State of the game... 2013



  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    wrong that would eventually just drag the bored over powered r999 and they taken out not only the mobs but all the rest of the lower geared player with there aoe.

    It happens all the time. Every server has their d0uchey elitist faction--you know, the one that either keeps going and going forever, or the one that keeps dying over and over, and yet still manages to rope in the same d0uchey people every time they rebuild.

    Harshland's d0uchey elitist faction is called the moment. It's already gone through four or five name changes, but calling them QQZuluCatafamous was getting too long winded.

    I don't even have to describe how these people act, because everybody already knows. They're those guys.

    And now that I think about it, these people do actually add a lot to this situation. Those guys, being hardcore enjoyers of the game that they are, tend to support the f*ck out of any content that makes them improve. Usually, this can be attributed as a good thing, as long as that content isn't as BROKEN as RANK NINE.

    Entering seriously into the game in the RT expansion, and leveling a serious main in the eras where you could still get a BH squad just by standing and talking in normal chat, and where people actually formed level-based squads for FC, where TT was actually being ran, and there were major PvP areas like Shattered Jade, Swamp of the Wraiths, and Secret Passage.

    For me, the breaking point of this game wasn't packs, or BH, but Rank Nine. Rank Nine is where things got really, really ugly. There was now an ENORMOUS gap between free and paying members, which I normally can't complain about, because that's only fair...
    But the way that gap was made was so sickeningly broken, that NOBODY took it seriously.

    In truth, this game was dead on November 10th, 2010, at 10:05 PM.

    Things have only gotten uglier since it's introduction. Players have been nastier and nastier and nastier to one another, ESPECIALLY in Nation Wars. I've seen NW actually break whole factions apart because people form...THOSE squads.

    You know the ones I'm talking about--a faction gathers their most amazingly overpowered players into a 10 man squad, and proceeds to lock the f*ck out of whichever base they decide to plague. It's happened every week. Everybody does it.

    TW's these days are no different than NW. It's ugly. It's not even enjoyable anymore. It's a 10 minute steamrolling parade if you're going up against your server's d0uchey elitist faction.

    In fact....what is enjoyable about this game anymore? For me, it's my faction. I care too much about the people in there, and their success as a group to leave this heap of ****. And it's so heartbreakingly sad, because this game has WAY too much potential! It could be the gem of PWE, but they chose not to do anything to address the issues that are choking the life out of it.

    It still boggles my mind why you would do that to one of your most profitable and successful games, not to mention the ONLY ONE directly RELATED to your company. What logic does it make to kill a game to get profit faster, rather than work on a game to make it last longer to get MORE profit?
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • ponyduck
    ponyduck Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For me, the breaking point of this game wasn't packs, or BH, but Rank Nine. Rank Nine is where things got really, really ugly. There was now an ENORMOUS gap between free and paying members, which I normally can't complain about, because that's only fair...
    But the way that gap was made was so sickeningly broken, that NOBODY took it seriously.

    I agree with this. Actually I think r9 and one other thing really
    destroyed the game, and that other thing was the frost glitch.

    That whole frost fiasco basically introduced the idea that players
    could exploit any glitch they found without negative repercussions.
    It destroyed the integrity of the game. "Honest" players were left
    with a sour feeling of betrayal by the company; "dishonest" players
    were emboldened to take advantage any way they could. Regardless of
    the threats from PWI about bannable actions, and even the sporadic
    application of those bans, players still got a subtle sense of
    permission (for lack of a better word) to exploit any glitch, run
    any scam, misbehave in any way they wanted. The half-hearted,
    inconsistent enforcement of the TOS by PWI was no sort of deterrent.

    That whole episode made PWI look weak and inept, and that's when
    things truly started to get ugly.

    R9 was a total capitulation to the cash-shoppers. It was the line
    PWI crossed when it decided they had probably reached their peak as
    far as numbers in playerbase went, and were going to pull out all
    the stops and make as much money off that playerbase as they possibly

    I have to mention packs as well. It basically turned PWI into a
  • ShadowGoblin - Lost City
    ShadowGoblin - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ponyduck wrote: »

    I agree with this. Actually I think r9 and one other thing really
    destroyed the game, and that other thing was the frost glitch.

    That whole frost fiasco basically introduced the idea that players
    could exploit any glitch they found without negative repercussions.
    It destroyed the integrity of the game. "Honest" players were left
    with a sour feeling of betrayal by the company; "dishonest" players
    were emboldened to take advantage any way they could. Regardless of
    the threats from PWI about bannable actions, and even the sporadic
    application of those bans, players still got a subtle sense of
    permission (for lack of a better word) to exploit any glitch, run
    any scam, misbehave in any way they wanted. The half-hearted,
    inconsistent enforcement of the TOS by PWI was no sort of deterrent.

    That whole episode made PWI look weak and inept, and that's when
    things truly started to get ugly.

    R9 was a total capitulation to the cash-shoppers. It was the line
    PWI crossed when it decided they had probably reached their peak as
    far as numbers in playerbase went, and were going to pull out all
    the stops and make as much money off that playerbase as they possibly

    I have to mention packs as well. It basically turned PWI into a

    Hyper Exp stones were the largest game killer
    They removed the need to quest and/or use the world map which killed 90% player interaction and destroyed pvp.
  • ponyduck
    ponyduck Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hyper Exp stones were the largest game killer
    They removed the need to quest and/or use the world map which killed 90% player interaction and destroyed pvp.

    True, but with something like hyperstones, there's an easy fix: just remove them,
    or limit them in some fashion.

    The black eye PWI sustained from the frost glitch is something that cannot be
    removed. It altered people's perception of the game.

    And there's no going back on r9 now. Introduction of that was a massive break,
    only fixable now by huge outlays of resources by PWI.
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ah, since we're still going on about game-breaking things, how about APS and the lowering of DQ item prices?

    APS is perhaps one of the largest mistakes ever made in this game next to Rank 9. This unintended horror allows Physical classes to attack so quickly, that the game animation itself can't even keep up with it. It's not pretty to watch, and for the longest time, it's put Blademasters and Assassins on the pinnacle of endgame glory, in both PvP and PvE. It got so bad, that barbarians were for a short time, considered obsolete.
    This has been both remedied and made WORSE by Rank 9's introduction. While APS is still very fully functioning, Rank 9 allowed other classes to emerge from the shadow of APS.

    ...and by the way, your "fix", where you tried to lower the accuracy of APS toons, didn't work. Try again PWE.

    Secondly, the DQ material prices.
    When I was 7x, and a x2 was on, I wasn't in TT, I wasn't in FC. I was in the Fragrant Hills and outside of BH 79, beating the living hell out of anything that would drop DQ's. This was before the introduction of DQP's, and my only purpose was to farm the 2.5m I needed for my gear.
    While it wasn't the best way to go about it, it worked. At the end of the week I had over 6m in coin, which was quite a lot at the time considering my level, and the fact this was my main in Harshlands.

    What in the balls were you thinking, lowering most of the prices to 1 coin? How are low level characters supposed to be able to obtain money? Why are you breaking the lower end of the level spectrum down into this hellish, tedious f*ckfest?

    Those are rhetorical questions, but you get my point. PWE is hellbent on making entirely sure, apparently, that there is an absolute zero flow of new members into this game. Which again, makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. Why would you cut short a game with this much moneymaking potential? Do you HAVE two braincells to rub together?

    So to recap, the things I believe killed this game are, in order:

    Lack of give-a-sh*t by Developers and Owners
    Player Greed
    Rank Nine
    The Goon Glitch episode, and PWE's "brilliant" response

    What will end up killing off the rest of it? Probably, ironically enough, Nation Wars and more Rank gear. The first, making the public so spiteful towards one another that people simply become self-centered, greedy basturds--the second, of course, being that nail in the coffin that makes it nearly impossible to compete anymore.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • Ny_Naeve - Dreamweaver
    Ny_Naeve - Dreamweaver Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I completely agree that there needs to be something which attracts and keeps the attention and business of new players. As it is, the old ones have left little by little. Countless old friends and faction mates have left the game stating boredom or the inability to make money needed to keep their gear current and updated or simply the lack of time needed to do so. We desperately need new players - not the old ones leaving
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It happens all the time. Every server has their d0uchey elitist faction--you know, the one that either keeps going and going forever, or the one that keeps dying over and over, and yet still manages to rope in the same d0uchey people every time they rebuild.

    Harshland's d0uchey elitist faction is called the moment. It's already gone through four or five name changes, but calling them QQZuluCatafamous was getting too long winded.

    I don't even have to describe how these people act, because everybody already knows. They're those guys.

    And now that I think about it, these people do actually add a lot to this situation. Those guys, being hardcore enjoyers of the game that they are, tend to support the f*ck out of any content that makes them improve. Usually, this can be attributed as a good thing, as long as that content isn't as BROKEN as RANK NINE.

    Entering seriously into the game in the RT expansion, and leveling a serious main in the eras where you could still get a BH squad just by standing and talking in normal chat, and where people actually formed level-based squads for FC, where TT was actually being ran, and there were major PvP areas like Shattered Jade, Swamp of the Wraiths, and Secret Passage.

    For me, the breaking point of this game wasn't packs, or BH, but Rank Nine. Rank Nine is where things got really, really ugly. There was now an ENORMOUS gap between free and paying members, which I normally can't complain about, because that's only fair...
    But the way that gap was made was so sickeningly broken, that NOBODY took it seriously.

    In truth, this game was dead on November 10th, 2010, at 10:05 PM.

    Things have only gotten uglier since it's introduction. Players have been nastier and nastier and nastier to one another, ESPECIALLY in Nation Wars. I've seen NW actually break whole factions apart because people form...THOSE squads.

    You know the ones I'm talking about--a faction gathers their most amazingly overpowered players into a 10 man squad, and proceeds to lock the f*ck out of whichever base they decide to plague. It's happened every week. Everybody does it.

    TW's these days are no different than NW. It's ugly. It's not even enjoyable anymore. It's a 10 minute steamrolling parade if you're going up against your server's d0uchey elitist faction.

    In fact....what is enjoyable about this game anymore? For me, it's my faction. I care too much about the people in there, and their success as a group to leave this heap of ****. And it's so heartbreakingly sad, because this game has WAY too much potential! It could be the gem of PWE, but they chose not to do anything to address the issues that are choking the life out of it.

    It still boggles my mind why you would do that to one of your most profitable and successful games, not to mention the ONLY ONE directly RELATED to your company. What logic does it make to kill a game to get profit faster, rather than work on a game to make it last longer to get MORE profit?

    if you ask me i cant understand this either why a company would **** there main 1st mmo wish is there very simbol of power.
    surely they would understand non if not almost non would later try there newer products if there very 1st mmo is in such a hurry to die.

    one of my very 1st mistake in this game was i was not abble to join bloodlust on it 1st tw after paying inflames some money for the fee.

    my contection died that week and i wasent able to join.

    in lost city there always been conqueror wish hade there hand in the best players no matter what name u call them now.

    and that is exactly why making this kinda activity sucks so much cos of ppl who are bored or have thing to prove like how many can i kill in one big aoe.
    with the fact this ppl have the best weapon gear available to them.

    ooh and dare try put a resistant cos then they get all there active member to help gank and take over.

    so if your not a friend or in there faction you ignore this activity and dont ever go.
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    ponyduck wrote: »

    I agree with this. Actually I think r9 and one other thing really
    destroyed the game, and that other thing was the frost glitch.

    That whole frost fiasco basically introduced the idea that players
    could exploit any glitch they found without negative repercussions.
    It destroyed the integrity of the game. "Honest" players were left
    with a sour feeling of betrayal by the company; "dishonest" players
    were emboldened to take advantage any way they could. Regardless of
    the threats from PWI about bannable actions, and even the sporadic
    application of those bans, players still got a subtle sense of
    permission (for lack of a better word) to exploit any glitch, run
    any scam, misbehave in any way they wanted. The half-hearted,
    inconsistent enforcement of the TOS by PWI was no sort of deterrent.

    That whole episode made PWI look weak and inept, and that's when
    things truly started to get ugly.

    R9 was a total capitulation to the cash-shoppers. It was the line
    PWI crossed when it decided they had probably reached their peak as
    far as numbers in playerbase went, and were going to pull out all
    the stops and make as much money off that playerbase as they possibly

    I have to mention packs as well. It basically turned PWI into a

    actually i belive those gooners have been promoted.
    go to nw forge and tell me those 105 blessing are not a kick in the face.

    if pwi ever tho gooning was wrong do you honestly belive they woudl put those hell of a blessing on the game.

    why not have those blessing to just to lv101 as that is a resonable lv after the goon fiasco.

    and if they really wanted everyone to benefit from the 105 blessing why cant we just take one quest wish lv us to lv105.

    that is my 2 cent on the goon fiasco
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hyper Exp stones were the largest game killer
    They removed the need to quest and/or use the world map which killed 90% player interaction and destroyed pvp.

    actually bh did that

    also they took bh away for a week or so and put it back and then i twas game over for most quester
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ah, since we're still going on about game-breaking things, how about APS

    APS is perhaps one of the largest mistakes ever made in this game next to Rank 9. This unintended horror allows Physical classes to attack so quickly, that the game animation itself can't even keep up with it. It's not pretty to watch, and for the longest time, it's put Blademasters and Assassins on the pinnacle of endgame glory, in both PvP and PvE. It got so bad, that barbarians were for a short time, considered obsolete.
    This has been both remedied and made WORSE by Rank 9's introduction. While APS is still very fully functioning, Rank 9 allowed other classes to emerge from the shadow of APS.

    you seen how bad mouthed i get when i say they should cap aps or remove them.
    it feel like pve is impossible without wish is a big lie and also removed my caster and archer friends who are the true dds in this game in pvp and pve or was.

    ppl say adaptibility and i say bull s hit you and we all know game was never meant for this much aps in teh 1st place 3 was acceptable tho before pack at was hard alredy 5 was a dream and only hade so few i never saw a singel one.

    also bm at those time wear light armor wish made them weak as hell and there was no sin so bm were no where near gona solo.

    also i refuse to think i should go fist to get the chi these ppl think is how it should be played.

    i am pure str barb or was and i know my chi issue but i dealth with it why cant these so called pro do the same aaah its to much to give in isnt it.

    the whole chi is **** if you ask me
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It happens all the time. Every server has their d0uchey elitist faction--you know, the one that either keeps going and going forever, or the one that keeps dying over and over, and yet still manages to rope in the same d0uchey people every time they rebuild.

    Harshland's d0uchey elitist faction is called the moment. It's already gone through four or five name changes, but calling them QQZuluCatafamous was getting too long winded.

    I don't even have to describe how these people act, because everybody already knows. They're those guys.

    And now that I think about it, these people do actually add a lot to this situation. Those guys, being hardcore enjoyers of the game that they are, tend to support the f*ck out of any content that makes them improve. Usually, this can be attributed as a good thing, as long as that content isn't as BROKEN as RANK NINE.

    Entering seriously into the game in the RT expansion, and leveling a serious main in the eras where you could still get a BH squad just by standing and talking in normal chat, and where people actually formed level-based squads for FC, where TT was actually being ran, and there were major PvP areas like Shattered Jade, Swamp of the Wraiths, and Secret Passage.

    For me, the breaking point of this game wasn't packs, or BH, but Rank Nine. Rank Nine is where things got really, really ugly. There was now an ENORMOUS gap between free and paying members, which I normally can't complain about, because that's only fair...
    But the way that gap was made was so sickeningly broken, that NOBODY took it seriously.

    In truth, this game was dead on November 10th, 2010, at 10:05 PM.

    Things have only gotten uglier since it's introduction. Players have been nastier and nastier and nastier to one another, ESPECIALLY in Nation Wars. I've seen NW actually break whole factions apart because people form...THOSE squads.

    You know the ones I'm talking about--a faction gathers their most amazingly overpowered players into a 10 man squad, and proceeds to lock the f*ck out of whichever base they decide to plague. It's happened every week. Everybody does it.

    TW's these days are no different than NW. It's ugly. It's not even enjoyable anymore. It's a 10 minute steamrolling parade if you're going up against your server's d0uchey elitist faction.

    In fact....what is enjoyable about this game anymore? For me, it's my faction. I care too much about the people in there, and their success as a group to leave this heap of ****. And it's so heartbreakingly sad, because this game has WAY too much potential! It could be the gem of PWE, but they chose not to do anything to address the issues that are choking the life out of it.

    It still boggles my mind why you would do that to one of your most profitable and successful games, not to mention the ONLY ONE directly RELATED to your company. What logic does it make to kill a game to get profit faster, rather than work on a game to make it last longer to get MORE profit?

    It's got to be said. Milking the old cow for all its worth. In other news.

    It doesn't even give any player a good reason to play ALT characters.

    If for the following reasons:
    1. Your market is busted and cornered a fair amount by a select group of people
    2. Your auction house is underutilized.
    3. You call yourself a "Free to play" game when its more like F[r]ee to play
    4. You can't even get the best gear just by participating in the game, therefore it cheats the free crowd.
    5. JSoD stones? Err... good luck with that.
    6. You have to pay for healing that is effective. Then becomes a lose~lose for everyone.

    If everything is just pay to win. Crafting being non-existent and not even worth while to level up. PvP reduced to Nation Wars not Structured Player-Versus-Player and the old power creep and carrot and stick mentality. Game should move to cosmetic cash shop immediately. Not POWER SELLING cash shop or make it an even keel to get the powerful gear and the feature is already in the game of DQ items. We had had the medals in the DQ item shop a while ago.
    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Demoniada - Lost City
    Demoniada - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well, thanks for sharing your opinions with me guys. b:victory

    One thing is certain - I know now that I won't spend another dime for this game, until I see that the company that runs it is fixing some of the issues that were discussed in this topic and is actually taking into consideration the opinion of its player base. R9 can wait... except maybe the sword.

    I guess I'll be waiting for the expansion. b:bye
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    also bm at those time wear light armor wish made them weak as hell and there was no sin so bm were no where near gona solo.

    Ok, I haven't pointed out using sub-optimum on the other thread to see if others would pick it up. But here, it needs to be pointed out. Rank gear itself says which path a class should go, and any BM going LA was a flat out idiot. Full stop, period. The game itself said BMs were supposed to be HA.

    And the thrust of saying full str barb should deal as much as an APS BM is ridiculous. You are saying that a non-optimum stat build (regardless of APS) should deal as much as an optimum build? Insane. That arguement is like an APS cleric with a mag sword complaining their spells aren't as powerful as full magic clerics. At best you're arguing there should be only one weapon type, called Weapon, that every class equips. BMs with 4 weapon paths alone disprove that idea from the devs point of view, or there wouldn't be different attack speeds and damage ranges. Heck, APS can complain they don't have as high a skill attack as axes from your same logical viewpoint.

    Not posting this in the other thread, because it's fun laughing at them when they can't even think of this obvious counter-point.
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Ok, I haven't pointed out using sub-optimum on the other thread to see if others would pick it up. But here, it needs to be pointed out. Rank gear itself says which path a class should go, and any BM going LA was a flat out idiot. Full stop, period. The game itself said BMs were supposed to be HA.

    And the thrust of saying full str barb should deal as much as an APS BM is ridiculous. You are saying that a non-optimum stat build (regardless of APS) should deal as much as an optimum build? Insane. That arguement is like an APS cleric with a mag sword complaining their spells aren't as powerful as full magic clerics. At best you're arguing there should be only one weapon type, called Weapon, that every class equips. BMs with 4 weapon paths alone disprove that idea from the devs point of view, or there wouldn't be different attack speeds and damage ranges. Heck, APS can complain they don't have as high a skill attack as axes from your same logical viewpoint.

    Not posting this in the other thread, because it's fun laughing at them when they can't even think of this obvious counter-point.

    you call it optimum why cos bm hated feeling left behind and THEY deserved to get in the spot light.

    we bouth know bm was never designed to be a dd

    support yes but never dd

    or i need glasses cos i could have swear bm description never said anything about damage dealer.

    about those bm i knew who used claw and wore la armor well they tho they was ninja.

    they were totally ok with having **** deff as lon gas the ycould kill and u know what i was ok with that cos they where never gona solo.

    veno only soloed a small portion of tt and mostly solo mode and took ages so ya you wana solo hate ppl you make veno and solo for ages nice.

    sin and aps plus bp did that with insane speed now i think that is unfair and sin was dd not solo class at least in description.

    rpg shoudl we about description what a class does and what a class dont if it dosent it **** balance and it aint pretty.

    i never did go aps wagon i have my principles and been waiting 2 year for the aps to die in a massive rage.

    now caster are the gods and you know what i am not suprised nor do i care.
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    At best you're arguing there should be only one weapon type, called Weapon, that every class equips. BMs with 4 weapon paths alone disprove that idea from the devs point of view, or there wouldn't be different attack speeds and damage ranges. Heck, APS can complain they don't have as high a skill attack as axes from your same logical viewpoint.

    i do like the idea of having every class have there own original weapon barb have axes bm have yes fist BUT chi eruption will have a cooldown of say 30 sec or no chi gain from sparking cos u wana be dd fine be dd but u aint getting to be dd and chi at same time that plain broken.

    bp is self cast only no party cast as we have ep and mistic for a reason even if u dont like the idea.

    does this sound fair

    ooh and again could u tell me where it says bm is melee dd in class description.
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    actually i will have to apologise as i read the bm class description on the website and here it is again i tho it shoudl say balanced class so again i apologise.


    Specializing in melee combat, these damage-dealers come from a long line of seasoned warriors. They are also famous for being a strong solo class after level 60. Finally, Blademasters are the kings of status effects, specifically in terms of stuns.

    They are also famous for being a strong solo class after level 60. Finally, Blademasters are the kings of status effects, specifically in terms of stuns. There are two primary stat builds that players use with Blademasters: Heavy strength build in order to wear heavy armor, or a mix between strength and dexterity while wearing light armor which has a better mix of magical and physical defense.


    Tank, Melee Physical Damage Dealer


    Dual Swords, Dual Blades, Blades, Swords, Scythes, Spears, Clubs, Poleaxes, Sledgehammers, Dual Hand Axe, Dual Hammers, Fist Weapons
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    yes they sure are big dd with fist ooh wait nope dosent say anything about that.

    stun stun stun.

    again i apologise but i love this b:laugh
  • Sylvae - Sanctuary
    Sylvae - Sanctuary Posts: 1,018 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    yes they sure are big dd with fist ooh wait nope dosent say anything about that.

    stun stun stun.

    again i apologise but i love this b:laugh

    60 is when they start getting their -int gear, and it specifically says they gain the ability to solo. And I watched a BM with TT60 axes right next to me spam skills with VIT axe build and utterly suck at killing the foxwing supremes compared to my fisting BM in early 2009 (months before packs). They waste MP and HP charm like crazy, while I charmlessly killed the mobs for an hour, only useing one of the dropped mp potions in that whole time.

    Maybe they didn't feel the need to cater to idiots by directly saying what us competent BMs were already doing? And how else would a BM tank, with axes and stream strike. Yeah, just ask the archers how successful that was.

    You're kind of making it obvious you never played a competent BM pre-packs, which hurts your arguements because I did. And I know utter **** when I read it.
  • _Ravenous_ - Dreamweaver
    _Ravenous_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I completely agree that there needs to be something which attracts and keeps the attention and business of new players. As it is, the old ones have left little by little. Countless old friends and faction mates have left the game stating boredom or the inability to make money needed to keep their gear current and updated or simply the lack of time needed to do so. We desperately need new players - not the old ones leaving
    Well, I am still here, as are many others, most of whom play a lot less often, and see the same quiet lull when they do log in. I feel I also have to mention, the majority of the old players are jaded, and from what I know, mostly log in to do dailies and some solo grinding on mobs and that is about it. Players now have to put so much into their gear, they don't want to pk and lose it, so that has died down, unless they are able to bind them...and the goons, rank 9, NW killing nirvy, and general lack of respect for other players all adding to the reasons why the game is not as fun as it used to be. Quite hard to enjoy the game when you max out and cannot get help learning, or with getting certain quests (especially culti) finished, so you can update skills, etc. What fun is a game you can't finish?!b:cryb:surrender
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    no original concept is dd tank healer.

    did you know the veno class did you know how little they could solo great but slow and mostly solo mode and very slow.

    you then wish to solo ok but does it have to be 100% more then the veno EVER did not to mention solo. aint you getting greedy now.

    then ppl ALWAYS says but i put this much coin to solo so should damn solo OK.

    but what if a player dont wish to go aps and wish to solo like the aps but same amount of gear wish i might ADD is cheap but nope i cant cos aps is build in such a stupid way its almost hax and broken.

    bp i do not even wish to say cos i can put bp on myself to but wont have same effect.

    so let see aps is only metod to solo as melee cos its balanced......... ya lol really balanced.
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    VKnightV : Sorry b:surrender i tried to understand your last post, but it wasn't really clear, too many jumbled thoughts.

    With the introduction of r9 3rd cast caster weapon. Caster for the first time have the ability to be on same level as aps people in doing bosses if not better. Cost wise, their gear is more expensive, but if you like being a caster, might as well go that route.

    BM are an exception though, they need two sets of gear to be effective, aps and pulling/pvp. You can mix and match, but we take up quite a bit of space with out gear.

    I have caster friends who solo tm runs for different instances for fun and see if they can do it. My aps bm can not do that. In coa, which is an aps playground, the casters get more orbs than i do.

    In terms of pve, anyone can solo fairly quickly now, IF you have the gear, that was the case before, that is the case now. When the game started, squads were essential to make up the weakness of each other. At endgame, each class is their own healer, tank and dd basically.

    Note to readers: I have no clue what this thread is about b:chuckle
  • VKnightV - Lost City
    VKnightV - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    VKnightV : Sorry b:surrender i tried to understand your last post, but it wasn't really clear, too many jumbled thoughts.

    With the introduction of r9 3rd cast caster weapon. Caster for the first time have the ability to be on same level as aps people in doing bosses if not better. Cost wise, their gear is more expensive, but if you like being a caster, might as well go that route.

    BM are an exception though, they need two sets of gear to be effective, aps and pulling/pvp. You can mix and match, but we take up quite a bit of space with out gear.

    I have caster friends who solo tm runs for different instances for fun and see if they can do it. My aps bm can not do that. In coa, which is an aps playground, the casters get more orbs than i do.

    In terms of pve, anyone can solo fairly quickly now, IF you have the gear, that was the case before, that is the case now. When the game started, squads were essential to make up the weakness of each other. At endgame, each class is their own healer, tank and dd basically.

    Note to readers: I have no clue what this thread is about b:chuckle

    but that is what made the game FUN
    to know where everyones role was
    it was very hard but extremly fun knowing you could pull it off.

    but as gear advanced and lv become higher and aps started showing the bm forgot there place and in doing so made barb absolute in pve for a long time.

    now the coin switched with gear advancement caster are now ripping the soil of the new set of gear and get this BM are qqing casters dd is to strong LOL.

    i as a barb get nothing from this ofc cos aps still do more damage then my axes but damn i love hearing aps bm and sin qq.

    can u blame me after being put as trash for not getting int gear as the rest of the aps wagon.

    gear is gear and it will always break something in the process.
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    The state of the barn is absolutely shocking. Let alone the field, the gate is open and the horse has moved to Nebraska. b:laugh

    2010 - Random gambling boxes
    2011 - R9 Power Creep armor and the sudden removal for the mysterious chips and all my F2P denizens leaving ah well that's cool. I'll go over 'other things' that don't milk my bank account.

    There is NO metagame what-so-ever. Some idiot back on that resurrected piece of garbage PW MS (GArena -- yes, Malaysia/Singapore should of let the devil burn) told me one day "Oh but people like to grind for gear..." and I am like "Dude, if the gear treadmill is just to big, think 2~3 years for a set of Rank 8 armor, the meta game is so dead to me." There is no cohesion, when you have to pay for the bigger gear or you can't earn it over a time frame that is reasonable. To me reasonable these days is 6 months without trying to copulate with your bank account. 50 USD for a game, sure maybe, 200~400 USD quite possibly per month and you're bull****ting your consumer base and saying "Oh but its our primary title." Uh yeah good luck with that.

    Structured Player Versus Player (Nation Wars is not structured, most importantly -- that F-U-N word keeps coming up) is another complete joke, (FUN that should be in there.) You've got the game divided into two servers I mean seriously, come on its 2013. FFS. If you got structured PvP and PvE and made your Territory War more rotational (1 month long war) it would encourage more people to participate.

    You want to see a good example of pay-to-win and good meta game have a look at Zombie Studios. b:laugh They released three packs for Blacklight Retribution. Bronze, Silver and Gold and all priced accordingly. If you dropped 60 USD you could unlock everything in the silver edition. If you dropped 100 you'd get all the stuff Blacklight Retribution has to offer.

    Two things Perfect World International taught me.
    * If its 'made' by (Developer: Perfect World Beijing) them -- don't bother with it, it has the Ebola virus.
    * If its made by another developer, but published by the US contingent of PWI, approach very VERY carefully... and poke it with a stick. b:chuckle

    It also has to be said that the chinese arm of the developer really DO NOT know their market share. China may have a grab happy do it in 6 months mentality. US doesn't have that not by a long shot.

    I'd reckon the only people left playing Piece-of-Bog World are the ones with **** computers without a 3D accelerator or the people who are just alt-ing characters and have cornered the market.
    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I didn't bother to read your wall, but do you know that there is already a thread on this on the first forum page that you could have used to post in?

    Reading before you post.. FTW

    SweetieBot take 2 points from SylenThunder - Sanctuary for being such a mean person...
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    SweetieBot take 2 points from SylenThunder - Sanctuary for being such a mean person...
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear removes 2 points from SylenThunder - Sanctuary!
    SylenThunder - Sanctuary now has a total of -2 points and is in 47th place.
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear can still remove another 3 points today.

    Check this thread for the current high scores and to learn how to award points to others.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • _RIYUKI_ - Dreamweaver
    _RIYUKI_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I completely agree with Yzatel, pay attention to ur main product guys..dnt let this game die..we still love offenc for CSers, but duh..its freakin nonsense that a player gets OP just cz spending BUCKs for the game, when others have to work their *** off..for reachin no whr near to them..POWER LEVEL to 101..and spend cash for R9..dat only shud never be the GAME..where is the fun if u dnt allow players to get up there without even workin for it!

    Dont make this game only for RICH CSers! Pay attention on Balancing too! Dont just introduce a class which is freakin OP in PvP.. revamp other classes who needs it badly!..BALANCE and BALANCE evry classes!..and please GM s a little more for attending to players..replyin TICKETS abit faster! and listen to the FAN BASE! they are what the game is thriving on...or very soon there will be ONLY BORED R9rrrs with Virtually NOTHIN TO DO at all!
    You Mess With The Best
    You Die Like The Rest!
  • _Shui - Harshlands
    _Shui - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    It would already change a lot to put level restriction into fc.

    I like pwi but I wouldnt recommend it to any of my rl friends either for already listed points.
  • _Shui - Harshlands
    _Shui - Harshlands Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sadly PWE doesnt care about any posts you ppl made in this thread so why even complain about it?
  • AnoHiNoKawa - Heavens Tear
    AnoHiNoKawa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I don't usually bother to post on the forums, since lately there is nothing interesting to reply to. I'm just your casual reader. But this post caught my attention because it describes perfectly how some of us feel at the game's current state.

    I won't go into details, as most of the things that could have been mentioned already were so. I just want to remind you, that throughout the years we've already experienced tremendousovernight changes.

    And what if PWI was willing to resort to one of these changes in a near future? What would be the one thing you would suggest? I'd seriously recommend: removing hypers.

    "Isn't that a little bit late?" you might ask. Well, In my opinion it isn't. Why? Because just a few months ago, pwi experienced for the first time (in a few years) not having hypers being used in FF. I can tell you that I've never seen so many lower level chains of BH's / TT's / PV's being formed in one week.

    Obviously during that week, most players resorted to PV as a substitute of FF, but even PV made things a little bit more competitive and fun, because the same players who were resorting to 4-5 FF's per day, were only allowed 1 PV per day. And by the nature of rushing to their 100s they were "forced" to actually do BH's. Heck, someone even made a squad to kill Gargantakong.

    My point is that, hypers were the game changer back then.

    With so many alts being leveled to 100 I don't know who is who anymore. The truth is everyone seemed to know each other, even if not personally.

    Leveling to 70, 80, 90 and 100 used to mean something. Getting your first piece of TT90 meant something and so on.. PWI was actually challenging. Players were restricted to one single character because it would just take too long for them to even bother leveling other class, and that made things interesting because you could tell who were the hardcore players eager to become the 1st 100's on the server.

    And back then, getting to 100 meant something different and more significant that what it means today. Nowadays when you get a character to 100 it's more of a "Congrats! Now it's time for you to do BH's, and get bored, and level other alts for.. more BH's!" than a "It took me a full year, and I had a blast doing it but I finally got to 100 and I couldn't be happier." kinda feeling.

    The excitement, of leveling up and being competitive with other players, on a considerable time frame is what made questing and griding so fun. The competition of leveling is now reduced to a couple months as opposed to a year of hardcore farming and questing while still having fun.

    And it seems as though as I went a little bit overboard and gone into details b:surrender.

    Just giving out my honest opinion.

  • Brillance - Raging Tide
    Brillance - Raging Tide Posts: 1,643 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Reminds me of a post I saw recently, "if you take a party of 10 to a restaurant, do you really expect them all to order the same thing?"

    If they are using focus groups, they need to stop. How would you have any clue what's going to keep me playing PWI, or I - you for that matter? *looks dismayed and shrugs*

    We should stop worrying about effecting/putting an end to other people's fun, and focus on our own.

    We are witnessing the results of relying on the feedback of a few peeps. People who are content dont post on forums or seek to provide feedback. They are too busy playing and being happy.


    As for PWI being all about the money - they aren't and I have proof.

    They still dont have a single thing for a Mystic in the Bidding Hall. No flyer, no book, nada - unless you want an eternal love pack or a pigment card. *giggles and shrugs*

    They want folks to buy Anni packs - but Mystic money is no good there too - no elemental class flyer for j00, Mysties! xD