Alexxo best barb on the server get 1 shot by a 6k hp veno

GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
edited December 2012 in Twilight Temple (West)

Didnt want to post this but urheart wanted me to because alexxo wanted to lie about getting 1 shot. Alexxo is a 12+ and 11+ all r99 barb and gets dogged by a 10+ 6k hp veno.
Post edited by GoddessNoa - Sanctuary on


  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Didnt want to post this but urheart wanted me to because alexxo wanted to lie about getting 1 shot. Alexxo is a 12+ and 11+ all r99 barb and gets dogged by a 10+ 6k hp veno.

    He take's 2k first then 24k = 26k+

    26k isn't a 1 shot by a r99 barb. And i'm wondering how many debuffs were on him
  • Alexxxo - Sanctuary
    Alexxxo - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Didnt want to post this but urheart wanted me to because alexxo wanted to lie about getting 1 shot. Alexxo is a 12+ and 11+ all r99 barb and gets dogged by a 10+ 6k hp veno.


    You actually went to the effort to post something so pathetic.
    kinda sad.
    In any case far from a 1 shot even 'unbuffed'.

    But glad to know you always thinking of me. b:bye

  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    And i'm wondering how many debuffs were on him

    I think you know what a demon veno is capable of when it comes to debuffs.

  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think you know what a demon veno is capable of when it comes to debuffs.

    Didn't watch if she's demon or not :P. Only the damage log, and you mean mag def to zero? x_x
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lol 1 urheart asked me to post it lol i dont know if this before you got ur r99 or what but im sure you remember it seems that everyone is laughing at you in chat or surprised you died either or you got dogged and urheart doesn't lie unlike some people i know. i still want to know what ur hp is in standing without barb buffs lol im pretty sure your embarrassed and afraid that kirby and kyougu will disown you like they did sasuke.(poor guyb:sad ) Alexxo was a completely different person a couple months a ago now your a mindless follower who talks just like his daddy(kirby) and grandpa(roid). Your sad really. Even if your coward irl, you can at-least be your own person and have some courage in game.
    You told me you didn't like kirby and thats why you panzer left jolibee that time and said he was ******* and jerk, but later on you let him bully and scare like most people in this game and you became another follower lol. To the cleric that posted earlier lol you dont enough to know make that statement cause his hp could have been full because of some people use food in pk.
  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    now your a mindless follower who talks just like his daddy(kirby) and grandpa(roid). Your sad really. Even if your coward irl, you can at-least be your own person and have some courage in game. To the cleric .

  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Last time i looked we were in a informal setting lol. Only ******* try to correct people on videogame forums when you clearly knew what the word meant. I mean if that makes you feel about yourself i guess go ahead as far as me ill stick to slang and keep it informal. Mr English Majorb:chuckle
  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Last time i looked we were in a informal setting lol. Only ******* try to correct people on videogame forums when you clearly knew what the word meant. I mean if that makes you feel about yourself i guess go ahead as far is me ill stick to slang and keep it informal. Mr English Majorb:chuckle

    me no spik inglish halp me :< u spik god inglish
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    me no spik inglish halp me :< u spik god inglish

    Thats fine cause i still got what you said lol.
  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Thats fine cause i still got what you said lol.

    Kay, that's fine.
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Didn't watch if she's demon or not :P. Only the damage log, and you mean phys def to zero? x_x


  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    And mdef. Cuz it happen to me c_c
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    And mdef. Cuz it happen to me c_c

    Then it was their 79 skill which gives you a random debuff (or two, don't remember)

  • Horosho - Lost City
    Horosho - Lost City Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Then it was their 79 skill which gives you a random debuff (or two, don't remember)

    I don't wanna remember it Q_Q was awfull
  • Alexxxo - Sanctuary
    Alexxxo - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Didnt want to post this but urheart wanted me to because alexxo wanted to lie about getting 1 shot. Alexxo is a 12+ and 11+ all r99 barb and gets dogged by a 10+ 6k hp veno.

    This screenshot is relevant how?
    I wasn't r99 at this point.
    I was 26k 'unbuffed' in R9.
    And Purge, Amp+Demon Nova(alone)- Isn't able to hit 24k from UrHeart.
    If you need clarification on this, Please do continue to baffle me with your stupidity.
    I shall reply when i can lol!
    lol 1 urheart asked me to post it lol i dont know if this before you got ur r99 or what but im sure you remember it seems that everyone is laughing at you in chat or surprised you died either or you got dogged and urheart doesn't lie unlike some people i know. i still want to know what ur hp is in standing without barb buffs lol im pretty sure your embarrassed and afraid that kirby and kyougu will disown you like they did sasuke.(poor guy ) Alexxo was a completely different person a couple months a ago now your a mindless follower who talks just like his daddy(kirby) and grandpa(roid). Your sad really. Even if your coward irl, you can at-least be your own person and have some courage in game.
    You told me you didn't like kirby and thats why you panzer left jolibee that time and said he was ******* and jerk, but later on you let him bully and scare like most people in this game and you became another follower lol. To the cleric that posted earlier lol you dont enough to know make that statement cause his hp could have been full because of some people use food in pk.

    Once again continuing to baffle me with your brilliance.
    I actually had trouble understanding this, Your fairly illiterate as it would seem.
    However for all intensive purposes i'll endeavor to respond.

    "Alexxo was a completely different person a couple months a ago now your a mindless follower who talks just like his daddy(kirby) and grandpa(roid). Your sad really. Even if your coward irl, you can at-least be your own person and have some courage in game. You told me you didn't like kirby and thats why you panzer left jolibee that time and said he was ******* and jerk, but later on you let him bully and scare like most people in this game and you became another follower lol."

    Alexxxo** - FYI.

    A completely different person ?
    Mindless ?
    Follower ?

    I told 'YOU' ?

    'after laughing at you for a good 5 minutes'

    I'll leave this with saying, I think you have embarrassed yourself enough with this post.
    Iv not heard anyone talk so much garbage in a long time, Its morally degrading having to respond to you.
    PS.. Picking up a dictionary and reading it every once in awhile wouldn't go astray.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    That's one ugly veno. o,o

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    A screenshot doesn't prove much. It could have been done with significant help from others like that BM in squad for example. You can't even tell if that was the killing shot.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • CapnK - Sanctuary
    CapnK - Sanctuary Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm still trying to figure out how the 6k hp is relevant.
  • Facerolled - Raging Tide
    Facerolled - Raging Tide Posts: 334 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm still trying to figure out how the 6k hp is relevant.

    Veno arma
    boogiepanda | Demon Archer || Facerolled | Demon Wizard
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    no point arguing with noa and these kids. when you make a video of owning them and post it here, it's "LOL OMG UNDERGEARED DON"T COUNT". but when they post a 1 in a millions chance of beating u that happened once a yr, it's a big news on forums. get over it urheart is garbage and so are u noa.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm still trying to figure out how the 6k hp is relevant.

    Shows they got a +10 weapon but run around in crappy armor? b:laugh

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Geckofreak - Sanctuary
    Geckofreak - Sanctuary Posts: 2,280 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Just looks at title....

    Alexxo best barb on server.
    Cant even spell his name right!

    Noa seems to be great at identifying the greatest players, seeing as he is best mystic, aspa best psychic, darca best wizard and urheart best veno, and now Alexxxo best barb?

    While he is far closer to that status then the rest of you are, he is not the best.
    Also 24k hit wouldn't even 1 shot him so the whole point is void here. Also i noticed the UrHeart doesn't even have Alexxxo targetted in the screenshot so he might not even be dead.

    Also Noa we all noticed that you don't post any of your own achievements on here, just UrHearts. Try doing something yourself sometimeb:victory
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    You can chose to believe what you want lol. As far of your my achievements they are far beyond anyone here being the top mystics all servers on pvp list and no mystic can beat me on this server and i have beaten all the people you claimed better than me on my class(darksorcer and papi etc). puts me on a whole other level than you all commenting i simply posted something for a friend. Urhearts hp is relevant because he has horrible gear yet he brings down vindis best pkers proving gear over skill just like he destroyed sasuke do many times which is on video. If Urheart or me actually recorded how much you all got destroyed you all would no longer have the courage the comment here. Also to gecko clearly you dont understand sarcasm at all alexxo or however you spell i don't care is no where near the best barb. Hes just another cser with good gear playing on one the most op and easiest class in the game. The difference between my group and your group is you tell lies you could never catch me in one he provided me a screenshot and he did that means he did. Ive seen him kill holyhead and others which are youtube lol which proves vindicate is all gear no skill to die to a 6k veno with almost no gems and a 10+ weapon on 40k+ hp barbs lol is sad. I always give people there credit whether i like them or not lol you guys refuse to give people credit because you dont like them lol man get real. Kirby is prob top 5 archers on the server lol see is it that hard no its not lol. KEEP IT REAL!
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i don't even like kirby tho.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Geckofreak - Sanctuary
    Geckofreak - Sanctuary Posts: 2,280 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    You can chose to believe what you want lol. As far of your my achievements they are far beyond anyone here being the top mystics all servers on pvp list and no mystic can beat me on this server and i have beaten all the people you claimed better than me on my class(darksorcer and papi etc). puts me on a whole other level than you all commenting i simply posted something for a friend. Urhearts hp is relevant because he has horrible gear yet he brings down vindis best pkers proving gear over skill just like he destroyed sasuke do many times which is on video. If Urheart or me actually recorded how much you all got destroyed you all would no longer have the courage the comment here. Also to gecko clearly you dont understand sarcasm at all alexxo or however you spell i don't care is no where near the best barb. Hes just another cser with good gear playing on one the most op and easiest class in the game. The difference between my group and your group is you tell lies you could never catch me in one he provided me a screenshot and he did that means he did. Ive seen him kill holyhead and others which are youtube lol which proves vindicate is all gear no skill to die to a 6k veno with almost no gems and a 10+ weapon on 40k+ hp barbs lol is sad. I always give people there credit whether i like them or not lol you guys refuse to give people credit because you dont like them lol man get real. Kirby is prob top 5 archers on the server lol see is it that hard no its not lol. KEEP IT REAL!

    This is gonna take awhile too answer....

    Ok I'll believe what everyone sees and knows

    Best mystic being only one who open world pks frequently, and also you spam low levels. Everytime I see you you either have a blue name or a pure red name, but no one witnesses you getting the 10 kills on whitename people required for red name. Boosting with your alts? Sad. Love to see you actually fight another r9 mystic

    Oh horrible gear? Full r9 is horrible? r999 weapon +11? I've never seen you take on a 1 v1 anyone with an r9 weapon, let alone fullb:laugh And killing sasuke isn't that hard to do. Also you seem to forget though that Sasuke manages to take you aspa and darca all on and kill aspa and darca several times before you can take him down

    Then show us. As usual you're scared. I have many screenshots i could post, i dont because people dont care. I 1 shot urheart in full r9 with my old r8.

    Lol Alexxxo far closer to the best barb then you are to the best mystic. Your #1 Pker on server, you single-handedly revived sanctuary pvp with your pro spark ig! hows that for sarcasm

    You don't tell lies? That's a lie right there! This thread is a lie, it wasn't a 1 shot. Learn some honesty. If people believed you they would think your like a super cool awesome dude who does robin hood in pwi, who also has girls constantly going after you cause everyone loves you. b:laugh

    You list holyhead, hes a kid still. Probably armad on a bramble then got stunned because hes too confident. How does it prove that a faction is all gear no skill because of one person. We know for a fact noa that you darca and aspa are all "All gear no skill" I'll admit though, UrHeart is a decent player and she isnt an idiot like you. You however have killed no one notable, so stop talking about others achievements and failures mr #1 pker.

    No one wants your credit, since you call yourself #1 pker. That pretty much makes you lose all credibility in everything.

    Rankings say kirby is #1, Id say in skill hes about #3 but he gets things done so that makes him #1

    Keep it real? you gotta be kidding me. Everything you say about yourself is fake.
  • Lecus - Lost City
    Lecus - Lost City Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Ughhh my eyes hurt and I can't even read that wall of text. b:cry
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This is gonna take awhile too answer....

    Ok I'll believe what everyone sees and knows

    Best mystic being only one who open world pks frequently, and also you spam low levels. Everytime I see you you either have a blue name or a pure red name, but no one witnesses you getting the 10 kills on whitename people required for red name. Boosting with your alts? Sad. Love to see you actually fight another r9 mystic

    Oh horrible gear? Full r9 is horrible? r999 weapon +11? I've never seen you take on a 1 v1 anyone with an r9 weapon, let alone fullb:laugh And killing sasuke isn't that hard to do. Also you seem to forget though that Sasuke manages to take you aspa and darca all on and kill aspa and darca several times before you can take him down

    Then show us. As usual you're scared. I have many screenshots i could post, i dont because people dont care. I 1 shot urheart in full r9 with my old r8.

    Lol Alexxxo far closer to the best barb then you are to the best mystic. Your #1 Pker on server, you single-handedly revived sanctuary pvp with your pro spark ig! hows that for sarcasm

    You don't tell lies? That's a lie right there! This thread is a lie, it wasn't a 1 shot. Learn some honesty. If people believed you they would think your like a super cool awesome dude who does robin hood in pwi, who also has girls constantly going after you cause everyone loves you. b:laugh

    You list holyhead, hes a kid still. Probably armad on a bramble then got stunned because hes too confident. How does it prove that a faction is all gear no skill because of one person. We know for a fact noa that you darca and aspa are all "All gear no skill" I'll admit though, UrHeart is a decent player and she isnt an idiot like you. You however have killed no one notable, so stop talking about others achievements and failures mr #1 pker.

    No one wants your credit, since you call yourself #1 pker. That pretty much makes you lose all credibility in everything.

    Rankings say kirby is #1, Id say in skill hes about #3 but he gets things done so that makes him #1

    Keep it real? you gotta be kidding me. Everything you say about yourself is fake.

    why did you even think to me when they people you suck up to even think your worthless is that why you got denied to gayboys and recently regi
  • Carichan - Sanctuary
    Carichan - Sanctuary Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I suddenly feel like grabbing popcorn ... b:cute
    ~♥~ Mohandas Gandhi said: ~♥~
    ~♥~ Be the change that you want to see in the world. ~♥~
    ~♥~ The best leaders will be the ones who always lead by example. ~♥~


    ~♥~ Disclaimer: I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what others understand. ~♥~
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I feel bad for you gecko not even your masters respect youb:chuckle On another note are you mad the fact you cant pk anymore cause ill 1 shot u lol. Or you mad that no one liked you in regi so they told you to get out your a loser..... i am sry to say gecko you cant even get into any big faction all you do is like lie just like above. So what make you think your words mean anything to me your nothing more than a 1 shot who can barley afford g16. I remember when zerokiro killed you with a bow your such a sad archer. Your perfect worlds reject you cant apply to mean to any faction lol couldn't even get in to regi at when they recruiting 95+. Stick a fork in her she is done.
  • Geckofreak - Sanctuary
    Geckofreak - Sanctuary Posts: 2,280 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Noa talking about getting into factions. Raventail is the only faction that will take youb:laugh
    On another note, Noa is afraid to 1 v 1 me, I've offered, and noa responds with some kind of crude joke everytime and saying that I wouldn't even be worth your time. Noa scared to 1 v1 me or anyone with gear of any meritb:chuckle Was dropping your faction left and right yesterday and they said you were coming.... you never came. Honestly, back up your words for once. Zerokiro killed me with a bow yes.... in a duel.... when he asked if he could damage test a spark.

    Honestly sometimes I begin to feel a little bit of pity for you, but then you open your mouth and I just laugh.

    As to that reference to "my masters" who would that be. I'm in charge of myself. You seem to view the big players in the game as "pimps" or something, and you like to pretend that you have that status, when in fact your just an idiotic jester running around with a bunch of monkeys, all of which seem to be somehow slightly smarter then you.

    Ok noa, you talked about giving credit earlier to where it is due, here you go

    Noa actually 1 v1ing someoneb:shocked
This discussion has been closed.