Newbie seeking some help and friendly faces! xD

Shibazakura - Heavens Tear
Posts: 3 Arc User
My post didn't post o.o let me...try again...
Post edited by Shibazakura - Heavens Tear on
What I tried to post and got cut off was lol...
Hello everyone! I'm a newcomer to the forums here, but have been on and off in PWI for a few years now. I know the absolute bare minimum about this game, but I do know for a fact that I love the visuals and the music. So, I ask that people who are impatient with 'newbs' please spare me xD I'd much rather befriend or be aided by individuals who feel sympathetic and/or helpful toward their less knowledgeable and weaker peers. ^^
I have no friends offline that play online games, I'm the only one despite my efforts to draw them in. ;-; The online friends I still have contact with do not play PWI and seem to have no true interest in getting started, so I'm very much alone in this game, hence why I'm reaching out for some hopeful friends or fellow players in the mood to help a lowly nubby out.
Now then! As I said up there, I know nothing about this game when we get right down to it lol. Upon my return a few weeks ago I decided I didn't want to continue on my Veno at this time, which is 42, so I started a Mystic and found myself REALLY enjoying it. I've leveled to 54 purely on Normal quests and the daily Crazy Stone, but have come to a point where I think I need some help!
I'm not too knowledgeable on my own class either, but have used a couple guides to help me figure out what build I should go with and also what skills I should focus on (though I haven't found myself a good flower guide, so all my flowers are somewhat low leveled). I do really, really enjoy being a Mystic and am curious to see how they function outside of constant questing. I'm clueless on what sort of events take place and not to mention factions xD I get several invites, but I do not join because...I'm such a nub lol!
Other than meeting some potential friends that could possibly give me some sort of help on realizing the true potentials of this game, I would very much appreciate anyone who has some spare time and wouldn't mind lending a hand in completing the following:
Quests currently on:
~ The Showdown, Get Ch'in Wasted (makes me lawl)
~ The Book
~ God's Tear
~ Statues (at the part where I need the Sword & Painting)
~ Call: Wraithbeast
As well as;
~Kill Gouf, Aerox Chief
There are also seeeeveral other Hero, Errand, Legendary and Challenge quests I haven't started yet. I really don't expect someone to nip all these quests in the bud for me in one go, but if someone were to say hey, let's go kick Gouf's butt! I wouldn't be opposed. ^^
I also have one last request regarding a certain flyer! I've been frequently checking the Auctions and personal shops in Archosaur for this flyer, but have yet to stumble across one, so I'm scared that it is very, very expensive. So, if I want to buy a Meteoric Peacock, how much would I be looking to spend, for anyone who may know?
Any and all help, advice, words of encouragement, are all greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time~ ^__^0 -
Well I don't know anything about mystics, and I'm also not on your server... so I just wanted to say, nice to see new friendly people here
The flyer is from packs, max speed, so yeah it's probably expensive. If I had to guess 50-100m. But again I don't know earthguards or prices on your server.
Anyway, welcome to the forums ^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Want a custom faction/fav icon? Look no further! Visit my 👿 Icon Repository in the Fanatics Forum.
^ but please, for the love of god, read the first page before making requests (UPDATED)0 -
Hello there, nice to meet you!
Level 5x is when you truly start to learn your class, I believe, as you are quickly approaching more squad dungeons and will soon get access to higher level instances like Twilight Temple.
Try joining a faction. There are some factions that are based purely on helping people with things like quests, and you are more likely to find people your level in factions whether they be alts of a higher toon or another "newbie."
As for the Meteoric Peacock, you can expect to spend ~80+ mil for it. It won't go below 80mil, I can guarantee as much.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me. I tend to respond unless I'm busy or afk.
Good luck f:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Thank you both of you! I'll keep my eye out for a faction now that I know that. ^^ Also, thank you for the price check for the flyer!0
Shibazakura - Heavens Tear wrote: »What I tried to post and got cut off was lol...
Hello everyone! I'm a newcomer .... I have no friends... so I'm very much alone in this game, hence why I'm reaching out for some hopeful friends or fellow players in the mood to help a lowly nubby out.
Now then! As I said up there, I know nothing about this game when we get right down to it lol.
Any and all help, advice, words of encouragement, are all greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time~ ^__^
I'm new to the game b:angry let us explore a perfect world together!0 -
Welcome to the game, you seem happy about playing mystics, just to give you heads up that it is not worth doing crazy stone. There are other methods of gaining exp/sp that costs less, please be very wise on coin and make sure you're 60+ ASAP. BHs, TB quests and EG quests help much better. I would help you with gouf but I don't have this game installed on this computer >.> It is a public computer.Juriana - Heavens Tear wrote: »Hello there, nice to meet you!
Level 5x is when you truly start to learn your class, I believe, as you are quickly approaching more squad dungeons and will soon get access to higher level instances like Twilight Temple.
Try joining a faction. There are some factions that are based purely on helping people with things like quests, and you are more likely to find people your level in factions whether they be alts of a higher toon or another "newbie."
As for the Meteoric Peacock, you can expect to spend ~80+ mil for it. It won't go below 80mil, I can guarantee as much.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me. I tend to respond unless I'm busy or afk.
Good luck f:cute
Levels 4X to 7X was where you do truly learn how to play your class especially in FB69 with 70s only. From 80+ gets even easier as you level.
Joining factions may be a good idea but must choose a faction wisely.This game is fail-proof unless you are dumber than a donkey. ...Too bad a lot of players fall into that exact category. ~maocchi
Level 81 HA/APS Fox, Level 75 VIT/defense tiger, Level 56 VIT/APS Seeker, Level 54 Dual sword BM, Level 36 assassin, Level 38 Archer, level 32 Priestess, level 41 Wizard on this account. HT~
LVL 24 Mystic~LC0 -
Shibazakura, right off the bat I need to say... beware of the trolls. >_>
The number-one key to enjoying this game is to level at your own pace, learn your skills and become comfortable with your class. You're going to run into a lot of peer pressure in this game, most of it unwarranted. As sad as is to say, people like you who still bother to do the main PVE game are a rarity.
Just to give you an idea of your audience... most of the people here are already at endgame, many having reached it a long, long time ago. For some of them, the last time they did an actual quest was years ago. Even for their alts, a lot of people use questionable or illegitimate leveling methods (such as Frost powerleveling), instead of actually playing the game like you do. So pressure to do powerleveling is one of the big things you'll want to avoid.
Once you do reach endgame, people are going to pressure you to equip certain gears; this is (at best) a misguided tactic based on the assumption that every new player wants to do PVP at endgame. My advice is to just equip gear you're comfortable with, as long as it's level-appropriate, and make your own choice on whether to do PVP later on. I'm going to warn you now though... if you intend to do PVP seriously, you'll be investing a LOT of time (and possibly money) into this game. So stick with PVE for now and see where your whims take you.
Here's the good news... despite all the trolls and perfectionists, there are still friendly faces.As long as you avoid the big territory war factions, you'll find that most people are pretty laid-back and helpful (within their ability to be helpful, of course). A good faction goes a long way. Then again, a robust Friend List can be just as good.
It sounds like you're around the low 40's, which is when you can start doing Bounty Hunter quests. As hard as this will be to accomplish, I strongly suggest that you try to find your own squad of similarly-leveled people to do your daily BH quests with. Many people like to "help" lowbies like you with their BH runs by steamrolling over everything due to their level, but this comes at the expense of your own experience with your class in a squad situation. Unfortunately since so few people play the regular PVE game like you, finding a squad for BH29 or BH39 can be challenging, if not impossible some days. :-/
Good luck :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
If you really want to know what to do, read Miugre's post. Then ignore it.
Level as you want now but once you've done a BH once or twice in that level range go and buy some hypers and grind out the exp needed to your next level. Why? Because there's no one around your level to do anything with. You will spend anywhere from 15 minutes if really lucky to 1-2 hours if it's a normal day to 5+ hours finding a BH squad for your Bounty Hunt quests (Main way to level if you don't hyper).
Do your quests, join a faction and level as fast as possible. Truth is the game is repetitive and boring and after you've leveled to ~60 you've seen all that the game has to offer, it just keeps sending you to a different location with different mob names.
Most unique or interesting PVE aspects of the game come after level 100.
If you're expecting to play with groups of people around your level you'll be disappointed. If you listen to the whole "Level at your own pace and enjoy the game" thing you'll be disappointed. Rush to level 100, farm for gear, do w/e PVE **** you want then b:victory
But also realize that this game's PVE sucks and is repetitive. This game's entire "progress" is towards PVP environments. Because essentially the gear level that's needed to do PVE with has been passed about 2 years ago. In fact at level 100 or 95 even you can get an entire Morai (piece of land/instance area) gear set that will allow you to do all PVE in this game. If you plan on improving yourself/gear then you will eventually end up in some form of PVP participation.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Still trying to move your cursor, eh?0 -
Jhalil - Heavens Tear wrote: »If you really want to know what to do, read Miugre's post. Then ignore it.
Level as you want now but once you've done a BH once or twice in that level range go and buy some hypers and grind out the exp needed to your next level. Why? Because there's no one around your level to do anything with. You will spend anywhere from 15 minutes if really lucky to 1-2 hours if it's a normal day to 5+ hours finding a BH squad for your Bounty Hunt quests (Main way to level if you don't hyper).
Do your quests, join a faction and level as fast as possible. Truth is the game is repetitive and boring and after you've leveled to ~60 you've seen all that the game has to offer, it just keeps sending you to a different location with different mob names.
Most unique or interesting PVE aspects of the game come after level 100.
If you're expecting to play with groups of people around your level you'll be disappointed. If you listen to the whole "Level at your own pace and enjoy the game" thing you'll be disappointed. Rush to level 100, farm for gear, do w/e PVE **** you want then b:victory
But also realize that this game's PVE sucks and is repetitive. This game's entire "progress" is towards PVP environments. Because essentially the gear level that's needed to do PVE with has been passed about 2 years ago. In fact at level 100 or 95 even you can get an entire Morai (piece of land/instance area) gear set that will allow you to do all PVE in this game. If you plan on improving yourself/gear then you will eventually end up in some form of PVP participation.
This game's PVE doesn't suck any more than any other MMO. If we didn't have powerleveling and gear elitism, we wouldn't have half of these problems. So telling the OP to go powerlevel and buy gear because no one else does the early game PVE is like telling someone not to join a faction because only a few people are in it. Well it's sure as hell not gonna get any more active if you keep telling people to stay away, is it?
We need people like the Shiba here to revive the lowgame. Granted, we need a few hundred more of them than we actually have, but you've got to start somewhere. The game has enough problems without people like you actively encouraging them.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
If we didn't have powerleveling and gear elitism, we wouldn't have half of these problems.
Anyway, I too am looking for some friendly faces. I am a level 71 veno and need assistance with FB/BH/FC/TT and Waithgate quests. Yes I would be considered a noob because I have never been in some of those instances. I have tried to soloing TT and can only make it about half way through (just takes to long).
I have no interest in end game PVP. I play for fun, but is not with no way to complete required quests and endless grinding!0 -
Hmm... I might be returning to this game and I do enjoy helping others. Miugre brings forth a very good point. You gotta "soak up" the elements of the game to really enjoy it.0
Miugre - Heavens Tear wrote: »Ladies, Gentlemen and OP, this is a textbook example of the problem.
This game's PVE doesn't suck any more than any other MMO. If we didn't have powerleveling and gear elitism, we wouldn't have half of these problems. So telling the OP to go powerlevel and buy gear because no one else does the early game PVE is like telling someone not to join a faction because only a few people are in it. Well it's sure as hell not gonna get any more active if you keep telling people to stay away, is it?
We need people like the Shiba here to revive the lowgame. Granted, we need a few hundred more of them than we actually have, but you've got to start somewhere. The game has enough problems without people like you actively encouraging them.
See the problem is that people still see this as a "problem" instead of how it just is. What you are basically telling the guy is to play a game in a way where he's hardly going to communicate with anyone and will probably not experience any of the new updates that hit the game in the past year for at least 3 to 6 months (If you don't power level and level at a steady pace questing and BHing then I believe that's the time it took to get to 95-100?).
This game's PVE is quite horrible even in regards to other MMOs. Most other MMOs have something that you gain from doing lower content, whether it's upgradeable skills/items/other stuff or a good story line or both, this game has none of that.
Reality has to sink in some time that this game as it stands now has no enjoyable "lowgame". There's nothing in the level 1 to 99 zones that will teach him anything he won't learn at level 100 within a few days of doing random BH's. The whole concept of "OMG BH69 WILL REALLY TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY" kind of goes out the window since that was 2 years ago.
In fact he/she/it will only be disappointed once they hit the end-game stuff and realize that almost all the **** they did before is nothing like what they're doing now. Almost all the new bosses have patterns they will never have experienced before and rules that apply to dungeons that don't apply to the dungeons before it. Even gear wise the lower levels will make you want to stat/gear for high vitality while for any class other than a barb at endgame that's completely false.
Misleading new players in to thinking that if they just do their "fetch" quests like nice little puppies and take for ever to level and join a faction with 15 people in it will enhance their game play is misleading.
What I told him is the simple reality and state of the game, whether you call it eliteism or whatever word you want to label it to make yourself feel like it's all a big lie and it's not true is your business.
In the end, as a gamer, if I were to pick up a new game I would want an active community, stuff to do, challenging dungeons and an active PVE scene. All of which is pretty much non existent at levels 1-99.
Knowing this, why would you purposefully tell someone to go that road for the sake of "improving" early-game while knowing if you do send them down that road there's a more than high probability that they will quit due to lack of anyone to do anything with?
All major updates for the game can only be experienced when you're above 95. If you want to play a single player game till you're level 95-100 then have fun. If not, sky rocket your way to level 100 and start playing with the other people on the game. Anyone telling you otherwise is stuck in 2008.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Still trying to move your cursor, eh?0 -
Jhalil - Heavens Tear wrote: »See the problem is that people still see this as a "problem" instead of how it just is. What you are basically telling the guy is to play a game in a way where he's hardly going to communicate with anyone and will probably not experience any of the new updates that hit the game in the past year for at least 3 to 6 months (If you don't power level and level at a steady pace questing and BHing then I believe that's the time it took to get to 95-100?).
This game's PVE is quite horrible even in regards to other MMOs. Most other MMOs have something that you gain from doing lower content, whether it's upgradeable skills/items/other stuff or a good story line or both, this game has none of that.
Reality has to sink in some time that this game as it stands now has no enjoyable "lowgame". There's nothing in the level 1 to 99 zones that will teach him anything he won't learn at level 100 within a few days of doing random BH's. The whole concept of "OMG BH69 WILL REALLY TEACH YOU HOW TO PLAY" kind of goes out the window since that was 2 years ago.
In fact he/she/it will only be disappointed once they hit the end-game stuff and realize that almost all the **** they did before is nothing like what they're doing now. Almost all the new bosses have patterns they will never have experienced before and rules that apply to dungeons that don't apply to the dungeons before it. Even gear wise the lower levels will make you want to stat/gear for high vitality while for any class other than a barb at endgame that's completely false.
Misleading new players in to thinking that if they just do their "fetch" quests like nice little puppies and take for ever to level and join a faction with 15 people in it will enhance their game play is misleading.
What I told him is the simple reality and state of the game, whether you call it eliteism or whatever word you want to label it to make yourself feel like it's all a big lie and it's not true is your business.
In the end, as a gamer, if I were to pick up a new game I would want an active community, stuff to do, challenging dungeons and an active PVE scene. All of which is pretty much non existent at levels 1-99.
Knowing this, why would you purposefully tell someone to go that road for the sake of "improving" early-game while knowing if you do send them down that road there's a more than high probability that they will quit due to lack of anyone to do anything with?
All major updates for the game can only be experienced when you're above 95. If you want to play a single player game till you're level 95-100 then have fun. If not, sky rocket your way to level 100 and start playing with the other people on the game. Anyone telling you otherwise is stuck in 2008.
Playing a game isn't really any different than reading a book or watching a movie. Sure, you can go back to all the best parts at the end once you've finished it. But that's because you already have an understanding and appreciation for the content leading up to that point. When you want to introduce someone to a book, do you skip to the last few chapters and tell them "start here?" No, you do not.
You can say the lowgame has problems, and you wouldn't be wrong in saying so, but don't hide behind "that's just how it is." That's not realism, that's cynicism. It contributes nothing to the discussion beyond validating the status quo. If you think the old game is so bad, where's your thread on how to fix it?
I think you and I would both agree that community is important in a game. But if I had joined this game today, I don't think I'd have even tried to get to endgame. I don't think I'd have found it to be worth it. What the hell is the point of an endgame when there's no actual game to reach it through? I'm not going to skip to the last chapter of the book just because that's where the community happens to be.
What we have here is a person who's willing - whether through simple ignorance or (more rarely) dogged determination - to contribute to what remains of the lowgame community. Who are you to tell him he's wasting his time? I gave a fair warning to the OP about the state of the community, too, but I managed to do it without telling him "oh, just skip the old content, nobody cares." He'll get enough of that through peer pressure ingame. So in the end, if you have nothing new to contribute to the discussion, why don't you just go back to enjoying endgame like everyone else, and let someone enjoy the lowgame for once.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
Miugre, while your arguments are somewhat sound, it doesn't apply to this game. In other games there actually is content at lower levels, even if there isn't as much of it as high level content. The quests give a proportional amount of exp and reward for their level and there are events that are lowbie-friendly. WoW is a classic example of this; the low level instances will always be scaled to that level, and the dungeon queue system will only accept characters up to a certain level. This way there aren't many high level people just power-running lowbies through low level instances.
Similarly on WoW if you queue into battlegrounds, you will pvp against people of similar level. WoW does have twinks (people who freeze their level and get the best possible gear for that level range for pvp purposes) and that can be annoying, but it's not nearly as bad as going out to PK as a level 60 and meeting a 105 r9 to oneshot you.
On PWI, quests give very little exp (and are flat out boring; seriously, I read almost every quest in almost every other MMO, but PWI's are just terrible) and reward. There's nothing DISCOURAGING lowbies from looking for a high level to run through through instances (whereas in games like WoW, doing instances with people your level and using the dungeon finder gives you extra rewards and exp). ALL of the PVP content is lumped together. There is no level-tiered PVP event to speak of. If you're not level 101+ with end game gear, the end game gear people are going to kill you as soon as they look in your direction. The fact of the matter is, there is no low-level content in this game. Well, there is, but it is so ridiculously insignificant that even what exists is geared towards getting the lowbies out of the lowbie range as fast as possible.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Anatidaephobia - The Fear That You are Being Watched by a Duck0 -
And on top of what Aes said, you're comparing PWI to a book where it's fun and exciting to read through it whereas on here there's no good story line there's nothing you actually GAIN from leveling slowly/"the right way".
As for where my topic is on how to fix the early stages of the game, it will never exist because I mostly don't care for the early stages of the game. I'd rather have all the new people jump straight to the end-game and maybe have an impact on TW/NW/PVP scene than a bunch of level 50's standing in the middle of Arch trying to get their BH done b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Still trying to move your cursor, eh?0 -
I just have to cry when people start new on a game hosted by PWE.
Starting new on here can be quite terrible if you're looking for a competitive way of playing, since it's either pay a lot to win or give up your life to win in order to get to the same standard gear that those who played for years have. PWI is good though if you're looking for a chatroom.
And jhalil is still a noob.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
playing Faction Wars Again.0 -
Retsuko - Heavens Tear wrote: »I just have to cry when people start new on a game hosted by PWE.
Starting new on here can be quite terrible if you're looking for a competitive way of playing, since it's either pay a lot to win or give up your life to win in order to get to the same standard gear that those who played for years have. PWI is good though if you're looking for a chatroom.
And jhalil is still a noob.
Holy shet it's you
Agree w/ your last comment - Jhanub 4ever[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you Silvychar for my siggy0 -
Iyania - Heavens Tear wrote: »Miugre, while your arguments are somewhat sound, it doesn't apply to this game. In other games there actually is content at lower levels, even if there isn't as much of it as high level content. The quests give a proportional amount of exp and reward for their level and there are events that are lowbie-friendly. WoW is a classic example of this; the low level instances will always be scaled to that level, and the dungeon queue system will only accept characters up to a certain level. This way there aren't many high level people just power-running lowbies through low level instances.
Similarly on WoW if you queue into battlegrounds, you will pvp against people of similar level. WoW does have twinks (people who freeze their level and get the best possible gear for that level range for pvp purposes) and that can be annoying, but it's not nearly as bad as going out to PK as a level 60 and meeting a 105 r9 to oneshot you.
On PWI, quests give very little exp (and are flat out boring; seriously, I read almost every quest in almost every other MMO, but PWI's are just terrible) and reward. There's nothing DISCOURAGING lowbies from looking for a high level to run through through instances (whereas in games like WoW, doing instances with people your level and using the dungeon finder gives you extra rewards and exp). ALL of the PVP content is lumped together. There is no level-tiered PVP event to speak of. If you're not level 101+ with end game gear, the end game gear people are going to kill you as soon as they look in your direction. The fact of the matter is, there is no low-level content in this game. Well, there is, but it is so ridiculously insignificant that even what exists is geared towards getting the lowbies out of the lowbie range as fast as possible.
I think a pertinent question we all need to be asking ourselves is, "why did we choose this game?" Originally, I mean. For me, it was because I had a half-dozen or so offline friends who played... but in the course of playing the lowgame with them, the game itself grew on me.
No, nobody stays for the stellar writing quality (unless you're fascinated by a hundred variations on the phrase "lol wraiths"). I guess for me it was the visual themes and aesthetic. When I got to Silver Pool, I largely ignored the people who were PKing there. I was more concerned with how friggin' annoying those antelope pups were while I was trying to kill the Torgirns for culti. Or what the hell that area to the south was all about, with those trees with all the runes and what looked like webs on them, and the spiders around. Or what the hell a Bolden Goldwing was, but hey, wow, that's a nice sunrise over the mountain when I fly over it and whoa that's a big ******n bird, and why did some weirdo build a house up here anyway? o.O
I know it seems like ages ago since anyone here was ever genuinely intrigued by this game, but it still happens. Now, of course once you've played it all once or twice, it becomes stale, so it's forgivable to want to skip over the old content on an alt (though I still don't condone frost powerleveling). But what we're talking about here is a person who's playing it all for the first time. We should not be giving him advice that is, at best, suitable only for alts.Jhalil - Heavens Tear wrote:As for where my topic is on how to fix the early stages of the game, it will never exist because I mostly don't care for the early stages of the game. I'd rather have all the new people jump straight to the end-game and maybe have an impact on TW/NW/PVP scene than a bunch of level 50's standing in the middle of Arch trying to get their BH done
Regarding PVP in general... I know I'm not the most unbiased sort of guy as far as PVP is concerned, but I long ago lost any interest in the arms race PWI was becoming. I just don't see the appeal. Seeing as there are so many MMOs out there which focus exclusively on PVP, a lot of them better than this game depending on who you ask, why would anyone start playing here just for the PVP? People get lured here for any number of reasons, but most of them are PVE... they go through the PVE to endgame, get bored of endgame, and then stick around for the PVP. That's how it always goes. And that's fine, there's nothing wrong with that, but you can't expect a newbie to be starstruck by the PVP right off the bat (at least not once they're properly informed about the barriers-to-entry PVP has, these days).[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
Gee people, its a motherglubbing game.
Now for those who say the they'd prefer to skip start-to-mid game (from level 1-99) and then start right at level 100 and do **** and gigles.
Well why dont you people go to a private server?
Oh yeah, most private servers lack serious maintenance, besides the glubbing fact that most people start there, get bored at having everything easily handed to them and then they leave!
Now im not one to mind that ****, be my guest and do whatevs you want.
But that kind of dealy you peeps put there, about skipping parts of a game its like complete bullshyt.
Its like playing super motherfuucking mario and be thrown at last level to play with bowser. Then what? you start again? fuuck no! that **** is boring.
What i mean is. the dudes put all that stuff in the game for a reason. Would you kiill it to consider playing it? or at least use it?
Anyway OP, do whatever the fuuck you want. whatever **** comes out From your motheglubbing brain sponge do it. We wont mind at all.
I at least expect some people to play the game in the spirit of it.
It's like the glubbing law. if you adhere to the spirit of it, then the **** is sure to go well.
And then at the end we will have this game explode like dinamyte lit in a box full of **** man.
Everybody will ask : WHAT
And you would say:
Motherfuucking miracles man. THATS WHAT.
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