S*** You get PMed after PKing in the New Map

Longknife - Harshlands
Posts: 4,843 Arc User
Before the thread topic itself, a mild rant about why I decided to make this thread, skip down if you don't care and just want to laugh at stupid PK responses:
Remember back when people used to PK constantly around quest spots and PK actually mattered and brought guilds together yr the common goal of leveling together and helping each other out as a team?
Me neither, because I'm actually a relatively young Harshlands player and for me this is just a story the older users like to tell me so they can feel more elite than me.
But lately I'm finding those are just mere fairy tales and that no, when you PK people at or around quest spots, repeatedly or no, all you get is mass amounts of QQ and a general attitude of "I'm telling mom!!" We finally HAVE quest spots again and I see nothing of what the old timers told me PK was "truly about."
It's rather disappointing really, given that we all signed up for a PVP server, ticketing each other is a good way to help kill our community, and after PKing for a good two hours upon daily quest reset, I had a total of four people actively try to fight back, while many more, equally geared or better geared than me, actively chose to run away and not even try. I realize that not everyone is a PK type of player and, believe it or not, if I am PMed by someone and feel truly convinced they simply don't enjoy PK, I will leave them be. Sadly though, after today I found it was far more players who actively search for PK themselves, but would rather resort to threats of reporting when the PK isn't on their own terms.
In other words, I found a staggering amount of players who acted like children and threatened to report me for PK even though these very same people will often jump me in PK (not complaining or claiming I never gank, merely stating that shows a sign of willingness to PK) after gathering all the buffs, players and resources needed to have the PK on their terms. That's exactly the reason myself and my guildies have been PKing on the new map: because we're sick of seeing this failure phobia where anytime ANYONE threatens to show you you're mortal and potentially kill you, omg better threaten to ticket him and hide under the bed. Catching you there at the quest spots was SUPPOSED to be a way to discourage that attitude and teach people dying in a video game isn't the end of the world, instead it's just given birth to a staggering amount of childish threats.
In short...
You know who you are. You cannot be in an active RPK faction with TW lands on the map, PK solely when it suits you (AKA when you can win) and then cry bloody murder when someone jumps you under circumstances you don't agree with. And no, this isn't directed at any one guild, but at various people from various guilds who all cried just as much. I'm going to continue PKing daily not to be a ****, but at this point? Out of principle, because I'm sick of watching an entire SERVER be so childish and whiny when things don't go their way. If you don't enjoy PK whatsoever? Try talking to me or any Dark member involved, cause it's surprisingly easy to tell who legit means it and who are the ones who would gladly stab you in the back two seconds later. (Like the multitude of you who purposefully returned to our current PK spots with low HP while trying to shoot mobs you did or didn't need, all while screaming about screenshots, instead of....yknow, going around us)
....But if you're PMing me out of spite, rage, or two seconds after you realized you and your crew that were so ready to PK a minute ago just got outgunned? Yeah, it's gonna be obvious your intentions are less than sincere and then you're only gonna get PKed harder. And no, I'm not saying Dark is the most badass thing ever and will never be outgunned; I welcome those moments. Lately though, all I'm seeing is an attitude of "they reminded me it's possible for me to fail, better get them banned," which is disgustingly pathetic.
But yes, I simply felt the need to make a spectacle of this both because it saddens me to see a PVP server have such an attitude about it, and because as someone who's been getting threats of being reported for over a year now and actually BOTHERED to inquire about PK harassment and quest blocking rules instead of just feign knowledge of them, I know I can get away with it. Perhaps announcing "look I'm still here" and basically saying "come at me bro" will make people realize the PWI ticket system is not actually your personal army and exists for -legitimate- harassment complaints only.
On that note, to the topic at hand, here's some goodies me and my guildies got PMed today:
"I will skull**** you when you go to bed tonight"
"My brother works for PWI"
"****ing stop right now! I work for PWI" (last two should be glad I myself don't ticket liberally cuz wtf yeah)
"You're fighting ____? Oh I'm not in that faction anymore" (as the person clearly has the faction name over head)
"Mi no want PK mi pies full"
"You better get outta here, there's talk amongst three other factions of reporting and ticketing any Dark in this area for ToS breach!"
But yeah, I legit intend to start screenie'ing some of these and posting them here (with names edited out of course) cause wtf this is ridiculous. Perhaps being able to see how ridiculous some of these excuses look from the other side will help people lighten up. b:surrender
If anyone else has some nice post-PK threats they'd like to share, please do share. Just remember no naming and shaming.
Remember back when people used to PK constantly around quest spots and PK actually mattered and brought guilds together yr the common goal of leveling together and helping each other out as a team?
Me neither, because I'm actually a relatively young Harshlands player and for me this is just a story the older users like to tell me so they can feel more elite than me.
But lately I'm finding those are just mere fairy tales and that no, when you PK people at or around quest spots, repeatedly or no, all you get is mass amounts of QQ and a general attitude of "I'm telling mom!!" We finally HAVE quest spots again and I see nothing of what the old timers told me PK was "truly about."
It's rather disappointing really, given that we all signed up for a PVP server, ticketing each other is a good way to help kill our community, and after PKing for a good two hours upon daily quest reset, I had a total of four people actively try to fight back, while many more, equally geared or better geared than me, actively chose to run away and not even try. I realize that not everyone is a PK type of player and, believe it or not, if I am PMed by someone and feel truly convinced they simply don't enjoy PK, I will leave them be. Sadly though, after today I found it was far more players who actively search for PK themselves, but would rather resort to threats of reporting when the PK isn't on their own terms.
In other words, I found a staggering amount of players who acted like children and threatened to report me for PK even though these very same people will often jump me in PK (not complaining or claiming I never gank, merely stating that shows a sign of willingness to PK) after gathering all the buffs, players and resources needed to have the PK on their terms. That's exactly the reason myself and my guildies have been PKing on the new map: because we're sick of seeing this failure phobia where anytime ANYONE threatens to show you you're mortal and potentially kill you, omg better threaten to ticket him and hide under the bed. Catching you there at the quest spots was SUPPOSED to be a way to discourage that attitude and teach people dying in a video game isn't the end of the world, instead it's just given birth to a staggering amount of childish threats.
In short...
You know who you are. You cannot be in an active RPK faction with TW lands on the map, PK solely when it suits you (AKA when you can win) and then cry bloody murder when someone jumps you under circumstances you don't agree with. And no, this isn't directed at any one guild, but at various people from various guilds who all cried just as much. I'm going to continue PKing daily not to be a ****, but at this point? Out of principle, because I'm sick of watching an entire SERVER be so childish and whiny when things don't go their way. If you don't enjoy PK whatsoever? Try talking to me or any Dark member involved, cause it's surprisingly easy to tell who legit means it and who are the ones who would gladly stab you in the back two seconds later. (Like the multitude of you who purposefully returned to our current PK spots with low HP while trying to shoot mobs you did or didn't need, all while screaming about screenshots, instead of....yknow, going around us)
....But if you're PMing me out of spite, rage, or two seconds after you realized you and your crew that were so ready to PK a minute ago just got outgunned? Yeah, it's gonna be obvious your intentions are less than sincere and then you're only gonna get PKed harder. And no, I'm not saying Dark is the most badass thing ever and will never be outgunned; I welcome those moments. Lately though, all I'm seeing is an attitude of "they reminded me it's possible for me to fail, better get them banned," which is disgustingly pathetic.
But yes, I simply felt the need to make a spectacle of this both because it saddens me to see a PVP server have such an attitude about it, and because as someone who's been getting threats of being reported for over a year now and actually BOTHERED to inquire about PK harassment and quest blocking rules instead of just feign knowledge of them, I know I can get away with it. Perhaps announcing "look I'm still here" and basically saying "come at me bro" will make people realize the PWI ticket system is not actually your personal army and exists for -legitimate- harassment complaints only.
On that note, to the topic at hand, here's some goodies me and my guildies got PMed today:
"I will skull**** you when you go to bed tonight"
"My brother works for PWI"
"****ing stop right now! I work for PWI" (last two should be glad I myself don't ticket liberally cuz wtf yeah)
"You're fighting ____? Oh I'm not in that faction anymore" (as the person clearly has the faction name over head)
"Mi no want PK mi pies full"
"You better get outta here, there's talk amongst three other factions of reporting and ticketing any Dark in this area for ToS breach!"
But yeah, I legit intend to start screenie'ing some of these and posting them here (with names edited out of course) cause wtf this is ridiculous. Perhaps being able to see how ridiculous some of these excuses look from the other side will help people lighten up. b:surrender
If anyone else has some nice post-PK threats they'd like to share, please do share. Just remember no naming and shaming.

Post edited by Longknife - Harshlands on
The thing that killed pvp on server was about the time Zulu took a core of the best geared /skilled players and started mass pvp spree's. They would out number and gear anyone that tried to fight back causing more and more go their guild just not to get pk'd. This has been the same for years now just different guild names. Then complain pk is dead. Prior to this there was a lot of guild vs guild wars and a lot of fun.
Unsure if your scared these so called reporting people are actually going to do it as the reason for this thread but hey if you people want have 3-5 sitting at the spawn piont of the lvl 50 dilly I could care less and pvp too expensive to waste resources for a 5 v1 fight.
Just don't come to forums and complain people threating to report you for blocking them and no one wants to fight or call more ,when even if they get even numbers you will get 4 times as many because people just waiting or should I say wishing pvp would actually return to server. The random pk QQ has been one the main reason to do it for yrs so don't use them as a reason to try not get a slap on wrist ban for blocking lvl 50's RB doing there quest.
Really don't give a **** and wont stop my pvp nor getting new skillz but others get sick of the **** swing'n contest if your life so sad that only thing makes you feel better abut your selves is complain on WC if out numbered or call someone noob when you can beat them outnumbered find a doctor and talk to them is just a game nothing happing in it will make your life more enjoyable.
Move to the 100 daily area for your gank Pvp at the point they spawn in. Better yet get out into the real world and away from the computer.0 -
Soleehungwel - Harshlands wrote: »
Unsure if your scared these so called reporting people are actually going to do it as the reason for this thread but hey if you people want have 3-5 sitting at the spawn piont of the lvl 50 dilly I could care less and pvp too expensive to waste resources for a 5 v1 fight.
On the contrary... I know damned well what the rules are and I know not a single person who threatened to ticket did so appropriately.
I'm not worried because believe it or not, I actually needed to use the report for harassment feature myself once. And I remember distinctly that it wasn't a matter of "Grrrr this guy killed me, I'm gonna get revenge!!!!" It was a matter of "wow ok this is getting downright creepy and weird, enough of this." That's exactly my problem with the sheer amount of threats I'm getting and the people sending them. When I needed this feature, there was no spite or malice in it; merely a desire to play the game without constantly being followed by the same person as if I'd killed their dog, each day with INCREASING obsession rather than decreasing. When I read PMs or see how people act today, I can tell 100% that it's all out of spite. There's absolutely no justifiable reason for a guild to attempt to PK, lose, and then spend the next thirty minutes running at quest mobs full speed with only 10% HP while screaming "SCREENIE'ED."
As I said, my point? My point is I know damned well I'm gonna be here and I'm not gonna be banned, so might as well make a spectacle of this and make it super obvious that PWI's support team isn't your personal army to settle your personal grudges, but rather there for REAL issues. Maybe then, when people learn this, maybe then they'll stop wasting all their time trying to plot to get people banned and they'll actually...yknow, play the game. I just personally find it beyond pathetic to see so many people only want to PK when they know they can win, let alone that people are willing to just ban any and all competition.
And we've done this dance a thousand times, whether it be Infamous AOEing event bosses (as absolutely no one attempts to fight them back despite outnumbering them 5 to 1, but everyone attempts to ticket) or Dark PKing in the new map around the daily quest spots.
And as I said, I understand completely that not everyone is gonna be down for the PK. Those who sincerely ask me to stop, I let pass. But when I've got a rather odd 95% of opposing guilds not wanting to PK when many of them just got done shooting at us or our members, then obviously something's wrong.IAGOREY
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its just getting pked suck it up people i ran into them trying to do my dailies got killed figured they were camping and went to do other dailies no big deal0
Here is an idea .. just throwing it out there ... why not have protections on so you don't hit the white named people .. I mean seriously .. if someone is coming through white named don't you think that maybe .. JUST maybe they are trying to actually quest instead of getting tied up in your lil pissing contest?
I should not have to ask permission to do my quests ... I also should not be targeted in your lil pk war because I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I unlike so many of the other people that play this game work long hours and have limited time on the game. So I have to make the most of the time that I do have. Getting repeatedly pk'd while I am trying to turn in quests is not helping me accomplish that.0 -
Mahi - Harshlands wrote: »Here is an idea .. just throwing it out there ... why not have protections on so you don't hit the white named people .. I mean seriously .. if someone is coming through white named don't you think that maybe .. JUST maybe they are trying to actually quest instead of getting tied up in your lil pissing contest?
I should not have to ask permission to do my quests ... I also should not be targeted in your lil pk war because I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I unlike so many of the other people that play this game work long hours and have limited time on the game. So I have to make the most of the time that I do have. Getting repeatedly pk'd while I am trying to turn in quests is not helping me accomplish that.
Sounds like you should be playing a PVE server.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Mahi - Harshlands wrote: »Here is an idea .. just throwing it out there ... why not have protections on so you don't hit the white named people .. I mean seriously .. if someone is coming through white named don't you think that maybe .. JUST maybe they are trying to actually quest instead of getting tied up in your lil pissing contest?
I should not have to ask permission to do my quests ... I also should not be targeted in your lil pk war because I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I unlike so many of the other people that play this game work long hours and have limited time on the game. So I have to make the most of the time that I do have. Getting repeatedly pk'd while I am trying to turn in quests is not helping me accomplish that.
The moment you signed up for a PVP server you should expect this. Here's a better idea: Reroll a PVE server.0 -
i think they`re trying to tell you to go on a pve server.i`m not sure.0
I posted my Nation day video in general discussion way back when and the PvE servers legit almost had a petition ready to get me banned for being such a MONSTER.
Games r srs bsnsIAGOREY
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Its not like there are any penalties in this game for dying....u simply res ur pixels in town. People arent mad about alliances, or quest blocking, or getting pk'd while afk outside of sz or suffering a great loss when they die...you just hurt their ego and the only resource they have to fix it is with hollow threats. If u know this yourself, i dont see the point of this whole thread.
Wait....arent tokens like 30k? I CANT AFFORD DOLLS - DONT PK ME OR I WILL REPORT!0 -
Glad i play on a PvE server where i dont have to deal with sad people like this.
SAD yes, even on a PvP server. Bothering people while they are peacefully questing.Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.0 -
I think this is more about your ego than the people you're pvping........ You like attention as the "good guy," while making every effort to push people away from you......... Is it really any wonder people would rather leave then fight you in nation wars? Or would rather threaten to ticket than play with you when you quest block? You go out of your way to get negative attention.......and then act surprised when nobody wants to play with you..... Your antics are making you rather unlikeable to plenty of people it seems like. Especially ones who doesn't know you personally, although it seems you might treat your friends and faction mates pretty well actually....but then what should people expect from a guy whose name is a overused **** joke........
It's just a game bro. Relax. People play it for fun. If you make it a point to make it fun for the people you are attacking, like telling them go get backup and then you'll let them pass. Like maybe issue a challenges......... Instead of just indiscriminately setting up a zhen and making into a forum spectacle a lot of people might not want to be part of....maybe more would want to participate......... If you want to have fun with others try not making even the simple things more complicated and personal than it needs to be........... Can't it just be "so and so wouldn't fight me! Go bring your crew" instead of "you are all terrible people and I'm going to post your responses on the forums and talk to my GM friends so I don't get banned. And then make write long narratives on my theories behind your motivations." Where the hell is the fun in that?
I will admit though the harshlands forum is more fun to read than my own. b:surrender They take the politeness to a different level it's pretty boring. A little trash talk is fun. Makes rivalries and keeps it interesting. But IDK keep it fun. Keep it moving. And stop writing such long missives on other people's motivations and figure out what you're doing to kill the fun out of it. You shouldn't have to go such extremes to get people to play with you.
Just my two cents from outside perspective. You made me think with your nation wars video......I was thinking of changing servers because I want more action but if this is all there is......back to lurking......0 -
I fought back and died and died and died and died, then i thought i'll get a charm it will be more interesting so i do. I come back with my charm and my first hit is a zerk crit i mean really that couldnt have happened all the times i was uncharmed b:chuckle
Look forward to seeing dark there again itd be nice if we could make it into a daily event with the same numbers that came to the crimson v dark pvp at the gbq mob area. Then things awould get interesting.
_Mg_Zr - 102 Demon Kitty Kat
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move."
- Douglas Adams0 -
_Mg_Zr - Harshlands wrote: »I fought back and died and died and died and died, then i thought i'll get a charm it will be more interesting so i do. I come back with my charm and my first hit is a zerk crit i mean really that couldnt have happened all the times i was uncharmed b:chuckle
Look forward to seeing dark there again itd be nice if we could make it into a daily event with the same numbers that came to the crimson v dark pvp at the gbq mob area. Then things awould get interesting.
Yeah you and the three with you were the four I was talking about. Nobody else tried that day...Its not like there are any penalties in this game for dying....u simply res ur pixels in town. People arent mad about alliances, or quest blocking, or getting pk'd while afk outside of sz or suffering a great loss when they die...you just hurt their ego and the only resource they have to fix it is with hollow threats. If u know this yourself, i dont see the point of this whole thread.
And I for one am sick of it because hollow threats accomplish nothing. I'd rather people tried to fight back and then learned not to try such stupid tactics or to coordinate or what-have-you. Feels like 70% of this server is IG dependent and has no idea what to do when IG and trip spark come off, as if they think it's impossible for anyone to survive that.
But hey you know me, instead of just accepting it, I'd rather try to change it. Even if it seems hopeless, even if it means rubbing it in people's faces that they suck.
Actually fraps'ed yesterday's PK and got 45mins of people doing jack all. May or may not upload it, cause the most entertaining part of it was the teamspeak convos, but those suffered from audio lag.IAGOREY
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Camping a quest area is kind of... well... a dirty thing to do. Even as an active pvp player. In short, should you really be surprised by these reactions? I'd be a bit miffed myself, if I was pked halfway through doing a quest or some dallies.0
Crazybladema - Harshlands wrote: »Camping a quest area is kind of... well... a dirty thing to do. Even as an active pvp player. In short, should you really be surprised by these reactions? I'd be a bit miffed myself, if I was pked halfway through doing a quest or some dallies.
I can't name names here is what makes proving my point so hard, because I'm not talking about randoms here. I'm talking about people who were -LITERALLY- just PKing or who PK daily, yet their reaction is to threaten a ticket.
Watched some footage of it all and for example a person posted on the first page of this thread who legit wanted to quest but we didn't see her requests because it was all general chat while we were distracted by other players or laughing on teamspeak. If I'd gotten a PM from such a person, I'd let them pass. Don't always see general chat though.
But yeah, I simply mean that....I know PK on Harshlands server. It's "get full buffs and gank them or don't even try" BS. Those very same people who demand full buffs were caught at quest areas where no, they CAN'T just not even try because that means not getting stuff done. What happens as a result? Ticket threats. Ticket threats everywhere. The same dudes who'll pound their chest when they have buffs and numbers suddenly "JUST WANNA QUEST OMG EVIL PKERS" when you catch them somewhere they can't SZ at.
I will say though that as I already stated, MgZr was one of the four who actually -tried-, and I'm tempted to just never shoot him again just for that alone.IAGOREY
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I do have to admit i found it quite annoying at first but after a while i stopped worrying about the quest and got into the pk.
Upload the footage i want to see if im in it[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
_Mg_Zr - 102 Demon Kitty Kat
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and is widely regarded as a bad move."
- Douglas Adams0 -
Maybe you all should go play The Sims cuz it seems that's what a lot of people think PW is b:chuckle The pk feature is there as it is, so don't complain if people are using all aspects of the game... If the game mechanics allow this to happen then it's supposed to happen. I didn't know that kind of thing started happening in PvP servers too lol here we have a lot of people that go white name, get PKd and complain... If you turn your name white, you should know what you are subject to... if you created a toon in a PvP server, you should know what you are subject to... end of story.
This is not a game to build social skills where you have to be nice to everyone, you play your own style and f*** whoever thinks you should act in a different way. If you don't want to be PKd, then AVOID it, don't expect others not to do it. PKing is one of the several ways to have fun in this game, just like for some people, buying lots of fashion and expensive mounts is their fun... b:shocked
Oh and don't come with the veno excuse "I have to be white name for the veno daily but I don't like to PK", cuz there are ways to circumvent that.0 -
News Flash to the PVE'rs out there.
There is NO SUCH THING as a "PvP Server".
Those are just NORMAL servers.
PvE servers are a western invention and are not part of the original game.
We Americans are a bunch of whiny b!tchy sissies that for the majority want to feel sense of accomplishment by completing tasks in these games to say we did. We don't want intelligent opponents that learn and react. That's all pvp is, mobs controlled by an intelligent manipulator.
Chinese devs first westernization aside from translation of text & currency is to add "pve servers" which otherwise would not exist.
This additional edit "pve servers" is the cause of such "glitches/bugs" as pk in cube, pk in secret passage, pk in WS, or any other place they forgot to change their code for your special version of the game that excludes you from full content.
"Why do i need to enter pk mode to do my veno daily!?"
- because you're playing a modified version of the real game and they forgot to code the new instance for the short bus.
Thankyou and goodnight.
P.S. Every single time they have to do that or any other modification special for us and deviating us from the original content, it creates more bugs & glitches for our version and longer release dates. These bugs also are not high on the priority list because we are the only ones with special needs.
Ty pve servers.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kniraven - Lost City wrote: »News Flash to the PVE'rs out there.
There is NO SUCH THING as a "PvP Server".
Those are just NORMAL servers.
PvE servers are a western invention and are not part of the original game.
We Americans are a bunch of whiny b!tchy sissies that for the majority want to feel sense of accomplishment by completing tasks in these games to say we did. We don't want intelligent opponents that learn and react. That's all pvp is, mobs controlled by an intelligent manipulator.
Chinese devs first westernization aside from translation of text & currency is to add "pve servers" which otherwise would not exist.
This additional edit "pve servers" is the cause of such "glitches/bugs" as pk in cube, pk in secret passage, pk in WS, or any other place they forgot to change their code for your special version of the game that excludes you from full content.
"Why do i need to enter pk mode to do my veno daily!?"
- because you're playing a modified version of the real game and they forgot to code the new instance for the short bus.
Thankyou and goodnight.
P.S. Every single time they have to do that or any other modification special for us and deviating us from the original content, it creates more bugs & glitches for our version and longer release dates. These bugs also are not high on the priority list because we are the only ones with special needs.
Ty pve servers.
Best post of this thread. If I zoned into sky owl and suddenly got ganked by a squad of 6 Crimson, I'd be literally jizzing in excitement because there's finally some half decent pk on the server.
With that said, I know a lot of young children (or people who act like young children) play this game, so I do tend to ignore people with low-end gears, as well as people who legit just ask me to stop.
But the rest? Why did you spend so much time farming that R9rr? So you could sit in SZ and QQ in world chat?
The saddest thing I've seen so far is a +12 r9rr mystic start his QQ session before I even cast a single spell on him.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.0 -
_Mg_Zr - Harshlands wrote: »I do have to admit i found it quite annoying at first but after a while i stopped worrying about the quest and got into the pk.
Upload the footage i want to see if im in it
I've got footage I'm looking to get working. Main issue is the audio lags and we were having a pretty fun time in Teamspeak, but there's audio lag so you'll often hear people randomly laughing, THEN a joke, or people laugh directly over it.
Guess my fraps craps out on audio after a certain length of time, but I've never noticed before cause I mute sound for TW. :c If I can fix it though, definitely will upload. People need to see the inner workings of Dark Correctional Facility.IAGOREY
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Mahi - Harshlands wrote: »Here is an idea .. just throwing it out there ... why not have protections on so you don't hit the white named people .. I mean seriously .. if someone is coming through white named don't you think that maybe .. JUST maybe they are trying to actually quest instead of getting tied up in your lil pissing contest?
I should not have to ask permission to do my quests ... I also should not be targeted in your lil pk war because I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I unlike so many of the other people that play this game work long hours and have limited time on the game. So I have to make the most of the time that I do have. Getting repeatedly pk'd while I am trying to turn in quests is not helping me accomplish that.
This is for pvp and pk, i dont go out and actively pk to get red named, But I group pvp when the opportunities are presented for it. I think what hes saying is this is for the people who claim they dont pk but do engage in pvp. Tbh there are certain people that actively pew pew me any time i leave safe zone just because of what happens in group pvp, so it really shouldn't be a shock if you get pked by someone you often encounter in pvp scenarios.
Also it is a pvp server you shouldnt be shocked when you get killed by someone else.. If you see a red name who you know pks everything on sight (like Longknife) you either need to prepare to face them, run away, or just roll over and and fake your death with the "fall over" action icon
I remember when them bishes from catalyst and crimson would camp wraith gate so you couldnt do trophy mode or bh. IT sucks? yeah it does, but build a bridge and get over it0 -
Done this every day i've bothered to log PWI since 2010. Now longknife does it and he writes a book about it.
Did you really think nobody had any clue that:
People QQ about PVP.
Hate to die.
Threathen to ticket.
SSfarm to get a ticket.
Threathen to **** you and your mother pre- AND post-humously. (One of those guys is from Dark, by the way, since you also insist on Dark being different whenever you write anything.)
Nobody gets banned for PK on HL.
And you chose some truly boring targets. Also: Holy****no1shotbetterpsywill causes great lulz.0 -
this whole thread was about posting funny reactions youv gotten not the ones he postedwhen life gives you lemons...
PAINT THAT S*** GOLD!!!!!0 -
Sint - Harshlands wrote: »Done this every day i've bothered to log PWI since 2010.
I've seen you PK a grand total of twice. :U
Both times you were in SZ whining about being PKed while trying to snipe a kill on a cleric you outgeared.IAGOREY
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A good 1v1 and some one QQ is normal but the 5+ v 1 as your guild does is pathetic in reality but besides hurting people getting to sky lvl 10 it also hinders your selves because the fact maps wont be opened until so many get to sky lvl10.Im lvl 9 all ready and isn't hurting me a bit but found few hidden quest get 500-750 more vitale daily besides regular dallies
In reality I can show 4 different SS of dark members when not being protected, QQ threatening to submit tickets a couple of them where 2-3 v me and still died and threatened. But a cleric against a archer all +12 total top gears r a +12 sin when fighting 1v1 is a loss let alone 5 or more.
talk all you wont Long actually think your funny but the fact you would call more in a 1v1 if afraid it would be a loss or how you put it would have lasted forever,is sad also.
The same 10-15 been able beat me for 5 years are bout the only ones 1v1 and a few those I have got a win here and there, but there is a huge difference someone with +12 gears compared +10 and ornaments all NW maxed at +12 now add S cards into that equation a blind monkey can win. This is where this game kills its self make it where if you spend 1000's you can blindly mash buttons and win. We all know the few that are completely maxed and use same attacks like a machine.
I find it amazingly amusing that I seem to bee such a threat unless I find a couple alone it has to be a gank and you guys have actually cheered when killing me on your vent. I just about beat (dark cleric starts K) min ago in new map with shattered belt from (archer starts C insane gears nothing but best everything) had to be called for second fight because they was afraid would loose the second time.
The more you fight the better you get, even more when fighting multiple targets, And for just getting back into game and actually participating in PvP for less 3 months My fail azz must be doing something right.0 -
Pk srs bzns yo0
Soleehungwel - Harshlands wrote: »you guys have actually cheered when killing me on your vent.
Ladies and gentlemen:
The very reason I make it a point to PK as often as possible in an attempt to find and weed out any delusions of grandeur that frequent this game.IAGOREY
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maybe miss informed but a member other guild you have pk with often was laughing joking about this .and grandeur obviously you take game to serious I could care less so many of you forget this is a game doesn't matter.0
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