old newbie needs your advices

Posts: 0 Arc User
Hi guys,
I just got back after more than a year of playing, and this is my build, i was 5.0 but ive just casted my brace.
I also have lion hatchet for axe
I can't solo a pav and people won't take me to aeu b:surrender
I have a lot of questions but first, I'm planning on working toward a full lionheart 3rd cast and I need your opinion on this. If it is the case should I change to cube and warsong ornaments or change to lionheart neck for the set bonus?
Moreover, how do you think about the morai axes? Should I go for it and save money for a 3rd cast claw/fist or should I keep my decide and go for a unicorn tragedy?
That's it for now, I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
I just got back after more than a year of playing, and this is my build, i was 5.0 but ive just casted my brace.
I also have lion hatchet for axe
I can't solo a pav and people won't take me to aeu b:surrender
I have a lot of questions but first, I'm planning on working toward a full lionheart 3rd cast and I need your opinion on this. If it is the case should I change to cube and warsong ornaments or change to lionheart neck for the set bonus?
Moreover, how do you think about the morai axes? Should I go for it and save money for a 3rd cast claw/fist or should I keep my decide and go for a unicorn tragedy?
That's it for now, I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Post edited by mrgene on
Hi guys,
I just got back after more than a year of playing, and this is my build, i was 5.0 but ive just casted my brace.
I also have lion hatchet for axe
I can't solo a pav and people won't take me to aeu b:surrender
I have a lot of questions but first, I'm planning on working toward a full lionheart 3rd cast and I need your opinion on this. If it is the case should I change to cube and warsong ornaments or change to lionheart neck for the set bonus?
Moreover, how do you think about the morai axes? Should I go for it and save money for a 3rd cast claw/fist or should I keep my decide and go for a unicorn tragedy?
That's it for now, I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
Ok your build is horrid, in the short term your just SOL
Big issues are necklace chest and boots
good news is you can probably sell your lunar boots to get tt99 HA's and get back to 5.0
bad news is you'll need to save up a crapton to fix the chest/neck and your pretty much stuck with the tt99 belt for a looong time
good news is your weapons are honestly fine for pve, nothing really hard has been added there
just start saving your coin and consider a r8r -.05 chest and tome as your 1st steps
a set of lunar rings +7 would help with your def a lot thoughGifs are hard to make work here0 -
For a BM it is good to have 2 sets of equipment. one for APS and one for axe.
So you dont make a choise between those 2. You make a choise which of them to optimize first. And this probably depends much on how you are planning to obtain your gear. If you are going to be farming and you want to solo farm TTs, you will need your APS gear first.
If you are not planning to solo farm but want to be play in squads doing warsong and BHs, you want your axe build first. in total you probably use your axes more than your claws.
Morai is a nice and cheap option. It is about equal in quality to G15, but vastly inferior to G16. I think it is a good compromise to start out with until you are done with the rest of your gear and then change for G16.
Its kind of a mess now as some of your items are good for your APS, others are good for your axe set and your body armor is kind of sad to look at.
I think i would undertake the following projects in more or less this order:
1) get morai axe to do decent damage with your axe skills and lose a good chunck of your noobness.
2) get lionheart G12 boots to regain 5aps.
3) get ashuras G12 bracers so that you can change your armor for a Heavy armor. (cascade glow preferd, lionheart a cheaper option but slightly worse and untradable) This armor will get you out of the real noob zone. You are now a respectable albeit slightly under equiped BM.
4) Now you have your aps set complete and almost like everyone has it (you just got an ashura and lionheat swiched but thats not a huge disaster) and you have your axe build acceptable out of noobish zone. (that body armor is the reason people call you noob). Now is the time to start upgrading things. Upgrade the body armor and helm to G16
5) save enough mats to not only upgrade your claws to G16, but be able to reroll them 10-20 times as well. You need -int on them. (once is easy and on average less than 10 rerolls, doubl -int is not something you want to go for right now). When you done this, you are down to 4 aps but because of the 40 attack levels, your damage output is vastly increased anyway. You will now need a tome to get back to 5 APS.
6)get an axe and make it G16.
7) take the boots and gloves that you exchanged for G12 ones and upgrade these to G16 so you can wear them when you are not using your claws.
8) Get a Light of nirvana pants to G15 and get an extra cape and upgrade the cape and your current G15 pants to G16 to go with the rest of your axe set. You now have Full G16 and are officially leet. You want to upgrade the current pants and keep the new ones G15 because the new ones are a bit better at G15 level.
9) Get a tome to regain 5 APS with your claw build. Many people probably would put this goal quite a bit higher, but i put it last because of its high price tag.
of course you can swap goals around a little bit and work on multiple goals at the same time a bit.
Note that making G16 is rather easy nowadays. it requires you to do a lot of warsong and get some NW tokens or buy the very cheap cannies and raptures. Its actually getting the G12 base items that is hard. You can get these base items lunar or TT. (light of nirvana or shadow of nirvana respectively) Light of nirvana is slightly better but a bit more expensive. Since it ends up being the same when G16, i would not care too much and it would not be worth the price difference (except maybe for the pants that stay G15) However the other important difference is that light of nirvana is tradable and remains tradable when upgraded to G16. while shadow of nirvana is bound and remains bound when upgraded to G16. What this is worth to you, you have to decide for yourself.0 -
HrunsPanda - Archosaur wrote: »For a BM it is good to have 2 sets of equipment. one for APS and one for axe.
So you dont make a choise between those 2. You make a choise which of them to optimize first. And this probably depends much on how you are planning to obtain your gear. If you are going to be farming and you want to solo farm TTs, you will need your APS gear first.
If you are not planning to solo farm but want to be play in squads doing warsong and BHs, you want your axe build first. in total you probably use your axes more than your claws.
Morai is a nice and cheap option. It is about equal in quality to G15, but vastly inferior to G16. I think it is a good compromise to start out with until you are done with the rest of your gear and then change for G16.
Its kind of a mess now as some of your items are good for your APS, others are good for your axe set and your body armor is kind of sad to look at.
I think i would undertake the following projects in more or less this order:
1) get morai axe to do decent damage with your axe skills.
2) get lionheart G12 boots to regain 5aps.
3) get ashuras G12 bracers so that you can change your armor for a Heavy armor. (cascade glow preferd, lionheart a cheaper option but slightly worse and untradable)
It would honestly be cheaper to just get a r8r chest for -.05 in the long run
4) Now you have your aps set complete and almost like everyone has it (you just got an ashura and lionheat swiched but thats not a huge disaster) and you have your axe build acceptable out of noobish zone. (that body armor is the reason people call you noob). Now is the time to start upgrading things. Upgrade the body armor and helm to G16
if anything hat and wrists are the better g16 option
5) save enough mats to not only upgrade your claws to G16, but be able to reroll them 10-20 times as well. You need -int on them. (once is easy and on average less than 10 rerolls, doubl -int is not something you want to go for right now). When you done this, you are down to 4 aps but because of the 40 attack levels, your damage output is vastly increased anyway. You will now need a tome to get back to 5 APS.
get a tome before you do this, pan gu runs 120 mill on my server so its not horrid
6)get an axe and make it G16.
unless your a zerk **** like most of us bm's, either way a r8 poleaxe makes this kinda non urgent, hell GX's make it non urgent
7) take the boots and gloves that you exchanged for G12 ones and upgrade these to G16 so you can wear them when you are not using your claws.
Or just skip this if you follow the red text
8) Get an extra pants and and cape and upgrade them to G16 to go with the rest of your axe set. You now have Full G16 and are officially leet.
this is kinda pointless
9) Get a tome to regain 5 APS with your claw build.
going to 4 aps is kinda dumb
again your main issue is that you used a god awful armor build
refining 2 separate sets is just stupid unless one of those sets is 3rd cast r9
Honestly you dont ever "need" g 16 fists for pve your current claw will go a good ways
Just focus on getting more survivability while keeping 5.0 with your claw or fist of choiceGifs are hard to make work here0 -
You can call anothers option stupid point by point sure. The point is, I gave you a road to go to full G16 and a seperate APS set. He suggests going for R8r armor with R8 weapon instead. Instead of trying to prove him wrong on every seperate point ill just say both are viable options. You choose.
The neededness of both G16 claws and full G16 armor depends on what you want.
G16 claws are a very recommended if you want to solo farm TT 3-x
G16 full HA set is very nice if you want to do big pulls where you dont swich weapons for a while, for example it will alow you to solo PV100+ and level to 105 more easilly.0 -
HrunsPanda - Archosaur wrote: »You can call anothers option stupid point by point sure. The point is, I gave you a road to go to full G16 and a seperate APS set. He suggests going for R8r armor with R8 weapon instead. Instead of trying to prove him wrong on every seperate point ill just say both are viable options. You choose.
2 sets of +5 armor are both crappy sets of armorGifs are hard to make work here0 -
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »2 sets of +5 armor are both crappy sets of armor
its half a set that needs to be seperately refined. body and helm are good for both. The aps half is very ok at +5 and doesnt need to be refined any higher since it is partly light armor anyway. The axe half can be refined more.
Besides that, 1 +6 refine costs as much as 2 +5 refines. and one +7 costs as much as 2 +6s. So even if you would refine both sets, it would make 1 refinement difference on those items. But you dont so its not an issue.
And really, i am not trying to say your options are stupid. I just dont accept you calling mine stupid espescially not using invalid arguments. Both are viable options.
Your option is a cheaper all round option espescially cheape when done without tome as the armor in combination with lionheart and ashura allows you to go without tome.
Mine provides a stronger axe build in the end at a higher cost.
However when i say cheaper, OP should realise that this is on average. The chances to roll -int on an r8r armor are about 1,5% That is an important reason that i stay away from it myself. With bad luck it is not unthinkable that you will be rerolling it 100s of times before it ends up -int.0 -
I'd sell those claws when you're ready to be 5APS G16 (with a tome, or double -int fists), which means enough EOO, coin and badges for ~10-15 rerolls (if RNG gods are on your side), then get tt99 fists and cast them down the path your mold is for.
For pavs, see this vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm1fQA9w1B0
+5 GXes are fine. What you NEED is to lose the stupid LA chest and orns so you actually have defense, 'cause my level 75 in phys marrow self buffed has more pdef than that lol
Keep your G15 to be G16 fodder
Cookie-cutter APS build; get the fists after tome and get it with -int before you get rid of the claws. Can get ~100mil for those deicides on DW
EDIT: we try to limit LA pieces to where they hurt defense the least. That's pretty much in the arms and feetChannels
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HrunsPanda - Archosaur wrote: »its half a set that needs to be seperately refined. body and helm are good for both. The aps half is very ok at +5 and doesnt need to be refined any higher since it is partly light armor anyway. The axe half can be refined more.
Besides that, 1 +6 refine costs as much as 2 +5 refines. and one +7 costs as much as 2 +6s. So even if you would refine both sets, it would make 1 refinement difference on those items. But you dont so its not an issue.
Demon sage card, as far as I'm concerned refines under +7 dont exist but thanks for proving that your a bit dull
The only time anyone should ever have 2 sets is if one of those sets is r999 one +10 refine is worth 2x/3x more than a damn g 16 vana piece only counting ocean orbs
the LA items in that set are an abomination, LA wrist/boot is legit and can be gear shared, but evade ornies can rot in bank forever.
+20 attack level on your weakest pve weapon on a non pvp viable setup is not even worth considering.Gifs are hard to make work here0 -
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »Demon sage card, as far as I'm concerned refines under +7 dont exist but thanks for proving that your a bit dull
The only time anyone should ever have 2 sets is if one of those sets is r999 one +10 refine is worth 2x/3x more than a damn g 16 vana piece only counting ocean orbs
the LA items in that set are an abomination, LA wrist/boot is legit and can be gear shared, but evade ornies can rot in bank forever.
why do you insist on being an d|ck ?
Is it so hard to have a mature conversation ?0 -
HrunsPanda - Archosaur wrote: »why do you insist on being an d|ck ?
Is it so hard to have a mature conversation ?
Because a lot of bm's use setups like the OP's and then recommend them to the public at large. (seriously he/she probably got it from a "pro" bm and never read the damn FAQ)
Then they realize that they die in 2 seconds make a completely new set and are not "mature" enough (or are just flat out stupid) to admit wrong and recommend THAT
And all this dribbles up the ranks of more intelligent bm's and they giggle and continue to flat out ignore the idiots. Thats fine
But hey the festering puss filled sore of stupid tends to come to the forum to get lanced. So we try to keep the forum clear of staph infections for the open skull lobotomy patients by separating the puss filled explosions of awful ideas from the grey brain matter.
TL;DR People are stupid, I treat them as such. Its not condescending or cruel if its true.Gifs are hard to make work here0 -
Joshcja - Sanctuary wrote: »Because a lot of bm's use setups like the OP's and then recommend them to the public at large. (seriously he/she probably got it from a "pro" bm and never read the damn FAQ)
Then they realize that they die in 2 seconds make a completely new set and are not "mature" enough (or are just flat out stupid) to admit wrong and recommend THAT
And all this dribbles up the ranks of more intelligent bm's and they giggle and continue to flat out ignore the idiots. Thats fine
But hey the festering puss filled sore of stupid tends to come to the forum to get lanced. So we try to keep the forum clear of staph infections for the open skull lobotomy patients by separating the puss filled explosions of awful ideas from the grey brain matter.
TL;DR People are stupid, I treat them as such. Its not condescending or cruel if its true.
youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active
youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive0 -
Well OP so ill try to gather the suggestions made so far in calc builds:
Walpurgas with new ornies
Personally i would invest less in refining the LA pieces (+5) and more in refining the weapon. I think i would also settle with flawless shards and prefer to invest that money into your weapon. If you think this leaves you too low HPs, stat some vit. I can await the flames again now, but i assure you with some vit and investing money in weapon refines instead of immaculate gems and +7 refines on LA, you will end up with more HPs and more damage for the same price, even if you factor in that you need to refine 2 weapons (yes i have extensively calculated that). The downside is that when you get to the point where your weapon is +10 to 12 and your investments are going into your armors from there on anyway, then you want to restat to full str.
Anyway, first, i am only going to look at the difference with this compared to saving some money and keeping your ashura necklace (which is what you get when you follow my path)
It looks like this You lose a bit of mdef if you dont change the necklace. mdef is important and of course it is cheaper to change it now (costs you 1 necklace) than to finish your whole build and then decide you want to optimize it and change later (costs you necklace + boots)
So i proceed from walpurgas build and show you what i just said about moving investment from armor shards/refines to your weapon. I will stat vit to keep the same amount of HP as walpurgas build provides. Of course this vit is totally optional, it is just to show you how things change. I reduced 5 refines from 7 to 5 (5*17m) and reduced 18 shards to flawless (18*700k). This should save you enough money to refine your both your weapons to +9. (25m on ocean orb sale) This is however at archosaur prices.
You get this. You see that you gained only a mere 300 damage now. But look when you activate spark for both builds. Now the different is 1000 extra damage.
The remainder of my suggested path included the option to swap out your armors for full G16. That would look like this is of course very optional but since you already have so many G15 parts that can easilly be upgraded to G16 it seems like quite a reasonable option to me.
Then ill include 2 r8r builds, a version with tome and one without.
And with claws
With tome really is nice of course because you can change your LA parts for HA. I chose to take 2 r8r parts and an extra G16 parts to have the HP bonusses from each. The version with tome is definately so much nicer that if you go r8, get the damn tome and do it good
I admit i actually like the r8r build with claws quite a bit. (no problem showing more mature than bad manered kid and just admitting that) I think i might prefer a G16 axe with it though.0 -
Some issues to consider, get back into the groove of the game, see how you like Nation wars (your main source of making new gear).
R8r -int chest = great fun or super painful. Some people got -int on first try or within 3~8 tries. It took me closer to 60 tries for mine. The hp boost of 1.5k or 1.2k (can't recall) is very helpful for pvp, pulling situations with boots. This allows me to pvp in a semi aps form which suits me fine as i use claws mostly for pvp.
Getting -int on your fist/claw (avg damage is same, so go for looks or damage range for final choice) is also a matter of luck, on 4 weapons i got in on the first try when i crafted them. When i helped my friend, it took her 9 tries to get -int once.
It is best to add 2~10 extra rolls just to be on the safe side.
Personally speaking, your build is bad even for a year ago, never knew people were making those builds still.
Long story short, you can farm gear quickly from NW, tome can be farmed in delta (if you find people). You can redo your gear without adding a costs. Keep your deicides as deicides, until you see which weapon you want.
As for axes, morai axes = awesome damage in pve, and good damage in pvp. Rest i will comment on later, but g16 claws = OP, don't go and +10 them if you don't have the gear for tanking, bosses will eat you alive.0 -
I only live in a pve world this far. And from that aspect i was suggesting G16 claws because it will alow you to solo farm. Indeed, just about nothing is "needed" to complete everything in the game. IMO however the goal nowadays is to complete things solo. (meaning dual client for most people)
About the chances. 60 rerolls for the armor is "average" luck. The risk is that it might also take you 300, 400 or 500 rerolls. That is absolutely something to be prepared for.
With the G16 weapon, the average is 9 rerolls i think. Thats why i said, prepare 10-20. with 20 rerolls you have a pretty good chance that you got it, but again here it might well take more than 20 rerolls.
farming the tome ? A friend of mine is doing that, but as far as i know, you can only farm 1 of the 2 ingredients and it makes like 10% of the cost. The other ingredient needs to be bought anyway so it sill is expensive.0
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