I disbanded Dark.



  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    phaeton427 wrote: »
    And yet another clown who doesn't answer the question.

    By Shortknife's own defintion Mayhem is fail because we lost land, yet Dark right now is losing land. Thus Dark is fail by Shorknife's own logic.

    There's a difference between losing because you're outgeared and outnumbered and losing because you suck.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • KyuHanabi - Harshlands
    KyuHanabi - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I was bored so i read this thread...... im still laughing
    Since I moved over from PW-My does that make me a planeswalker?
  • Cytte - Harshlands
    Cytte - Harshlands Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I was bored so i read this thread...... im still laughing


    Also, hows everyone doing?
    I <3 A lot of people
  • Playful - Harshlands
    Playful - Harshlands Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    longknife on his way to TWb:laughb:chuckleb:pleasedb:victory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe3dRw7ovhY
  • ArmaniEx - Harshlands
    ArmaniEx - Harshlands Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    He said your fail because instead of learning from your mistakes , you log an alt to cry on forums , yet we have you on video holy pathing in the air and dding longknife lmao......we should get you ballons and a horn , you seem to be the clown
  • Sherlina - Harshlands
    Sherlina - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OK we (Dark) lose a land each week, but that don't make Crimson better cause hum they do lose a land each week too and Dark have more lands so if there wasn't reset soon Crimson would be out the map before Dark.

    Do I pretend that Dark is better then Crimson... mhm if IF we had the same amount of people and gears we would be, I don't say that cause Crimson lose to infamous, but cause I have been in Crimson for almost 2 years and in TW department they suck.

    Been on the map doesn't mean a faction is good, Crimson never earned their place there, they got lucky that when Zulu arrived they went for kd and ky, with Catalyst that was the same, they left Crimson in their corner. From Zulu that was just about luck, for Catalyst some pretend the lead didn't wanted to take down Crimson cause he was the lead former of Crimson and obviously didn't wanted to kill a faction he made.

    Infamous have pretty much the same core, but not the same lead.

    For the first time Crimson need to fight to stay on the map and as I said if there wasn't map reset soon they would be out before us and as any other faction more they will lose more people will leave them and in a while they won't get 110 people online like right now. (Crimson leader even go on his members Facebook to ask them to come TW xD)

    About the offer Dark/Infamous to Mayhem, I do understand that Evan don't trust us, it's ok, but seriously what he had to lose to try a new alliance? You guys don't have lands with Crimson so nothing to lose to try with Dark/Infamous. It's what people say, why you guys don't try something new, it cannot be worse then right now.

    Dark/Infamous lead are people I trust and respect, but let's say I was a Mayhem and don't trust them, I would have still think ''Well right now we don't have lands, Crimson always use us, but never help us, what do we have to lose to try a new alliance?'' answer is nothing, nothing to lose everything to win.

    I think Mayhem is scare, scare to become better.

    On a last note, you guys really need to make a difference between TW, PVP and PVE, your members kicking Dark people out of BH squad just before a BH boss... it's childish, I would never kick a Mayhem or even Crimson out of a squad just before a boss in a PVE squad, I mean c'mmon seriously... If you guys don't want to run with Dark fine, don't take them in squad, but don't take and kick later it's just lame.

    @LW: I have 2 clerics, yes Bella is now in Infamous, but my second cleric is still in Dark. =P

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • phaeton427
    phaeton427 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There's a difference between losing because you're outgeared and outnumbered and losing because you suck.

    How's that Jones Blessing working out for you?

    Also pro-tip. Don't SoG flag carrier in NW. It makes it harder for DD's to kill flag carrier. b:chuckle
    Trolling trolls since 1993.
  • phaeton427
    phaeton427 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    I can't speak to alliances or offers made.

    However if Mayhem members are bringing Dark members into BH squads and then kicking them before bosses that is unfortunate. That is certainly not something I would do or sanciton. Those incidents must be very isolated because most of our members hold themselves to much higher standards than that.

    I would also not turn them down to join squads up front. But that's just me. I actually have several friends in Infamous and so the same goes for them.


    P.S. This isn't an alt thus I signed my posts early on so people would know its me. Another pro-tip is you can have several toons all on one account. b:pleased
    Trolling trolls since 1993.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    phaeton427 wrote: »
    I also would DD Bella when at the end of squad wipes just for fun til she went to Infamous. You got me on that too. However if you watch your TW video's you will see that I am almost always the last to die in my squad because I am at the back of the formation doing my job, healing, ressing and rebuffing.

    No, don't sugarcoat it. SPECIFICALLY remember killing two barbs directly underneath you as you DD'ed Bella. That's what made it so funny, that's why we all remembered it so well: BECAUSE the push was dying quicker thanks to you. And no, I rarely see you in the back. Hell, I have video footage of you not being in the back. Don't sugarcoat it and deny it, just stop doing it and don't act all butthurt when we call you out for doing something that -IS- damned stupid; learn from it.
    Instead of being a butthurt because Mayhem stacks you look at the facts. Infamous is best faction on the server today. Crimson is second. Dark is third...and why is Dark third? Because you guys can't win against Infamous or Crimson.

    And YET Dark is ranked 2nd for lands and will finish 2nd place for lands. I'm not saying we could beat Crimson 1v1; they severely outnumber AND outgear us. I'm simply stating that despite our disadvantages, look at what we've managed to accomplish.
    If Dark is SOOOOO awesome like you seem to think why is Crimson taking your land? Don't pretend it's because of stacks either because every single faction that own land on this server has had to deal with stacks before. The good ones prevail, and the bad ones fail.

    We're on the map, are we not? We're going to finish second for the season, are we not? Yes the bad ones fail and the good ones prevail. That's WHY I have such a beef with Mayhem. DESPITE this common knowledge and DESPITE Mayhem's age and history, Mayhem has only managed to finish top 3 ONCE, and that was in the absence of both Kylin and Infamous. Now we're in a new season, Dark is basically the youngest major guild on the server this season (the guild name itself is old, the leadership and guild composition is young however) and yet it STILL takes that 2nd-3rd place ranking from Mayhem with utter ease.
    And yet every season, Mayhem is back, once again managing to be nothing more than the server's most professional stack bi*** and nothing but. And yet every week, Mayhem bids Dark as if this time it'll be different.
    You do realize Dark usually beats Mayhem with ~50 people, right? I'm not saying we outnumber you cause I have no idea how many you are, but last week we had 69 on for the Mayhem war. You saw how much quicker that war went.
    So is Dark fail because you are losing lands to Crimson? Answer that question.

    I wouldn't call Dark or Sacrament or any newer guilds fail because Rome wasn't built in a day. Such guilds are relatively new and need time to build reputation and recruit people. If Dark were in the same shoes ~2-3 seasons from now? Then it'd be a different story, but this is Dark's FIRST TW season and the fact of the matter is it's finishing 2nd.
    I ESPECIALLY wouldn't call Dark fail because you don't NEED to be the number one faction on the map to be worthwhile; you only need to be top three. When you're in the top three, you're powerful enough to shoehorn and force yourself onto the map, solely BECAUSE the other two risk being stacked and losing to the opposing side if they dare to touch your lands, as Crimson is learning now. No, we can't advance on or attack Crimson or Infamous, but can we DEFEND our territories in that we can make it purely unprofitable and non-worthwhile to bid on us? Absolutey, and that's exactly what we're doing, that's exactly why we're still finishing 2nd despite losing on the TW front. Both times we've fought Crimson alongside Infamous, they inevitably had to pull out of Infamous entirely or risk losing BOTH wars. That's all Dark has to accomplish: it has to be a threat enough that bidding on it's territories becomes unwise for the other two guilds in the top 3. We've done that, and we're only gaining more gear and more recruits by the day. Dark is strengthening, not weakening.
    So maybe instead of hating my guts so much and acting like you are God's gift to the server why don't you try not being a troll and speaking reason. Instead of hating on Mayhem so much why don't you figure out why Dark is failing and fix that? Then maybe you can say Dark is best because how much lands a faction owns is obviously very important to you.

    Three things:

    1) Pointing the finger at Dark doesn't change that Mayhem sucks *** and should call it quits.
    2) Just because I don't announce to you what Dark is doing to "fix that" doesn't mean it's not happening; what interest do I have in telling Mayhem what Dark's up to?
    3) I don't neccesarily care about how many lands a faction owns, nor do I expect all guilds to care about TW. Hell, I run CJr, which has the goal of solely having fun TWs, given that it has a habit of producing more fun TWs than any other faction I've been in. But when I see a guild like Mayhem, Kylin or Deicide try and actively bid, participate in TW, call themselves TW factions and take lands and try and make a name for themselves year after year after year after year after year, then yes, I become annoyed. I become annoyed because year after year, naive young recruits see those factions holding lands and hear about how old those factions are, then decide those factions must be "pro" and join them. Then they sit there for all eternity following an egotistical leader who's too proud to pass lead or call it quits and admit he sucks as a leader, and wouldn't you know it, Crimson and Infamous are the top factions every single season and all the little Mayhems and Deicides and Kylins sit there fighting over crumbs, kicking off young, up-and-coming factions with BETTER leadership and coordination like IMPERIA and Sacrament (just examples) -JUST- so they can have a single damned land and pretend to be pro. The result is new guilds rarely ever spring up, those three hold tons of capable recruits that would be useful elsewhere, and nothing every changes because our server is filled with stubborn idiots that are too proud to admit when they've lost.

    Guess what? Your guild is one of those. Give up already, because if it wasn't blatantly obvious by your faction leader refusing an offer to have a free corner and free land for both this season and next season? Your faction sucks, it's leadership sucks, it's coordination sucks. You wanna stay together but stop TWing? Fine. But don't sit there world-chatting yourselves as a TW faction, don't sit there lying to yourselves that "this week will be different!" and you'll beat Dark, and don't sit there pointing the finger calling Dark fail as it finishes Runner-up for the season, when you SHOULD be looking at YOUR guild and asking yourself just what the HELL it has accomplished in all the years of it's existence.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Subtraction - Harshlands
    Subtraction - Harshlands Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    I saw that, and for some reason his Skype doesn't announce it.

    I <3 AGOREY
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I saw that, and for some reason his Skype doesn't announce it.


    Get Facebook and make friends request.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Get Facebook and make friends request.

    **** Facebook
    I <3 AGOREY
  • TerrormodeON - Harshlands
    TerrormodeON - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    actually longknife,we defended you on archo in the last 2 wars with ~40 ppl for 1hr+ while ~50 went to infamous war, and only when we were sure we gonna loose in the infamous war we switched to dark wars with main ppl. dont exagerate that much ;)
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    phaeton427 wrote: »
    How's that Jones Blessing working out for you?

    Also pro-tip. Don't SoG flag carrier in NW. It makes it harder for DD's to kill flag carrier. b:chuckle

    lol. Anyone that's ever PVP'd with or against me can attest that I use O'Malley's bless with a def level r8r wep usually. Actually, I was the first cleric on the server to even get a r8r wep so lol. If I have Jones bless + g16 Nirv wep on, it typically means I've been pveing or pvping against people that I don't need the extra def levels for. I also use that gear combo in NW to try and get more tokens, but I do switch to O'Malleys+r8r if needed. Is this gear swap so hard to comprehend?

    I only use SoG on flag carriers to prevent them from escaping and to allow the DDs to catch up and try to get a purge off if needed.

    You, on the otherhand, should try not to spam plume shot on KuruTu right after I sleep him. I assure you that his gear is about equivalent to mine and that he's not going to die to you.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    **** Facebook

    Then don't complain you don't know our bdays.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Subtraction - Harshlands
    Subtraction - Harshlands Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    **** Facebook

    then how do jones blessing?

    i call dirty dirty hax0r.
    "Ewa Sonnet has the best pair of jugs ever. Nothing else compares." - Eoria.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    actually longknife,we defended you on archo in the last 2 wars with ~40 ppl for 1hr+ while ~50 went to infamous war, and only when we were sure we gonna loose in the infamous war we switched to dark wars with main ppl. dont exagerate that much ;)

    Right, and we had ~50 people and only one of our main cata barbs present; we had alt catas that time. Your crystal was at 8mil by the time Infamous war ended; had it continued at that pace, or hell had we had our barbs (cause 8 cata war), that would've been a loss. The first war was more or less the same, with Crimson immediately withdrawing from Infamous the moment we got inside your base.

    Sure enough, you full-showed us instead of splitting the next week. That's my point. If you wish to keep bidding us, by all means, but my point is Dark has hit a point where it CAN sink the ship of whoever sinks it's ship, thus making it an unappealing bid target for both Crimson and Infamous and thus IMMEDIATELY winning the support of the OTHER faction because Dark becomes key in tipping the balance and allowing one side to overwhelm the other. The result is Dark has effectively earned a third of the map simply BECAUSE Dark isn't a guild that either Infamous or Crimson have interest in ticking off, because the MOMENT one of the two does so, you better BELIEVE the other will be at our doorstep offering support. This advantage isn't exclusive to Dark; both Infamous and Crimson have the exact same quality, it's just that yes, Dark currently relies on it the most because Dark lacks both the gear and, more importantly, the numbers to win a head-to-head TW against either, though Dark is more than capable of holding off any OTHER faction or a stack of other factions.

    Mayhem and other guilds lack this because they can't be ENOUGH of a threat to force a loss, nor can they actually profit by doing so since they're incapable of holding land against the three main guilds, thus long-term stacking on a guild (like Mayhem hilariously does with us) is downright counter-productive to Mayhem's own interests because they're losing money weekly on charms and towers and bids -just- to go lose, whereas at most it makes Dark fork over 7mil for towers, if that (cause as I'm sure Mayhem knows and much to the stress of MY squad, sometimes Mani doesn't bother with towers for Mayhem wars); Dark can do the same, but has the coin to spare and to do it long-term. Mayhem will NEVER get it's footing in as a top 3 faction simply BECAUSE it has no hope of beating any of the top 3. Instead it just rage-bids factions every season, and while that can be a nuisance, it's rarely relevant to the big picture and rarely helps one faction beat the other. It's just that: a nuisance and nothing more. No amount of their rage-bids will EVER profit Mayhem, because if it WAS relevant and did tip the scales for a faction, the faction Mayhem is bidding will NEVER no-show Mayhem and let Mayhem in, thus that faction STILL holds onto their top 3 ranking; all Mayhem would accomplish is securing more coin for another faction, but not for themselves, nor do they neccesarily take away coin from the faction they rage-bid, because even if you lose one and win one, you're staying even. Mayhem is just a guild that refuses to admit it's already lost, so it continues to exist as....say it with me: a nuisance and nothing but.

    The IDEA of Infamous and Dark leaving Mayhem alone if Mayhem agrees to just stay out and stop being a nuisance was practically one of pure charity. It was those two factions agreeing to shrink their own borders just a little bit so Mayhem can exist on the map aswell, safely behind one of the two, and as long as Mayhem can defend itself from all other guilds, it's golden. But no, Mayhem chose to decline such an offer and would rather spend it's entire TW career being a pathetic, irrelevant nuisance with no income and only faceroll TWs.

    Three is the magic number. Three is the amount of guilds that can fit on the map by the end of the season, and even if you're the worst of the top three, you STILL have value because you're pivotal in determining which of the other two overwhelms the other. Three is both all that's needed because you really only need a 2v1, and because while 4 is possible, it doesn't pay to be the fourth because only three can fit on the map. Why Crimson failed to realize this and decided to wage war on Dark instead of just enjoying their 1v1s with Infamous is beyond me, but they're seeing the results now, quite clearly.
    At any rate, I still find it hilarious that LivingWater is attempting to say Dark is a failure and should disband when we're going to finish 2nd, we've secured a spot in that top 3, we STILL have a standing force big enough to dissuade both Crimson and Infamous from waging war on us (downright unprofitable to do so) and we've accomplished more in one season (6 months) than Mayhem has accomplished in their entire 3 year+ career. You want to know the difference between Mayhem and Dark? Check your pocket.

    As I said, stay objective and focus on YOURSELF. Pointing the finger is only gonna lead you towards more failures. Whether or not you prove any hypocricy, failure, stupidity or what have you on my part of Dark's part, that does NOT invalidate anything I've said about Mayhem.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • TerrormodeON - Harshlands
    TerrormodeON - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    well u basically admitted in a 8v4 catas war,outnumbering us not only by catas but by ppl overwall,that u coldnt win the war. although,i must say, you guys probably coulda win in the next 1h or so.
    also,ofcourse we went to defend full force against you last weekend,we had both 1k and archo to defend in the same time. dont think any faction on all servers can defend 2 of the highest lvl teritories at the same time,especially against of the 2 powerhorse factions on our server. hell,i can even rush to say not even kd in his days or zulu or essance on LC couldnt pull a double defence stack against 2 factions like infa or dark.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    well u basically admitted in a 8v4 catas war,outnumbering us not only by catas but by ppl overwall,that u coldnt win the war. although,i must say, you guys probably coulda win in the next 1h or so.
    also,ofcourse we went to defend full force against you last weekend,we had both 1k and archo to defend in the same time. dont think any faction on all servers can defend 2 of the highest lvl teritories at the same time,especially against of the 2 powerhorse factions on our server. hell,i can even rush to say not even kd in his days or zulu or essance on LC couldnt pull a double defence stack against 2 factions like infa or dark.

    I did?

    The turning point was when the Infamous war ended and your 40v50 became 80v50. As I said, your crystal was at 8mil left when that happened, and we had only alt barbs present, save for one. Had it continued as it was going with the 40v50, Dark would've won.
    And no, that's what I was saying: we unfortunately did NOT have 8 catas present for that war. 3 of our main cata barbs all couldn't show that weekend, including the one usually responsible for communication on vent; we had to use alts with less than 20k HP just to fill their shoes and get the regular four.

    At any rate, I think you're missing my point entirely and you and I seem to be having two entirely different conversations. You seem to just want to brag about how we can't beat you 1v1, I'm talking about why Dark is "successful" whereas Mayhem isn't, and saying what validates Dark.

    That you seem to be missing the point about what validates Dark as a legit TW guild would also help explain WHY Crimson bid Dark without any second thoughts or consideration into the matter, if your faction shares your outlook on things... b:laugh
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Born_Free - Lost City
    Born_Free - Lost City Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    You know, I was positive when that Pokemon gif guy left, that QQrage mosh pits would stop showing up in topics I post containing "political" humor. If this keeps happening, I'm going to have to start setting bear traps around them.
    PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.
  • Doom_Panda - Harshlands
    Doom_Panda - Harshlands Posts: 356 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    You know, I was positive when that Pokemon gif guy left, that QQrage mosh pits would stop showing up in topics I post containing "political" humor. If this keeps happening, I'm going to have to start setting bear traps around them.

    Doom_Panda- 102/101/102 R9 3rd cast Demon Barb 40k HP.
    Dawnx - 100/85 Demon Cleric.
    PsychicTuna- 101/100 Sage Psychic.
    DawnMyst- 96 Demon Mystic.

    PANDAS FTW. AND I b:heart ARMA! b:avoid
  • phaeton427
    phaeton427 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lol. Anyone that's ever PVP'd with or against me can attest that I use O'Malley's bless with a def level r8r wep usually. Actually, I was the first cleric on the server to even get a r8r wep so lol. If I have Jones bless + g16 Nirv wep on, it typically means I've been pveing or pvping against people that I don't need the extra def levels for. I also use that gear combo in NW to try and get more tokens, but I do switch to O'Malleys+r8r if needed. Is this gear swap so hard to comprehend?

    I only use SoG on flag carriers to prevent them from escaping and to allow the DDs to catch up and try to get a purge off if needed.

    You, on the otherhand, should try not to spam plume shot on KuruTu right after I sleep him. I assure you that his gear is about equivalent to mine and that he's not going to die to you.

    Again fact prevails over fantasy. I have no idea what you are talking about with KuruTu.'

    What I do recall is you screaming at me to SoG flag carrier near turn in point with everybody DDing flag carrier and me telling you my sleep and silent seal were on cooldown.

    Just like ShortKnife tells me to take advice, which I have =D, you should take some too and don't try to SoG flag carrier when DD's are doing their thing already.
    Trolling trolls since 1993.
  • phaeton427
    phaeton427 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Wall of boring text.

    You only said one thing that was even mildly interesting.

    CJr is all about fun TW's. So is Mayhem, and we have lots of fun TW's with Dark.

    Thanks =D.

    Oh and also the video evidence's you post also make my point.

    When Mayhem was on your crystal 3/2 video who was the last to die? Go check your video and see. Hint: it's at 2:29. =D
    Trolling trolls since 1993.
  • Kevyy - Harshlands
    Kevyy - Harshlands Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Nice rez on a dead push. You so smart :D
  • phaeton427
    phaeton427 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Nice rez on a dead push. You so smart :D

    So on one hand you guys criticize that I don't support team, then you criticize that I do.

    No making Dark's happy I guess. b:surrender
    Trolling trolls since 1993.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    phaeton427 wrote: »
    You only said one thing that was even mildly interesting.

    CJr is all about fun TW's. So is Mayhem, and we have lots of fun TW's with Dark.

    Thanks =D.

    Oh and also the video evidence's you post also make my point.

    When Mayhem was on your crystal 3/2 video who was the last to die? Go check your video and see. Hint: it's at 2:29. =D

    Certainly doesn't look like fun to me, given that I've constantly got your members raging at me for various reasons. And I mean legit raging, taking TW srs bsns. I mean holding grudges srs bsns, like what Bella brought up earlier with Darks being kicked from BH squads before bosses.

    Looks to me like you're just dancing around the issues, using "fun" as your excuse so you don't have to admit your guild is a failure.

    Listen, I don't sit here preaching about this stuff to...say, Watchers. Why? Because Watchers doesn't claim to be a major TW faction and it does TW for fun. They stay together for other reasons and cool beans.

    But Mayhem wants to have it's cake and eat it too. It acts like a major TW faction, it allies Crimson and asks people to stack Dark, and then when I say "hey you guys are a failure faction," you sit here saying "NU-UH WE JUST DO IT CUZ FUN WE NO HAS GOAL OF WINNING EVEN THOUGH EVANGELOS BLATANTLY TOLD DARK AND INFAMOUS THAT MAYHEM HATES THEM CAUSE THEY TOOK OUR LANDZ. ASKING OTHER GUILDS TO STACK U = FUN. WE KICK U FROM BH'S RIGHT BEFORE BOSSES CUZ FUN TEE HEE." No, it's blatantly obvious you guys take this **** uber serious, and it's blatantly obvious my little speeches here bother the snot out of them.

    Your faction is a failure. Please disband your guild or please retreat from the TW field so other guilds and other leaders get a try. Mayhem has had over three years to try now and it's never accomplished jack. I give this SAME EXACT speech to Kylin, and hell, Kylin DID accomplish something, but that doesn't change that Kylin's basically clinging onto the past now. It's downright embarassing to watch at this point.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • KyuHanabi - Harshlands
    KyuHanabi - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I got bored again....... so i needed a laugh..... and i found it...... this thread hilarious.......
    Since I moved over from PW-My does that make me a planeswalker?
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    phaeton427 wrote: »
    Again fact prevails over fantasy. I have no idea what you are talking about with KuruTu.'

    What I do recall is you screaming at me to SoG flag carrier near turn in point with everybody DDing flag carrier and me telling you my sleep and silent seal were on cooldown.

    Just like ShortKnife tells me to take advice, which I have =D, you should take some too and don't try to SoG flag carrier when DD's are doing their thing already.

    No. That specific NW battle was against Tunnel Snakes and I kept getting chain slept + SoG'd by KuruTu. I told you to sleep or SoG him so I could heal and puri my DDs and thus...you know...not lose. But apparently that's too hard for you.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute