"Could Not Retrieve Character List" Follow Up

balbronz Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2013 in General Discussion
It has been a whole week since this problem happened to my account on archosaur server. Every time I enter my username and password, I get a message saying "Could Not Retrieve Character List".

So far, the only replies I've received was ONE that claimed it's been fixed (It wasn't); and one that said they are working on it, and: "thank you for your patience"...

So...I've waited some more, together with a small number of other players; and boy, did it test my PATIENCE...but FINALLY! I saw this week's Server Maintainance Thread: "We expect those who are still having login issues with Archosaur, to be able to login successfully post-maintenance tonight." Hooray! Rejoice! A WHOLE WEEK gone, but we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

Guess what...still the same message, COULD NOT RETRIEVE CHARACTER LIST.

Now, this isn't a request for technical support, because quite frankly, I don't think they know what's going on; because if they know, they would either fixed the issue by this time; OR be confident enough to NOT making a statement like the one above. (please correct me if I'm wrong, GM.)

What I want to say is, please, PLEASE extinquish our hope if you really can't fix the problem, GM. Let us know! Even an "I'm sorry, I don't know what went wrong. I'm not sure even if we can get your account back" would do! YOU OWE US THAT MUCH!

Now, to the other players who think it's none of their concern, I ask you, what if this happens to you? I have at least 190 gold on my account. Granted, I didn't spend money for them, but those of you who do spend money on this game, I ask you: HOW SAFE DO YOU REALLY FEEL ABOUT SPENDING MONEY ON A GAME THAT MAKES YOUR ACCOUNT DISAPPEAR FOR MORE THAN A WEEK (OR EVER)!? WHAT IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU? HOW SAFE IS THE MONEY SPENT?

And to whichever GM is reading this, do you really want an image like this? How do u expect people to pay to keep this game alive if you can't even guarantee whatever they got with their money doesn't go "POP" one day without a trace, and it might even be irreverseable? I think me, and quite a few others, deserve a REAL response, and not some cold, heartless "we are working on solving the problem, thank you for your patience", because quite frankly, you know as well as I know, at this stage, you have no right to ask for more patience.
Post edited by balbronz on


  • mysticalmiss
    mysticalmiss Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I totally agree with you and i think that really gms dont know how fix this problem.

    I just want ask one question: GMs because you couldnt fix login issues by 7 days did we lose our accounts?

    Please just answer this question (but tell us true not something like patience please, no one want lose more time really) and we won't log in this forum and ask you about nothing more...