Game crash Game crash Game crash



  • Rawynn - Archosaur
    Rawynn - Archosaur Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    err, ok..well that might have double displayed above.,, but that's what im seeing
  • Rawynn - Archosaur
    Rawynn - Archosaur Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sorry about multi posting, but I get that error message after I have clicked the "arc" selected pwi "run", then after the launcher comes up I click on the start button,then it goes to the splash screen and I see the loading bar at the bottom, after that i'm kicked out and get that error screen that I posted.

    I am in the process of doing a 2nd verify of the client, so I guess i'll have to wait and see what happens
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited June 2013
    sorry about multi posting, but I get that error message after I have clicked the "arc" selected pwi "run", then after the launcher comes up I click on the start button,then it goes to the splash screen and I see the loading bar at the bottom, after that i'm kicked out and get that error screen that I posted.

    I am in the process of doing a 2nd verify of the client, so I guess i'll have to wait and see what happens
    Your first images on this page of the thread look like a video driver issue, your bottom image there looks like corrupt texture files.

    I will need a copy of the output from a dxdiag.txt file, and a link to a published Speccy report taken while you are having the issues.
    (Remember to use the [code] tags for the dxdiag info and to remove any trademark characters so it doesn't get cut off.) (CODE tag is the # symbol in the editor.)
  • Arobras - Dreamweaver
    Arobras - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    well, i can finally get into mine.

    the ONLY thing that worked for me (and i tried everything else in this thread and i do mean EVERYTHING) was uninstalling and then reinstalling using Arc.

    Hate that I had to cave into getting Arc but what's done is done.