Lag Issues?

Cyrus_Khane - Sanctuary
Cyrus_Khane - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Support Desk
I've been having some serious lag issues with this game lately.

I generally play this in between *edit* subs, but this lag is super game breaking.

I run *edit* on Average graphs and avg about 50-55 fps with no problems
but on pw I have the graphics all the way down and still, laggy as hell.

Can't figure it out for the life of me. Any reported issues with PWI and Win8?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Post edited by Cyrus_Khane - Sanctuary on


  • Allisandre - Sanctuary
    Allisandre - Sanctuary Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    What you're describing is low FPS, and not lag.
    Something else to keep in mind... Unlike other games built on newer engines, PWI is built to be CPU intenseve because the engine was written around 2004 when the best video cards were maybe 64MB and almost everything except the final rendering was handled by the CPU. Not only that, but the client will not make use of more than one CPU core because it was written before these were in use on anything other than servers and ultra-high-end rigs. Because of this, You can't really compare it to any other game released in the past 8 years, so comparing it to *edit* is pointless.

    If you want actual help on the issue, I will need a copy of your dxdiag.txt file, and a link to a published Speccy report taken while you are having the issues.
    (Remember to use the [code] tags for the dxdiag info and to remove any trademark characters so it doesn't get cut off.)
    I do pray that one day someone will learn how to post actual information when asking for help, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Also, here's a couple of interesting articles...
    Lag vs FPS
    How to get rid of Lag guide.
    Take the time to look for your answer before you post like an idiot.

    There are two kinds of people in this world...
    There are those who panic,
    And then there is us.
    ~ Sarah Jane Smith
  • Cyrus_Khane - Sanctuary
    Cyrus_Khane - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    You know, I very rarely post on the forums, but every time I do, I see another reason why not only is this game sheisty, so to is it's fanbase.

    I'm fairly computer savvy, and am aware of the game's single cpu core limitation. I've already looked over my dxdiag. Basically, the only question I needed answered was if there were any confirmed issues with PWI and Win8, because the only other explanation I have for my issues is abnormally high player traffic, which I've never experienced on Sanc. As far as using lag over low fps, I'm a console gamer, so excuse me.

    Way to be condescending to someone who's asking for assistance, though. No wonder I see a hundred posts about people leaving the game every time I log in. b:laugh
  • Allisandre - Sanctuary
    Allisandre - Sanctuary Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    There are no Win8 issues that cause the client to bork if you set it up properly. (Which has been discussed to no end in several threads.)

    However, you are apparently having a problem, and as computer-savvy as you may be, still titled your thread incorrectly, because based on what you state in your post, it has absolutely nothing to do with lag, and is entirely an issue with FPS.

    You ask for help, but the only detail you've given anyone to work with is that you have Windows 8. All I can do is preach at you the hundreds of things that have already been discussed to no end in this forum.

    Also, I was not being particularly condescending in my first reply here. I put those links in purely for educational purposes so that you can read them and better your own knowledge, and also for other people that may mistakenly look for help with "lag" by reading your thread title, not to be a snob or condescending. (With the exception of the line in italics, but that's more for people in general since out of 100 posts, I'll be lucky if 1 post actually has enough info to truly offer assistance.) I also gave the details about the game engine itself for the very same reason. Not everyone is aware of that, and they are always comparing the client to newer games that have newer/updated engines. It's like comparing a Ford Pinto to a Corvette, and complaining about the Pinto not being fast enough.

    If you had browsed the forum a little, you would see that 90% of the issues with Win8 are directly a result of system configurations, driver issues, antivirus software, and permissions. (Which are also the most common errors with Win7.) Once you work through those, it runs great on Win8, (although without much of a performance improvement for the new OS).

    I love to sit out here and lurk the forums and actually help the people than I can. Unfortunately 80% of them can't seem to post anything that I can use to give them any assistance, and 10% of those don't even have a clue of what it is they need help with exactly.

    On a final note, if you want to provide the information I requested, I will definitely take a look into any possibilities that might improve your experience. I'll even enjoy doing it. Without that though, you're on your own.
    Take the time to look for your answer before you post like an idiot.

    There are two kinds of people in this world...
    There are those who panic,
    And then there is us.
    ~ Sarah Jane Smith
  • cyberomega45
    cyberomega45 Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have seen the ping as high as 8k in Arch. Here is a screenshot of the ping and FPS in Arch
  • Allisandre - Sanctuary
    Allisandre - Sanctuary Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have seen the ping as high as 8k in Arch. Here is a screenshot of the ping and FPS in Arch
    So far the only thing you've proven is that you had just logged into the game mere seconds before taking your screenshot. (which is why your FPS shows 441) This is not a time when you latency meter will show anything correct either.

    Try again. and next time, post some actual info instead of fake **** like that.
    Take the time to look for your answer before you post like an idiot.

    There are two kinds of people in this world...
    There are those who panic,
    And then there is us.
    ~ Sarah Jane Smith
  • cyberomega45
    cyberomega45 Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Fake? I had been on for over 2 hours when I posted that. I also figured out why there was high ping yesterday it was because so many people were claiming and turning in the dreamchaser giveaway packages. Today since not as many people are claiming and turning them in it is better. Don't you even say that was a fake picture and I just logged in.

    Also, I find it interesting how you told someone how you were not condescending in a previous post then you asked me not to post "fake ****". I am so glad you are not acting condescending.
  • Mor_Toran - Sanctuary
    Mor_Toran - Sanctuary Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Here's exactly why that image looks like it was taken mere seconds after logging in....

    1. 0 Chi
    2. Camera is facing perfect North
    3. Camera angle is flat 0
    4. Camera distance is at the standard default from when you log in.
    5. It's just about the only time your FPS numbers will be that high. (Check my sig, how do you think I did that?)

    Plus, if you want to complain about high ping or lag, show us a traceroute, not a screenshot.

    Based on the available evidence, I'd have to agree with Allisandre that the image is spoofed. Although I've gotten high pings like that myself before, it was always easy to track down to something related to a problem with either my local network or my path to the server. I did that using a traceroute.

    Finally, I don't care what kind of rig you've got, getting a real FPS of 441 just isn't going to happen. Especially with the client's aging engine.
    "No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style." - Steven Brust, Yendi

    Yeah, I'm that good. b:chuckle