Kitty's guide to Abaddon Revamped
![Kittysama - Raging Tide_1432680721](
Kittysama - Raging Tide_1432680721
Posts: 651 Arc User
Kitty was in the new Abaddon today on her lvl 100 TT90-geared seeker to get the quest she got to there done. New Abaddon is quite different from old one, some new hard bosses(this time developers have been creative, Kitty said) and couple puzzles needing some brainstorm to solve. Maximum squad size for this instance has been increased to 10(it was 6 earlier)and it's good to have full squad with some magic DDs with decent AoEs. But let's get to the topic.
When entering the instance, you arrive to a narrow crevice with moltenly glowing ground and exploding stones raining from the cliffs. This crevice is divided to 2 dangerous areas with a short area with 3 mobs at the corner after the long straight path. At this small area you're safe from the rocks but you have to kill the mobs. To take least damage, hug the wall and use speed skills/pots/Holy Path as much as possible between "safe zones".
If rocks fall next to you, you take non-elemental damage(if Kitty saw right AD doesn't help here) and get slowed making you vulnerable to some moar rocks. 4 hits from these rocks are enough to kill Kitty's 10k HP buffed seeker, so it's best to just use anything that lets you run at 15m/s through this area.
A good tactic for this might be cleric putting a IH stack on everyone before they run past these one at a time. If having a mystic healer, Salvation's shield on the runner along with Falling Petals.
After the crevice you come to a hall with mini-Eyes of the Krimsons. They're not hard to kill, the new mobs hit very weakly. Seekers can mostly solo pulls with BP, excluding those with many old mobs(they're a minority here, luckily). The little mobs have much HP, but on TT90-armored seeker they hit just about 150-200 with melee hits, very few magic mobs hit bit moar. Tanky, but weak, that's all about them.
This is the first new boss here. It's keeping up a magic wall preventing the squad from proceeding. Like it's name tells you, yush, it controls puppets. But that's not all about it. It also likes to send naughty little DDs to prison, that can't be escaped from otherwise than by killing the puppet adds or Town Teleporting out. It hits about 2-3,5k on lvl 100 TT90-geared seeker, though it also gets some rage spikes when it 1-shots any squishier tank(confirmed to hit at least 8k on this same seeker)
This boss doesn't like sparks, if Kitty understood it's talks right(He said something like "Taste the power of this enemy, created by you own chi" or something like that, Kitty doesn't remember well). If Kitty understood right it creates a puppet of the class that sparked, with some of sparker's stats. Kitty was in 2 different squads doing this boss and on first time it created at least a seeker, who liked to use Gemini Slash and Arme Nier a lot. On second time it created 5 APS assassin puppets.
And just to warn you, these guys are tankier than casual sins or seekers and they know how to PK far better than many players that Kitty has seen. 3 assassin puppets running from squad member to another Headhunt-APSing them to death results easily in squad wipe. To get this boss down you need a good squad and as this is needed to kill to get deeper in Abaddon, bad squads might end up breaking not getting their BHs done.
After this boss is killed, there's some more mobs and then you arrive to Peachblossom Ritualist's former throne, now conquered by Borobudur Dungeon Lord who defeated the Ritualist. It has some bosses around it and it can't be damaged now. If squad wants to kill mobs around them now when it's easy, do a pull and when mobs are dead, everyone with aggro should jump to water to reset bosses. The bosses don't hurt more than casual mobs by now.
After squad is ready, squad leader takes a quest("Returning Back in time", if Kitty remembers right) from Peachblossom Ritualist(it's a NPC here) and squad gets sent back in time to old Abaddon, a bit modified from what it was before Rising Call content update.
Old Abaddon
There's Chrono Spirit-NPC(not sure of the name now) at the area where you arrive(as well as in vicinity of old Abaddon bosses). It lets you teleport near old Abaddon bosses and other important locations here. There's 2 ways to continue from this. You can teleport to bosses and kill them to have less adds on final boss(though if you lure the boss from middle of boss adds, you don't have this problem). Other way is going South from the old entrace and kill mobs and boss straightly south from there in the corner.
Mask of Grief
This boss has 3 million HP and it heals itself to full health occasionally. It also gets angry at times and deals heavy damage that 1-shots most sins if they get aggro. Kill this boss fast or bring veno to stop it's self-heals.
After this boss is down, squad clears way to center pavilion/time machine, the white ball on map and then search valleys in North-east parts for next boss. Don't be hasty with pulling here. Next boss isn't a boss, but bosses...
4 Puppets
Somewhere in the north-east quarter of the map there are 4 puppets with about 800k HP each. They all are lvl 150 bosses like that Puppeteer and Mask of Grief. The puppets Kitty's squad faced were Blademaster Puppet, Wizard Puppet, Cleric Puppet and Archer Puppet. They can be any race combination, like veno-barb and seeker-mystic or blademaster-wizard and sin-psy combo. And like Puppeteer's puppets, these also know to PK very well. And even worse, they know how to PK as squad, even better than some worse squads. Not to mention that they don't seem to have CD on their skills, don't need chi to cast ultis and they have massive HP. So, these bosses are lured out one at a time(unless you want to get squad stunned and silenced while taking HF'd Blade Tempest, Tempest and Stormrage Eagleon every 10 secs. Sounds fun, doesn't it?) unless you have full OP squad.
What each puppet does?
BM Puppet: uses Bell buff, HF and Roar of the Pride
Wizard Puppet: Sage Force of Will, Blade Tempest, Frostblade, Stone barrier, Pyrogram
Cleric Puppet: cleric buffs, Tempest, Chromatic Seal, Plume Shot, IH
Archer Puppet: Stunning Arrow, Stormrage Eagleon, Quickshot
Barbarian Puppet: Invoke, Sunder, Flesh Ream, Devour
Venomancer Puppet: Bramble Guard, Bewitch(barbs become buffbirds), Venomous Scarab, Purge Amp
Seeker Puppet: Arme Nier, Gemini Slash
Mystic Puppet: Break in the Clouds, Nature's Vengeance, Absorb Soul
Assassin Puppet: Headhunt, 5 APS autoattack
Psychic Puppet: (Kitty's not seen in action yet. If somebody knows they can tell. Assuming it might use Aqua Impact, Spirit Blast, Soul of Vengeange, Disturb Soul and Earth Vector.)
These are the skills Kitty's seen to get used by them or heard they use. They don't shout others than primary attacks so they might use some other skills too. 1 or 2 of them at same time shouldn't be too problematic with skilled players with decent gears. But just to warn you, they move fast and they move a lot. You wouldn't like to meet them at PK grounds.
Preparing for Final Battle
After these bosses are killed, it's time to get ready for facing final boss. Clear the way to red, green, yellow and white dot in the map and make sure there's someone on every dot. Then squad leader speaks to Time Shifter-NPC and squad gets a quest. A light orb appears on one of those dots early mentioned and the one at the dot where the light appeared should tell that to squad leader. Squad leader takes another quest this time and when asked what color he/she wants to choose, he/she takes one of the color of that orb, digs the thing of that color around the pavilion(can't remember what they are called) and turns in the quest. If item squad leader picked corresponded with the color of light orb, squad gets a "Ding! Correct! Excellent teamwork" notice.
Colors and corresponding item tp dig and where the light orb in in this case:
Red - Exquisite Blood - South-west dot
Blue - Exquisite Water - North-east dot
Gold - Exquisite Gold - South-east dot
Green - Exquisite Wood - North-west dot
Do it in this order: Squad leader takes "Returning to the future" ->squad checks where the light orb is ->Squad leader takes "To the future" quest, chooses right color, digs correct item and turns in the quest and takes the first quest again until this is done 3 times correctly.
This has to be done 3 times in a row and if it fail(picked wrong item, like Exquisite Gold when green light orb is active on north-west dot), squad has to do this again 3 times. After squad has finished this little puzzle, squad leader can take "To the future"-quest from the pavilion NPC and squad gets teleported back to where Peachblossom Ritualist was in future Abaddon.
There's also a tree-like NPC south-east from the pavilion in direct vicinity. It gives a quest where you have to pick up item in the pond under the bridge north-west from green spot(the bridge that was usually crossed when starting BH Abaddon before content update came out). Doing this sidequest helps on next phase which is...
Final Boss: Borobudur Dungeon Lord
When you arrive back to future Abaddon, Peachblossom Ritualist has disappeared and Yi Tenjun has a quest to give. The tree-like NPC from earlier is also here and if you helped it by doing the quest earlier, it wants to thank for help and gives Invigorate-buff(useful if you don't have mystic in squad to give it) by talking to it again.
The boss has pretty much HP, it heals itself and it summons adds. Borobudur Guards are melee mobs with physical immunity, 50k HP and boss summons many of these at once. Borobudur: Life(or something like that, Kitty has very bad name memory) is a magic mob with magic immunity, higher HP and boss summons one of these with melee mobs.
It's a good idea to lure the boss away from the couple boss adds so you don't have 4 bosses on at once. After this the fight is relatively easy though clearing adds takes some time. Just have barb tanking and DDs doing damage and kill the adds with their vulnerability. And a little advice: have at least one magic DD in squad to clear the melee adds.
Why to do full Abaddon instead of just BH?
If you took weekly quest from Celestial Messenger outside Abaddon before entering, you get Crushed Emblem which can be turned in for mystical pills and some nice ornaments. New bosses also drop Spirit of Assault(lvl 10 mag./p.attack buff pot) and Spirit of Defence(lvl 10 Cleric/BM/barb defence buffs and HP buff pot) which last 1 hour. Nice pocket buffers indeed.
Kitty ish sorry for lacking some of NPC/Mob names but Kitty had to write this from memory of 1 run and doesn't seem to work at time of writing this so there was nowhere to check these. Kitty hopes this helps somef:cute
EDIT: Returned to basic color from red(Kitty likes dark red) for better readability
EDIT2: Watched another squad do Abaddon and got some new information and corrected some.
EDIT3: Added some information about what skills those puppets use and how to solve puzzle
Kitty was in the new Abaddon today on her lvl 100 TT90-geared seeker to get the quest she got to there done. New Abaddon is quite different from old one, some new hard bosses(this time developers have been creative, Kitty said) and couple puzzles needing some brainstorm to solve. Maximum squad size for this instance has been increased to 10(it was 6 earlier)and it's good to have full squad with some magic DDs with decent AoEs. But let's get to the topic.
When entering the instance, you arrive to a narrow crevice with moltenly glowing ground and exploding stones raining from the cliffs. This crevice is divided to 2 dangerous areas with a short area with 3 mobs at the corner after the long straight path. At this small area you're safe from the rocks but you have to kill the mobs. To take least damage, hug the wall and use speed skills/pots/Holy Path as much as possible between "safe zones".
If rocks fall next to you, you take non-elemental damage(if Kitty saw right AD doesn't help here) and get slowed making you vulnerable to some moar rocks. 4 hits from these rocks are enough to kill Kitty's 10k HP buffed seeker, so it's best to just use anything that lets you run at 15m/s through this area.
A good tactic for this might be cleric putting a IH stack on everyone before they run past these one at a time. If having a mystic healer, Salvation's shield on the runner along with Falling Petals.
After the crevice you come to a hall with mini-Eyes of the Krimsons. They're not hard to kill, the new mobs hit very weakly. Seekers can mostly solo pulls with BP, excluding those with many old mobs(they're a minority here, luckily). The little mobs have much HP, but on TT90-armored seeker they hit just about 150-200 with melee hits, very few magic mobs hit bit moar. Tanky, but weak, that's all about them.
This is the first new boss here. It's keeping up a magic wall preventing the squad from proceeding. Like it's name tells you, yush, it controls puppets. But that's not all about it. It also likes to send naughty little DDs to prison, that can't be escaped from otherwise than by killing the puppet adds or Town Teleporting out. It hits about 2-3,5k on lvl 100 TT90-geared seeker, though it also gets some rage spikes when it 1-shots any squishier tank(confirmed to hit at least 8k on this same seeker)
This boss doesn't like sparks, if Kitty understood it's talks right(He said something like "Taste the power of this enemy, created by you own chi" or something like that, Kitty doesn't remember well). If Kitty understood right it creates a puppet of the class that sparked, with some of sparker's stats. Kitty was in 2 different squads doing this boss and on first time it created at least a seeker, who liked to use Gemini Slash and Arme Nier a lot. On second time it created 5 APS assassin puppets.
And just to warn you, these guys are tankier than casual sins or seekers and they know how to PK far better than many players that Kitty has seen. 3 assassin puppets running from squad member to another Headhunt-APSing them to death results easily in squad wipe. To get this boss down you need a good squad and as this is needed to kill to get deeper in Abaddon, bad squads might end up breaking not getting their BHs done.
After this boss is killed, there's some more mobs and then you arrive to Peachblossom Ritualist's former throne, now conquered by Borobudur Dungeon Lord who defeated the Ritualist. It has some bosses around it and it can't be damaged now. If squad wants to kill mobs around them now when it's easy, do a pull and when mobs are dead, everyone with aggro should jump to water to reset bosses. The bosses don't hurt more than casual mobs by now.
After squad is ready, squad leader takes a quest("Returning Back in time", if Kitty remembers right) from Peachblossom Ritualist(it's a NPC here) and squad gets sent back in time to old Abaddon, a bit modified from what it was before Rising Call content update.
Old Abaddon
There's Chrono Spirit-NPC(not sure of the name now) at the area where you arrive(as well as in vicinity of old Abaddon bosses). It lets you teleport near old Abaddon bosses and other important locations here. There's 2 ways to continue from this. You can teleport to bosses and kill them to have less adds on final boss(though if you lure the boss from middle of boss adds, you don't have this problem). Other way is going South from the old entrace and kill mobs and boss straightly south from there in the corner.
Mask of Grief
This boss has 3 million HP and it heals itself to full health occasionally. It also gets angry at times and deals heavy damage that 1-shots most sins if they get aggro. Kill this boss fast or bring veno to stop it's self-heals.
After this boss is down, squad clears way to center pavilion/time machine, the white ball on map and then search valleys in North-east parts for next boss. Don't be hasty with pulling here. Next boss isn't a boss, but bosses...
4 Puppets
Somewhere in the north-east quarter of the map there are 4 puppets with about 800k HP each. They all are lvl 150 bosses like that Puppeteer and Mask of Grief. The puppets Kitty's squad faced were Blademaster Puppet, Wizard Puppet, Cleric Puppet and Archer Puppet. They can be any race combination, like veno-barb and seeker-mystic or blademaster-wizard and sin-psy combo. And like Puppeteer's puppets, these also know to PK very well. And even worse, they know how to PK as squad, even better than some worse squads. Not to mention that they don't seem to have CD on their skills, don't need chi to cast ultis and they have massive HP. So, these bosses are lured out one at a time(unless you want to get squad stunned and silenced while taking HF'd Blade Tempest, Tempest and Stormrage Eagleon every 10 secs. Sounds fun, doesn't it?) unless you have full OP squad.
What each puppet does?
BM Puppet: uses Bell buff, HF and Roar of the Pride
Wizard Puppet: Sage Force of Will, Blade Tempest, Frostblade, Stone barrier, Pyrogram
Cleric Puppet: cleric buffs, Tempest, Chromatic Seal, Plume Shot, IH
Archer Puppet: Stunning Arrow, Stormrage Eagleon, Quickshot
Barbarian Puppet: Invoke, Sunder, Flesh Ream, Devour
Venomancer Puppet: Bramble Guard, Bewitch(barbs become buffbirds), Venomous Scarab, Purge Amp
Seeker Puppet: Arme Nier, Gemini Slash
Mystic Puppet: Break in the Clouds, Nature's Vengeance, Absorb Soul
Assassin Puppet: Headhunt, 5 APS autoattack
Psychic Puppet: (Kitty's not seen in action yet. If somebody knows they can tell. Assuming it might use Aqua Impact, Spirit Blast, Soul of Vengeange, Disturb Soul and Earth Vector.)
These are the skills Kitty's seen to get used by them or heard they use. They don't shout others than primary attacks so they might use some other skills too. 1 or 2 of them at same time shouldn't be too problematic with skilled players with decent gears. But just to warn you, they move fast and they move a lot. You wouldn't like to meet them at PK grounds.
Preparing for Final Battle
After these bosses are killed, it's time to get ready for facing final boss. Clear the way to red, green, yellow and white dot in the map and make sure there's someone on every dot. Then squad leader speaks to Time Shifter-NPC and squad gets a quest. A light orb appears on one of those dots early mentioned and the one at the dot where the light appeared should tell that to squad leader. Squad leader takes another quest this time and when asked what color he/she wants to choose, he/she takes one of the color of that orb, digs the thing of that color around the pavilion(can't remember what they are called) and turns in the quest. If item squad leader picked corresponded with the color of light orb, squad gets a "Ding! Correct! Excellent teamwork" notice.
Colors and corresponding item tp dig and where the light orb in in this case:
Red - Exquisite Blood - South-west dot
Blue - Exquisite Water - North-east dot
Gold - Exquisite Gold - South-east dot
Green - Exquisite Wood - North-west dot
Do it in this order: Squad leader takes "Returning to the future" ->squad checks where the light orb is ->Squad leader takes "To the future" quest, chooses right color, digs correct item and turns in the quest and takes the first quest again until this is done 3 times correctly.
This has to be done 3 times in a row and if it fail(picked wrong item, like Exquisite Gold when green light orb is active on north-west dot), squad has to do this again 3 times. After squad has finished this little puzzle, squad leader can take "To the future"-quest from the pavilion NPC and squad gets teleported back to where Peachblossom Ritualist was in future Abaddon.
There's also a tree-like NPC south-east from the pavilion in direct vicinity. It gives a quest where you have to pick up item in the pond under the bridge north-west from green spot(the bridge that was usually crossed when starting BH Abaddon before content update came out). Doing this sidequest helps on next phase which is...
Final Boss: Borobudur Dungeon Lord
When you arrive back to future Abaddon, Peachblossom Ritualist has disappeared and Yi Tenjun has a quest to give. The tree-like NPC from earlier is also here and if you helped it by doing the quest earlier, it wants to thank for help and gives Invigorate-buff(useful if you don't have mystic in squad to give it) by talking to it again.
The boss has pretty much HP, it heals itself and it summons adds. Borobudur Guards are melee mobs with physical immunity, 50k HP and boss summons many of these at once. Borobudur: Life(or something like that, Kitty has very bad name memory) is a magic mob with magic immunity, higher HP and boss summons one of these with melee mobs.
It's a good idea to lure the boss away from the couple boss adds so you don't have 4 bosses on at once. After this the fight is relatively easy though clearing adds takes some time. Just have barb tanking and DDs doing damage and kill the adds with their vulnerability. And a little advice: have at least one magic DD in squad to clear the melee adds.
Why to do full Abaddon instead of just BH?
If you took weekly quest from Celestial Messenger outside Abaddon before entering, you get Crushed Emblem which can be turned in for mystical pills and some nice ornaments. New bosses also drop Spirit of Assault(lvl 10 mag./p.attack buff pot) and Spirit of Defence(lvl 10 Cleric/BM/barb defence buffs and HP buff pot) which last 1 hour. Nice pocket buffers indeed.
Kitty ish sorry for lacking some of NPC/Mob names but Kitty had to write this from memory of 1 run and doesn't seem to work at time of writing this so there was nowhere to check these. Kitty hopes this helps somef:cute
EDIT: Returned to basic color from red(Kitty likes dark red) for better readability
EDIT2: Watched another squad do Abaddon and got some new information and corrected some.
EDIT3: Added some information about what skills those puppets use and how to solve puzzle
Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)
Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)
Post edited by Kittysama - Raging Tide_1432680721 on
Great guide Kitty!
Though if it was in a color of text that was more readable, it would be better.[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony![/SIGPIC]
Need to talk to a pony?
I'm watching you o.o
Contact me! | Submit a Ticket | Forum Rules | My YouTube channel0 -
how many pills did you get from a run? I hope it's not 1 or even 0 due to random xDyou only purge once #yopo0 -
You need to do that weekly quest twice to get a pill. So wouldn't think of it as too great way to get pills.f:shame[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)0 -
Kittysama - Raging Tide wrote: »You need to do that weekly quest twice to get a pill. So wouldn't think of it as too great way to get pills.f:shame
ah sorry, I meant the buff potsb:surrenderyou only purge once #yopo0 -
At least now that it's 2xdrops bosses give about 2 or 3 of both pots to everyone.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)0 -
Kittysama - Raging Tide wrote: »At least now that it's 2xdrops bosses give about 2 or 3 of both pots to everyone.
cool thanks!you only purge once #yopo0 -
I think the first boss is random not based on spark since myself and another archer both sparked in our group and no archer adds came, but besides that awesome guide was rly helpful for my clueless squad:D0
That awesome feeling when temple from your country became boss name!!
lol borobudur is a buddhist temple in my country Indonesia, one and only b:laughb:laugh0 -
Great post kitty, and I agree and dont agree with you Skai on the coloring. Coloring in the right spots works real great, but alot people here use ridiculous colors and I would rather it just stay blank with breaks than some off the wall coloringMarine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz0 -
Ugh, 3rd person reference. Had to come back later when I had more patience to tolerate that. Especially when "kitty" means seeker/veno instead of barb.
Looks good though and thanks. I predict this "new and harder" dungeon will become massively easy once people understand it better and become more comfortable.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Ugh, 3rd person reference. Had to come back later when I had more patience to tolerate that.
^^ this; it shouldn't be labeled a guide if it's a commentary. I just soloed the instance to the puppet boss and found all the info pertaining to it and the mobs useless. So all the kitty **** was a waste of time reading, and an eye sore to what could be a guide. I read this for information; instead I read 3rd person narrative with nothing of value; so disappointing. At least the OP didn't tell me I needed hp/mp charms, scrolls, and other (non needed) CS / apoth items like they typical guides that get stickied.
Coloring a guide? - Not needed! Bold, font size, font, and our browser's find work better than harsh and obnoxious colors.Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0 -
^^ this; it shouldn't be labeled a guide if it's a commentary. I just soloed the instance to the puppet boss and found all the info pertaining to it and the mobs useless. So all the kitty **** was a waste of time reading, and an eye sore to what could be a guide. I read this for information; instead I read 3rd person narrative with nothing of value; so disappointing. At least the OP didn't tell me I needed hp/mp charms, scrolls, and other (non needed) CS / apoth items like they typical guides that get stickied.
Coloring a guide? - Not needed! Bold, font size, font, and our browser's find work better than harsh and obnoxious colors.0 -
Did the new Abba yesterday with my faction. With the boss who heals itself mask of grief (?) You don't need a veno to stop the boss from healing itself. of you have a (demon).sin with (demon) knife throw the boss will notheal as well. Of the sin times it good.0
Someone was looking for the Peachblossom Ritualist Boss for a culti. Can that boss still be found in here?I did not feel the treachery or inconstancy of a friend, nor the injuries of a secret or open enemy. I had no occasion of bribing, flattering, or pimping, to procure the favour of any great man, or of his minion; I wanted no fence against fraud or oppression: here was neither physician to destroy my body, nor lawyer to ruin my fortune; no informer to watch my words and actions, or forge accusations against me for hire: here were no gibers, censurers, backbiters, pickpockets, highwaymen, housebreakers, attorneys, bawds, buffoons, gamesters, politicians, wits, splenetics, tedious talkers, controvertists, ravishers, murderers, robbers, virtuosos; no leaders, or followers, of party and faction; no encouragers to vice, by seducement or examples; no dungeon, axes, gibbets, whipping-posts, or pillories; no cheating shopkeepers or mechanics; no pride, vanity, or affectation; no fops, bullies, drunkards, strolling prostitutes, or poxes; no ranting, lewd, expensive wives; no stupid, proud pedants; no importunate, overbearing, quarrelsome, noisy, roaring, empty, conceited, swearing companions; no scoundrels raised from the dust upon the merit of their vices, or nobility thrown into it on account of their virtues; no lords, fiddlers, judges, or dancing-masters.
From Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift0 -
Yes, Peachblossom is NPC there.
I did it to last boss with my squad but we couldn't kill it. It summoned "good and evil" adds, we killed only evil and denied squad from AOEs as it seemed to work like Incacerate but the bos healed itself after the evil was killed. Killing good made it alo heal himself and increase it's strenght.
Need to test more with different kind of squad. I recommend taking full rainbow squad (1 of each class) and interruptin/purging all heals from said boss and using psy's vigor.
Mask of Grief was easy. We just rushed in and killed it before it healed.
Puppeteer was really easy, died before it did anything nasty.
The four little bosses are random. They can be any class but I don't know the pattern. I can tll you kill the healer classes first - mysticc and cleric. They can heal other puppets.
Puzzle was fun. I just wish people would listen instructions more.
Veno puppet has random aggro. We assumed the seeker puppet would quid pro quo but I could devour safely so I am not sure. Anyone can confirm this?Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
Mask of Grief
Kill this boss fast or bring veno to stop it's self-heals.
explain plx. purge does nothing and this squad i'm in wont go back to try it again for me to test soul degen and some sin is barking that i need to interrupt its channeling?0 -
Purge and soul degen both work on it. b:victory
Well seemed soul degen worked for a while. But u gotta keep up with them.
For that boss purge/amp and spark and aps it to death lol.untamed_pain demon veno 103-100-101
SweetAzHoney Sage Cleric 102-currently rebirthing
xXZoeMarieXx sage seeker 101-currently rebirthing
StormyRainz Demon Mystic 101 Not rebirth yet
EsmeStorms Demon wizzy 101 not rebirth yet
UhitLikaGirl Almost sage barb 100 buffer
and loads of other alts...0 -
Soul Degen doesn't work either, just have to kill it fast.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
Does anyone know how these dungeons will be ran for fbs now? They obviously can't be wined but I noticed you said that the teleporter gets you to the old part of sot, is there where the fb bosses are? Or do you need to run the full SoT? This seems like a pain...0
It starts to heal almost immediately, lol. How are you supposed to eat 3mil HP in 5-6 seconds?
edit: yes the dungeons can be run for FB. ignoring the harder weekly bosses.Channels
youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active
youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive0 -
Linc - Raging Tide wrote: »Someone was looking for the Peachblossom Ritualist Boss for a culti. Can that boss still be found in here?
You have to pass the falling rocks and go to Peach NPC and go to the Past, then you'll be ported to old entrance. You then have to take quest for Headless from the sprite where the Swordsman used to be, pass through rocks again (there will be more mobs than first time through) and proceed to Peach.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
Ok, so apparently mask can be interrupted and soul degen has to be timed somehow, but with an r9rr dagger sin and a BM we killed it pretty fast
edit: for the digs...there is no blue; it's white on the map but blue in the quest
so white = blueChannels
youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active
youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive0 -
Zaaena - Heavens Tear wrote: »Does anyone know how these dungeons will be ran for fbs now? They obviously can't be wined but I noticed you said that the teleporter gets you to the old part of sot, is there where the fb bosses are? Or do you need to run the full SoT? This seems like a pain...
From what I get out of Kitty's guide after you kill the first boss there should be a chorno npc that lets you tele to the FB bosses.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sidwinder-HT0 -
You do not need a veno to purge that boss who heals itself (And the last boss, same rule)
If you have a sin with (demon) Knife throw it will not heal as well.0 -
Final Boss: Borobudur Dungeon Lord
When you arrive back to future Abaddon, Peachblossom Ritualist has disappeared and Yi Tenjun has a quest to give. The tree-like NPC from earlier is also here and if you helped it by doing the quest earlier, it wants to thank for help and gives Invigorate-buff(useful if you don't have mystic in squad to give it) by talking to it again.
The boss has pretty much HP, it heals itself and it summons adds. Borobudur Guards are melee mobs with physical immunity, 50k HP and boss summons many of these at once. Borobudur: Life(or something like that, Kitty has very bad name memory) is a magic mob with magic immunity, higher HP and boss summons one of these with melee mobs.
It's a good idea to lure the boss away from the couple boss adds so you don't have 4 bosses on at once. After this the fight is relatively easy though clearing adds takes some time. Just have barb tanking and DDs doing damage and kill the adds with their vulnerability. And a little advice: have at least one magic DD in squad to clear the melee adds.
I was with Kittysama yesterday morning. We ran out of time before figuring things out. Borobudur has a bleed which I assume is the same as Dryad's and Lord's (one shotted me in heavy gear, with no damage recorded in the log) and spawns phys immune guards which casters should concentrate on killing quick or they'll pile up and kill the barb, and either an elemental immune Evil or a very low HP Good which I was never able to check the immunity on, but I presume to be elemental immune like Evil. Good should not be touched as it weakens the boss, Evil should be killed quick as it strengthens the boss.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
That Puppeteer Boss looks kinda entertaining... I wonder how many squads have died so far thanks to the regular habit of sparking their butts off at bosses... Can't wait for Aba BH... Looks like fun (IF I can get past the falling rocks though)... f:laugh
Thank you for the guide... f:thanks[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
BigHearts member... f:grin0 -
4 Puppets (located in old ABA)
Can be located anywhere,
I had them at bridge (where tower is located) at thorn and also I got them at a random area not at a boss location.0 -
i want to know if wining the new Abadon makes any differance at all ???????b:angry0
Soul degen doesnt work. Ive never seen or heard of something needing "timing" with soul degen. There is nothing about that skill that would make timing an issue aside from the 20% hp reduction on sage version, which becomes kinda obsolete if whatever you use it on is already more than 20% dead.
Purge also has no effect on the healing skill as it is not a buff that gets removed.
I've tested both of these over and over and over and they have not once worked for me, or other venos in the squad when I'm on my sin.
I'd really like a comprehensive answer to how a veno is supposed to stop the healing or how soul degen needs to be timed.0
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