How to PVP Vs BM



  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited May 2013 were critting 4k with metal. I guess 6k crit with purge is credible though.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Purge needs to always be added into your damage logg, you get a purge bow for a reason. The only mostly sharded JoSD archer always makes excuses to 1v1 me so I asked a full vit stone sharded BM to step in. With magic marrow on, highly refined magic ornament and fully buffed he should have the same defenses as a fully sharded JoSD BM. *Link*

    By your logic because I hit a jade bm 10k+ once or twice... I should be walking around broadcasting that I hit jade bms for 10k.

    So if a vit bm can have "magic marrow on, highly refined magic ornament"... why can't the jade bm. And fully jade is a lot more effective then cleric buffs... considering full jade decrease damage taken from my bow by a bit over 20%. On a bm... cleric buff will raise m.def by a bit over 10%... but that will be made less effective by metal debuffs. So in essence you are testing your damage on a lower value target and still missing the bar considering your crits are only landing 4k. were critting 4k with metal. I guess 6k crit with purge is credible though.

    The way I understand his post is that the bm is vit... the cleric buff is suppose to simulate jades. So in his mind hes already hitting a purged jade bm.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    By your logic because I hit a jade bm 10k+ once or twice... I should be walking around broadcasting that I hit jade bms for 10k.

    I hit full +12 jaded HA for 10k. It just takes 5 sparks and has a 3 minute cooldown. But I do it. 'cause I'm pro. I hit HA for 10k. Get at my level.
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't pvp much anymore so my opinions are mainly from nw perspective.

    What's funny to me is usually my archer is targeted like there's no tomorrow. Guess some already assume I'm going to be a problem or easy kill. Bms have been my cling buddies lately so I end up having to run a lot to get some distance. I favor stunning or freezing them while I put some debuffs on them (sharptooth, serrated, etc). Most I've gone up against don't bother to use their marrows, so I normally don't have to worry about that situation. But for the sake some might, I agree with Zen to watch the marrows. Our metal skills do some fair damage, as well as kick possibly a few other opponents out of stealth or hit them if they're too close to the bm XD. I use leap left and right a lot, and yes a lot of bms have chased me through the air like crazy. Not many have used their luring skill on me, just hunt me down or stun me. As for stealthing, I don't normally use it but I have whenever I'm trying to heal up or get away from spawn killers. Bms are no exception. I don't stealth them really but I possibly would if trying to make them run off just so I can surprise stun them. A few times I've gotten lucky and had some nation members help me out in killing them, so I end up playing decoy a lot while someone else finishes them off. It's not too bad. I've died, killed, or died along with the bm lol. It's all good XD. As for triple sparking, it's nice if you want to get rid of them a little quicker (talking from demon perspective. sage probably does the trick just as good too)
  • Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    By your logic because I hit a jade bm 10k+ once or twice... I should be walking around broadcasting that I hit jade bms for 10k.

    So if a vit bm can have "magic marrow on, highly refined magic ornament"... why can't the jade bm. And fully jade is a lot more effective then cleric buffs... considering full jade decrease damage taken from my bow by a bit over 20%. On a bm... cleric buff will raise m.def by a bit over 10%... but that will be made less effective by metal debuffs. So in essence you are testing your damage on a lower value target and still missing the bar considering your crits are only landing 4k.

    The way I understand his post is that the bm is vit... the cleric buff is suppose to simulate jades. So in his mind hes already hitting a purged jade bm.

    Your recast bow hopefully has purge since it seems like you're having trouble purging a BM, a JoSD BM isn't that effect without buffs, its better then vit stones selfbuffed yes but its still a lot of weakening after once a JoSD player loses their buffs. I was hitting from 4k-5.5k which means with a +12 bow that's sharded you should hopefully reach the 6k marker.

    PS; When you do purge, I hope you understand magic marrow goes off as well and you are a class that is capable to stun, maybe you should use your skills efficiently to put yourself in a bigger advantage.
  • Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Your recast bow hopefully has purge since it seems like you're having trouble purging a BM, a JoSD BM isn't that effect without buffs, its better then vit stones selfbuffed yes but its still a lot of weakening after once a JoSD player loses their buffs. I was hitting from 4k-5.5k which means with a +12 bow that's sharded you should hopefully reach the 6k marker.

    PS; When you do purge, I hope you understand magic marrow goes off as well and you are a class that is capable to stun, maybe you should use your skills efficiently to put yourself in a bigger advantage.

    So at first you can hit 6k on a jade bm. But now on a vit bm (which is clearly below that of a jade) you only manage 4-5.5k crit (your words). And since I am the on with a +12 bow... I am also the one with a higher metal damage... why would it be you to assume that I would "hopefully reach" 6k damage on a jade bm... when I am clearly telling you that I CANNOT consistently crit 6k on even a purged jade BM.

    PS. I don't know about you... but my targets never come pre-purged. And any bm that I fight is going to bell and marrow as soon as my sage stun wears off (btw my stun is longer than your demon stun). With my 8% purge chance... a fight can go on for minutes before a purge ever take place. Why in the world would I talk about my damage when I my target is clearly at a disadvantage.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A good tactic I've found on my archer (though most BMs will QQ, and it's innefective in TW/NW) is to use your wings to kite. Kite him up a ways popping metal skills and Stun, PERSONALLY I feel that aim low is innefective due to long cast time and their real in/disarm abilities. If they get too close to you let off your wings and drop down below him. and repeat, going down. More often than not though, BMs will drop their wings the same way, and try to fall to your level, easy counter to this is to start rising as they're falling, it'll throw off their timing and they end up below you. IF they continue to chase you downward then when you get too close to the ground drop, alacrity, and kite em on ground a bit, then fly up and repeat.

    USUALLY you can get your crits to sync up and kill past their charm, this tactic is more what I use on higher geared BMs.
    Current Gears
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Been years i pked openly white name.

    For people that feeling to start pk even though its nt much around i hope people do that will for sure make abit pk alive lol

    against bm 1v1 as we say

    get p def charms
    a hp charm if can
    a auto pot that is really nice in pvp too
    all is ur choice as u wana survive more

    now before start go pk against a bm
    check the person genie/ gears

    compare abit to urs ull know or get a good idea how u need play

    caste a charm + fortify draught awhile back and before 1v1 see ur apoc is not ins cd.

    I dont read aroud much o forums seeing oh this archer did this must be good. cant say
    what i do against a bm is.

    we ofc start from a distance. the person say same geared as me full r9rr bla bla. and take as a demon bm as we find those 90% time these days. demon aura+ magic alter combo they use

    They gona start with anti stun skill that lasts 15 secnds.

    U need start with winged shell + wings of grace ur anti stun gona last same as them 15 secnds. but u get a edge of shell + 33% damage reduction. other then that watch n observe the person anti stun runing out till that time best hope u dont get 1 shoted . and try do few damage skils so can reduce some hp caste sta be ur best n good choice.
    as its about 15 secnds for ur anti stun ( ya i count when i am pking lol in mind that my anti stun abt get off ) i use fortify from my genie such that my anti stun efect disapear and fortify efect still up + i can use my lvl 79 skill elven. now the bm have few choice. either use a anti stun apoc. run back or ad. if the person dont any of them start with aim low + bv + stuning arrow + lightning strike . ofc if a bm is skiled he will try use a apoc to make him immune to damage taken probably like ig or absolute domain or use a genie skill to remove his debuffs. that be a good advantage for u. apocs cd else genie on big cd and u can do what most archers do ur anti stun + condor is best thing at this point + sta + stuning arrow + lead + metal shock + lightning combo with ep.

    So basically keep urself in anti stun mode as much can. survival is needed that can be done with keeping range from person and instead getting stun locked keep the oponent in abit of fear + stun locks of aim low + sutning arrows .

    Most people will disagree saying -> u dun pk wahah gtfo lol but well no1 was born pker so go enjoy and observe n learn ;) that what i keep up and my genie setup is vit based i have 100 vit + 85 maq on genie.

    I might not survive those elite jade or vit stoned bm's but i know i can give them abit headace :D

    and yes if u are good with no lag go ahead for air fight.

    when i use to had fine net i use to that pretty much
    getting bm to get up in air high enough for em to aim low from ground ( basically go air fast with flyer and stun the bm sta him whilc he trying fly up thunder shock and as he seem get abit close use fortify on genie and get down back on flyer use aim low and **** ofc if u can ;D

    well jst my views so gl hunting bm's b:chuckle

    and i also know there be way alot things that can improve pking as a archer bt this thread is pretty much for those that dont pk so i guess this info is fine + add on from this wole thread. but dont bother too much getting headace reading around instead go pk xp
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    oh wow that a wall of words sorry for such big thread :D and dont forget ofcourse demon chi stealer skill xp might be for sure handy.


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