Which should I main first?

Posts: 5 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Dungeons & Tactics
So here are the choices:
A. Cleric
B. Wizard
C. Psychic
D. Mystic
E. Venomancer

If I go cleric, problem is that what if I get bored of supporting?
If I go wizard, problem is what if I want to support sometime?
If I go pyschic, problem is I love the wizard's skill graphics more. But they do own.
If I go mystic, problem is I don't specialize in one. Maybe that's their specialty. Also, mystics are overused :(
If I go venomancer, I get to have few magic spells and a bit overused too.

I don't know if I should go attack/support or support/attack.
Might as well share your experiences regarding those classes.

From how I imagine it, clerics tend to be fun specially if your squad is active and know what they are doing.

Wizards are like the class which everybody hates.
The rest, neutrals.

Pls try to explain complicated terms to me in a clear way as I'm still new here. Been coming back and forth to this game xD
Post edited by oonnoo on


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  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    For cleric you need to be sure to love support, cause at 95% of the time you are take in squad ONLY to heal NEVER as DD (damage dealer), Some cleric make new chars cause they get bored of healing and want to DD, but it's challenging to play cleric and you are sure to get a spot in squad for everything.

    Mystic is support, sometime as healer sometime a DD. So for mystic you never do the same thing. (Personally my favorite class to play)

    Venomancer is a support class and ''low'' DD, if people take you in squad it wont be as main DD, but for your debuff (amp, purge, debuff), once you did amp, you are free to DD the way you want. Less stressful than cleric and mystic.

    Wizard are not hated, but they are more appreciated where people need high AOE DD (DD on a group of mobs or players). Wizz are DD there's nothing more to say about their job.

    I have a char of the 4 previous class and personally I love to play them all, ut prefer my mystic, cause I'm not a one-trick pony like the other class.

    I never really play psychic, but like wizz they are DD. I can't tell you more really about them, maybe someone will be able to add more.

    Good luck in your choice. =)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Thanks TPAM for the fast reply.

    Question, the cleric being the primary healer/buffer of the game, how rewarding is it to fulfill that role? Though it's subjective, I was thinking that what if you reach the maximum level of your cleric already? Is there something else you may do? I was thinking of rolling another class but it's kinda obvious in most case.

    I was also doubting the cleric's/rpg healer class' solo ability. Yeah I'm referring to both PWI cleric and clerics in other games. With my belief that having massive damage means you may solo most of the game, in this case I question the cleric's, as well as other clerics in other rpgs, solo ability.

    What's the standard viewpoint to a cleric? Are they squishy or having a bit defense than nukers? On other games, those two seem to be different.

    To balance this post, I also question the wizard's early gameplay. Why are most of the new classes introduced offer an easier gameplay? I mean, having a lvl 30 wizard, it was kind of tough for me since I have to kite often. But yeah it will eventually become easier. This is also the reason I want to roll a psychic. Since having comparable damage is a plus for me. Though the downside of wiz is it's slow cast time.

    Thanks and more questions soon!

    what is your opinion to these elements?
    Fire -
    Water -
    Earth -
    Metal -
    Wood -
    Light -
    Dark -

    * The reason why light and dark are included is because it's not related to PWI. I find light and water to share some nature.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    In PWI as cleric in any squad you job gonna be to heal, no one will take you as DD.

    The only time you will DD gonna be when you solo quest, solo stuff or solo PvP.

    The advantage of cleric is it's the class the most asked in squad. So if you want a class that assure you a spot in squad for instance and boss cleric is for you, at the condition of be a healer 4ever.

    For the caster (magic class AKA AA) for the defense it's pretty much:

    Veno (fox form)>Wizz>Mystic>Cleric>Psy>Veno (human form)

    But it depend a lot on your build, gears, refines and shards you put into your armor.

    And also on how you are good and know your skills, someone with better gears can be more easy to kill if he don't know how play his class.

    Also now for level 1-60 they give you hp and mp charm every day and there's the dreamchaser pack (though I don't know if there's left) which make really easy to level pretty much any class.

    For more info about the dreamchaser pack check that link, but I don't know if it's still working: http://pwi.perfectworld.com/redeem you can find the code on PWI Facebook page. (I don't know if we can say it here or not, but it's on the FB page)

    The pack give great gears, armors, pots, mount and etc...

    Why you want to know what we think about elements? Some elements are good against some mobs/boss/class and some are not.

    Example: Mystic deal wood damage, it's good against Earth mobs/boss (and players with a class with low magic defense), but if you fight a wood mob your damage gonna be lower since it's wood vs wood and yourself will be more weak against metal mobs/boss and cleric (cause cleric deal metal damage).

    Basically doesn't really matter which element people like cause you don't chose the element of your class, example: Mystic do wood damage and you can't change it.

    hope it help you. =)

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 869 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Psychic deals the same damage as a wizzie except with faster channeling, so you dont have to kite much or at all. Some even like psychic better for pvp and such.

    I personally love my wizard, but the psychic is also great if you really want a high level damage dealer. Both of them are a good option.

    For clerics, i got mine to 80ish and i have stopped using it. People rarely ask for clerics now in squads, and when you get in a squad people are rude to you majority of the time. The playerbase has made a cleric not very fun to play. If you can deal with the aholes and you get in a good faction, it could be fun.

    I love my veno, but they are very overused and they dont do the damage that other magic classes do. Most of the time they are just debuffers and support DDs. Nothing too special.

    I havent really played a mystic. I got one to lvl 30 and got bored with it.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Upon reading those, I'm torn between wiz, psy, or cleric.

    Psychic question, I've heard that their damage comes from their souls or whatever you call that. Is it true or at least correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, here's a quoted post from the pinned Assassin Guide.
    Psychic - ...What makes them dangerous is if they're severely aware of how to raise their Psychic (instead of grinding, they farm for mats to craft; they're slow levelers, but extremely dangerous for their level) and their defensive skills.

    Any encouragements for those three classes? Been thinking of rolling cleric since they are treated bad realizing how useful they are if used right.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    oonnoo wrote: »
    Upon reading those, I'm torn between wiz, psy, or cleric.

    Psychic question, I've heard that their damage comes from their souls or whatever you call that. Is it true or at least correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, here's a quoted post from the pinned Assassin Guide.

    Any encouragements for those three classes? Been thinking of rolling cleric since they are treated bad realizing how useful they are if used right.

    I've never been treated bad on my clerics. Maybe bad clerics are treated bad, but if you are good and do your job people are not rude with you.

    Cleric is one of the easiest class to find squad to do instances. Some instances can be done without cleric if people have a OP squad with good gears, but at 95% people want a cleric in squad for everything.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Actually, I consider myself a DD cleric in PvE. Well used to when I still play. I up my gears and weapon so I can be a higher DD than most typical clerics and survive longer than most. However, just because I made mine to be a DD, doesn't mean I don't heal or I don't know how to heal. As a matter of fact, I consider myself a great healer because I know my job and when I must do my job. Unlike 90% of the typical DD clerics, I actually have the decency to heal when invited into any squad, unless if they invite another sage cleric or whatever and said they would be the main healer. As far as I know, I was never treated badly as a cleric and I can get in most of the needed squads if I want. I would say, nobody would hate you for being a DD cleric as long as you know when you must heal, when you can DD and ask if you don't know what to do. Not keep it to yourself and does everything wrong, and that is when people bash you for being a stupid cleric.

    I also roll a veno, a mystic and a psy, while cleric being main. Because cleric was my main and she was made to be a DD, mystic is reflection of her. High DDer and healer. Since I know how to play cleric well, I know how to play mystic even better. For example, in most FCC, people don't trust mystics. Why? Because great portion of them doesn't know their class and mess up the squad. When I was 80~ I can support a cleric with no problem, at 90 I was able to solo heal the whole squad with no deaths what so ever (even in exp room) unless someone was stupid and does some reckless things. And nobody bash you for being a DD because mystics are made to support, not to take over cleric's job. So, I support when I have to with present of cleric. However, I WILL not tollerate a cleric that think they will DD and I solo heal, because no matter what, mystics will always hit harder than cleric (if using same weap/gears/same refine/same magic points).

    Now veno, I don't like veno all that much, but they can solo pretty much everything and they are usually wanted for BH Seat/aba/full warsong/vana etc. Mainly because of their amp and purge, other than that, they aren't the most wanted class.

    And psy, I would say they hit pretty hard but I got bored of it. Because I'm the healer type of person. I can't stand it when healers can't do their job. For one, psy hit hard, you are pretty much pulling trouble to yourself if you don't play it well or if healer sucks. But psy are like one of the most picked class for pvp for their skills and buffs which I'm not going to go into since I'm pve.

    After reading all of your post, I still can't really tell whether you are the support type, DD type or half half like me. If you are full support, pick cleric. If you are DD, pick psy or wiz. If you are half half, pick mystic or make a demon DD cleric.
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Posts: 869 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Im surprised the clerics on pvp servers actually are treated nicely. maybe cause you guys can just kill stupid people.

    Basically what happens with random squads is you get powerleveled players that dont understand aggro. They aggro a group, whack only one mob at a time, and scream for you to heal them. You cant heal however because then everything would run at you to kill you. That leaves you yelling at them to aoe so you can heal or let them die. After they die, they have a screaming fit. It's that kind of thing that you would have to deal with as a cleric. Normally it's best to drop squad or kick them from squad at that point. Just saying that even though squad wipes rarely happen, if one does and it isnt your fault, you would be blamed for it. I loved my cleric before the power leveling got out of control. That's why I say it is a playerbase attitude problem, and playing a cleric is best in a good faction or group of friends, not so much in random squads.

    Psychic and wizards do a large amount of damage. Psychic damage is greatly affected by their refined gear. If you play these classes you have to learn how much damage you can deal without grabbing aggro because this class does so much damage in one hit. You will find youself facing an angry boss a lot easier then any other class if you just let loose. My wizard can steal aggro very easily just dropping regular spam skills. One thing is the expense of their skills. Psychics and wizards have some of the most expensive skills, which is why they are often a second or third character instead of a first. Wizards have three major aoes that will cost a fortune to you as a new player. Later skill books for psychics are hard to find and are often very expensive when you do find them.

    So the cheaper route would be the cleric, since they can easily get away with spam skills, heals, and buffs that are cheap in comparison to the larger skills. The only major expensive skill earlier on is tempest, which you dont really need right away.
  • Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Im surprised the clerics on pvp servers actually are treated nicely. maybe cause you guys can just kill stupid people.

    Basically what happens with random squads is you get powerleveled players that dont understand aggro. They aggro a group, whack only one mob at a time, and scream for you to heal them. You cant heal however because then everything would run at you to kill you. That leaves you yelling at them to aoe so you can heal or let them die. After they die, they have a screaming fit. It's that kind of thing that you would have to deal with as a cleric. Normally it's best to drop squad or kick them from squad at that point. Just saying that even though squad wipes rarely happen, if one does and it isnt your fault, you would be blamed for it. I loved my cleric before the power leveling got out of control. That's why I say it is a playerbase attitude problem, and playing a cleric is best in a good faction or group of friends, not so much in random squads.

    Bella is from PvP but I'm from PvE. Things stupid people do to cause squad wipe happens, and usually it is only 1 or 2 out of the squad. There are still 3 people in the squad that does know you did your part and the idiots caused the trouble, so they will most likely help you when someone bashes for no reason. However if you get bashed by the whole squad, it is most likely you are absolutely doing something wrong.

    Perhaps it is the server difference? I know Sanc has quite a lot of decent people. But either way, I rarely get yelled at for doing the wrong thing by people that aren't powerleveled babies. If I get yelled at by noobs, I simply ignore them. Perhaps I'm wrong, but a good cleric gets a lot of power in a squad. By that, I mean getting people to agree with you and you can easily get rid of the idiot or simply don't heal him/her. LOL.
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Posts: 869 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    Bella is from PvP but I'm from PvE. Things stupid people do to cause squad wipe happens, and usually it is only 1 or 2 out of the squad. There are still 3 people in the squad that does know you did your part and the idiots caused the trouble, so they will most likely help you when someone bashes for no reason. However if you get bashed by the whole squad, it is most likely you are absolutely doing something wrong.

    Perhaps it is the server difference? I know Sanc has quite a lot of decent people. But either way, I rarely get yelled at for doing the wrong thing by people that aren't powerleveled babies. If I get yelled at by noobs, I simply ignore them. Perhaps I'm wrong, but a good cleric gets a lot of power in a squad. By that, I mean getting people to agree with you and you can easily get rid of the idiot or simply don't heal him/her. LOL.

    Im just warning the OP that this is will happen playing a cleric at some point and should be aware. Im not trying to make the good cleric/bad cleric argument. Like i said, you can either drop squad or the squad will drop the noob. It just depends on the random pick of the draw with squads. I assume since they are a new player, they will be working with a lot of random squads in the beginning until they get to know enough decent people to use for regular squads. Things like that happen to clerics in squad, whether or not you are a good or bad cleric. Yeah, bad clerics get it worse, and who is to say the OP might try cleric and may not be good at it. At least they are getting a warning about some people's behavior.

    I also warned that you will be almost poor trying to afford wiz or psy skills as a first character for a new player. I would suggest try a cheaper class and once you have a decent stash of coin start a psy or wiz. Im just letting the OP know the basic downsides to each one to make sure they can deal with it or not. If they cant, they can choose another class as their first character and come back to the others later on.
  • Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Cleric - Yup, pretty much used just for healing, as it's the class specialized on that, but it's not boring at all :)
    Wizard - Tried one once, but it's too weak while low lvl...
    Psychic - Less weaker than Wizard. Idk what to say, I like it :)
    Venomancer - You can choose be melee or magic! And you have a pet! Yay :D
    Mystic - Can be suport class, or DD or healer, so you can do a little of everything ^^

    Idk where's your problem on choosing o.o'
    And the best way to choose is to try the characters yourself to see which one better suits you :)
    I've all those classes except the Wizard... Maybe one day I'll try one
    MetzliDemon - 102 Celestial Demon Assassin f:grin
    AmyDemon - 96 Demon Cleric
    ShekmetDemon - 81 Venomancer
    MictianDemon - 68 Blademaster
    HecateDemon - 60 Mystic
    AhrinamDemon - 50 Psychic
    AliahDemon - 24 Seeker
    And there's a 75 Barbarian too! f:cute
  • Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    I've all those classes except the Wizard... Maybe one day I'll try one


    haha, but my reason is simply because the lower level skills look so meh and dumb... Which doesn't motive me enough to level one above level 20...


    And Kitkate, I know you are warning OP about that. But my point is, though there are many idiots out there, there are still a lot of skillful and nice people. I didn't want OP to think that being a cleric is a scary thing due to some disrespect from certain idiots.


    I'm not sure why OP rule out mystic tho. Since like Metzil said, you can try little of everything. Healer like cleric, pet owner like veno, DD like wiz and psy just not as hard. And when you find what you truly likes, it is not too late to start another class.
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    haha, but my reason is simply because the lower level skills look so meh and dumb... Which doesn't motive me enough to level one above level 20...

    Yeah, and the skills aren't so powerful as psychic skills at the beginning :s
    The old clases and the new ones are very unbalanced. They did a "rebalanced skills" update but just for higher skills. I think they should've make a rebalance in global, to not make a super powerful class right as it is born in PW while other class doesn't hit half of other's damage. And also the appearance of the skills. Psychic skills are way more apelative than wizard skills. Maybe that's the less about what someone enjoys on a char, but I like good looking skills and the 1st wizard skills are boring to see... :(

    What doesn't motive me to lvl them up is because of human beginner quests xD
    I hate them! Are the worst beginner quests!
    My cousin has a 40-something wizard.. I played with it some times when he reached lvl 20-something and was on Archosaur.. and I liked it because of all those free stuff like charms and gear that now PWI gives to lowbies.. Was nice to play with because it wasn't so weak..
    And that AOE 39 skill is one of the prettiest wizard skills :P
    MetzliDemon - 102 Celestial Demon Assassin f:grin
    AmyDemon - 96 Demon Cleric
    ShekmetDemon - 81 Venomancer
    MictianDemon - 68 Blademaster
    HecateDemon - 60 Mystic
    AhrinamDemon - 50 Psychic
    AliahDemon - 24 Seeker
    And there's a 75 Barbarian too! f:cute
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Im surprised the clerics on pvp servers actually are treated nicely. maybe cause you guys can just kill stupid people.

    From what I saw clerics on pvp servers are way much more skilled than clerics on pve servers. (in majority)

    I have 2 clerics that I leveled the normal way 101 sage and 102 demon. I get often complimented on how I play my cleric and save people from their mistakes, like a bad lure on a boss and everything is coming, many pve clerics will just panic and spam CHB while melee will die cause CHB is not enough than after the squad die, the cleric will blame the idiot that fail the lure, while actually pvp clerics use to pvp and tw are use to a extrem high stress and have a fast time of reaction and will be able to keep everyone alive and stay alive.

    It's easy to recognize the clerics that power leveled with 2 things, they spam CHB and/or DD beside heal.

    If you are good cleric no one will be rude with you. Clerics just need to be fast and to don't wait to be asked to heal/buff to do it. People should not have to need to ask to get heals/buffs, if they need to ask it then the cleric is fail and that explain why people are rude.

    It's pretty much the same with every class if you do your job people won't be rude with you, if you roll a veno and never amp people will be rude with you cause you don't do your job.

    I played a wizz too, pve at 95% of the time and I stopped cause majority of clerics are unskilled cause of the power level and I was dying over 20 times in some instances and when I was asking the clerics to heal me they was answering me to use charm and pots while they was DDing...

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 869 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    From what I saw clerics on pvp servers are way much more skilled than clerics on pve servers. (in majority)

    I have 2 clerics that I leveled the normal way 101 sage and 102 demon. I get often complimented on how I play my cleric and save people from their mistakes, like a bad lure on a boss and everything is coming, many pve clerics will just panic and spam CHB while melee will die cause CHB is not enough than after the squad die, the cleric will blame the idiot that fail the lure, while actually pvp clerics use to pvp and tw are use to a extrem high stress and have a fast time of reaction and will be able to keep everyone alive and stay alive.

    It's easy to recognize the clerics that power leveled with 2 things, they spam CHB and/or DD beside heal.

    If you are good cleric no one will be rude with you. Clerics just need to be fast and to don't wait to be asked to heal/buff to do it. People should not have to need to ask to get heals/buffs, if they need to ask it then the cleric is fail and that explain why people are rude.

    It's pretty much the same with every class if you do your job people won't be rude with you, if you roll a veno and never amp people will be rude with you cause you don't do your job.

    I played a wizz too, pve at 95% of the time and I stopped cause majority of clerics are unskilled cause of the power level and I was dying over 20 times in some instances and when I was asking the clerics to heal me they was answering me to use charm and pots while they was DDing...

    Even if you are a good cleric, every now and again you do get that one **** that thinks its everyone's fault but theirs. So you will get the whining sometimes.

    Im used to when it was automatically expected to buff people and heal rather than DD. I dislike the new clerics that just throw up BB for everything when IH would obviously be more effective in the instance. I understand what a good cleric is, and sometimes my friends still beg me to jump on my cleric and help every now and again because the selection for good clerics is so small now. Alot of clerics on pve servers do have that attitude of heal yourself, and it disgusts me. I just wasnt sure if it was the same on a pvp server.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Even if you are a good cleric, every now and again you do get that one **** that thinks its everyone's fault but theirs. So you will get the whining sometimes.

    Im used to when it was automatically expected to buff people and heal rather than DD. I dislike the new clerics that just throw up BB for everything when IH would obviously be more effective in the instance. I understand what a good cleric is, and sometimes my friends still beg me to jump on my cleric and help every now and again because the selection for good clerics is so small now. Alot of clerics on pve servers do have that attitude of heal yourself, and it disgusts me. I just wasnt sure if it was the same on a pvp server.

    It's not just about the attitude. I saw clerics 101+ on pve server ''solo'' bh 59 (or other boss like that) asking for a other cleric to heal them and all they do is plume shell-cyclone-wield thunder-cyclone-wait-plume shell-cyclone-wield thunder-clyclone-wait... til the boss die...

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It's not just about the attitude. I saw clerics 101+ on pve server ''solo'' bh 59 (or other boss like that) asking for a other cleric to heal them and all they do is plume shell-cyclone-wield thunder-cyclone-wait-plume shell-cyclone-wield thunder-clyclone-wait... til the boss die...

    LMAO seriosly?! Wow that is one **** cleric. Any class can "solo" 59 with cleric, let alone a 101 that can self heal and the bosses are elemental... Man I learn so much about clerics now a days just by reading the forum b:laugh
    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    LMAO seriosly?! Wow that is one **** cleric. Any class can "solo" 59 with cleric, let alone a 101 that can self heal and the bosses are elemental... Man I learn so much about clerics now a days just by reading the forum b:laugh

    A lot of clerics doesn't how to play or don't know what a cleric is capable of, I solo higher boss than that and I'm not R9 or anything, it's about to know how to play the class.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    I think the main problem nowadays is too many people powerlevel clerics as buff/heal alts and so don't take the time to really know the class. It requires a whole different style of playing and paying attention to totally different things to be good at it. While a DD will focus on the mob in front of them, and things like whether or not they are sac assault. Many don't tend to focus on what the squad is doing but rather what the mobs are doing. A cleric will focus on what the squad is doing. Things like who is likely to steal aggro, how close they are to the mobs, where the mobs are standing and whether or not a squishy is gonna get aggro anytime soon. People's hp bars and buffs. It's not the cleric never clicks the mobs/bosses or anything because a good cleric will focus on that too for obvious reasons such as detecting a debuff animation. But it's not the first place they look. And it's certainly not the only thing they are looking at when healing. This is why in FC for example, people will tell the cleric what the bosses hp is at when it gets low so the cleric doesn't miss the chance to hyper. Cleric is only aware of boss hp in intervals, it's not constantly targeted.

    Often times when a DD powerlevels a cleric they are only focused on the tank or their own character class because that is what they are used to and they didn't get the training from other instances. For example, you first learn how to deal with lots of aoe at 39. And Farren is a lot easier to heal through than other boss aoes later. But if you're doing it with at levels, you'll learn the value of ih and chroma vs just tossing up BB because you'll be forced to if you want the boss completed with any kind of speed. You can learn timing of purify from BH51, and importance of quickly purifying at 69. In 59, arcane DDs easily end up with aggro often and you get more aggro ping-pong. If you learn to deal with it instead of complain you'll learn the class better and will be more equipped to deal with at 101+ when the consequences of not getting it right are worse and more frustrating. And when it's far more likely to happen.

    I will say that people who did cleric main firsts are often better at powerlevelling other classes than the other way around from what i've noticed. Just because as a cleric you are watching the squad as whole and you can learn a fair bit just by watching others do it.At least that has been my personal experience as far as that goes.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Posts: 3,541 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    A cleric will focus on what the squad is doing. Things like who is likely to steal aggro, how close they are to the mobs, where the mobs are standing and whether or not a squishy is gonna get aggro anytime soon. People's hp bars and buffs. It's not the cleric never clicks the mobs/bosses or anything because a good cleric will focus on that too for obvious reasons such as detecting a debuff animation.

    Yes yes yes :D!!!!
    -eh hem o.o Carry on.
    "Clearly, the only logical option is Squid." -Decus <コ:彡 <コ:彡
    I'm helplessly needless, and needless to say I owe you | Well I'd pull, teeter away, at the earth with my teeth, to touch your face alive | You lie, helplessly still | As your face falls apart | Well I can make your face brand new | Come take my hand and I'll take your hand | And I will pull you out | Into the sun.
    First fell into an army of noob mobs on 19/3/2009~ Upside-down fox and old-colour squid <┻┻~ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    have solved my problem regarding psychics. So they are "soulforce" characters right? But fortunately, I read something about that expansion which gave other classes a soulforce reliant skill.

    I really do appreciate all those responses you posted. Now, I'm curious about who is the Deux ex Machina here?

    Are psychics liked in squads? Are they the attack/support class of the game? No not jack-of-all-trades mystics ^^. Though, wizard can provide support too.
    Which is psychic's attack element? water or earth? Assuming one is the attack, does it automatically mean the other is focused on the defensive nature?

    For AoE = psy, wiz, archer, veno, mystic, cleric?

    To get yourself challenged, I came up with a weird question.
    " For what is the purpose of supporting others if they just regard you as their slave? Wouldn't it be far better to have those attack skills so that way, you may stand up for your own more? "

    Lol it's weird but I find it challenging. Basically it's just me questioning whether to focus on attack or support.

    genie questions
    Well I'm new to genie stuffs so I would like to ask some.

    1. Does it mean that:
    physical classes = str genie
    magical classes = int genie
    tank = con genie
    ranged = dex genie

    2a. How much does the genie's stat and elemental attribute matter? Like if I were a cleric and I have a str genie with a fire element.

    2b. Are there certain genie builds or preferences to follow? Like genies that most probably will be suitable for magic classes and or physical classes. If ever, pls post a simple outline so that I can have an idea of how it goes.

    3. Does the genie's stat added to "THEIR" stat or are the stats added to the user? I mean if I have an int genie, does increasing int in my genie give me additional mATK ,etc or are those for my genie only?

    thanks so much!
  • Posts: 718 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    oonnoo wrote: »
    have solved my problem regarding psychics. So they are "soulforce" characters right? But fortunately, I read something about that expansion which gave other classes a soulforce reliant skill.

    I really do appreciate all those responses you posted. Now, I'm curious about who is the Deux ex Machina here?
    Not sure what a Deux ex Machina is...

    Are psychics liked in squads? Are they the attack/support class of the game? No not jack-of-all-trades mystics ^^.Though, wizard can provide support too.
    They are liked, and mostly favored in squads that is looking for AoE DDs. However, like mentioned by others, you must keep control of your attacks. If you get out of hand and aggro tags with tank and cause deaths, you will most likely get bashed.

    By support, I assume you mean heal, which Wiz and Psys are NOT supports. They are attackers. Because there is a quite long CD for psy's aoe heal, long chan for wiz which makes them the most back up "support". Nobody expect you to heal except for critical times.

    Which is psychic's attack element? water or earth? Assuming one is the attack, does it automatically mean the other is focused on the defensive nature?
    Both of them. Any mastery you have to learn are for attacks. It has nothing to do with the defense. Defense comes from your gears and buffs (cleric and BM ones mainly). Any buffs that psys have are for self def like stun, silent reflect the opponent, not affected by their attack/mastery element, just the character gear/buff elemental resistent.

    For AoE = psy, wiz, archer, veno, mystic, cleric?
    Color coded for you, red being highest and best, white being low and unexpected.

    Basically archer and wiz being best for aoe because of the their constant AoE. Psy has no constant, but has many AoE. Mystic has 1 self aoe, 1 pet with 1 aoe, and 1 with time but 2 high damaged aoe. Veno has 2, one cost 1 chi, long cd. Cleric has 3, one cost 2 spark, one phy aoe, and one 1 spark ,mag stun aoe, however nobody expect you to aoe or dd unless there is the present of another healer.

    To get yourself challenged, I came up with a weird question.
    " For what is the purpose of supporting others if they just regard you as their slave? Wouldn't it be far better to have those attack skills so that way, you may stand up for your own more? "
    Nobody expect you to be their slave... you have your job to attack/aoe (assuming you picked psy), they have either job, atk/tank/aoe. In order for the squad to run smoothly, everyone has to do their job, help each other, not one people does it all while others can just sit around and watch. Besides, every AA can solo mobs, just not all bosses, so I'm not sure what you mean by slave.

    Lol it's weird but I find it challenging. Basically it's just me questioning whether to focus on attack or support.

    genie questions
    Well I'm new to genie stuffs so I would like to ask some.

    1. Does it mean that:
    physical classes = str genie
    magical classes = int genie
    tank = con genie
    ranged = dex genie

    Base of what I know, the genies are given to you based on the highest stats you have at the moment, so basically you can say mag class = zeal (mag genie) but there are still possibilities that you will get other genies. Besides, genies are something you can make if you have mirage stones, so I don't thing this is a big issue.

    And base on what I see, doesn't matter what class you are, people most likely choose Zeal for it's orignal skill to pull mobs/bosses. I rarely see people with the butterfly one.

    2a. How much does the genie's stat and elemental attribute matter? Like if I were a cleric and I have a str genie with a fire element.

    Genie doesn't affect you. And every genie is the same, aside from the beginning genie type.Their stats is for them, their elemental attribute is for the skills you want for them. But they have this luck thing which, are color coded, the higher the luck point it has, the more skills you can give it. Gold (61+ Lp) gives 7 slots, dark purple (51+) is 6 and light purple (41+) is 5 (including the original skill the genie comes with)

    2b. Are there certain genie builds or preferences to follow? Like genies that most probably will be suitable for magic classes and or physical classes. If ever, pls post a simple outline so that I can have an idea of how it goes.

    There is no genie builds, you build it base on what you want. For example, my genie is a discipline (the white one, a vit genie I believe), I add stats to her vit and mag so she can have more energy to use more skills at a time and faster recovery rate. Some people put dex or str because those adds on to the skills they chose for their genie.

    3. Does the genie's stat added to "THEIR" stat or are the stats added to the user? I mean if I have an int genie, does increasing int in my genie give me additional mATK ,etc or are those for my genie only?

    Their states, it doesn't effect its owner in any way. Only the skills it learns can help/assist you.

    thanks so much!

    Siggy made by Silvychar <3
  • Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    A lot of clerics doesn't how to play or don't know what a cleric is capable of, I solo higher boss than that and I'm not R9 or anything, it's about to know how to play the class.

    Girl, I gotta try solo something with my cleric someday :o
    MetzliDemon - 102 Celestial Demon Assassin f:grin
    AmyDemon - 96 Demon Cleric
    ShekmetDemon - 81 Venomancer
    MictianDemon - 68 Blademaster
    HecateDemon - 60 Mystic
    AhrinamDemon - 50 Psychic
    AliahDemon - 24 Seeker
    And there's a 75 Barbarian too! f:cute
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I see-- If you role a magic class, I would recommend wizzy for a begginer.
    Leave no one behind

  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Girl, I gotta try solo something with my cleric someday :o

    Go ahead. =)
    It's like the first time I soloed blackhole more than 2 years ago on my cleric with **** gears and people was like ''oh my gosh you are cleric and can solo it???'' people don't even try.
    I don't say a cleric could solo harpy wraith, but cleric have the potential to do a lot of thing, so in a bh59 when a cleric 101+ ask for BB or heal that really make me facepalm.

    @OP: To be honest you should start by chose a class before worry about a genie. =)

    For the AOE, actually mystic have also AOE plants.

    I don't know which game you played before (don't name them here it's against forum rules to speak about other games), but here there's no way that as cleric you can be a DD, I don't want to be mean or rude, but get that out of your head, if you play cleric the only time you will DD is when you solo quest, if you DD in a squad people will see you as a fail cleric. SOME experimented clerics are enough skilled to keep their squad alive and debuff and a bit DD, but at 95% of clerics can't or when they do DD other people charms tick or they die cause of it which yes can make people be rude with you if they die cause you didn't do your healing job.

    A pure magic cleric could deal more damage than other magic class, but cleric is not a DD (in PWI).

    If you want a DD class forget cleric. No one will ever take a cleric as DD in a squad and if they take a second cleric it's cause some instance are really hard and the cleric need back up.

    Support are not slaves. Example a veno is not a slave, but your job is to amp every time your cd is done and purge if needed, you can see it as slave, but if the veno don't do it, the boss are more long and hard to kill. If you don't like support than don't go for cleric, veno and mystic for sure.

    If you want a DD class that you can do w/e you want without people be mad at you it's psy and wizz, but than again, there's instance if you don't AOE people will think you don't know your class.

    Support are important, without the support class (cleric, veno and mystic) people would have a really hard time in game to do stuff.

    For genies:

    For magic class in majority people will use skills that can save you if you are in trouble, like there's genie skills that heal you, make you immune to all damage for a few seconds, make you immune to all physical damage for a few seconds, make you run faster, majority of magic class have that one cause melee run really fast and have speed skills that magic class don't have so to be able to follow them we use holy path, genie's skill to get chi....etc

    Melee class will normally go more for skill that make the target have less physical defense, skill that make them able to aggro, reflect some damage...etc.

    When you will have chose your class it gonna be more easy to help you with the genie skill's.

    Genie's doesn't have elements like water, fire, they actually represent the 4 season if I'm not wrong, but what that really change is only the points they have, as Miko said normal the genies people take is Zeal and Discipline (yellow and white ones) cause they are the magic and vit ones. While the 2 others are the dex and str ones.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I see-- If you role a magic class, I would recommend wizzy for a begginer.

    Wrong. If you roll a wizard, you will have a very hard time than if you roll a psychic (Tideborns have more advantages at the start, skill-wise and quest-wise). Wizards don't hit as hard as psychics do at early-game, so if you're a begginner going towards a nice PvE, go psychic
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Wow! I honestly didn't expect this thread to reach page 3 but support or attack, I just have to choose 1. If the first failed, then the second may succeed. Who knows? If it failed again and didn't liked it, then I'll create another. Then another. Then another until I find my main.

    Until I have the most suitable class for me, I won't stop exploring. Or so even if I had already, I still won't stop because this is an adventure. In the end, no one can tell what my class is except me.

    Thanks for helping me with those class and genie stuffs. I don't want to get this thread repetitive as what I know is happening now and I owe your efforts for typing such long words.

    I may bring this thread up again or if you still have something to share, please do so :) I'll take note of this thread for future references.
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Wrong. If you roll a wizard, you will have a very hard time than if you roll a psychic (Tideborns have more advantages at the start, skill-wise and quest-wise). Wizards don't hit as hard as psychics do at early-game, so if you're a begginner going towards a nice PvE, go psychic

    Wizards do hit hard, but psys cast a million times faster and are almost guaranteed mold weapons, and have voodoo

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  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Wrong. If you roll a wizard, you will have a very hard time than if you roll a psychic (Tideborns have more advantages at the start, skill-wise and quest-wise). Wizards don't hit as hard as psychics do at early-game, so if you're a begginner going towards a nice PvE, go psychic

    Sincerely, although psychics are better at beginning in fact, today we have blessing that gives 30 atk lvls, op beginner gear for free and free charms till lvl 60. I dont know why people still say wizard is hard to lvl up at lower lvls. That was true in the past, but it's not nowadays.

    Any class is really really easy to lvl up nowadays.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    question here,
    If I follow the 9int 1 str formula every 2 levels, which should I add first?
    Should it go like:
    every EVEN lvl, add 5 int 0str
    ODD lvl, add 4 int 1str

    every EVEN lvl, add 4int 1str
    ODD lvl, add 5int 0str

    In higher levels, what's the range of needed str for weapons? And what's the lvl cap?


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