Safe Passwords

Moon_Burst - Heavens Tear
Moon_Burst - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
edited February 2013 in General Discussion
For all of you out there I highly encourage you to either not use the safe password or if you are remove it immediately. I changed my password a few days ago like I do once a month and my safe password glitched. Neither the new password nor the old password will unlock my safe.

I did the correct thing and submitted a ticket to support, got a response to verify my account information, verified my account information and this is the follow on response I got from PWE:
Response Support Staff 43 via Email 02/20/2013 11:35 AM


Thank you for verifying your account information. Unfortunately bank pass resets are not available at this time. Currently we are working on saving up all players character information so that when the tools do become available again we will be able to correct this. Once it is done then we will send out a message to let you know. This problem should be fixed soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Good luck!

Perfect World Support

If PWE knew this feature was currently unfixable why isn't it disabled entirely then. The list of characters needing this fixed must be huge if all they are doing is saving up all the players character information and not actually fixing the issue. I can't even play my main character now as I can't access the stuff inside my bank.

So let this be a warning to all of you out there....DON'T USE THE BANK PASSWORD AT ALL!

Oh and I know this post is most likely in the wrong section but I wanted all to see and not have this buried in the midst of the support section.
Post edited by Moon_Burst - Heavens Tear on


  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would suggest re-submitting a ticket. A friend of mine was **** and a password put on his bank, which they removed so he could have access.
  • Shardik - Lost City
    Shardik - Lost City Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Roger that .

    Thanks for the info. b:thanks

    Good luck with your ticket. b:victory
  • Suikyo - Raging Tide
    Suikyo - Raging Tide Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    thats weird b:shocked usually they just ask u the original info from ur acc(email, secret word etc)