Maintenance + Patch Discussion] 4-2-2013 [COMPLETE]



  • XTwinkieX - Archosaur
    XTwinkieX - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Picture one: "Here she comes..." Another of his thoughts manifests into consciousness, just barely silenced by his overwhelming shyness. "I'm dressed alright, my hair's neat... but does my breath smell?" He asked himself in a hushed tone, only to inconspicuously inhale the scent of his mouth lingering on his fingertips.

    Picture Two: As the beauty comes ever closer the man is overcome by shame, unable to fully gauge the strength of his oral scent on his own. He stiffens and prepares himself for her answer, aware that her single response could change his life forever. "I'll never know until I ask..." swallowing his pride, he holds his hand seemingly to take her own and parts his lips to speak:

    "I've been waiting so long for someone just like you..."

    He turns away from her beautiful eyes, growing more ashamed as she bathed him in their yearning shimmer. It was almost as if she knew just how he felt....

    "Does my hand smell okay to you. I don't want to disappoint my date tonight..."
  • MonRider - Heavens Tear
    MonRider - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1st picture
    women : you know thet Biber will never get even gold, :)
    man : hahahahahahahahahahaha

    2nd picture
    women : yea, even zen dont work for him, lol
    man : GO AWEY women!!!, not funy to lol to unlucky ppl !!!

  • Lix - Momaganon
    Lix - Momaganon Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Base-Lock Patty Cake
  • shadowgeisthq
    shadowgeisthq Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Salvation: Listen to, I have to tell you something. Me and your brother were..
    Mystic: Shut up!! I know everything!, My brother is a gey!
    Salvation: WTF!!
    Mystic: Yeah, smell this! This is his perfume. . .
  • sirjanusx
    sirjanusx Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Top Picture- ::Loud expulsion of air::

    Boy: Gross, your **** smells like salmon
    Girl: ....That wasn't a ****...

    Bottom Picture-

    Boy: Whelp, see ya later
  • Thrieya - Lost City
    Thrieya - Lost City Posts: 732 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Picture 1: Heavens above, what on Pan Gu's green Perfect World... were you eating Taco Bell's last night?

    Picture 2: Hold up, hold up, woman... I sense a Disturbance in the Force. Also, someone dropped a tenner here. How do you miss dropping ten bucks?
  • Flash_Sage - Archosaur
    Flash_Sage - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Girl : Hey! Can u help me kill a mini boss?
    Boy:(picking nose goo) Sure why not *high five* >:) b:laugh
  • sucrac
    sucrac Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You know I'm allergic to feathers. Seriously, get that **** away from me!
  • Cantabrum - Archosaur
    Cantabrum - Archosaur Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    first pic said your mouth smelt
    second please go away it cant by
  • veggiejosh124413
    veggiejosh124413 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Girl: "Hey Jay, look at what i found!"
    Jay: "(nosed plugged from sudden odor) hey sammy, aw what that awful smell? I think it might be coming from what you're hodling."
    Sammy: "Actually, I think it might be brand new soap that someone dropped. The smell is becuase I haven't showered in a while; no soap."

    Jay: "(Hand out in Sammy's face) Ok. Then please go away and use the soap"
    Sammy: "(leaning back from hand in face) What?? you jerk! I am going to use the soap. Good day!"

    My thoughts--- b:laughb:shockedb:angry
  • noobynoobydoo
    noobynoobydoo Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    first picture
    Girl sneezing like crazy.
    guy: says HEY point that mouth somewhere else will you *evil stare*
    girl: I'm sorry I cant help it I have a bad cold, this weather going hot/cold hot again is messing me up.
    Picture two
    Guy *shakes head* well I am not sick so if you would kindly go get away from me before I catch it too.
    Girl: I'm so sorry I wont bother you anymore.
  • Yzdrazil - Raging Tide
    Yzdrazil - Raging Tide Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Girl: Heey John! Gimme a hug!! :3
    John: Did you just **** or something? It stinks!
    Girl: Uuh.. No I didnt.. I've just been in the marches.. Slaying some wraiths..
    *second picture*
    John: Agh.. go away, you really smell ****!
    Girl: Aw..

    RL girl playing male Phychic.. So no flirting please... b:surrender
  • veggiejosh124413
    veggiejosh124413 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Picture one: "Here she comes..." Another of his thoughts manifests into consciousness, just barely silenced by his overwhelming shyness. "I'm dressed alright, my hair's neat... but does my breath smell?" He asked himself in a hushed tone, only to inconspicuously inhale the scent of his mouth lingering on his fingertips.

    Picture Two: As the beauty comes ever closer the man is overcome by shame, unable to fully gauge the strength of his oral scent on his own. He stiffens and prepares himself for her answer, aware that her single response could change his life forever. "I'll never know until I ask..." swallowing his pride, he holds his hand seemingly to take her own and parts his lips to speak:

    "I've been waiting so long for someone just like you..."

    He turns away from her beautiful eyes, growing more ashamed as she bathed him in their yearning shimmer. It was almost as if she knew just how he felt....

    "Does my hand smell okay to you. I don't want to disappoint my date tonight..."
    This person should win the contest
  • Kremia - Lost City
    Kremia - Lost City Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Salvation: How does this perfume smells sir?
    Guy: For the 10th time, i came here just to buy some aspirins
  • impressive12
    impressive12 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    "You're not serious!! Get out of my life!!!!!!!!!!"
  • lchaines
    lchaines Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i think you need a breath mint
  • Aquiminthe - Sanctuary
    Aquiminthe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    "Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy...but here's my number, so--"
    "I don't want it."
  • Sympsy - Dreamweaver
    Sympsy - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Caption 1:
    Seeker: *snickers* Oh my god I can't believe you actually got into the costume.
    Mystic dressed up as Salvation: I know right we are really going to get v4liance for April Fools.

    Caption 2:
    Seeker: Okay go hide and get ready to pop out when I say the magic word. It will so look like I **** the game when you appear. b:chuckle After you hide I will go find v4liance.
    *Seeker and Mystic high five before Mystic hides*

    To Be Continued...
  • Foxyz - Raging Tide
    Foxyz - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sory, but we cant stay together, i'm allergic to feathers.
  • Pet_Catcher - Dreamweaver
    Pet_Catcher - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    "cause nothing shows how cool we are, till we get a secret hand-shake!"
  • xxrekiemxx
    xxrekiemxx Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
  • Annipoca - Lothranis
    Annipoca - Lothranis Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1st Pic:
    Girl: " I need space "
    Boy: " Ok "

    * One month after *

    2nd pic:
    Girl: "This is it I've had enough, 'Cause like we hadn't seen each other in a month"
    Boy: " What? "
    Girl: "Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me"
    Boy: "This time I'm telling you, we are never ever ever getting back together, weeeee are never ever ever getting back together, you go talk to your friends, talk to my friends and talk to me but weeee are never ever ever ever getting back together"

  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The servers are now down! Everyone start panicing! Ohh wait, this happens every maintenance.

    Here's the server status:

    West Coast Servers:
    Sanctuary (PVE) ( OFFLINE
    Lost City (PvP) ( OFFLINE
    Heaven's Tear (PvE) ( OFFLINE
    Archosaur (PvE) ( OFFLINE

    East Coast Servers:
    Harshlands (PvP) ( OFFLINE
    Dreamweaver (PvE) ( OFFLINE
    Raging Tide (PvE) ( OFFLINE

    European Servers:
    Lothranis (PvE) ( OFFLINE
    Momaganon (PvE) ( OFFLINE
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Xyonz - Sanctuary
    Xyonz - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    OMG u Seahagg your breathe stinks,...
    Talk to the Hand...
    You can't see me... Stealth away
  • rushhush
    rushhush Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    "you have bad breath, just talk to my hand"
  • AzureWinds - Sanctuary
    AzureWinds - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    SweetieBot kiss 4vliance.
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    SweetieBot kiss 4vliance.
    Yeah yeah.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • jayballhibb
    jayballhibb Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First Photo: Honey I love you, will you kill Zimo for me?

    Second Photo: Sure love, If your Liverwurst and onion breath don't kill me first!
  • FoxyGR - Raging Tide
    FoxyGR - Raging Tide Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Salvation; "Sempai, I wish for you to notice me!"
    Mystic; "I've never seen you before in my life, now leave me be, nothing summon."
  • wibros
    wibros Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1st pic
    I smell a strong flaming demon

    2nd pic
    stop there before I vortex
This discussion has been closed.