Good Gear

GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Dungeons & Tactics
Hi Im a newish lvl 99 cleric and I dont have very much rep. I was thinking about my lvl 100 gear. Im not a Cs and was wondering is there was another option to get decent stuff while im trying to get my rep up. Would TT 99 be enough? I curently have a full TT 90 set, not sure where to go from there any help?

~ Edit, Are there any high lvl bh runs that I can survive in that could possibly go into haveing only TT 90/99~
I would much appreciate the help :)

-I keep hearing people talking about r8 and r9 but I know that thats going to take for ever to bring up I only have 6k rep :'(

Clerics are the ones for me..
~Not that hard to see~
Post edited by GrazieElis - Heavens Tear on


  • Geckofreak - Sanctuary
    Geckofreak - Sanctuary Posts: 2,280 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    For a new player, i suggest if you have crafting (lv 7) to make tt 99 to use then use nation wars rewards to nirvana them. If you do not have crafting just wear tt 90 till you can have someone else make it into tt 99 then vana. Bound on equip gear is annoying.

    Rep is overrated now. R8 is out of the competition. You also said you do not cash shop, and your cleric seems to be your highest toon, so r9 seems out of the question too, seeing as it is freakishly expensive compared to everything else
  • GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
    GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ok thank you this will help me alot :)

    Clerics are the ones for me..
    ~Not that hard to see~
  • GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
    GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    err wait would a lvl 99 (im getting very close to 100, 89% atm) to survive TT 3-3 or 3-2 for that mater? I have a cool faction but.. *~* I tried TT 3-2 alredy with my fac and wow did I die alot x3 im terrofied to see whats up at 3-3 *shutter*

    Clerics are the ones for me..
    ~Not that hard to see~
  • Crimson_Moon - Momaganon
    Crimson_Moon - Momaganon Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Don't do TT 3-2 and 3-3 til you reach 100 since you're so close and every death means a step back.
    When you're 100 start doing them with your faction (since you have a helpful faction) and do BH 100 with your friends/guild members (you'll survive quite a few BHs if you have a decent squad, with random hiccups/deaths for you => some money from BH rewards =>buy the rest of the TT mats you can't farm).
    Craft your TT99 and do NW regularly or buy your nirvana mats to recast your future gear and you're ready to farm your G16 gear (badges/essences)b:shocked

    PS: My cleric has r8+5 with flawless citrines on armor and can do any BH without problem (pure magic build). If you get 2nd cast vana armor pieces you won't have trouble with any BH either.
  • GrazieElis - Heavens Tear
    GrazieElis - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Cool thx for the tips :)

    Clerics are the ones for me..
    ~Not that hard to see~