NW Base Trap Solution.

stinks Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Suggestion Box
Just a thought. I don't get trapped in base vary often, but I hear a lot of people do.

My solution is, a double jump from base. In history when a Castle or base is about to be occupied they have made things like, underground escape tunnels, sewers, or sanctuary's.
So what I am purposing is, Maybe even make it a cash item if you want, but basically its a way for people to go around a battle that may be blocking them in base only, (not to be used any place but in the Base). It would allow players to move 2 spaces and avoid (bypass) the battle taking place right in front of the base. Strati like this has been used threw out history. Just some food for thought.
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  • Crixxix - Raging Tide
    Crixxix - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I agree, I'm sitting base locked right now >.<
  • Shidoshi - Lost City
    Shidoshi - Lost City Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    no. they need to take the four land connecting to the base, lands that can't be taken over. permanent nation land. that will open up 6-7 lands allowing people to spread out and help in case the nation does get land locked. that is the only and best solution to this problem. it would be hard for that nation to be land locked with more routes available to take
    pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    No C$er already have more advantages no need to give them more.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Runemine - Dreamweaver
    Runemine - Dreamweaver Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Already several things being implemented to fix this just wait. As for the idea eh wouldn't do anything but make it easier to farm people just have to have people sit at those lands like they do at the base so kinda eh.
    101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
    100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
    86 Assassin(Solo king)
    76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
    72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
    67 Barb(Buff baby)
    61 Wizard(King Aoe)
    37 Mystic(Fun project)
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Make it so bases can be overtaken, and once that base is taken the nation that was captured becomes a part of the nation that captured it. World domination baby.
  • Runemine - Dreamweaver
    Runemine - Dreamweaver Posts: 572 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Make it so bases can be overtaken, and once that base is taken the nation that was captured becomes a part of the nation that captured it. World domination baby.

    Upside entire map would be taken by 1 nation and all winners.

    Downside all winners...... tokens would be jacked up due to so many people either for good or bad. Also its easy to just bum rush base until they patch the "NW Fix" which would make that quite abit harder.

    Again wait for expansion and ignore the QQers and then wait for them to QQ about the expansion fixes.
    101 Blademaster(Pro/Fail 4.0 BM with 11k base HP+G16(+10))
    100 Seeker(The Vortex Beast)
    86 Assassin(Solo king)
    76 Archer(Squishy Nuker)
    72 Cleric(Horrible healer)
    67 Barb(Buff baby)
    61 Wizard(King Aoe)
    37 Mystic(Fun project)