[Maintenance Discussion] 11-2-2013 DST Maintenance [COMPLETE]



  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    For those of u who thin pwi is doing such a great job, then why doesn't stuff from the last two updates still don't work, my veno has been waiting forever to do that quest, but they aren't gonna fix it when they can charge feaking 29g to get the object from the boutique, greed is quickly over taking any pleasure we have, we never know if were going to have a toon or any thing left in on our toons when we log in after each maintenance. If they can't fix it, or load it right they should give it up n sell their servers to someone who has at least a small amount of programming knowledge,.. Wish I had the money to buy my own server. I know I could do a better job, instead of hirin gpeople who can't read, write or even spell correctly how they suppose to read loading instructions, its gotten worse since home moved to london

    Stopped reading when I checked your name.

    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide
    NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What u talking bout? U've never been able to read in the first place
  • EL_T_I_G_R_E - Raging Tide
    EL_T_I_G_R_E - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Its always the same BS. We cant ever get on the game and stay on during 2x. They always have "server issues" why do you even have fricking 2x if you're going to mess it up. Damn you people need to take an IT course or something. It is getting old. We cant do quest or servers down, or we dc, w/e something is always broken and it never used to be that way. Maybe for the amount of money u jerks make you might hire people to fix itb:angry
  • NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide
    NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Add to that all the drops we loose, the charms that get destroyed cause we can't move but the server is moving on w/o us. We should get free charms every time, there is server issues. I know we've all lost our share, again, if we all stopped playing pwi's games maybe they'd get a clue, even if we only do it for 48 hrs, it would send a message BOYCOTT!!
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    For those of u who thin pwi is doing such a great job, then why doesn't stuff from the last two updates still don't work, my veno has been waiting forever to do that quest, but they aren't gonna fix it when they can charge feaking 29g to get the object from the boutique, greed is quickly over taking any pleasure we have, we never know if were going to have a toon or any thing left in on our toons when we log in after each maintenance. If they can't fix it, or load it right they should give it up n sell their servers to someone who has at least a small amount of programming knowledge,.. Wish I had the money to buy my own server. I know I could do a better job, instead of hirin gpeople who can't read, write or even spell correctly how they suppose to read loading instructions, its gotten worse since home moved to london

    .....My GOD woman.

    The Netherworld items are in the boutique for convenience of the barbs and venos who don't want to do the new quest line. Don't even bring it up because it's been in there since that update.

    Don't even talk about not having toons left/anything on our toons. We just had a server rollback on Scarlet Blade. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW VERY REAL THAT COULD BE.

    Here's what YOU need to realise. PWE is the North American, aka English Version, PUBLISHER. All bug fixes, new content, boutique items, etc generally all come from PW Beijing in China. Which means if China doesn't want to fix it yet, we won't have a fix. In fact, china develops different versions of the maps in game for us. They have to make sure the FCC map they send us after every content update, enables FCC. Cause no other version does. They add things for PWE and take things out. China probably haven't been able to fix the veno issue yet. Although it seems to be effecting less and less people now.

    You'll find the translating of the game is a 50/50 effort of PWE and PW Beijing as well. You can buy a PServer, but you'll find that PServers are never run alone. There are numerous GMs for every PServer. Don't forget the money it'll cost you to get and host a webpage.....and I mean a good one. Lets not forget getting into the PWE FTP Upload system to, you know get the version of the game to upload to your PServer. I'm sure there are websites you can buy it from, that have already done the hardest part for you. Which, of course, is getting the original base game.

    You think you can run your own version of PWI better? GO. RIGHT. AHEAD. I've just accepted your challenge. Feel free the PM me the website of your version and let's see how well you do :)
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Add to that all the drops we loose, the charms that get destroyed cause we can't move but the server is moving on w/o us. We should get free charms every time, there is server issues. I know we've all lost our share, again, if we all stopped playing pwi's games maybe they'd get a clue, even if we only do it for 48 hrs, it would send a message BOYCOTT!!

    Good luck getting every single player of every single game, including the people who play Torchlight on Xbox, to do that.
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Its always the same BS. We cant ever get on the game and stay on during 2x. They always have "server issues" why do you even have fricking 2x if you're going to mess it up. Damn you people need to take an IT course or something. It is getting old. We cant do quest or servers down, or we dc, w/e something is always broken and it never used to be that way. Maybe for the amount of money u jerks make you might hire people to fix itb:angry

    Feel free to join NIGHTSHADE in running your own server.
  • NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide
    NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Isn't it funny everyone on here is complaining aobut same things yet U guys decide to single us out, for abuse on forums as well as the game, hope the GMs are taking a good look, the copies of this does a lot top prove the harassment we've complained about for years. TY for bringing it off server n to Forums. GMs Dev's please take note, we have.
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Isn't it funny everyone on here is complaining aobut same things yet U guys decide to single us out, for abuse on forums as well as the game, hope the GMs are taking a good look, the copies of this does a lot top prove the harassment we've complained about for years. TY for bringing it off server n to Forums. GMs Dev's please take note, we have.

    You want harassment? Well, you've read the wrong post. Because that is no where near what harassment is. I could start harassing you if you'd like?

    If you'd go back through the pages of this thread, and the forums in general, you'll see reply to people's posts like yours often. So no, I'm not singling you out. You just posted something really stupid and I wanted to comment. After all, that is what a forum is for.

    Alas, the Developers won't do you much good seeing as CM and GM's handle account/forum bans and such. So no use asking for them, really. They can't even see their screens thanks to Jim smoking up in the corner of the room.
  • MYSTERIOUSN - Raging Tide
    MYSTERIOUSN - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    the only issues I have is the NPC of Crazy Stones and School Teacher (so far that I have seen), i did my crazy stones before maint and finished, well when it was done it had a quest, i picked it up and it said "Incorrect Mission Time Span" the school teacher is the same way. not sure if it was just me, so i had hubby try it and it was the same way with him, even on his Shroud: Divines. so just letting ya'll know.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] TTFN! b:chuckle
  • EL_T_I_G_R_E - Raging Tide
    EL_T_I_G_R_E - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you people all complain they might actually do something. Or not they never do We should complain we all spend our time and money here but so far it does no good. And it doesnt matter who owns runs or maint servers dude. So have a nice cup of ****
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    If you people all complain they might actually do something. Or not they never do We should complain we all spend our time and money here but so far it does no good. And it doesnt matter who owns runs or maint servers dude. So have a nice cup of ****

    I have no idea who this post is actually directed to seeing as you haven't left the name of the person or the quote of the post you're replying to. However, A+ for post structure.

    And actually, it does. Because QQing to the publishing company about content and such when the developing company handles that, really does nothing.
  • NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide
    NlGHTSHADE - Raging Tide Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    apparently he's a wannabe GM, or just likes to harass people on forums, that's the problem people like him have illusions of grandeur, they think they are more important than they are.. Or its a GM or a private toon trolling Forums, n I wouldn't put that past them, they do it on the game. Its called conflict of interest.
  • EL_T_I_G_R_E - Raging Tide
    EL_T_I_G_R_E - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I have no idea who this post is actually directed to seeing as you haven't left the name of the person or the quote of the post you're replying to. However, A+ for post structure.

    And actually, it does. Because QQing to the publishing company about content and such when the developing company handles that, really does nothing.

    No hes just a moron trying to justify his importance on a forum. Makes him feel special I guess. And fyi dude there is 900 other complaining about the issues so again have a nice glas of S T F U and uninstall if you dont like our commentsb:thanks
  • Haustiger - Harshlands
    Haustiger - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    After that maintenance i can't log in to my main char -.-
    btw. i can log in my other chars on that acc. what happens??? ...
  • Stratakis - Raging Tide
    Stratakis - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    thank you for the nice sunday pwi