New as Venomancer

SweetyGal - Lost City
SweetyGal - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Venomancer
Hey all.

My main is an Blademaster, but I decided to make a veno because they are so cute. b:cute

Now, I have read so far through the Venomancer stickied threads and the class looks tanky. b:dirty

Firstly, I got a build with the following stats:

3 mag
1 vit
1 str till I get 55 str and then switch to the following depending on me

3 mag
2 vit or

4 mag
1 vit

Is this build suitable for a newbie veno or too difficult? b:chuckle

Which is the best veno pets at the moment? On Lost City all the players goes for Herc and Nix, or is there better unknown battle pets? An price estimate would be nice too. I probably will buy the needed stuff for them through the Boutique as you get greedy people on LC. b:shutup

Thanks all
Post edited by SweetyGal - Lost City on


  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The Baby Hercules and Baby Blazing Phoenix are the best pets, period (and well they ought to be, being boutique pets. Who would pay real money for an inferior pet?)

    Of the free pets, the Glacial Walker is the best tank (edging out the pre-Tideborn best tanks, the Magmites, by a small amount.) The starting scorpion or dark wanderer are the best land DPS pets pre-101, where the Derjan's Ancient Hatchling surpass them. Eldergoths and cactopods have a niche as pullers/range tanks. The upcoming pet system overhaul we've been hearing/talking about may change some of these facts, but as things are, most pets are underutilized as they just don't perform as well as the cookie-cutter pets.

    You may want to reconsider putting so much vit on your veno, or so much strength so soon, as you don't really need to survive many hits (the vast majority of hits will be on your pet) and putting those points on mag instead will improve your kill speed.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Even though veno is clearly one of if not the best mag dd's in the game; you should go pure vit since they are such awesome tanks. *sarcasm*
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  • Pelli - Dreamweaver
    Pelli - Dreamweaver Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Surprisingly, I'll have to agree with tweakz on this one.

    My main advice is to begin with a vit build, so you won't be an insta 1 shot for most bosses around you and once you start to get refines at end game, I recommend re-stating your vit points into mag, as your refines will obviously do the same job, if not better.

    And no, venos aren't inherent tanks. Unless your name is RacheyBabez and you have 27k pdef and around 20-22k mdef buffed with r9 3rd, I wouldn't send your veno as the main tanks in a squad. Your pet can tank but you do not possess the tanking abilities with a vit or full mag veno.

    Unless you're a HA veno or a LA, that knows what he/she is doing depending on what kind of player is playing the toon, you probably shouldn't be up front as a tank. Heck, even I don't tank as much as I used to now that I'm 101 (disregard the forum icon, I'm 101, not 71 xD)

    If you don't have the means to buy a herc or a nix, I'd recommend picking up a Petite Sawfly for air battles for some quests and a magmite/walker as a tanker if you do some quests solo. If you ever reach 101 without boring yourself out with your veno, you could also try to get (key-word: try) the Ancient's Derjan's Hatchling in Morai as it is, as of now, the best land pant in terms of attack and attack speed with a decent amount of defense.

    So, yeah. Your choice with what you'll be doing, mate.

    Ponies! :3
  • faerymoon
    faerymoon Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    what points do I need to get it more of strength or dexterity ?
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If you're going arcane, there's no need for any dexterity, and only 1 point per 2 levels of strength.

    Light armor needs 1 str and 1 dex/level, and magic weapons need about 3 points per level, so if you go that route there isn't much flexibility.

    Heavy armor needs 2.5 points str and .5 points of dex/level. Put that together with the 3 points/level for magic weapon and you get 6 points/level while you only get 5, so you have to get creative to go this route.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Pantherlilie - Archosaur
    Pantherlilie - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Id say venos are tanky. Whether they are AA or HA they have a defensive play style. If you want to tank go HA my main is an 83 Pure HA and has 10k unbuffed p.def in fox form and when combined with a glacial walker or better you can dish damage as well as let your pet tank when lazy b:chuckle
  • KingClawX - Lost City
    KingClawX - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    f ur going heavy rooth to play as a fox you should go LA from lv1 to lv100 then make the switch cos u will want a decent weapon and not gimp u so much.

    and as la u can see wish path u like most.

    the only really issue is lving a pet wish can get tedius really.

    LA is not if you wish to face roll things but a more balanced path for fox amd magic

    LA goes 1str 1 dex 3 mag each lv.
  • Pantherlilie - Archosaur
    Pantherlilie - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    f ur going heavy rooth to play as a fox you should go LA from lv1 to lv100 then make the switch cos u will want a decent weapon and not gimp u so much.

    and as la u can see wish path u like most.

    the only really issue is lving a pet wish can get tedius really.

    LA is not if you wish to face roll things but a more balanced path for fox amd magic

    LA goes 1str 1 dex 3 mag each lv.

    that can go different ways. from what i noticed there are two style HA venos. defensive ones and offensive ones. if you want more damage then you clearly put more into your magic stat for a better magic weapon(which gimps your armor chances and HA venos can take the most out of Heavy armor in my opinion) or you could go defensive and put more into str with just enough for magic weapons which gimps your damage but you wont need to hit as hard because you can take far more attacks. its all up to your play style in regards to venos and especially special builds like HA.

    and in regards to a LA build, those are far harder to pull off than an HA build is plus light armor is the worse out of the three types being mediocre in both magic def and physical def. is better to specialize in one field or another as HA venos depending on their build can still hit pretyy hard with magic attacks too.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Or you collect as many +stat ornaments as you can (not many at lower levels, unless you splurge on a high level tome), and -req armors/weapons so you gimp yourself in both areas as little as possible.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Kiszmet - Heavens Tear
    Kiszmet - Heavens Tear Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    No matter how you decide to play the different types of venos play very differently. That is a very important thing to keep in mind as you level because if you play 1-100 as AA veno most find if very hard to switch to HA veno or LA veno, both which require very different play styles.

    Its also not just about damage, the different venos perform very different roles in groups and require a great deal of practice to play effectively in PvP

    HA: High phys defense, Low - moderate mag defense, Low-moderate magic damage, moderate phys damage, moderate - High HP

    Build: Vaires depending on purpose you wish to perform. Fox will require more strength, HA mage will require more magic. It is recommended to primarily play fox with HA focusing on STR and getting just enough mag with points and items to equip a decent mag weapon (285 for S3 Mag sword). Build and stats will be an "as you go" formula instead of a standard point set per level.

    Role in squad: off tank, primary curser- debuffer- purger, offensive
    squad support

    PvP: Defense and curse focus, avoid mag DDs if you can't reach them, try and keep the gap closed with archers, and let melee DDs kill themselves on bramble guard or Blazing Barrier.

    LA: Mod- High phys defense, Mod - High mag defense, (note: VERY hard to get both defenses to high standards) moderate - High mag damage, Low - Moderate phys damage. Low - moderate HP

    Build: 3 Mag 1 Str 1 Dex per level with focus primarily being on Mag with + stats on items. It is recommended to focus on mage form in LA but has better options for going fox than AA.

    Role in squad: curser - debuffer - purger with option of magic or phys DD depending on situation.

    PvP: not recommended for PvP. Melees will hurt, Mages will hurt, Archers will hurt, though if you focus on one type of defense, that type of player will hurt less. Unelss well sharded/geared not enough damage in either form to match the output of opponents.

    AA : Low - Mod phys defense (with shards), High Mag defense, High Mag damage, Low phys damage, Low - Moderate HP w/o Vit build, Moderate - High HP w/ Vit build

    Build: Focus on Magic DD (Mag 4-5/level) for damage, or (Magic 3-4 /Vit 1-2) for survival. Don't forget your Str point every other level for both builds. Both ways are good and both ways play similarily with slightly different manouveres in PvP. Though I rarely see AA venos go fox it is nonetheless still a viable form of play for defense, though you won't be doing much damage with it.

    Role in squad: Magic DD, secondary curser - debuffer but with different debuffs than fox. (some AA venos use fox debuffs, some AA venos don't, especially if there is another veno in squad)

    PvP: Ranged damage dealer. Avoid sins and BMs in melee though fun to take out from a distance. Use pet to distract and support against archers. From my experience still has trouble outdoing wizards and psychics. In TW and NW most AA's will go fox form to purge and/or bewitch then run back and go AA for damage dealing.

    Pets depend on play style so that is usually entirely up to you. Tank pets help AAs and LAs early on. DD pets make up for some of the HA lack of overall damage. All pets will help veno in some way and skill sets depends on how you want your pet to support you in different situations.

    Hope this helps. If your just starting try the different styles a little early as though it may be more economical to change at lev 100 it is harder to pull off at that level as the play styles will change drastically.
  • Pantherlilie - Archosaur
    Pantherlilie - Archosaur Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    that is true, but generally one stat will be more important than the other for different play styles. i know an HA veno that has around 230 magic and like 195 strength while my veno has about 235 str and about 185 magic. lower attack much higher p.def.