How to know prices?

zelp22 Posts: 2 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Archer
I eventually want to get a higher level archer, and right now i'm looking to buy a sinister shooter, and i really can't find a price guide on anything in this game (not just archer items).
Can anyone lead me to a pricing guide, or just tell me the price of making the sinister shooter or buying one?

early thx to all replies b:victory
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  • MrRiddle - Raging Tide
    MrRiddle - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    there is no price guide due many servers all having different prices very difficult make one and maintain it with price changes
    my advice is look up mats required make item work out base price fore yourself
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    prices vary from server to server and from time to time. This makes price guides something that would need to be maintained constantly. So long as noone finds a reward in it, i guess noone will do that job.

    If you want to know the value of an item, just keep checking all sources, WC, catshops, AH. When you see the item offered or asked, make a note of it. If possible, see if it actually sells for this price. If items time out on the AH, or they are in catshop for many days, the price is too high. I mostly like to pay note to WC auctions although here you still need to beware that they are often not entirely fair. Some sellers have alts or friends make fake bids to try and up the price. After you seen a bunch of offers, preferably both sell and buy, you will have an idea.

    Now this is a lvl 42 item. That means your most likely place to find it is in AH. People wont be WCing this and rarely put it in catshops. Just keep check on AH several times a day for a while.

    Mats cant really tell you the price since there is a mold involved. The value of molds vary from 0 to a few m coins. In this case it will probably be closer to 0 or a few 100k though. The millions are usually for high level molds.
  • zelp22
    zelp22 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Thanks so much hruns and mr riddle, this really helped. I'm sort of a newb, and had no idea auction houses even existed, and never gave any thought to different servers and their PWI economy.
  • soundslegit
    soundslegit Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    200-400K coin would be good price for a sinister shooter or mold to make one. Confusing part is the mold is called sinister bow.

    You can also get a free untradeable one from doing Divine Quests.