions, altered by man for convenience, but returned to their natural state for man's own good, of course people would be killed in that process, likely due to flooding of regions that were dried up to make way for man's developments... As you can see, I would be neither a good guy, nor a bad guy. I would deal out life and death as if I was a deity.
  • Muzaki - Morai
    Muzaki - Morai Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Why, SUPER JERK of course! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3H9dDe6oUE
  • ShadowScream - Heavens Tear
    ShadowScream - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So i guess veno fly pet issue wont be fixed b:shocked. And the quest for awaken 2 wont be either b:cry.
  • Alphaben - Raging Tide
    Alphaben - Raging Tide Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks for the heads up...As for the question:

    I would be me...Because you can't stop the Lunar Demon! b:victory

    That or have the ability to kill Duke Blacke...That noob needs to leave the safezone someday b:angry
  • skaitavia
    skaitavia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Teleportation! Which includes time travel!
  • Rickioo - Archosaur
    Rickioo - Archosaur Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The power of time.
    move it forward or backward as i see fit
    to stop it and move ojects in time.

    even if there was a power greater born i could simply jump back in time and change history so there never see the light of day.

    also if i can control anything based on time i could control my own age as i see fitb:pleased
    Started Playing Early June Of 2005 Back In The Very First Beta In Perfect World History

    The True Old School b:cool
  • killeresras
    killeresras Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »

    Sparkles spelled Maint properly! BURN THE IMPOSTER! b:angryb:angryb:angry

    My power? I win the game.

    false! I would have rogues power to steal other people's power/memories/life so I could have everyone's power b:cute

    But, if this is if you are the only person in world with powers then I'd want to manipulate water at will and even turn into water. I'd want to control all forms of water.
    Love lost is room gained
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I want to be like Khan Noonien Singh
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • Dilwein - Lost City
    Dilwein - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The ability to cook every meal perfectly. Serously, do you realize how much money would be saved if I could do that.b:surrender
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The ability to cook every meal perfectly. Serously, do you realize how much money would be saved if I could do that.b:surrender

    That's not even bad, it's hysterical is what it is. It's classic comedy... Someone who can't cook. Get a career in the entertainment industry b:chuckle
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • tat2ooo
    tat2ooo Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My superpower would be to be able to build chi in real life b:chuckle
  • AslansChild - Sanctuary
    AslansChild - Sanctuary Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    This week's maintenance question:

    If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

    Shapeshifting hands down. ^^ You could change into something small enough to be invisible. Something with wings for the power to fly. Something strong for super strength...etc etc. b:pleased Cheaty power! \o/
  • AlysonRose - Heavens Tear
    AlysonRose - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'd pick healing factor for my power, because the actual logistics behind shapeshfting or invisibility would be painful and complicated.

    I'm hoping I can get in on killing Cenminator after maint this week. No one in my fac has any interest/they going to sleep/they be squishy.

    Hopefully I can sign on as a minion f:kneel
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Why there was no red spam "Server will shut down in bla bla bla?" Would have logged off, in stead I was DDed, last time when I was not home I found my character dead due to this. x.x
  • Rioja - Harshlands
    Rioja - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If i could be able to read a persons mind, that could be awesome b:dirty