What about this build?

riz2012 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Archer
I've read many forums that state every level, it's recommended to put 1 STR and 4 DEX per lvl. THIS is based off of you wearing the best armor for your level while having high damage since there's none put into VIT or MAG.

What about only keeping STR as high as it needs to be just for your weapon and THEN get the best armor you can wear with the STR you have? I understand this means you not being able to wear the best armor for your level, but wouldn't this significantly increase damage output? Think about it.

At end-game, instead of having 105 put into STR, why not increase your damage by only using STR to equip your best weapon? This would make you even MORE squishy as usual, but your damage would significantly rise since about 80 points of those STR lvls would be into DEX. That's 4% more crit rate and 16 levels worth of dexterity.

Wouldn't THIS be better since archers are a damage dealing class or would the regular "pure dex" builds (1 STR, 4 DEX) be better since you could survive longer? You'd be able to dispatch of your opponent much sooner than normally with the cost of defense. Technically this would be an ever MORE pure build XD
Post edited by riz2012 on


  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    It won't. Especially for those who are using Rank 9 (and the recasts).

    You're sacrificing survivability as well as any offensive gains on the armors (lower grade armors also can't be sharded with attack level gems) for... 4% crit and a small amount of base damage.

    For comparision, an archer with what you've mentioned versus a "regular" one both wearing the best their str can get them. I'm too lazy to hyper-optimize the gears (so no engrave restats, max stats, and the like) but it should give you a clear idea of why the idea isn't that good. And this is without taking lower levels into account where you'd just get murdered nonstop.

    Super min str
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Geckofreak - Sanctuary
    Geckofreak - Sanctuary Posts: 2,280 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Well there is one exception kossy. Rank 8 and Rank 8 Recast. Those armors, especially the recast, require no strength to use. With recast you can have great stats, massive dex, and use any weapon. Will need to use an arcane helm though too, but ences scar works.


    Edit: Nvm didnt click your links, however full r999 +12 josd is probably is not an option for someone like this, so I still say, that yes, rank 8 recast with min str for weapon is a good build
  • XxRagzxx - Sanctuary
    XxRagzxx - Sanctuary Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    You lose out on over 800 HP taking into account of using a G16 AA helm, compared to a G15 LA helm both being at +10. To be honest, the min str build does not give you maximum survivability, which if you can't live you can't DD. So i reality, you would be DDing less.
    Archer Build:
    Sin Build:
  • locker09
    locker09 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    a dead archer has no use
  • Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver
    Chigenkaiona - Dreamweaver Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Dead no-survivability build is dead archer. Same goes for any other class.
  • qzazn8
    qzazn8 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    if you held your base strength to a value lower than 105 and used a tome/ring/neck engraves to bring your strength back up to 105, you can take those extra points and put them into dex. This is possible with the new nation wars tomes, dominance and emperor, though they are very expensive. This way, you can have a base of 60 and still have enough str to equip the best end game gear.

    In the end, at some point added dex doesn't really make a difference. It really comes down to attack levels and defense levels. If you don't meet the requirements to equip superb endgame gear, then you are substituting huge amounts of attack and defense levels with a relatively insignificant amount of dexterity.
    Not all my toons are female! I have a barb b:pleased
  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1 vit and 4 strength every level.