Safe Code Mechanics

Posts: 589 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Quality Corner
Several Complaints about the Safe Code system.

1. Setting a safe code password for one character on the same account will set the same passcode for all characters on this account.

Changing a safe code password for one character on the same account will reset only
that particular character's passcode. All other characters on this account will keep the original passcode.

2. When entering an incorrect passcode at the banker safe, the dialog will simply disappear with a system preserved message in the general chatbox (if one has the option selected in their ui game options) reading "invalid password" causing one to click the banker again to click the "safe" option and the passcode dialog appears again ready for one to re-enter the correct code.

Now go over to the auctioneer and look at how the password works on the gold trading account.
I will describe how this works. If one character's passcode is changed here on the gold account, then every character's gold trading passcode on this account is now changed.

Enter the incorrect passcode at the gold account and a dialog appears which reads "Password Error Confirm (Y)" When one clicks on the Confirm (Y), then the passcode box remains with the incorrect passcode and one needs to clear the incorrect code and re-enter the correct code.

Now, while requiring to clear the wrong passcode and enter the new code is annoying enough, at least one doesn't have to re-open the auctioneer and click the gold trading option to get back to the passcode entry, where the banker requires one to start all over from the beginning.

Also notice how the gold trading recognizes the new passcode and transfers the same code to all the account's characters, where the banker will change only each individual character's code separately. It's a recipe for extra tickets to send out when one finds that their new code doesn't work on all characters and one has forgotten the old code, thereby generating ticket spam to try and resolve it.

I actually had a record of my old passcode so fortunately I didn't need to submit a ticket to retrieve the old code. But if I want all characters on this account to use the same safe code, then I will have to manually go through the passcode changing process for every character.

3. the Account Stash has no code option and anything in the Account Stash is unprotected if the account is compromised.

4. Anything, including coins, in the inventory itself can be sold, traded or dropped without a passcode (if the item is salable/tradable/droppable), but equipped gear is protected.

PWI should take a look at these and decide if some adjustments should be made to the safe code system.
I did not feel the treachery or inconstancy of a friend, nor the injuries of a secret or open enemy. I had no occasion of bribing, flattering, or pimping, to procure the favour of any great man, or of his minion; I wanted no fence against fraud or oppression: here was neither physician to destroy my body, nor lawyer to ruin my fortune; no informer to watch my words and actions, or forge accusations against me for hire: here were no gibers, censurers, backbiters, pickpockets, highwaymen, housebreakers, attorneys, bawds, buffoons, gamesters, politicians, wits, splenetics, tedious talkers, controvertists, ravishers, murderers, robbers, virtuosos; no leaders, or followers, of party and faction; no encouragers to vice, by seducement or examples; no dungeon, axes, gibbets, whipping-posts, or pillories; no cheating shopkeepers or mechanics; no pride, vanity, or affectation; no fops, bullies, drunkards, strolling prostitutes, or poxes; no ranting, lewd, expensive wives; no stupid, proud pedants; no importunate, overbearing, quarrelsome, noisy, roaring, empty, conceited, swearing companions; no scoundrels raised from the dust upon the merit of their vices, or nobility thrown into it on account of their virtues; no lords, fiddlers, judges, or dancing-masters.
From Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift


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