Wizzy DoT's

swabian Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Wizard
I don't notice a lot of talk about the Wizzy DoT's and wonder why. I personally like to layer them as an opener skill (pvp,TW,NW).

I find it a good way to start to damage the opponent quickly as the skills cast quickly.

It can be a good passing shot (Pitfall, demon version slows/freezes) while going to your main objective.

If you are close to a kill , this might push them over the edge. I have seen that happen a few times. While kiting away the skill puts the death blow on them.

Any other thoughts?
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  • Bhavyy - Raging Tide
    Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I find auto attacking with my wizard to be far better "way to start damaging the opponent" because the interval between hits is even faster than the cast time for DOTs. Especially if you get an Aps set which is well worth investing in for pvp.

    Happy wizarding!
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I don't use DoTs frequently for their dot effect (I use pitfall all the time for instant damage and chance to freeze.. the dot effect is not really considered or kept track of most of the time) mainly because they give less chi per cast than pyro or gush. Also, even if you were to hit someone with say pitfall, let it tick them down for 9 seconds or w/e the time is, in the end a skill like pyrogram would have done more damage instantly than pitfall would have with the initial hit + 9 seconds of dot effect. The few times I've used dots for the effect are usually to try to cancel out hp pots and keep someone near 50% (had limited success with this strategy) or for the lulz against one shot uncharmed sins.. hit them with crown of flame which ticks their nerve.. they domain or force stealth and a sec or two later the dot kills them. It can also go the other way though, I've had a few times where I got someone to just above 50% hp and go for the bypass (sleep -> BIDS for example) and while they are slept a dot I used earlier ticks their charm so the bypass fails. Maybe it'd be worthwhile to use dots before I tick someone to slightly reduce how much hp I have to go through in the next 10 seconds (especially if I mortal reversion at 50%.. need some way to tick them, maybe crown of flame would be a better choice than pyro/gush).. but for opening skills I don't see much point tbh. The dot effect is very minor compared to regular damage (pitfall dot is equivalent to about 20% of my unbuffed matk).. so using the dots or not shouldn't really be a big concern.. not going to matter much either way in most cases.
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  • XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary
    XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Undine->pitfall->crown can be useful as a chain to time at the end of a barb's invoke so that when you can really start wailing on them they have already been debuffed and they have that little bit of extra damage ticking away at them too, but that's about it, as far as I'm concerned.
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