Missing the good old days

_Aphrael_ - Sanctuary
_Aphrael_ - Sanctuary Posts: 76 Arc User
edited September 2013 in General Discussion
Am i the only one who longs for the way the game used to be. When i first started playing the highest lvl player on sanctuary was only lvl96. Hypers didnt exist, BH didnt exist, FC and nirvana didnt exist lol even the tideborn didnt exist.

Yes every quest had you killing 30-80 of the same mob for only 15-60k exp and yes there was a lot of grinding but there were hundreds of people doing the same quests. You left west archo to do the dozen quests beween there and the mines and there were so many players there you couldnt find any mobs to kill.

I am not saying all the new additions are bad, i quite liked nirvana when it 1st came out,i was working on my TT99 armour and it gave me another level to work for afterwards.

For me the whole thing started to go south when the 1st packs were released, as soon as the best luck tokens appeared gold went form around 120-150k each up to over a million in a few weeks and then they bought out rank 9 and made it possible to buy rep in the boutique. Up until then if you had the best gear you had worked hard for it and you knew how to play the game. Plus it was a difficult game the 1st dozen times i took a 6man squad in to TT3-3 we got slaughtered and we enjoyed it, now people just solo it.

In my opinion it should never be possible for an endgame instance to be soloed regardless of how powerful you are.

I would bet that PWE would gain thousands of loyal customers who have never played the game before if they put up a few servers with the game the way it was back then. Keep the tideborn and the earthguard but get rid of hypers(or make them so that once activated they cannot be turned off so they work when you are grinding mobs for an hour). Get rid of FC and roll back nirvana to how it was when first released. Make the quests somewhere between the two extremes by keeping the exp they give now but making them 20-30 kills required.

Rant Ends and i am curious how many people would join me if they made such a server.
Post edited by _Aphrael_ - Sanctuary on


  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Am i the only one who longs for the way the game used to be. When i first started playing the highest lvl player on sanctuary was only lvl96.

    so only one with access to high level gear/weapons e.g. oht/tt90

    Hypers didnt exist, BH didnt exist, FC and nirvana didnt exist lol even the tideborn didnt exist.

    sounds like a grindfest

    Yes every quest had you killing 30-80 of the same mob for only 15-60k exp and yes there was a lot of grinding but there were hundreds of people doing the same quests. You left west archo to do the dozen quests beween there and the mines and there were so many players there you couldnt find any mobs to kill.

    and not being able to find a mob to kill is fun because,,,?

    I am not saying all the new additions are bad, i quite liked nirvana when it 1st came out,i was working on my TT99 armour and it gave me another level to work for afterwards.

    For me the whole thing started to go south when the 1st packs were released, as soon as the best luck tokens appeared gold went form around 120-150k each up to over a million in a few weeks

    I find it hard to believe that considering that gold was around 500k even after tigers (in DW)

    and then they bought out rank 9 and made it possible to buy rep in the boutique. Up until then if you had the best gear you had worked hard for it and you knew how to play the game.

    do you really believe that? Just because something is not in the boutique doesn't mean that you cant buy it with RL coins. People had r8 before the rep sale, and warsoul weapons when it costed ~6bil and g15 sets. How did people were buying raps/cannies? My theory is that you (and me and everyone that longs for the good old days) were simply low level and nubish enough to not notice the well geared cashopers. plus, pwi already moves towards that direction with r9rr; even if you buy the molds you still have to run a crapload of WS; something that you can't avoid unless you hire someone to play your toon which is way harder than just buying all the 3-3 golds

    Plus it was a difficult game the 1st dozen times i took a 6man squad in to TT3-3 we got slaughtered and we enjoyed it, now people just solo it.

    and I personally enjoy it. soloing FC I mean. it's way harder to solo it than be a DD behind a kitty. and in the meantime we have other unsoloable instances

    In my opinion it should never be possible for an endgame instance to be soloed regardless of how powerful you are.

    3-3 is not endgame. it was endgame back when tt99 gear wasn't an oneshot and caused people to mark you as a cashopper.

    I would bet that PWE would gain thousands of loyal customers who have never played the game before if they put up a few servers with the game the way it was back then. Keep the tideborn and the earthguard but get rid of hypers(or make them so that once activated they cannot be turned off so they work when you are grinding mobs for an hour). Get rid of FC and roll back nirvana to how it was when first released. Make the quests somewhere between the two extremes by keeping the exp they give now but making them 20-30 kills required.

    nirvana wasn't changed, FC was. how about oracles? you do know that people used to spam them like crazy to powerlevel super fast right?

    Rant Ends and i am curious how many people would join me if they made such a server.

    definitely not me. perhaps killing mob after mob is fun for some people but even if I grinded my way to lvl40 there is no way in hell I would have kept playing without BH and eventually FC after 85.

    nom nom
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Euthymius - Heavens Tear
    Euthymius - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hmm~ I'd roll an alt on such a server...I'm not sure if I'd be willing to throw away all of my current progress, but I'd love to play a somewhat "old school" server every now and then.
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  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I started playing when server opened on DW and about 6 months before that in MY-EN and Sanctuary.
    Yes, there was a lot of population in the game. The bases of this game, the concept, the implemented ideas were quite ahead of their time. At core this game was simply spectacular for 2009.
    but that's the very important detail here: 2009

    Everyone that played back then feels a bit nostalgic about those times. Gold at 90-110k, squads forming everywhere and for everything, people just had tons of fun.

    But times change. Gaming world changes. 4 year is an eternity.

    I see here people asking for vanilla servers and stuff. That will never happen, and not because of the fact that the server would not be populated but for the simple fact that it would be absolutely unplayable. Why? Bots and **** that work on those old versions. Exploits we know now about we didn't know back then. Fixing all those, bringing them up to date would require a MASSIVE amount of work and would not make any kind of economic sense.

    On top of that, lets make a parallel with cars: Who does not like classic muscle cars? or the classic european supercar of the 80s? Charger, Challenger, Mustang and then over the pond Lamborghini and Ferrari... Even if you never driven one, somewhere deep inside your soul there is a place for them and a secret desire to someday drive one. And wouldn't be that awesome?
    But, would you use any of those cars for your daily 50 miles or more commute? Would you still want to drive today a Ford Model T? I doubt it.

    2009 was a time when grinding was the norm in MMOs. Now it's not. Times have changed and we need to accept and change with them. No modern MMO (and look at everything launched in the past 2 years) lets the player spend more than 2 to 3 weeks to reach level cap. There is midgame content but the bulk and the focus of the development is endgame. Always was and always will be because that's where money is, and that's where 90% of the playerbase is.
    And one other thing, even doing 2-3 big rooms/day + other dailies, lets say a 3h play time, it will take more than a month to reach 100. Try it. I did, recently.

    The vanilla PWI was great. Lets keep it in our memories, and be happy and proud we could actually be a part of it. But in gaming years, it's ancient history.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • _Aphrael_ - Sanctuary
    _Aphrael_ - Sanctuary Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    and not being able to find a mob to kill is fun because,,,?

    Because you could instantly find a squad of randoms to kill them and play a social game

    do you really believe that? Just because something is not in the boutique doesn't mean that you cant buy it with RL coins. People had r8 before the rep sale, and warsoul weapons when it costed ~6bil and g15 sets. How did people were buying raps/cannies? My theory is that you (and me and everyone that longs for the good old days) were simply low level and nubish enough to not notice the well geared cashopers. plus, pwi already moves towards that direction with r9rr; even if you buy the molds you still have to run a crapload of WS; something that you can't avoid unless you hire someone to play your toon which is way harder than just buying all the 3-3 golds

    I am talking about right at the start nirvana didnt exist and the only way to get warsoul was with mysterious chips which you were limited to 20 per day from the cube no one on the server had it and TT99 was the best gear in the game. Yes there were cashshoppers who had better refined gear but the Ocean orbs hadnt appeared in the boutique so very few players had above +7. Since gold was only 120k each and the TT99 gold mats cost millions people farmed them, i did hundreds of TT runs to get my gear and enjoyed every one. Up to 3 hours sometimes with 40 or so people in my faction all using teamspeak. Good times

    nirvana wasn't changed, FC was. how about oracles? you do know that people used to spam them like crazy to powerlevel super fast right?

    the spamming of oracles came later when jolly jones packs were released the only way to get them was from drops

    Thank you for your reply Ursa and i have to say i agree with most of what you have said. I love the car analogy, one of my uncles has and E type Jaguar and its a fantastic car but pig to drive, the clutch is very heavy and the breaks overheat badly.

    I dont expect PWE to ever creat such a server, i was just wondering if any of the old school gamers were still here. Players like me who like having to work to get good equipment and the goal is to have fun. While spending 3 hours in TT3-3 and failing to kill the last boss was frustrating we had a great time doing it and we all wanted to try it again the following weekend.

    I suppose i am looking for players who would join me in fb39 when we are all using gear we have manufactured or picked up (no dreamchaser packs). We would all be lvl35-40 and it would take 6 players actually using a bit of skill to complete it.
  • SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear
    SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I agree totally with the OP post and the barb that post below the OP is a *** and really don't know what the hell he is talking about,but hey we need trolls.I wish we could have a classic server I would fold up all my stuff I currently have now to go back to the way it used to be.b:victory
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The first year on Lost City was just so much fun for me and I really miss it. I dont think its possible for a new server to be able to recreate it though.

    Not many new players would start on a game this old and existing players (me included) wont be keen on going back to grinding endlessly for months and months.b:shocked

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Tetream - Lost City
    Tetream - Lost City Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Some time ago I read about a study which reported that ~95% of all memories about childhood of old people are wrong (they checked memories vs facts). If this is true, the brain of many people which play MMOs/PWI seems to get older way faster than it should be on average.

    Too many kids (mainly kids between 15 and 30) were/are legends in their own mind.
    On lost city server we call it the "Pandora-effect". Some simple minded folk does even support this course of a disease. I blame facebook for this lol.
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    While I started PWI too late to enjoy its early days, I did enjoy the first year and a half I played, then it became all about FC and endgame. I personally could care less about endgame, I could care less about levels, I don't care about r9, nor do I care that someone has it. I prefer leveling alts the old way with quests, FB/BH, and no FC.

    PWI is old, its run its course, and the desire to play often has waned. With several new MMOs that look quite promising on the horizon, PWI will be a distant memory.

    I will say that PWI is one of two games since I started MMOs in 1999 that kept my interest, because it wasn't overly cartoonish, it is fairly user friendly, and somewhat enjoyable, but its time is soon over for me. When its all about levels and reaching them as fast as possible for the masses, that speaks volumes of a game past its prime. And with PWE doing little to enforce its ToS, well, the game is done.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm one of those PWI dinosaurs, like some friends call me, that started playing this game about a month after it was released in NA.

    Personally what I miss is the friendly community PWI used to have. I remember people being more helpful, not as greedy as they are now. Of course scammers, greedy people, idots existed from the very beginning but it just feels like the overall playerbase was simply nicer than it is now.

    Even back then people found ways to powerlevel, cash shoppers had the advantage, BOTs existed, glitches were abused etc. I just don't see it much different now than it was back then but I can definitely say it's worse. However I know that back then I just played with friends, did my quests and explored the game and the areas I've never been through. I didn't care about PvP whatsoever, I wasn't very competitive and I just didn't care about what happens outside my bubble of friends.

    Another thing that someone mentioned is that this game is getting quite old. It's simply losing its appeal to a lot of people and its losing out to the newer games out there. Newer games have more interesting mechanics and features, new ways of gameplay.

    There's not much left to add to this game. The way it is designed, or rather changed by Wanmei, doesn't allow for much more to be done at this point. The game would need a massive overhaul but in that case they might as well just make a new game, though I'd have loved to see a PW re-make.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • nioooooo
    nioooooo Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    grindfest no thx. i wanna do the fun stuff only :D n is very frendly community atleast on morai. people i dont undersrand what the hey they are saying helps. we use the universal languigie of emoticons ;)
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    It`s fine as it is now, if I had to squad for every single thing... *shrugs*
  • maestro121
    maestro121 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I agree totally with the OP post and the barb that post below the OP is a *** and really don't know what the hell he is talking about,but hey we need trolls. I wish we could have a classic server I would fold up all my stuff I currently have now to go back to the way it used to be.b:victory

    Yeah... you and the 3 or 4 other hold outs who in this day and age still somehow find the old style MMO grind fests appealing. Everyone else (including the creators of all modern MMOs) has already moved on.
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    and we need to accept and change with them. No modern MMO (and look at everything launched in the past 2 years) lets the player spend more than 2 to 3 weeks to reach level cap. There is midgame content but the bulk and the focus of the development is endgame. Always was and always will be because that's where money is, and that's where 90% of the playerbase is.

    Seriously? I HATE MMOs that have such a short window from level 1 to level cap. I don't even like the ones that you can reach endgame in 6 months to a year. Games that focus mainly on endgame, I find a total bore. I guess because I deplore PvP, but again, thats mainly due to the fact the majority of brainless, egotistical twits tend to be PvP (which I find quite comical that they have "skills" with sitting at a computer pressing keys. Yeah, skillfully inept is more like it)
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Jarkhen - Archosaur
    Jarkhen - Archosaur Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ITT: more overhyped nostalgia

    It's never as good as you remember it being.
    Current: http://mypers.pw/1.8/#133167

    TW/NW Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/Axel3200

    Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ITT: more overhyped nostalgia

    It's never as good as you remember it being.

    Not always true when it comes to gaming. I still remember Dec, 1999, entering for the first time in my first MMO, and being slaughtered by snowballs thrown by a level 5 snowman and laughing my a$$ off about it. I still remember many times in that game that bring back fond memories.

    I also remember a few fond memories in PWI, though now any possible memories are basically nonexistent. Then again I am a PvE player, and PvE players tend to enjoy the road meandering slowly to endgame, exploring the pixellated world, more than endgame which tends to be more PvP focused. And as I have said before, I hate PvP
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I'm one of those PWI dinosaurs, like some friends call me, that started playing this game about a month after it was released in NA.

    Personally what I miss is the friendly community PWI used to have. I remember people being more helpful, not as greedy as they are now. Of course scammers, greedy people, idots existed from the very beginning but it just feels like the overall playerbase was simply nicer than it is now.

    Even back then people found ways to powerlevel, cash shoppers had the advantage, BOTs existed, glitches were abused etc. I just don't see it much different now than it was back then but I can definitely say it's worse. However I know that back then I just played with friends, did my quests and explored the game and the areas I've never been through. I didn't care about PvP whatsoever, I wasn't very competitive and I just didn't care about what happens outside my bubble of friends.

    Another thing that someone mentioned is that this game is getting quite old. It's simply losing its appeal to a lot of people and its losing out to the newer games out there. Newer games have more interesting mechanics and features, new ways of gameplay.

    There's not much left to add to this game. The way it is designed, or rather changed by Wanmei, doesn't allow for much more to be done at this point. The game would need a massive overhaul but in that case they might as well just make a new game, though I'd have loved to see a PW re-make.
    Very well said.

    Over the last year I've honestly become disheartened over the future of this game. It's clear that the current servers aren't fixable without pissing off a huge chunk of the population, and that's not a hit this game can take anymore. It used to be possible, a year or two ago, but things aren't looking too rosy for PWE these days. They have no choice now but to cater to the same types of people they enticed into buying their endgame gears four years ago. Too bad those types are never, ever sustainable. At best they're just walking wallets - quick to spend unreasonable amounts of money and then get bored and leave. But you won't get a steady influx of those forever.

    The smart thing to do would've been to cater more to the average spender... creating a large base of loyal customers who spend regularly in modest amounts. That would've been much more sustainable than what we have today. Sadly, the F2P games market tends not to follow a sustainable philosophy. It's quite often the same formula: design and code a midly-interesting game. Throw up a bunch of ads to attract players. Sell shiny pixels for lots of money that ruin the game over time. The close the servers, and laugh all the way to the bank. Rinse and repeat.

    And what gets to me the most is that PWI had potential. Its original predecessor was P2P, and it came with all the solid design and themes you'd expect from a good P2P game. You could tell that the original devs put a lot of thought and care into designing it, and there were plenty of openings for CS items which didn't break it. In short, PWI had all the ingredients to become the most successful and sustainable F2P game on the market, and therefore to challenge the belief that F2P games are just quick-burning cash grabs. Unfortunately, wanmei and PWE didn't seem to have much interest in bucking that trend.

    Really, the only thing that will save PWI at this point is making a new (official) server without all the broken ****, and letting people play both versions. People will gravitate towards the new servers over time, and eventually, the CS on the new servers will pick up the slack left by the big spenders on the old servers.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I have very fond memories of running the old style FC. Other than that, I can't say that I miss a lot.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I miss the way the game was more vibrant years back, but given this is something that happens to pretty much all games, it's more productive to look at what little positives are left, enjoy the time playing, and increasingly do other things. I don't see good results from nostalgia and that's about all most old players have left.
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Very well said.

    Over the last year I've honestly become disheartened over the future of this game. It's clear that the current servers aren't fixable without pissing off a huge chunk of the population, and that's not a hit this game can take anymore. It used to be possible, a year or two ago, but things aren't looking too rosy for PWE these days. They have no choice now but to cater to the same types of people they enticed into buying their endgame gears four years ago. Too bad those types are never, ever sustainable. At best they're just walking wallets - quick to spend unreasonable amounts of money and then get bored and leave. But you won't get a steady influx of those forever.

    The smart thing to do would've been to cater more to the average spender... creating a large base of loyal customers who spend regularly in modest amounts. That would've been much more sustainable than what we have today. Sadly, the F2P games market tends not to follow a sustainable philosophy. It's quite often the same formula: design and code a midly-interesting game. Throw up a bunch of ads to attract players. Sell shiny pixels for lots of money that ruin the game over time. The close the servers, and laugh all the way to the bank. Rinse and repeat.

    And what gets to me the most is that PWI had potential. Its original predecessor was P2P, and it came with all the solid design and themes you'd expect from a good P2P game. You could tell that the original devs put a lot of thought and care into designing it, and there were plenty of openings for CS items which didn't break it. In short, PWI had all the ingredients to become the most successful and sustainable F2P game on the market, and therefore to challenge the belief that F2P games are just quick-burning cash grabs. Unfortunately, wanmei and PWE didn't seem to have much interest in bucking that trend.

    Really, the only thing that will save PWI at this point is making a new (official) server without all the broken ****, and letting people play both versions. People will gravitate towards the new servers over time, and eventually, the CS on the new servers will pick up the slack left by the big spenders on the old servers.

    Exactly this. I think had PWE focused more on non gameplay affecting cash shop items, the longevity would have increased. As I see it now, PWI is losing more players than it is gaining. And that is sad. The game had excellent potential.

    Think of it like this. You have a cup that is 3/4 full (playerbase at its peak), you set the cup on a stand, poke 1 hole in the bottom, but turn the faucet on so for every drop from the bottom, one is replenished.

    Add packs, rank in boutique, r9, so now another hole is poked in the bottom because many either thought the inclusion of those items created a strong imbalance, or were way too pricey so people began to give up and left. Slowly the cup leaks more water than its taking in. Eventually its half full.

    An expansion comes about, tape over one hole, and for a time water entering matches water leaving, but the cup is still half full. It's not more than it was...expansion gets boring, remove tape. Make the game focus so much to endgame, hypers, skipping all content and poke another hole in the bottom. Eventually you will have a cup with no water. Right now, compared to a year ago, the cup that was half full, is barely a quarter full.

    WC during euro hours is all but dead, and only during a few hours during peak NA times is it busy, but that tends to be all BH100 squad requests, low levels wanting heads, high levels selling heads, or PvPers acting like complete idiots.

    If I was a gamer dying of thirst, it would be better to find a fresh cup without holes rather than PWE poking more holes in the gaming cup.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Fiery_Demon - Heavens Tear
    Fiery_Demon - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I love those threads! ^_^ They assure me that I'm not the only one who misses the old PWI and it's funny to see new CSers rage how everything is good as it is :P

    On a more serious note, I really agree with everything that has been said so far. I started playing in 2008/09 and really enjoyed it, made lots of friends (or rather good acquaintances, because I'd rather not call people I haven't met in rl friends) and had fun questing and exploring the world. When the packs first came everything started changing and I couldn't keep up with it, so after I also had a disagreement with my best friend in the game I decided to quit as there was no more fun in playing. Of course I came back about a year ago to see if anything had changed, and then left again until this summer when I returned for 2x. I got my main to lvl 100 finally, which I'd been waiting for all those years, but then I realised that it wasn't as special as I'd expected. There's nothing more to do really, and I have no real friends to hang out with anymore, not like the 2 people I met during my first year and who I would actually call good friends. Having no friends really takes the fun out of the game as there's no one to quest with, which makes doing the same quests over and over again pretty dull. So I figured, if I'm going to be alone anyway, I might just be alone in Tamriel or New Vegas, if you catch my drift ;). So after 2x is done I'm going to leave again, probably not for good but I definitely won't be putting any serious effort into this game anymore.
  • bobyjoee
    bobyjoee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    No i wouldn't join you on that server because that sounds really boring :DD!!

    1. Will never happen so don't even dream
    2.Grind fest games die off really easily and people go and play a better game
    3.Dont like it dont play it
    4.dont like csing dont do it
    5.dont like soloing dont do it
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bobyjoee wrote: »
    No i wouldn't join you on that server because that sounds really boring :DD!!
    bobyjoee wrote: »
    Join Date: Jul 2013
    Quiet, little one, the adults are talking now. ;]
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • bobyjoee
    bobyjoee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Quiet, little one, the adults are talking now. ;]

    thats the date when you join the forums, ive been here a long time.
  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    @ Ursa

    Great post
    . (#4) b:victory
  • _Aphrael_ - Sanctuary
    _Aphrael_ - Sanctuary Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    While I started PWI too late to enjoy its early days, I did enjoy the first year and a half I played, then it became all about FC and endgame. I personally could care less about endgame, I could care less about levels, I don't care about r9, nor do I care that someone has it. I prefer leveling alts the old way with quests, FB/BH, and no FC.

    PWI is old, its run its course, and the desire to play often has waned. With several new MMOs that look quite promising on the horizon, PWI will be a distant memory.

    I will say that PWI is one of two games since I started MMOs in 1999 that kept my interest, because it wasn't overly cartoonish, it is fairly user friendly, and somewhat enjoyable, but its time is soon over for me. When its all about levels and reaching them as fast as possible for the masses, that speaks volumes of a game past its prime. And with PWE doing little to enforce its ToS, well, the game is done.

    I agree entirely though I wish I didnt, it is such a depressing thought. I just started playing PWI again after over 2 years away. I had hoped they would have fixed it but it even worse than when I left. I wonder if anyone at PWE has heard of the concept that the journey is more important than the destination or that nothing that comes easy is worth having. Once you have all your maxed out endgame gear what is there to do excluding pvp which i never do because of all the children whining and stroking their e-peens.

    Unfortunatly it seems the concensus here is that PWI is dead and its better to go find a new mmorpg to play and i might have to do just that which is so sad really as none I have played over the past 2 years have anywhere near as good as PWI was at the start.
  • Selak - Dreamweaver
    Selak - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Dang, I knew there was something wrong, 95% of my memories are wrong.

    It must be a wrong memory then when I think MMORPGs were meant to be a grindfest and you HAD to WORK for achievements.

    I must have missed the memo where MMORPGs became MOBA/FPS and where everything is given to you so you can get to end game ASAP.

    Just a thought if 95% of my memories are wrong then 95% of my decisions must be wrong too, based on false memories, wonder how I survived so far. b:chuckle
    There are old Warriors, and bold Warriors,
    but there are very few old bold Warriors. b:chuckle
  • Merkrue - Raging Tide
    Merkrue - Raging Tide Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've been playing PW for 6 or 7 years. With breaks, of course, but still I was there when there wasn't even PWI. I played on a Malaysian PvP server (there were only 2, I can't remember the names though). Which includes dealing with those horrible lags. I was there when Holy Hall of Dusk was the only hi-lv instance (that's PWI's Twilight Temple, younglings).
    I levelled when noone could dream of hypers, lucidsilver/gold chests, dreamchasers, supply packs, elders' blessings. There were no genies and the only thing which was flying around you was a 89 culti fairy/hamburger - and people with those were one of the best. People with 99 fairies were all well known on the server and, well, they WERE the top players.
    Rank 8 was something very few people could achieve. There weren't Wraith badges, there were only those **** wedding candies (after weddings got introduced, of course). I remember the server's top guild(WarLord)'s leader, NeoNe0 being the first to ever get R8 equipment. Some time later WarLord held the ENTIRE map. Everything was bloody red and noone could hope for a single territory, because there were no resets.
    I remember when there were only 2 sets of smilies - regular ones and piggy. Bears were the third ones and we use them right here, on these forums.

    I could continue on that matter, but... Why? I miss some of the things, especially that there were no sins. But I honestly think if these times were suddenly brought back here, only a few people would stay. I suppose their attutude changes and there are more people attracted to the modern state of the game than people who wish to play the old version.
    I've never done FC in my life. Thank you.

    PS: There was also PW-MS - multilanguage service, which was en european version. It waned completely. Still missing my EA (that's Elf Archer) and the effort I put into getting dozens of bronze and silver dragon tablets for my dark purple pony. QQ

    Edit: why is it saying I joined in Sep 2013? Give me a break, my acc is 5 years old on PWI.
  • bearishidonteven
    bearishidonteven Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    back in the days i kill clerics like smashing ants.... however these days........ i dont even....... b:angry
  • maestro121
    maestro121 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    It must be a wrong memory then when I think MMORPGs were meant to be a grindfest and you HAD to WORK for achievements.

    I must have missed the memo where MMORPGs became MOBA/FPS and where everything is given to you so you can get to end game ASAP.

    Eh... news flash for you... this is no longer 2009. While its true that some grind will always be part and parcel of MMO's, if you think that today's gaming culture will accept taking 6 months to a year of "grind" just to get to end game, you are either naive or clueless (or both).

    Perhaps that level of grind may still be acceptable in certain Asian markets. But any MMO with plans to make it big in the NA market would be courting financial disaster if they tried to go that route.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2013
    maestro121 wrote: »
    Eh... news flash for you... this is no longer 2009. While its true that some grind will always be part and parcel of MMO's, if you think that today's gaming culture will accept taking 6 months to a year of "grind" just to get to end game, you are either naive or clueless (or both).

    Perhaps that level of grind may still be acceptable in certain Asian markets. But any MMO with plans to make it big in the NA market would be courting financial disaster if they tried to go that route.
    That is primarily because today's gaming culture is a bunch of impatient kids that can't handle a challenge. If it requires more thought than it takes to open a box of cereal, they're off doing something else.

    It's because of the instant-gratification and this lack of being able to cope with something relatively difficult that potentially awesome games like Skyrim get dumbed down into a "you can't possibly fail" mode where no matter what you do, or how bad you **** up, you can still finish the game in a few hours of gameplay. (Luckily, that's easily fixed in Skyrim with just a few mods.)

    Yes, I'm one of those old farts that remembers the days of actually having to work for something. It makes you appreciate it more. It's a hell of a lot more fun that playing around with a bunch of e-peen nabs that don't have a clue about game mechanics and think they're pro just because the hit 105 in a week and have gear that cost the same as a small compact car.

    This is why I miss the way the game was a couple of years ago. People played smart. People in the high levels, actually had to work damn hard to get there, and their effort was greatly appreciated. If someone was 95, you knew that they knew what the hell they were doing, and you listened carefully because they would teach you things.

    The game is reaching the end of it's life, mostly because the players have lost their intelligence. Thank you kids of today for not considering the value of working for something.
